ITT Author self-inserts

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Ging is one of the only characters I don't like in HXH because he's a total Mary Sue

wrong, he's more like Pogo, the pedo homo clown

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Ging is a really interesting character because he's so flawed. He's a fucking piece of shit but he's aware of it and is genuinely a nice guy. He's shy and stubborn to the point where he seems condescending but he also admits his own flaws and that he gets into bad situations because he talks more than he thinks.

>shit tier father
>people unironically call him out for it
>mary sue

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Ging isn't a Mary Sue at all. He's ugly, offensive, and irresponsible. Being overpowered =/= mary sue.

The term "mary sue" is now just another overrused buzzword like "edgy" etc. to describe something you don't like but can't actually explain to why.

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His character makes more sense from a Buddhist perspective in that he gives up his worldly possessions without a second thought in order to see where life takes him. Even though he's a treasure hunter, he does it entirely for the adventure and not for the riches that come from doing so.

god i wish that were me

I like that Ging is an asshole and a genuinely bad father, but I mean come on. The whole scene where he's better than everyone in Beyond's gang at what the specialize in made me hate him. He was better at a random dick measuring contest, he was smarter than a Varvard graduate, he instantly knew Pariston devised a plan to see his nen abilities after single handily taking down everyone that was sent after him. He's not bad at anything, he has no flaws except being kinda awkward.

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Watching YouTube videos doesn't make you smart user.


kino post

He doesn't fool me

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His only flaw is not knowing how to love :(

Saitama mary sue confirmed.

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>He's a fucking piece of shit but he's aware of it and is genuinely a nice guy.
You make no fucking sense. Anyway Ging is a piece of shit that has protag daddy syndrome which makes him OP.

>He doesn't fool me
sorry but how?

Why does the father always have to be some all important figure?

>my anime isn’t translated to English because my work is too genius for Americans to comprehend
What did Araki mean by this

Because fuck women - Japan

>mary sue
>mary sue
>mary sue
>mary sue

REE the term when it is a male is a gary stu you brain dead memespouters

He knows that the common anglo is merely a p-zombie.

I keked. Father figure is never around but probably abandoned you.