What are Gabi, Eren and Pieck gonna chat about next chapter?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
LM never.
ZE is pure
Best girls
I just want them to be ok
Negotiate, maybe Reiner is with AMJC and Porco will find something about Annie
Eren is going to stab her with concrete spikes
And best alive girls
why do you call hanji "hans" ffs
You mean their son Erwin.
Either they'll come to some sort of deal or Eren is just gonna straight up warhammer her ass and Pieck only exists as fodder
>Like Heaven above me
>The Spy who loved me
>is keeping all my secrets safe tonight
About Zeke being a plot armor and manlet being a hack
Hey how can he just be unconscious if his eyes are open? That nigga dead as fuck
based and nosepilled
He is alive at least at that moment otherwise Hange wouldnt run away with him
She wants to bury his body?
Did you miss the part where Flock wanted to take his pulse and Hange looked scared?
Do you comprehend that Ymir Fritz saved Historia from titanization? She'd become the last royal if Zeke wouldn't have make it.
what killed the hype?
Did you miss the part where he's completely still with his eyes open?
Picked it up from wheelchairlet posting
Post cute and canon and survivors
I'd say he is dead if it wasn't for the Floch part.
>slash over one eyes
>Shrapnel in half his face
>Lips pulled back over teeth/missing
Isayama's making his own witty imp
It reminds me of how Isayama gave a lot of hints about EH but people still claim that this ship is impossible. Last chapter heavily implies that manlet is alive. Otherwise it was just waste of two or three pages.
he can be alive but jesus christ he's in awful shape. it should not be beyond the realm of possibility that he can and will die soon.
it feels like some of you people are treating his current situation as 100% A-OKAY. dude is clinging to life if at all.
If he doesn't kill Zeke then every manlet page for the last two years was a waste. What a useless character.
why do people still read this reddit tier garbage
it got so stupid when it was revealed people are really titans and eren gets to control them and dykes took over the plot
grow up and move on to something better, this series is absolute dogshit
If he's supposed to die soon Isayama could kill him in this chapter and don't waste panels.
We don't care about the plot anymore, we just want to know who the father is.
What do YOU think?
Nah, he hasn't had his final fujobait scene, that's why he's still alive.
He's got cuts all over his face and hanji is taking care of him. He's living whether you like it or not
>Pieck stabs the soldier when she could have easily shanked Eren from behind.
Pretty clear that she just wants to talk to Eren.
Hanji will have a somber moment with him for about 4 or 5 pages, then he dies. maybe.
don't expect him to fling himself up as if nothing happened to him at the very least.
the wiki says its farmer
so its the farmer
how do you idiots even argue about something like this
He could have this fujobait scene in last chapter but instead we got scene where Hanji rescued him from Floch.
>brainlet anime only
>''farmer is the father''
>''Eren is following Zeke's plan''
>''manlet is dead''
they don't give characters a cool scar just to not use it as "character development" nigga is alive
its still probably a mission parameter of Marley to still acquire the Founding, and I guess the WHT and Attack while their at it.
outright killing him would impede that.
My guess is they'll talk. She'll get w/e she needs out of him, or Eren will just be a cocky little shit.
She'll shoot him, knowing it won't kill him, but it will knock him out for a few minutes as his brain has to regenerate. She'll use that time to get gabi out and do w/e the next part of the plan is.
>he has cuts on his face so he will live
user this is desperate.
how long is this character development supposed to be. another 3 years worth of chapters? his injuries ought to have him laid out in a bed for months.
Let them dream
>Ymir won't die
>grim reminder won't happen
>manlet won't die
You get "cool scars" from shrapnel whether you survive or not
>don't expect him to fling himself up as if nothing happened to him at the very least.
Why do you even think I expect this? Personally I think Isayama just excluded manlet and Hanji from the main plot so Mikasa, Armin and Jean can become useful.
All I see is a desperate fujo wishing for his death
>its still probably a mission parameter of Marley to still acquire the Founding
Not under based Magath.
The wiki is just a fan source although in this case yeah the farmer is most likely the father.
Why did you exclude Connie
Who is farmer though? Because he sure isn't a Yeagerist.
Manletwhales getting more desperate than Ymirfags now.
No, it'd be even simplier. Gabi will try to pick up the stabbed soldier's rifle and in the commotion Eren will deal with Pieck. It will finally break Gabi down for good.
All I see is a desperate shipper wanting a useless character to get special treatment.
I rabu Piku.
