Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

Truly being Naofumi is suffering.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.51_[2019.03.09_20.50.30].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

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what a hard life he lives, being loved and supported by a raccoon wifemommy


>guys I sear this show isn‘t wish fulfillment

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Please don't sear this show

>Get isekai'd
>Get raped on your first night by some adventurer
>Have to clean your name while saving the world
The anime could have been better with a female Naofumi.

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Eww, no.
Be gone degenerate.

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>get raped
What a reason for state-wide marginalization.

Doesn't seem right

if i made a contract with kyubey i would wish to delete isekai from existence

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but you'd die, user
are you really okey with that?

I hope witch eats your dick

>the shield whore
Sounds hot

>gets raped
>has to marry the rapist
>this is a tale of your abusive hijinks following your husband

Is he our retard?

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Him getting punted in the dick(again) for calling Filo fat was quite amusing.

Motoyasu is based, he just wants to live in peace with his bird lolis

He's a DICK

Filo is too pure

My racoon wife is very cute

Stopped reading there.

>Motoyasu is based, he just wants to live in peace with his bird lolis
This. I felt kind of bad for the guy after reading the spear hero spin-off

So umm...what was the purpose of Raphtalia getting the slave mark reapplied?

I don't mind the show but what difference would there be if she just, stuck by his side? Instead she WILLINGLY became a slave again...

>I happen to have a thing for little girls
He sure is

I'd want to be his slave as well

God I want to fuck a chicken

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Does he ever get a human woman?

he gets fueeeee

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There's Rishia, Eclaire, The Granny, Ratotille... Elena, kind of. that's pretty much it as human women go.

Goddess of healing is beside him, so it will be okay.

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I love her

Why is Raph flat in the anime when she's a titty monster in LN and manga?

>Why is Raph flat in the anime
Are you even watching the same anime? Please watch the hot springs episode again.

I actually haven't, I binge anime. Even if it turns out she binded her chest why would they choose to do that when it never happened in the source material?

He's based and redpilled on how to live life

>publicly comes out as a lolicon
he's the hero we need

he literally bought her
noone would do this to him otherwise

>men can't have it hard in fiction it needs to be a woman
this faggot has missed the point of the fucking show

>this faggot has missed the point of the fucking show
hating women and minorities?

Mishia is the best girl

Get in the penguin bitch

I'd read it

I know you feel for the meme but it isn't a vehicle for your incel fantasies, just a fantasy adventure with a drop of revenge fantasy

>learn about Spear hero manga
>"why does such a fucking retard get his own manga?"
>read it
>goes full chink murderhobo on all asshats in the series

the hero we need

On one hand you think she has shit taste
on the other hand you know she would probably have a better chance than the raccoon

>Yari no Yuusha no Yarinaoshi

imagine the sex...

What if instead of a medieval european kingdom it was a modern islamic caliphate?

I don't see burka in that art.

Raphtilia will never go balls-out tanuki because plot device prevents her from ranking up.

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the fuck she ranks up

She knows perfectly well that Naofumi still has issues trusting, She knows that it is very likely that something will happen to make him go full "muh i can't trust noone cause ya'll hate me and shiet"
Which is why she took on that slave status for the time being until Naofumi gets his head out of his ass and his dick into her.

Because Naofumi is fucked up in the head and she knows it. But later in the story the slave mark is removed again and she stays free.

She get's an all-around stat boost but Bird-Queen's enchantment, or whatever you call it, prevented her from changing into something else.

Vol 14 rips when?

in 9-10 days


How can she be rape with those high defence stats and cc resistance?

When does it get good?

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I want to fuck the coon

When you stop being a cock sucker faggot.


Wtf are you talking about?
She's not flat at all (since growing up), which you would know if you watched the show hence the other anons comment. The hot springs episode in particular had a lot of fanservice.


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>get raped
>it's on you to clear your name
It's truly surreal to see evidence right in front of you of the shit that all the sjw's and normies have been saying for years.
Well done.

>So umm...what was the purpose of Raphtalia getting the slave mark reapplied?

She saw him break down after it got forcibly removed and while he was curled up crying he talked about how everyone hated him and he couldn't trust anyone. She knows all the stuff that's happened, it's not exactly hidden, and then she saw it happen again in the middle of the ring and understands why he wouldn't believe anyone. Once Raph figured out he wouldn't abuse it she was fine with it if it helped him trust again after all that shit he went through because he helped her first.

