
post based and favorite Villains

Attached: Johan.jpg (450x450, 34K)

what are they based on?

Great Taste OP, truly a man of Culture
But if I had to choose a second to Johann then maybe Shogo Makishima from Psychopass

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Have you taken the Liebert pill?

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He deserved better

Only the most based villains are allowed ITT

Attached: Kira.jpg (212x498, 21K)

No doubt

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Liebert pill is the pill above all pills

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We all know it's true.

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Since Johan was posted then pic related

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Meruem is more multi-layered than Liebert

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I love dialects and funny unique ways to talk so much in anime.
What are some dialects you guys are fond of? I really

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Fucking kek'd, imagine actually believing this

Meruem is just a well developed villain. He's not complex or multi layered, or not by a lot.

>He's not complex or multi layered, or not by a lot.
If he isn't, then a complex villain doesn't exist.

How the fuck is Meruem a complex villain ? Even a ten year old could understand his character.


He's that Judge Holden faggot who can't contain his autism.


stop posting this picture it's so fucking ugly

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all this man wanted was to make the citizens of his city great
best mayor ever

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Undisputed god-tier




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