>to make a good lie, throw some pieces of truth in the mix
Maybe he really feels like shit because of bullying Historia and helps her that way.
Hope we have some talent making a collage when his death is confirmed
Floch is based
pure faggotry
I think you expect this because it seems like all the manlet loves are treating this as if nothing is wrong with him. like its 100 or 0 with this. people need to realize the dire situation he is actually in.
Who wants to bet Porco has infiltrated Marley along with Pieck and is on his way right now to the crypt where they keep Annie? Isayama both reintroduced Annie and revealed the fact that the Jaws Titan could break the crystal recently for a reason.
Screencap this
Why can't Gabi move in Eren's presence? This is sure to be plot related, can't be just simple emotion. She was acting the same during the meeting.
She can't kill Eren because he holds founder and other titans and Marley needs these titans. Then even if she had stabbed Eren not lethaly this soldier would have shot her. Then Eren would quickly regenerate since such injury is easy for him.
So Annie would be eaten by Porco, he'll do male-to-female thing and become a Ymir 2.0?
>Isayama just excluded manlet and Hanji from the main plot
No. That's not how storytelling works and it's certainly not how Isayama works.
hm true, buuuut it would probably still be better to capture him.
it's still useful, I would be hesitant to just toss a still extremely powerful weapon to the side and let anyone else just take it.
Detective Hange next chapter?
Floche will kill Jean. Screencap this.
Nah just break the crystal to let her out.
>TFW I made the Ymir is dead and grim reminder screencaps that get posted frequently
And Manlet is living. I'll make a new "collage" with your tears after he makes it to the epilogue though.
obvious endgame right here, brothers
Not him but look what he did with Annie and Ymir.
Because she's scared of him and had her entire world rocked already in the restaurant.
And how exactly will he break the crystal without breaking her in the process?
who is the father, user?
I did it on purpose because he won't become useful even without manlet and Hanji. Mikasa will replace manlet, Armin will replace Hanji's brains and Jean will fulfil Hanji's role as commander. Connie doesn't have any role in plot.
any reason to indicate she can't just get out on her own?
Not saying Porco is still on his way there, once she hears a friendly voice she might release it.
though she hasn't seen porco since they were little, might not recognize his voice. Reiner might be a better choice to speak to Annie
>resorting to lies
You seem so upset, are you perhaps worried that he's not going to make it?
So Nile, Neil and Naille weren't arrested by the volunteers after all? Or were they?
>Eren will transform and the debris will crush Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and Connie.
Can't wait.
Who knows. She could also be in a hibernation-like state where she's too unconscious to know whats going on outside.
Ymir died and Annie is going to die.
>Eren transforms and kills the Braus family
Mein sides if it happens
>I think Isayama just excluded manlet and Hanji from the main plot so Mikasa, Armin and Jean can become useful.
wtf is going on in that pic
Eren, why the fuck wouldn't they reveal it right away? Why keep it a secret? Why make Eren so keen on protecting historia? all of these hints might be meaningless only for brainlets.
I'm not lying, too bad I don't support your deluded ass.
>finishing what Gabi started.
Based homicidal siblings.
Still I doubt they're going to let random children inherit such important titans.
I wonder what Reiner's balls taste like.
t. heroxia
And manlet was supposed to die too. If Isayama wanted he could have sent manlet to the river alone and Hange being executed by Floch or something. They will be out of the story for a while or maybe they will have their own plot in the farm, or maybe Hange will see if she can continue and treat manlet ptsd/coma/ackermanblood, etc.
You obviously are but that's not the point, if you were certain Levi would live you wouldn't be lashing out like this, it's like a cornered animal that's angry and afraid
user, you're too smart. Don't bother.
He has his revenge user
>They will be out of the story for a while
Not for long
I'm not lying you retard. I don't care I you believe me or not.
I've always lashed out to utterly dense idiots like yourself, but you will be in the next screencap. Don't worry.
...Isayama got really frustrated with his readers.
The widow has Arrived !
fuck off
>they will have their own plot in the farm
So then they will be part of the main plot?
Kek sure, he's gonna dedicate chapters to Hange showing manlet Rorschach tests.
I ship you two.
He is too injured. This is about the warriors and Eren now, manlet had enough with the forest
You do care though, you've made that very clear. The more you dig the more pathetic you look.
Exactly, this is the final arc. Manlet and Hanji will hide and get some answers while shit hits the fan, but they're safe.
>Eren father reveal on his birthday
I don't hang around /snk/ enough to know the user meta, who is widow? QRD?
