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>Saving Shaft

it really dropped off after hina's bully arc.

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it's one of those series that is highly rated but it just sounds so goddam boring

is it actually worth getting into?

Give it a try, it's a great character-driven show. Its slow paced but emotional enough that it doesn't get boring in my opinion. Plus, its one of those rare cases where the studio perfectly matches the source material, Shaft was the perfect pick for a show that has a lot of visual metaphors for feelings, it works really well with their brand of weirdness

I don't understand how this isn't on noitaminA. This is literally Honey and Clover 2.0.

But deadbeat dad arc came right after.


Does the sister actually raped him?

I'm pretty sure your one of those who think DiF was deep

So is there a connection to your lie in april?
>faces look similar
>names start with months
>mc with dead parents

One of my favorite on-going manga.

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>is it actually worth getting into?
No. Shogi is inherently boring as fuck

If Your Lie In April was a decent show, then yes, they would be similar.

3 gatsu started 4 years before Shigatsu.

I absolutely adore Honey & Clover, but this seems really annoying and boring. I want to like it, but I just can't.

Good thing there's almost 0 shogi content in it, then

Both H&C and 3 gatsu are in my top 10 favorite manga. I think you should give it another shot, but it's your life.

>2018 villains of the year nominee

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Sangatsu is so much better than H&C that it's not even funny. H&C was dragged down by the insufferable unending shoujo love triangle shit, latest stuff like Morita's backstory and Hagu's "development" were just baffling and even its best arcs like Takemoto's journey aren't as good as Sangatsu at its best. Umino improved a lot over the years.

Nah, The Father arc was amazingly well written. Vol. 9, 10, and 11 are better than anything that preceded them

this the shogun chapter I dread the most, he's way into his head during these chapters they span for 4-6 chapters. for me it's all about the family aspect.

I adore H&C myself, but the burnt field chapters alone triumph anything in H&C.

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If the only thing you got out from it was shogi then you are doing it wrong pal

will there be a season 3?
a really believe it's one of the greatest masterpieces of our time.

are the chances of this show getting a season 3 just as low as szs getting a season 4?

>will there be a season 3?
Maybe. The manga is super popular back in nipland.

>will there be a season 3

we havent even got a final season of SZS

Wrong. I'm one of those who said DiF was shit since the beginning.

And I like the manga of Sangatsu, but the anime is garbage. Shaftisms everywhere.

overrated series. Shogi is fucking boring but the Hina bully arc was amazing.

Another series with a faggot M.C. who randomly has hot girls around him for no reason.

It's self insert shit for "mature" girls.
The male MC deserves to be crucified.

>who randomly has hot girls
Huh? You're acting like he has a harem or something.

