Who has suffered more?
The Great Debate
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Guts. I love HxH, but this is not even up to discussion man...
This is not even a debate Guts has too many shit to list, while Gon lost one friend.
The real question is which fandom suffers more while waiting for new chapters.
Never ever
here we go
How is this a debate? Its Gon, it always has been and always will be.
I don't know how to describe it but Gon's suffering feels more honest and "earned", if you know what i mean.
It's because Gon doesn't suffer over some retarded and used up thot. Guts is just so insanely beta that his suffering just doesn't mean as much.
yes, because he deserves all of it, while Miura just throws everything on Guts just for shit and giggles.
Probably Berserkers, since Miura is going to die long before finishing it
Oh boy it's another HxH circle jerk thread!
Miura isn't the one with health issues.
It's just a false flag you retards, no one thinks Gon is even close to Guts in terms of suffering.
HxHfags are becoming a meme of obnoxious. This is not even worth comparing. Even Naruto suffered more than Gon.
This kid has the gayest faggoty design in shounen history.
>no one actually disagrees with me its all fake
>its not like I could possibly be wrong, everyones just joking
I don't think I have ever seen someone COPEing so hard, holy fuck.
We are talking about serious fiction here, you can talk about your childrens stories in another thread ok pal?
HXH is in Shounen
Look if you can't handle adult relationships and themes about adult relationships like an adult I am sure one of your kiddie shounen has a cool nothin' personel character for you to self insert into so you don't have to feel anything you aren't used to.
this is brony tier mental retardation
Your basic powers of observation not withstanding, that doesn't mean anything to what I said. Shounen as a demo has changed a myriad of times over the years and does not always mean the same thing. You not understanding that is sad and I would suggest researching the topics you chose to debate on before debating them so you don't have to be taught basic things like this.
What I said still stands. Come back when you're ready to debate.
Except that is exactly your mentality isn't it? I just put it in a way that makes you uncomfortable.The telling sign is that you still need to respond, you know you have nothing but you try to stay involved anyway. Come back when you've done some growing up.
And you stating your disapproval of my logic that way is better how? If you want to discuss cartoons for little girls there are other threads and other boards for that user. This thread is for the discussion of mature fiction.
It's probably the most simple and harmless design ever. Get your head out of your ass.
Gon would have to watch Kurapika and Leorio die and Kilua get raped by Hisoka to have suffered in the same league as Guts
>suffering can only be equal if it is the same actions being done the same way
That is not how emotions work.
be quiet, female/faggot
I know you are upset but when you calm down try to remember there are more perspectives than your own and people often feel differently than you do and thats ok.
Gon struggles with these very concepts as well and so I would hope his struggle can help you get through yours.
because it's easier for children to understand, right?
Utterly based and nenpilled
Is the implication here that Guts as a design is too complex for a child to understand or something? What exactly are you trying to say?
shut the fuck up!
Guts, how is this even up for debate?
How is this even a debate? Guts obviously.
Before assuming you are right without even considering it, maybe try considering it? I know thinking things through can be hard but when it comes to mature fiction like HxH sometimes its not as easy as your gut reaction.
It will be ok, one day you will understand.
>Gon experienced the death of his teacher whom he knew for a few months or so
>Guts' best friend killed all of his friends and raped his only love
>Guts' also got raped as a child, parents died before birth and the guy who adopted him tried to kill him
>Alone for most of his life, even as a child
gee I dunno..
Guts had a pretty horrid life from the moment he was born, Gon had a normal childhood and a pretty happy life with a few traumatic moments after becoming a hunter
Emotions are not math and suffering is not equal. And even with that in mind you discount much of both characters suffering and simplify their journeys to a point its made dull. I would suggest taking more time to think it through.
You are missing quite a lot there, I think you are over-do for a re-read.
I miss nothing
Guts' experienced much more, much worse shit than Gon. It's not even a debate
>Oh no, the fagboy sacrificed his arms for shock value. oh, that's all right. we can magically fix them so he can sacrifice them for shock value again.