EMA is endgame right? Eren still cares about his friends right?
What do you think about this, ?
>A Bertfag and a Reinerfag
You two are star-crossed lovers. Don't deny it.
They are fugitives now, probably Hange will stay in the farm for a while
>the pot calling the kettle black
Hilarious. See you in the next screencap, I'll make sure to edit a nice retard on each one of your posts.
You just said yourself they'll probably still be involved in the plot... If you think they're just gonna slip away and become irrelevant like this guy says you're kidding yourself
perhaps it's a ruse yes, to convince Yelena and Zeke that he is siding with them.
until he betrays Zeke because Zeke's plan is insane, and unleashes the Wall CTs upon the world because he is still insane as well
Bertfags have good taste so I approve of them. Bert second best boy. But Reiner is my love forever.
>announcing that you plan to commit time seething over internet debates
You're just making me lose respect for you dude.
They already fulfilled their purpose, yet are alive. Guess why? Because they're making it to the end.
And we got it:
Let's be friends!
>Bertfags have good taste
Bortfags are disgusting
>all this autism
Isayama wanted to get rid of those two during some time that's all. To be honest LH are pretty much irrelevant so I can understand Isayama, AMCJ need more attention.
What do you want to see, Hanjo cleaning manlet's ass? They had enough attention, leave the younger characters shine.
>They already fulfilled their purpose
Not at all
Who is this?
I never cared about your perception of me, where the fuck do you think you are, Reddit? Fuck off
Reinerfags and Bertfags are the same. Deal with it.
a fumb dujo
you've never seen someone knocked out with their eyes open?
They're as irrelevant as LH
Yes. Unless you're one of those blubbering retards who think Manlet only lives to fulfil his promise to kill Erwin.
Ok sounds good, nice to meet you. I don't hang around here much but it's cool to meet someone nice for a change.
Unironically this.
Endgame brothers right here
That is Isayamas fault, manlet should do like Mikasa, get over it, and he probably will. The one that should kill Zeke would be Pieck, Connie or even Eren.
>gasping at straws
Reveal means direct confirmation
No. Unless you're one of those blubbering retards that think contributing absolutely nothing means they "fulfilled their purpose"
>all the soldiers in Shiginshina.
>nobody left guarding Annie.
Yeah, I'm thinking she's back.
I want Hans vs. Yelena
>GK reaction pic
Dumb Spergmongwhale
>bites down on Crystal
>shatters Annie into a hundred pieces
>green nips
He fulfilled his purpose which was revealing Zeke's plan to the reader and having a final showdown of his skill before getting BTFO. Now he gets to rest while shit goes down.
Please control your seething.
>in Porco's mouth*
Trannyjaw soon
Not all characters fulfill their purpose, manlet shouldn't be special
Eren is able to influence her easily because of blood ties. You see, Gabi is actually EAr's daughter from the future. She looks like the baby that the person in the final panel holds, and said person looks like Eren from the back. Armin said she reminded him of Eren, and Mikasa instinctively protected her because she's Eren's family. He sent her back in time and space so she took the place of Reiner's cousin. The details of how and why will come into place sooner or later.
Take your own advice
>Gabi is actually EAr's daughter from the future.
More like EM's daughter.
Was Gabi the product of intense assrape? Phew.
>Why are you so popular, even though all you do is sleep?
I can't be the only one who interpreted this as Hitch implying Annie has had a lot of recent visitors. Who's to say it wasn't some undercover Warriors scoping out the place?
Who give birth to her, the mong through Bort's vagina?
How did exactly Eren and Armin produce a child?
>EMfags still exist
Eren touched Zeke and changed Armin's body
Bortmong is a pussiboi
Can't wait for the third Grim Reminder next chapter.
I wouldn't mind seeing Bertolt's Vagina. If he had one. Which he does not.
>revealing Zeke's plan to the reader
Yeah, no. Zeke revealed Zeke's plan to the reader, manlet did jack shit but get in the way,. Also good job focusing entirely on manlet and ignoring Hange. Her arc of trying to be a leader, Sannes, her trust issues with Boyega, Floch being a cunt and taking over, yeah I'm sure she's gonna forget about all that and hide out in a little cottage with manlet for the rest of the story for your precious shipping fantasy. Poor dumbass.
It's in his armpits, look closely
Made a womb for themselves.
Why is Pieck talking in disjointed speech bubbles? Is she autistic?
By this logic, all the characters who never achieved their dream died before doing so... manlet shouldn't be special
>for your precious shipping fantasy.