Also LN/Manga has some shit about slaves getting a level boost or something.

Did he fug any of his party members?

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Most likely

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But he's a good master

>Rape as the driving plot device.
Lol i can see that dying out in 2 volumes.

Give me a hard yes or no. inb4 smug anime girl

yeah it's said fairly strongly in the LN he boned malty.

it took him getting brainwashed to see most women as pigs for him to turn his shit around. he aint that based.

I mean once he DID turn his shit around he became a top tier bro, but goddamn he put loose pussy on a really tall pedestal.

I am a little jealous that I don't get to be kicked in the balls by a cute loli

She could destroy your balls in bird form though

no early leak or something? the last 3 were ripped before their release.

user you should be a writer.

>grumpy onee-san willing to burn the world down for you
would reapply slave mark/10

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dumping chapter 53 of the manga, come on in!

Eh. I always took the way he suggested he had and then snickered to be him trying to make it sound like he got laid when nothing happened.

dumb coon

>get in

I've watched the anime till episode 9.
You guys sure this isn't wish fullfillment? Because episode 1 to 4 was good and now...errr.
I mean, the whole story got settled from episode 1 to 4.

>You guys sure this isn't wish fullfillment?
It is, like almost every isekai
>I mean, the whole story got settled from episode 1 to 4.
He still needs to clean his name and get revenge on Myne and the king, its once that happens that the story starts to meander around

My wish for Raphtalia remaining a child wasn't fulfilled.

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Episode 4? You must be confused. It's called "The Rising of the Shield Hero". Not, "The Raising of the Slave Heroine".

>The Raising of the Slave Heroine
That's a good one

>anime-only friend
Not over yet.


Fuck off tranny.

It's boring and bland but I'm not dropping it until I catch up to TL.
At least one entry has to go off the backlog list.

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it's slow but i like it for the slime research.

That's why the spear spin-off exists.

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His application of slimes in combat reminded me about certain RR Necromancer isekai novel where MC formed literal wall of death from skeletors and zombies working like a one huge threshing combine on a battlefield complete with backliners processing corpses on the spot to refill the ranks.
I wish that shit was updating faster than once a year.

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>ded raphtalia

>trash panda levels up
>becomes an old hag
>cute bird levels up
>becomes a loli angel
the choice is obvious

In the LN he sure as fuck did. Haven't read the manga, but my buddy has and said that he hasn't.

WN, not LN.

Oops, my bad sorry

Where does one read all of the spear spin-off? Baka Tsuki have chapter listed up to 454 but on another site is around 800, with loops centered on other kingdoms.

Tanuki are not racoons. They aren't even in the same biological family.

I can't read the spinoff without thinking that Raphtalia is dying alone in a cage.

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she's gone, Jim. now it's Sakura's turn

My daughterwife.

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isnt she like 12?

He means the red haired bitch, not the loli princess.

RIP Kuro too.

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Impregnating this little princess when?

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God this series is such trash

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>tfw in love with raphtalia
>tfw get all jealous when she shows affection towards naofumi despite him being a self insert type
I now know how those protangs feel in those NTR doujins.

>Not self-inserting as Raphtalia
Where the fuck retards like you keep coming from?

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>she will never be yours
how does it feel user?

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not him but it feels like I deserve not having her

It makes me feel suicidal.
And this.

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Watch more anime. Fortunately there are literally hundreds of girls just like Raphtalia who you won't be traumatized by being NTRed by.

That only makes it more confusing, because whenever she wears clothes she becomes flat. Compare to any illustration in the LN or manga. It doesn't match up to at all.

But I want Raph. ;_;

How are your biochemistry studies going user?

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Wrong user. I deal with dead things.

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Then you better have a plan.

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>Raphtilia will never go balls-out tanuki
The fuck is that then?

how are you forgetting melty, who he is canonically married to in the wn?
none of the people you mentioned consider him a romantic interest. much less vice versa.

>The fuck is that then?
My daughterwife. Can you not read?