(I know this is bate but fuck it)
Gon grew up with a caring mother figure, and while missing a father it wasn't as bad as it could've been. He lost a person who he meat literally once. (I've only read HXH up to chimera ant arc) He has so far gone through some rough shit seeing people die in horrific ways but it doesn't seem to bug him all that much.
Guts's childhood was FAR tougher, being trained and abused by mercs. When the man he looked up too as a father tried to kill him and revealed that he sold him to another man to be raped, guts killed him in self defense. That alone would put his suffering above gon's but then you have his time with the hawks and the eclipse... no debate bud.
Your MC literally gets fucked in the ass and creampied by a black man. How can you defend that?
And this means he suffered less?
I'm saying you shouldn't go around calling Gon a fagboy when there is a panel of Guts taking it up the ass.
>Hey fagboy. Wanna watch some porn together
Not canon
>Who has suffered more?
The HxH fanbase.
Gon getting his arms blown off or blowing up his own body doesn't really count as suffering if it was his own choice, if you really ask me
>Gon's only suffering is blaming himself for Kite's death and then self destructing
>Gets healed in the very next arc
>Oh, and Kite is fine too
Gon's a fucking pussy.
But Gon is a fagboy
If you look at how the art style has evolved, Guts has suffered more. He even had his fantastic jawline taken from him
>y-your mc was fucked in the ass so you should feel personally offended when i bring that up
no fag, i'm not retarded. that's why it's funny shitting on your gay manga
He's not a moralfag like Guts.
This is a legitimate reason.
yeah, he's just fag
>on your gay manga
How can you say that when Griffith had sex with some old dude in exchange for money and Guts got creampied by BBC? Those are all canon, I'm not making them up.
Yup, you didn't read the manga
That's HxHfags for you.
so far there hasnt been any consequences for the supposedly damaging decisions either gon or guts has made, their powerups have no impact other than magically getting handwaved away
>Pitou actually successfully delayed him and even took him out of the palace invasion
>Gon never touched Komugi
lmao what a homo
So now Hunterkeks are looking for a fight with Berserkfags? lmao
wait for it... "hunter.... CHADS"
With those levels of brain damage, hxh shitposters hurt no more.
Hxh is full on pedobait though.
>S-seriously? you really don't care?
lol, no faggot.
stop shilling/spamming your fucking channel, you disgusting pic
worst, meme, ever
I expected something bad, but I can't even describe the negative feelings this video gives me
That'd be Berserk, the series riddled with sexualized children.
Suffering between people is not comparable. Emotions are not logical. It took the death of one person close to him for Gon to throw his entire life away. Guts has tried to do that but ultimately always comes back to it out of his feelings of guilt and obligation. Ultimately Gon reacted like a kid would, and Guts reacted like a man would. The suffering that caused their trauma is less important compared to how they dealt with that trauma.
Real pedo shit is far more discreet.
>Satan is a griffag
Why am I not surprised?
Didnt Miura draw a loli piss manga while on hiatus
yeah we get it, gon is a faggot. stop spamming this "suffering is not comparable" bullshit
Miura is a known pedophile. He plays pedo games like Idol Master
Cope more.
kek if those Berserkfags keep acting uppity I'll dump all my Donovan folder and watch them seethe in agony lmao
What Berserkfag is mad abour Donovan? Guts has been through way worse shit than that
Gut's life is comically horrible, to the point where his suffering isn't that impactful whereas Gon's suffering is far and between in the story, making it a much more intense moment. So technically Guts has suffered more, but Gon's suffering is stronger (for the reader).
>s-stop it you guys let FxF be for big boys
do it little fag
Guts wins. It has already been worked out.
>Gon's suffering is stronger
Nothing is quite a lot user.
If its not a debate then why are you trying to debate me about it? You are stuck in your ways and refuse to look at the bigger picture, one day you may feel differently.
I would suggest not going into a debate assuming what you are working with is insincere as it only hurts your frame of mind. I would also recommend finishing a manga before debating things about one of its main characters.