Oh so you were the ErwLmod. No, I wasnt shipping them
I will sex Bertolt's armpits.
So while Pieck deals with Eren Reiner has gone to save Annie, correct?
>who is widow?
The blighted cancer, Mrs Smith
She ran down a lot of stairs. She just needs a minute to catch her breath
If she stabbed Eren he would've turned, you idiot.
she's basically fucking dead as of this point, he'll just wh gg ez her
Not him but Hange also has something with Historia. Of course she will come back but at the moment the best she can do is try to hide and understand the situation through Historia
>shipping fantasy
Heh, she is the commander and manlet is the captain, they should have a subplot too without having to be romantic. More interesting than ANOTHER Manlet vs Zeke "draw"
I would NOT have Reiner have interact with Eren anytime soon. He doesn't need another mental breakdown right now.
It's probably hard enough as it is on his fragile brain that he's back on this island.
How many days are left in manga? No more than a week probably. Hanji won't leave injured manlet because he's her last alive long time friend and then there won't be enough time for her to take part in main plot again. Probably she will play some role but minor. Instead I think Isayama will give more attention to AMJ.
eren and gabi are at the top of the building, not at the bottom. she ran up stairs
>ErwL fujo wants Manlet to die and LH not to happen
Oh nononono
We love reibert!
I think its the final mission from the game, where reiner and berter attempt to rescue annie.
Not pure!
Unironically Hange having a breakdown and manlet (if he can even wake up) fighting against his obsession is way more interesting than more Ackerhax fighting, you have characters like Pieck and Connie having a personal situation with Zeke.
Are you fucking serious? I will not be friends with an Erwinfag, I spit on them. I rescind my friendship.
>doing anything
>p-please manlet needs to come back, don't let him with Hansi too much
kek I hope they die in the river or they don't appear until the very end, just like Reiner disappeared for months.
AoT 2 game, Reiner and Bert decide to get Annie back before attempting to escape to Marley
God I wish that were me...
>I will not be friends with an Erwinfag, I spit on them. I rescind my friendship.
pretty based
Someone’s never been blacked out before
What if titans have no genitals because Zeke's plan worked. He made Eldians "infertile" and it travelled via pathways to all Eldians across all time, but instead of affecting their human forms it only changed their titan form. Ymir's titan had nipples (and a vagina) because they couldn't affect her titan since she was the original.
>we have Bortfag, Mrs. Braun, Anniefag, and Piifag
Now we just need Porcofag and Marcelfag.
>they die
Fuck you. Hans will survive
>"Zecuck is b-based"
why would anyone be a fag for those characters
Yet Isayama sent her far away. She has some business with Historia too and why not, manlet was her responsabilty too.
>Her arc of trying to be a leader
Isayama wants Armin to be Erwin though
Galliards aren't worth having someone fag for them.
Cope harder, ErwLwhale
Pieck is cool and Marcel was based
I miss the warriors.
>Her arc of trying to be a leader
That includes what happened to manlet too.
>Pieck shoots Eren
>Eren pulls his hand out of his pocket
>He's formed a hardened skin shield on his hand that deflects the bullet
>The ricocheting bullet hits Gabi
His claws are also hard enough to damage the crystal, remember? Eren blocked one of his swipes with the crystal and that was how he realized the Jaws Titan could break it
Would take him a while, but he could just shave material from the crystal and eventually make a hole in it
Why do ErwLfujos hate manlet so much?
How slow do you think bullets move?
>Gabo is kill
>pedo necks himself
Based Isayama
>He's formed a hardened skin shield on his hand that deflects the bullet
But what if she shoots him in the head?
>reiner sitting innocently with his legs and arm crossed
At this small a distance, Eren will be down before he even hears anything.
>Pieck was cool and Marcel was based
She's getting her neck ate
Right? Where do anons get this retarded shit
This. The further away shitlet is, the better the plot.
I dont know why manlet cant be included in that arc though.
Back off you AIDS ridden piece of detritus he's mine.
Dumb Erenfag.
Keep him, he's fuck ugly
Because it hurts the Zekefag's feefees.
I am not Mrs Smith. Ive never liked Erwin. He can fuck off, if he got the Colossal Titan I would have hated him just as much as I hate anyone else who had contributed to Bertolt's death. I am not her. Please do not think that I am.
>Blaming Zekefags again
dumb Erwinfujo
>t.no.1 mongwong fag
I'm glad you think that, he is my handsome sexy boy and I will kill anyone who tries to move in on my territory.