Not many people actually know about the WN
I hope it happens again in the LN to BTFO of Coonfags

phorocinids are cool. i dont even know what the fuck is a tanuki, isnt it just an ugly brown dog?

fine, i dont like her
atla, sadeena and melty are better, she's the shittiest girl in the series (except for firo who i dont even count as a person)

>His smile and optimism: Restored

Just started the Spin off
Spear Hero is really based

The spin off does a good job on making him likeable

He is really a bro when he is not brainwashed by that whore or in full white knight mode

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What....what the fuck?

In this spin off he wants to be with Firo, who is tecnically Naofumi's daughter making him Motoyasu's father in law
Thats why he refer to him as father

that sounds pretty funny

What a nutjob.

I thought as much, but it's still a "what the fuck?" from me chief.

Can't have

you just have to believe

That's fine. I like Filo betters anyways.

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then you just have to luck out on the egg gacha

I hate women. Am I a shieldbro now?

But then your witch form will be that of an user surrounded by TVs that show nothing but Isekai anime. Are you prepared to meet that fate for the sake of the world?

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depends if you still like animal girls and lolis

not to mention [/spoiler]ded naofumi, at least on that FIRST re;loop[/spoiler]

next time just use CTRL+S

You fucked up newfag!

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Dont worry he cheers up soon. Karma exists in this anime.

I have translated spear hero web novel ch 28 or ch 437, wherein the Spear Philosopher opines on porking, sows, and his love life: pastebin.com/Bf2n4LDS

previously on Yea Forums, ch 27/436: pastebin.com/tPDhhgfD

Thank you again anonymous comrade

Raphtalia is best Girl.

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A better MC would start trying immediately.

>show starts off promising but devolves into generic harem romcom garbage
every time

>go on a quest with the village's guards
>in the night one of them ties you to a tree and rapes you
>save the village
>guards trick you into drinking alcohol, they rape you afterwards
>go on adventure and save another town
>guards drunk rape you again
>go to new town
>villagers ties you so everyone can rape you

Being isekai mc is hard

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I don't like this

Is that an actual novel?

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>local lord summons you, letter says there's reward
>some of the guards volunteer to escort you to the town
>you camp outside for a night and you get raped again
>arrive at the town, go put your things in the inn
>guards do a round of quickie rapes on you in the room
>decide to go to the public bath to clean the road dust off you before audience with the lord
>guards go with you and rape you together with other bath visitors
>1v1 reception at the lords manor
>lords takes a liking to you and offers you incentives and support for special service
>consensual enkou rape
>gives you a quest to exterminate monsters on your way back to the village
>take a trip back together with guards
>you camp out with plan to attack monster den at dawn
>guards get drunk and try to rape you again
>death claw one their leader by the face into the air
>no fucking around on the job
>beat the everliving shit out of them and instill discipline
>flawlessly execute assault, no monsters escape
>pretend to be hurt and exhausted after the fight
>flop like a fragile fawn right in the middle of carnage, blood and monster guts
>guards are still hesitating after the recent threshing
>give them the look
>try to rape you again
>no death claw this time

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Am not

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>a bloo bloo I am an isekai harem protagonist and I have such a hard life because only 50% of the world wants to suck my dick instead of 100%

It doesn't feel good to be 1939 Germany Jew even if other countries would gladly accept you as a refugee.

please respond

Raphtalia is not a tanuki. She is explicitly called a racoon.

By retarded cr memesubs?

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Dumb illiterate poster.

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Okay, so what LN volume the anime is going to end at?

4 probably

I thought so, but there are 25 episodes and we started the third volume at the episode 9.

episode 1 was double length though.

He loves manhandling

That birb loli really wants to fuck her dad.

He's a cocktease she's never getting it

It's weird

Could we please have some more iseaki aimed at women? They used to be pretty great; with things like Escaflowne, Rayearth, and the 12 kingdoms. Plus, all those shows were actually different rather than being the exact same thing with different gimmick each time

Dis he diddle his assigned loli mage?

Well, to be fair, Firo is a fucking magical beast who has the ability to transform into a loli so she doesn't even count as demihuman.
No, because those doesn't sell well anymore. Otakus want more Edge+Waifus and that's what they are getting

So do I

I want murderhobo doing murderhobo things and also some slave waifu healing.

desu would blow Naofumi, no homo
he deserves some stress relief

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Every thread until i get a Fiolial

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Stop reminding me of that post, I'm already dry for today.