I do not wish to debate someone who is missing critical information necessary to the argument. I could list off everything you do not know, but i'm a bit more reasonable than that. I ask you to be as reasonable as me and not ask me to engage with your half argument.
He struggles and falls over for the sake of women who do not even know his name. He allows his demons to not only haunt him but even control him to the point of attacking people he loves for selfish and vile reasons.
He pretends to act aloof when not displaying childish rage over sorrow that he even after so many years cannot come to terms with.
His ability to defend others is a noble quality but it comes at the price of him being unable to be his own man. And if he cannot even get over himself how is he meant to get over others?
Gon's suffering is almost entirely self-inflicted.
All suffering is self inflicted as all suffering comes from care. No one can be forced to care about something, they care because they care and so suffer for it.
>comically horrible
That's because the Godhand intentionally fuck with him. It's the entire point of the series.
Berserkfags absolutely BTFO
Cringe. Quite grasping at straws, it's embarrassing.
it doesnt stop it from being bad to the point of ridiculousness
You're saying Berserk is comedic sufferporn?
You can try to write a counter argument to his post. But I doubt you'd ever master anything that would counter all his points.
The ridiculous nature of Guts suffering is part of his suffering. It's all part of the causality that he is trying to overcome. That is the genius of Berserk.
Thats a good term to describe Berserk and why Guts suffering doesnt feel as heavy and realistic as Gon's suffering.
Berserk doesnt show us any direct effect of everything that has heppened to Guts. Casca is just turned into a retard and left vacant for years, without addressing her situation. Guts is too one dimensional and not conflicted enough despite everything he went through.
Gon, on the other hand, was just a child who ventured into the world and he slowly got exposed to the raw elements of human nature that ultimately corrupted him and turned that innocent child into a murderer.
The best trap ever created.
Gon has gotten away with everything bad that has happened to him, he hasn't suffered at all and is a spoiled little shit that takes everything for granted.
>a child who ventured into the world and he slowly got exposed to the raw elements of human nature that ultimately corrupted him and turned that innocent child into a murderer.
This isn't the factor that distinguishes the two because it also describes Guts.
I think it may also be because almost all of the phyiscal suffering Guts endures is inconsequential. People like to speak on how Gon getting his arm back is cheap and too easy but I feel Berserk is much worse about that kind of thing. Guts is on the verge of death after most big fights and never has to see the long terms effects of it.
Even using the Berserk armor which is supposed to have some long term impact has done next to nothing beyond grey his hair and cause him to lose his sense of taste. The damage to his body means nothing when he has magic to aid him.
Meanwhile Gon has to recover from his fights over time. We see him several times throughout the manga having to sit out of things while getting better and even if his arm was healed twice he still lost his nen. That would be similar to Guts losing the Dragonslayer, or being unable to wield bigger swords at all. At the end of the day Guts overcomes his struggles in such a way that it makes them feel half-hearted.
I feel that way about Guts for the reasons I stated above. I would be interested to hear your input on it.
gotta ask did guts ever intentionally nuke himself just to kill a monster, no. OK my vote is gon.
Gut’s worst wounds are psychological though, and the ones that have healed have taken a long ass time and alot of work to get over
btw with no doubts it's Guts
Guts was morally corrupt since the beginning because he didn't have a normal childhood like Gon who spent his early life in safety and care of people who loved him.
Guts started to suffer immediately, he never experienced both situations. That's why his suffering isn't as great as Gon's. We always saw Guts suffer since the beginning and we were never shown the process where he gets morally corrupt, which is something that happens in HxH instead.
>Guts isn't conflicted enough.
Guts is plenty conflicted, he just can't afford to act on it.
Guts was literally raped as a child and killed his "dad." He was born from his dead mother. From the get-go he was already exposed to darkness. It wasn't a slow process.
I love imagining the sweaty beta mouth breathers who make posts like this.
I'd say Guts suffering is more physical, while Gon's suffering is more psychological. We actually see all the deep scars left on Gon by everyhing bad that has happened to him.
