Post Stupid Bitches

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It's impolite to talk ill of the dead user.

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She's not dead because she was never alive. Unless you mean reformatting a hard drive is the same as dying then sure she's dead.

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This dork

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She may be stupid, but she's not a bitch. She's a good girl and I want to protect her smile.

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She got what she deserved.

isnt she from Plastic memories she is not a bitch she is a cute and i cried at the ed

Nothing of the sort. Sayaka deserves a hug and a kissu from someone who loves her.

Attached: Sayaka_rude.jpg (500x364, 42K)

They are not bitches unless you only mean Nino.

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> streaming

I didn't make this image anontard

> he steals images instead of making his own OC

Attached: inaba_disdain.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

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Nobody does. Taking screenshots is the same as saving a random image on the net. Shit it takes more work cause there are more steps to it.
She's a stupid bitch 2.

Isn't she actually a borderline genius?

> Nobody does
Nobody on nu-Yea Forums. That's why this board is dying.

Not when she literately got herself killed in last months chapter.

>Wow, pushing a button is so hard.

She's a complete cyborg, she's fine.

And then in this month's chapter she reveals that in the time she's been on the island, in addition to attending VR university at 16 and her various Kurarin adventures, she taught herself native-level English in her spare time. She's pretty smart.

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She´s a 100-years-old woman that put her brain in this cheerful robotic body

That was my point. I can push one button to save a screenshot on any player (or prt sc if you a faggot) vs right clicking on a mouse and then pressing save. It is literally nothing.

Except one of them looks like shit.

Who the fuck is even translating this? Wasn't it axed? The anime came when?

It has an official release, latest is volume 11, only 3 volumes behind the Japanese release.

volume 1 to 10 rips are on nyaa from Danke, and vol 11 in the /u/ thread

please delete this you're being rude

This, people hate on Sayaka for being a fool but she was just an average girl that wanted to be a hero. RIP

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Most characters in Madoka are pretty stupid. Which is what you'd expect of teenage girls. In fact we get explicitly told by QB that the system is as it is because teenage girls have passion and stupidity in equal abundance.

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Nigga she's nine.

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I'm pretty sure I made this screenshot, fuckface

> implying two people can't take a screenshot of the same scene

Attached: Kaguya_disgust.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

There are 34560 frames in an episode, so you're a fuckface

And there's no reason to screenshot most of them, bud.

Attached: inaba_gross.jpg (1920x1080, 983K)

He called you out user.

On a fairly shaky claim with no evidence - not that he could present any. Like I said, it was a fun expression so it's entirely possible that both of us made the screenshot in the same place. Would you accuse someone who also has pic related of "stealing" it? No, because this scene is so well known that even people who never watched Kokoro Connect might have seen it, and anyone who did watch and it and takes screenshots would have taken one.

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Was Inaba a stupid bitch though

Yeah. She didn't know until about halfway through the series.

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That isn't Miku

Attached: Aqua Booty.webm (866x496, 444K)

I binged the manga and by last released chapter I still don't understand what's the fucking point of this series beyond five hot overdeveloped sisters making awkward passes at improbably frigid male classmate.
I started questioning my investment in these types of stories lately. I guess I've realized I like romance, but romance in these stories is fucking dogshit and I only stick around for the tits and asses, then what's the fucking point?

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Check'd and Kek'd

s-she's not stupid! stop saying my waifu is stupid!!! Aqua is a godess ffs!

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Romance manga is dead friend. Because the authors cocktease the reader to make more chapters that never resolve shit.

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You don't /thread yourself, fag. But yeah, Mashu is shit.

Look at this fucking retard LOL!

Attached: bing tan.png (700x2052, 961K)

He's actually using VLC, user-kun

Attached: ohyea.png (505x1437, 556K)

Even worse

Attached: 20181025_190228.png (249x289, 84K)

Attached: mSpGu3F.png (1280x720, 886K)

t. more bitter and lonely than the average user

Attached: Shima_rin_Threatening.jpg (1016x720, 267K)

Not even moe-izing bing could make me want to use that fucking garbage. Google might be an evil technogiant that harvests and sells personal information that also stole that faggot moot from us, but at least it's good at what it does.

Mind handing over a pic of yout Momma?