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Spearbro pls


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If it makes you feel any better Bakarina is getting an anime

manga, name's on the page, you'll be disappointed tho

But is the pic related to the post?

What about the unbetrayed naofumi?

What post

Do you think the rising of shield hero world has an alignment system like Lawful good ect...that could be exploited?

After spear hero gets turned down so many times, he starts raising cocks. But I don't think that's the alignment we're talking about.

Nah not really.

He'd go from lawful stupid to chaotic insane.

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We need more art of Raphtalia doing raccoon things

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>and minorities?
Raccoons are loved by the show.

While in actual Japan raccoons are a persecuted minority

Too pure, it'd be like chewing pure sugar

My daughterwife.

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I wonder how much of a rapebait would a fem naofumi be. One that's pure and kind like in the spear hero spinoff. At least every other loop, the spinoff naofumi almost gets raped.

Hard to tell, people might not be up to raping literal Satan.

I could see fem Nao never accomplishing anything bc other heroes told her the shield is useless and she had the thought that she could coast on teammates in that case when first summoned, and bc Spear expressively does not like the idea of a female hero who has to fight in the front lines and would 500% let a fem Purefumi coast on him.

Hm, you got a point.

Between Rising Shield Hero and the Reprise of the Spear Hero, Naofumi has a completely different personality. It's theoretically possible.

Also since Spear Hero get a "Minute Hand" spear that turns back time. I wonder if the Sword and Bow heroes would get an Hour/Second Hand weapon with similar temporal powers.

>all-penetrating spear vs impregnable shield
The answer would probably be

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Except they couldn't level of they worked together.
So they'd just die

If fem-fumi got to a demihuman country she'd probably be made to chug on demihuman baby batter daily. I mean, in vol 13 they expected naofumi to fuck like 100 or so demihuman women and impregnate them. I bet it would be no different here.

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Would we then get an over protective older brother Raphlite who would cock block all the men?

Consider this

Who knows really.
It'd be a good idea for a doujin though, dont you think?

it get's way worse

>leddit hates spearbro
I know the insult gets thrown around so much it lost all meaning, but that place is full of incels

You mean better

Why are you even there on the first place

>not imoutodaughtergfwifepet

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Wouldn't humans be considered demi-humans in a sense. Wouldn't we considered chimp people? If you think about, all we are just highly deprived chimps that evolved packhunting, running endurance and speech to better coordinate. Maybe I should lay off the weed.

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Who cares what some 17 year olds think?

weird way to spell onahole

nah after he gets the naming rights for the king and princess it gets so ridiculous I thought the author was a 13 year old lol player stuck in bronze 5

So like you.

so you see the problem

isnt that just fohl?
naofumi tried to rape him anyway

>bronze 5
Isn't there iron now?

>Isn't there iron now?
oh my god it's real ... well pic related

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>naofumi tried to rape him anyway
is that the WN should I pick it up

God I love broken and bitter girl healing so I would enjoy the fuck out of it

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Did the main timeline Raphtalia met with the other Naofumi (Softfumi) from Motoyasu's alternative timeline?
I mean, in the WN it was Raphtalia's duty to bring back the Spear Hero, but it was summarised in one sentence, that it was a troublesome task when she returned.
I'm kind of curious what happened there, since the WN/LN is not translated.

do all filolials have magnum dongs, or is that just midori?

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She was more busy talking to rifana actually

is the spear spin-off WN finished?

Fueeeh? How was she alive at all? I mean, she died preeetty early in the story.

It was in the loop where motoyasu saved both rifana and raphtalia. After exchanging words, hopes and dreams, raphtalia took motoyasu to a new loop to have firo be born... you see how that ended for her.

Thanks Shielbro.
That's pretty good, Rifana has a happy ending.

Where are ther fan translations for the light novels? I heard the official translation is shit

They're in russian.

Damn. Guess I'll stick to the anime and manga for now.

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Oh my

Is it on sadpanda?

It is.

But that would create an other world where isekai doesn't exist. And your wish wouldn't allow you to be part of that other world.

So that would be suicide.

I love Raph.

quick, anons
pick your side

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Link? Or should I just look for summaries online?

wrong sword, faggot

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I want Raph to my starter that I dot on constantly.

see ya on wednesday, bitches