Guts, on the other hand, feels one dimensional and he doesn't show to be psychologically affected by any of it. Miura doesn't go in depth to show us how Guts coped with losing all his friends during the ceremony or how he should be morally conflicted about Griffith. No, Guts just wants to kill Griffiths because of "muh revenge" and he keeps killing monsters each chapter.
Every shonen protagonist goes through the phase where they accept death and nuke themselves. All survive of course.
Oh but do tell me how it subverts expectations.
>Guts suffering isn't psychological
It took him a day or two at most to get over what I consider his worst injuries in the early manga and even when he did lose his arm his new one was not only better but he could wield a larger sword, thus making the removal of the arm weak.
As far as his emotional trauma, I already touched on this. He struggles because he allows himself to. He is weak and what he manages to overcome is because of that weakness. It is all made dull by the idea the mangaka control it all like a puppeteer and not a writer. Causality was a mistake.
This is more or less my feeling.
It is BECAUSE Guts is a weak person he cannot face his trauma and so we as an audience cannot feel it either thus weakening it.
Guts has no moral relativity. His actions are all controlled by rage and revange. He's never faced with the ambiguity that Gon had to go through during the Chimera Ant arc.
I actually have to disagree with you there hunterbro. I do think there is one case where Guts DID face a moral grey. The problem is the mangaka did not allow him to make a choice on the matter. If anything this makes Berserk worse as a story and isn't even directly tied to the OP's debate but yeah, Berserk fans really do get the short end of the stick but at least there was one moment where Guts had an internal struggle made relevant beyond absurdity.
On a side note, while I did enjoy puck's comedy for most of this section the top right panel has always to me been one of the worst decisions Muria has made as an artist.
That just means that Gon was sheltered and snapped because he couldn't handle the harshness of reality.
Guts suffered earlier on but also reaches much greater depths later in his life. As well as experiencing many beautiful moments along the way.
If the argument is about character nuance, then Guts wins for being complex and untraditional in his motivations.
The big difference between those two works are the authors. Togashi is clearly on another level compared to a hack like Miura. When Miura can manage to move away from his predictable way of telling stories, maybe then, and only then he'll be as good storyteller as Togashi.
>The big difference between those two works are the authors
fuck dude, are you some kind of genius? wow.
So you concede that Gon suffered more than Guts going by what you just said.
I disagree with the notion revenge is a unique motivator for Guts. Gon was not sheltered as a child, he snapped, much like Guts snapped, due to loss. The difference is that Guts did not end up worse for the event, someone he loved did. Meanwhile Gon did and still does suffer his actions.
I wouldn't go so far as to say he is a hack, his obsessions as an artist just force him to create work that is not as complex. But maybe i'm being pedantic in any case its clear we both agree on OP's debate.
I'm talking about the way the authors handle the story and the characters. HXH is one of the very, very few shounen jump comics that has consistently managed to surprise its readers. (Who the hell could predict ANYTHING during the Genei Ryodan arc?) Miura isn't on par as a storyteller, he drags on his arcs too much, and his way of making and ending fights is becoming too tiresome, and it got predictable.
Kind of interesting how cancerous HxHfags are for the entire board. Not even DBZ spics are this bad.
Do they have some autistic discord where they're trained to be as abhorrent as possible or something?
>it's that way because I say it is.
It's the opposite actually. Togashi "deconstructs" tropes and uses character stereotypes to appeal to shounen babies like you. To defend his writing people often resort to arguments about meta-narratives, which is the ultimate sign of a hack at work.
Was beaten as a kid, raped had to kill his step dad
Fought his entire life, finally found friends and they all got killed by his jelly ex best friend while raping his gf and cursing him to eternally be hunted by abominations
Some faggot he barely knew got killed
Hisoka wants to rape him
Gee I don't know guys. I really don't know who suffered more!
I'm sorry but Miura is a hack. His only good arc was Golden Age, everything after that has either been mediocre or just trash.
He didn't suffer shit. His boyfriend brought his homosexual brother tranny to bring him back from his injuries 100% fine.