Nice try, that's exactly what Mrs. Smith would want me to think.
Which one is it? Pick one name and stick with it.
I literally have no idea what you are saying.
If I could proove to you that I am not miss smith, then I will do it.
>pieck and yelena
Stop forcing this meme.
>handsome sexy boy
Me too.
>Fucking Ymir goes out of her way to revive Zeke through PATHS
>meanwhile, Levi is bleeding out in a river somewhere
When will Zeke ever stop winning?
>manlet vs Zeke
>1 vote
You can see that ErwLmod has already voted
Handsomest, sexiest Chad. And he's mine, all mine...
I have no interest in your attempts to prove your legitimacy, just the accusation of you being Mrs. Smith had tainted you forever in my mind.
You may trust a lying user as much as you want.
I had a dream where Hange told Historia she knows Eren is the father, and then Historia split her head open with an axe, then put her body in a closet where the farmer's body is.
>Zeke resurrected without dick. He literally isn't man or woman now.
>manlet will be nursured by cute Hanji
I don't know who won.
None of the above
>FOUR months, 3 fights weren't enough
Goddamn it,
I'm all of these ^ posters and I just wanted to let you know that I'm FtM gay. Also, fubar. Hope that's okay :)
You joke but you know I'm the only one getting what I want.
EH shippers obsessed with fanfiction confirmed
>ErwLmod ninjaphoneposting again
>You will never date Bertolt Hoover
>You will never go on a tropical vacation with him
>You will never sit on a beach under a palm tree with him
>You will never have sweet drinks with him
>You will never rest your head on his chest
>You will never listen to his heartbeat and smile
>You will never go swimming with him
>You will never give him a heart shaped rock
>You will never help him dry off
Fanfics are temporary, canon is forever.
I'm manletfag and I don't want any new interaction between him and Zeke. It will be a joke. Three fights were more than enough.
So why don't you kill yourself?
Fucking this, no more Tom and Jerry, Isayama wants Zeke to be killed (or not) by one of the characters he wants, not by the fanservice character.
Not even ZL meme is funny anymore thanks to the ErwLfujo and LEwhale seething every time.
>Mr. Bertholdt Meat Toilet
>>15628386628476851793>>1856287625628794288238796 >>185629086
Btw these posts are also made by me, a ftm gay.
>You will never have him dry you off
>You will never drive to your hotel room with him
>You will never take a bath with him in a big jet tub
>You will never lay on the bed naked together
and You know that you'll never do this with Reiner, correct?
Talks about canon
Posts fanart
Literally kill yourself.
Based and EHchadpilled
>you'll never do this with Reiner, correct?
>Doesn't know about the dimensional merge
On top of the eventual merge, my art and writing satisfy my lusty Reiner needs more than perfectly. Let me guess, you have no creative talents? Sad!
>pieck can easily kill humanities greatest enemy
uhh marley bros? what could she possibly want more than that?
im honestly getting really confused by you right now.... I can draw and write all by myself... what the ever loving fucking is the dimensional merge?
Mildly curious, please share. I promise I won't try to steal Reiner from you.
What the fuck?
Punk girl is meant for Goth girl!
>283627356 fanarts in 1 day
No can do user, my magnum dong Reiner lewds are for me alone to enjoy.
How do you get invited to parties? I want a mikasa gf NOW.
Fake preview of these two please
Please tell us about the Dimensional Merge.
daily reminder that isayama is a shit writer and the marley arc is garbage
What is WRONG with this fandom?
You won't find mika gf in a party, user.
>we'll get long-haired Eren again
Please let me believe he'll let his hair down again.
Alright, I'll be nice. CWC has proclaimed that our dimension and the fictional dimension will soon merge and we can all be with our husbandos, waifus and OCs.
Multiple people waifu Annie. Does that mean she'll be at the center of an orgy?
Apparently, anons who care about twittershit.
I'm lazy but does Grisha's ears look like that? or did he had his ears hidden under the hair?
Annie is for Mika only!
brainlet here
who's side is eren on? Does he actually plan to go on with zeke's euthanasia shit?
I have no idea what the logistics of it are, I don't think the mind of an autistic tranny figured that out.
No, he is clearly lying to get Zeke. Prepare for Zeke crying
>does he plan to go on with zeke's euthanasia shit
Mika and Annie will have two cute mixed race babies in the suburbs of Vancouver!
Godke > cucklet
No, he wants the opposite, destroy the world.
Hans a cute
I wanna mutilate Annie and fuck her guts while she's dying!
Annie would beat the shit out of you before you could even blink at her
Annie is too young for Mikasa now
But would she when I rip her open while she skoinks like the ugly pig jew-nosed bitch she is?
And brave. And smart. And loyal. And has a right amount of craziness. What a woman.
Mika will have to wait is necessary... Although if their love is so strong (which it really is!), the law shouldn't matter to them!
The child at the end is Gabi's baby. It has Eren eyebrows because Gabi has Eren eyebrows.
Holy shit Reiners boobs are huge
If you have art with Hanji in dress please share
They're yummy.
No, because that situation would never occur in the first place. Annie would crush your nose sideways, and once you beg for her to stop she'll be so kind that she'll crush it back into a decent shape. She'll be neat and to-the-point with her footwork, making sure she kicks every little tooth out of your disgusting mouth. Once she gets sick of your screaming she'll cut your tongue off and cook it for her (and Mika's!) child for supper.
Knock that shit off, I will find you and put my thumbs through your eyes you little bitch. God I want to lick those nips.
Calm down! It's all in good fun.
>tfw I will never be the guy who groped Annie's butt
A broken arm would be well worth it
>tripfags in my /snk/
That's incredibly messy. I hope you have a lot of towels
>tfw you'll never carve Annie's face like Armin's titan
>tfw you'll never rip her toes, then her feet, then the rest of her legs as she screams in pain, desperately trying to breathe through the blood
>tfw you'll never shove a blade up her mouth and cut her tongue so she can stop screaming like a bitch, gagging on her own blood instead
>tfw you'll never mutilate her genitals as she tries her best to kick you away with her trunks, while letting muffled screams
>tfw you'll never see her agonizing for hours and die like the bitch she is
Why live?
Kill yourself.
>all these new fanarts
I wonder if Isayama realized the potential
LM is canon.
MA is canon.
Isayama is aesexual and doesn't understand shipping at all
I think yes
Are you a female?
han chan!
Newfag or angryfag?
Isayama is a self-loathing GAY.
With the help of his wife or husbando, he will understand.
>loose hair, probably no glasses
>needs to do mouth-to-mouth
>need to get warm
W-will Isayama destroy us too? too good to be true
>You will never lay down in a bed naked with Bertolt Hoover
>You will never be massaged by his strong, skilled hands
>You will never have warm oil poured on your body by him
>You will never give him a massage
>You will never end your first day of tropical vacation making love to Bertolt Hoover
>You will never ride his huge dick
>You will never feel his cum inside of you
>You will never give him an orgasm
>You will never be given an orgasm by him
>You will never cuddle him in a sweet, sexy afterglow
He's married. And manga has quite a lot of subtle pandering to different ships.
>Annie has sex with old men for information
>Mikasa is an old man
>Annie has sex with Mikasa
She must be on suicide watch now
Angryfag. But you may also consider me newfag since I've only been on Yea Forums for a couple of years.
Both fit then
>LH and MA
comfy thread
>comfy thread
He won't show us mouth-to-mouth and warming! But we know it's inevitable, it will happen offscreen.
well it's not like he did it accidentally
I wonder how many thick streams of cum he shoots out in one go...
>You will never have a gf to cosplay MA with
Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren. EH is the plot.
>tfw will never be a girl
Based Chrisposting
I love when memes crossover.
It is probably not too different from being a male (aside from extra sexiness though that's my personal opinion).
Can someone make a zeke/historia version?
Mrs. Braun what did you say to Reiner before he went off on his mission to launch a surprise attack on Paradis like the last one that he flubbed? How do you feel about the fact that he wanted to an hero?
Women can enjoy sex more than men
I couldn't say anything because I was busy choking on his cock. Regarding an heroing, suicide is badass. A real man takes his life and destiny into his own hands.
it just seems like he's trying to focus on clashes of ideology and personal philosophy over pure interpersonal conflict. not that the relationships between characters aren't present or important, but their portrayal is typically subordinate to or in service of a larger theme
>Cadet v Scout
What a fail
Imagine fucking Bertolt. Imagine seeing those hot abs flexing above you. Imagine his deep voice moaning into your ear and telling you that you're doing so good, that you're so tight and sweet. Imagine him rubbing up against your sensitive spots until you cum on him. He's a gentleman and makes sure that you go first. Then, he finally cums inside of you. Hot thick rope of cum inside of you. You feel so full and he thanks you for letting him do that.
>Regarding an heroing, suicide is badass. A real man takes his life and destiny into his own hands.
Poor Reiner.
Even Pieck is nervous talking to Eren.
If he's gonna die I'd rather he do it himself than get cucked by Titanized Falco my dude.
Eh, I don't think so. Most women I've spoken to (both online and in real life) are unable to orgasm from penetration alone and need clitoral stimulation along with it. This is due to lack of nerves inside, but I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule. I think with straight guys, having an orgasm is a lot more straight-forward but I heard that there can be issues with getting it up.
This. But who is the father?
Rude. She just has round cheeks which make her even cuter!
She's just fat
>get cucked by Titanized Falco my dude
But you know it's exactly what will happen
>If he's gonna die
We know, Falco.
Yeah I know and I hate it. I'll be here screeching over it when it happens.
I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, everyone.
Eren obviously.
What is Pixis up to? He must have some ace up his sleeve, I can't believe he would just give up like that without some keikaku.
Oh Gabi’s baby???
just because men don't know how to fuck women doesn't mean women can't enjoy sex a lot and who says orgasms from penetration would be better than orgasms from clit stimulation
>That's a big oof
Kindly fuck off
Good night, based MAstacie
Imagine riding Bertolt all night. Imagine him praising you. Imagine him moaning your name. Imagine kissing him on the lips while he's still inside of you.
Fixed Eren
Well I have slacked off long enough, I must return to creating my lewd Reiner content. Peace out for now my nigs.
I think there's something you need to know...
Interestingly, it seems a lot of people independently deduced that the river will bring Hans und Loev to the Historia's hideout.
What a cunt! I hope she chokes. Thanks user.
Have a good night
>no one has made a Pieck edit to that porn ninja gif
sasuga Yea Forums
I remember these
Someone asked me to write it for them. You were not even a thought in my mind.
Subtle, I like it.
>zeke: you look like your father
>eren actions are similar to grisha
>grisha had zeke at 19 and eren is 19 and historia is pregnant(who has the royal blood just like dina
>this fucking
does isayama have to spoonfeed you brainlet?
You know these boots are part of standart uniform, right?
I hope you get into a horrible accident, require a blood transfusion and then get pumped full of AIDS blood and are also left fully paralyzed. You are a rancid, vapid, vile cunt and if I could I would end you myself.
Can someone post Reiner blushing and laughing while telling Eren's the armored titan
Why thank you!
This sounds cute someone poast it before I go.
There won't be any chat
Why do you think his ears must look the same as his son's ones? Ears are unique.
Ok I forgive you we can be email butt buddies now. See ya.
I cant tell which is which
Fixed for lore accuracy
Jesus fucking Christ.
I saw some kissanime normies saying that the girl who saved zeke was Ymir, what's your take on their splendid theory Yea Forums?
I wonder if Isayama realizes that he just made Hange more popular. He shouldn't be surprised if we have another popularity poll and she is still more popular than AM
Yea Forums has been saying the exact same thing from the release u mongoloid
Erehpii never ever, heathen.
Hallo thar newfriend
It's probably Ymir but I disagree with user's who said she intervened with things to save Zeke.
>I disagree with user's who said she intervened with things to save Zeke.
But that's LITERALLY what she did.
Fake... preview.... Where... are yo-
Fake preview?
No, it was Zeke's titan. We see her in the paths but we don't know if she just exists there.
>No, it was Zeke's titan
And what does that have to do with a girl on the paths putting him back together? In case you've forgotten, all the titans Zeke made were full grown men, not little girls.
I need more HS AU
I said the girl is Ymir. We have no reason to believe she's doing anything special for him though. She might appear to everyone inside the paths.
>We have no reason to believe she's doing anything special for him though.
I'm saying we have no reason to believe she doesn't rebuild everyone. Like, it's not JUST Zeke she comes to and rebuilds.
Change Pikku hair.
>I'm saying we have no reason to believe she doesn't rebuild everyone.
She didn't help Ymir when she got pulped. She didn't help Bert when he got de-limbed.
Of course
Will Eren be ever able to forgive his friends for their inaction during the 50 years plan discussion?
fix both of their hair. Eren has his in a man bun. Pieck's should be longer
We've only ever seen Ymir inside the paths and only when her body was complete. She may have just left by then. We've seen inside the paths twice so we still have limited knowledge.
Who will the fake preview AU feature this time?
Loli is so strong she asspulled herself in the manga and everybody already accepts her and loves her.
>I disagree with user's who said she intervened with things to save Zeke
I have this same thought. I think her purpose there is to rebuild the bodies of shifters
We've only seen orphan Ymir inside of the paths other than Zeke is what I meant. This is confusing with two same named characters.
It seems Isayama following the same groups of main characters but inserting people like Floch etc. in the background.
Loli is Isayama's waifu.
What inaction? Is his own fault for playing muh special secrets and “I want to go to Marley” and recruiting nutecase Floch as his right hand.
Will Eren's friends be able to forgive him for Sasha's death and deaths of dozens of soldiers?
Can you actually kill a shifter just by shooting them in the head or would they just autohulkout into titan mode like Bruce Banner?
I think she molds sand around shifters' bodies to grant them titan forms and heal their wounds and only Ymir and Zeke somehow managed to see it. Probably because Ymir's body had been completely absorbed into her titan body over 60 years, and because Zeke was practically dead.
That's why I always use their full names: Ymir Fritz and Ymir (Male).
Again, it was their fault in the first place. They were okay with the plan because the burden of suffering fall on Historia, not on them.
So a random retarded titan putting a wounded shifter inside belly already happened and we should be no amused by what happened to Zeke? He even gave up and wasn’t expecting an asspull.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. The sand is what forms the titan bodies and heals limbs
You're retard. So many people died exactly because Historia didn't eat Zeke.
And Eren didn’t give any other chance he just shut up and went alone to Marley. Is his fault for playing alone.
he is so ugly now.
Xaver said titans are an extension of the Founding Titan's body. The same can probably extend to Zeke and his titans. Zeke reabsorbed his essence from a "piece" of his body.
His face should be similar to the kid of the Sheriff from Preacher comic.
Levi is directly killing Zeke by the end of this manga
You mean hot
I wrote this at the end of the last thread but this was my interpretation:
So Xaver mentioned that all the subjects of Ymir are apart of the founding titan's body. So the titan that regenerated was made using Zeke's spinal fluid, so it's connected to him. And when it shoved him into its body he was re-absorbing the titan keeping him alive long enough that Lolimir recreated his body and he regained his will to live
Didn’t Manlet assumed Historia is still ready to become a Shifter after her pregnancy?
*he is so hot now
he survived this chapter to have some last words before perishing
Why Kenny gave up about turning into a shifter during the cave?
She has always been ready. I don't blame her in anything. Eren is the one who isn't ready. Even if she eats Zeke after pregnancy it's already too late because Sasha and 34+ soldiers died and country is in Yelena's hands.
>You will never give Bertolt head
>You will never taste his sweat in your mouth
>You will never put his big dick in your mouth
>You will never moan on his cock
>You will never put your tongue on the head
>You will never feel hot ropes of cum in your mouth
>You will never swallow his cum
>You will never make Bertolt proud
Is life really worth living?
It's obvious him going to Yelena was a desperate move because he thought and felt (maybe mistakenly) that he won't get support from his friends. I'm sure if anybody from AMJSC or LH would have had the decency to speak against the plan, nothing of this would've happen because Eren would be able to keep his faith in his friends.
Yeah. Realizing he couldn't be the king and see the same thing Uri saw that made him so passive made him give up on living. He realized everyone needs to be drunk on something in order to keep going.
No. Kill yourself
It just occurred to be AM & LH have very similar dynamic.
She was never ready! Didn't you see her face when she agreed to the plan?
Oh, wait. Is 'readiness' in English equal to 'willingness'?
Well, that what I meant. She agreed. Ofc no-one is ready to shorten his life but she agreed and it was brave. And anyway she's queen and it's her duty.
How can you be sure that she wouldn't reconsider her decision at the last moment?
Well, I thought 'willingness' has a notion of WANTING to do something.
She probably reconsidered this decision, agreed with Eren and became pregnant to avoid eating Zeke. But I will be a bit dissapointed in her after this reveal. I would prefer accidental pregnancy over coward queen.
The Tumblr/Twitter meltdown would be amazing
can a bullet to the head kill a titan shifter? there is also the probability that they would have survived with intensive care, which would mean (i assume) that the titan shifter would just regenerate
>Isayama accidentally made a fine romance
There is still a small possibility she was forced to do it.
Where is her nipple?
Pii isn't on the official nipple list, so it might be correct.
Erwin's dad
Shiteating Noble (Aurille)
>No nipples
Grice (not Colt)
>Presumed nipples
Ymir Fritz (the original)
Can somone explain "ymirfag"?
There's no point, they all left these threads years ago.
ben drowned
Gets me everytime.
>ben drowned
holy shit lol
But they're cute on her.