Deconstruction is something that can be done only by masters of storytelling. That's why you rarely see it.
I'm sorry but Togashi is a hack. His only good arc was Yorknew City arc, everything after that has either been mediocre or just trash.
lmao, exactly
Explain how Gon coming back after "trowing it all away" is any different from other shonens. What deconstruction was this again? Oh right it wasn't.
Not at all. Casca snapped as well, and I don't think she suffered more than guts. The reason that Guts is able to endure so much is because he is a stronger character. He is able to endure a greater degree of mental anguish than weaker characters like Gon can.
Gon caused his own suffering by attaching himself too much to Kite who at the end of the day Is just 1 hunter who died to a mutant monster in a mission.
TBF Gon is a fucking child. Guts could never afford to be a kid.
And that is why Togashi shouldn't attempt it.
It is commonly accepted that HxH has at least 3 good arcs: Yorknew, CA arc and SW arc. Subjective opinions guided by emotional feelings are irrelevant.
Wait, where the hell did Gon suffer? The only time I would even consider is when the kid got pissed because someone killed his friend that he only saw for like a day.
Even Mob suffered more after being stuck in hell for 6 months, almost killing his own brother and losing his best friend. And overall having a really lonely childhood.
Brilliant minds think alike, that's all. If you have a moment to enter the discussion I would happily debate you on OP's subject?
I know you where trying to be funny with pretending not to know but the way you phrase things and how little sincerity you put into your own thoughts convinces me you truly do not know.
I found several sections after GA to be enjoyable but I can understand why others would not.
Beyond not having nen, and also no longer having his friend around I agree he was fixed physically. But his suffering mentally was clear.
But I would like to flip that line of thinking. I would argue Gon suffered more after his fight with Pitou than Guts suffered from his experience during the first eclipse. By your line of thinking, Guts was not only completely healed of his wounds in the eclipse but he was even made stronger while Gon was made weaker.
Yes Guts lost his arm but in its place he got one that was much better, and again, was then able to wield a sword much better, Guts got stronger and so I would say his suffering was less impacted. Now there is an argument for Casca having suffered but considering the way it was and is shown in the manga, it is a weak argument at best.
Is that why he throws tantrums like one every fight?
pic related is literally gon. every time faggots need to shock their dumb public they rip one limb or two
I've been reading HxH for 20 years and the Chimera Arc was trash.
The ones who have suffered the most are the readers of berserk.
The deconstruction happens throughout the character arc and you have to examine it in all its entirety. Gon is Hunter x Hunter’s Shounen Hero. Upbeat, headstrong, immensely loyal to his friends.
For most of the series’ length, his passion lends strength to those around him – even as far as halfway through Chimera Ant, Killua remarks that “Gon is the light” raising him up. But by the end of Chimera Ant, all the variables that defined him have turned against him – fundamentally shaken by the loss of his mentor Kite, he ends up revealing how even the best intentions can sour if taken to their extremes.
His optimism becomes an inability to accept death. His confidence ends up narrowing possible futures to the only thing he cares about, the only reality he can accept. And his loyalty becomes obsession – an overpowering need to save Kite that drives him away from everyone else who cares about him. By the time he realizes Kite is never coming back, he has become an instrument with a single purpose, and even the visual aesthetic of his final episode reflects this – as a former array of possibilities narrows to one, the color is bled from his world, till all that remains is black, white, and the red of anger, of blood.
Our ability to instill value in others and our capacity for change can make monsters of even the best of us.
This user knows his stuff
You are delusional. Guts lost way more than just his arm. Gon comes from a battlemanga shonen he'll get his powers back and stronger than ever I bet. His enemies aren't the entire world either so sure man.
Based Neteroposter
Your subjective opinion is irrelevant and worthless.
>Mfw guts spent the majority of his childhood as a mercenary.
>killed his own father.
>fought off a pack of wolves after falling off of a cliff.
It has already been acknowleged that Guts suffered as a child. He just suffered more as an adult.
>but Gon's suffering is stronger (for the reader).
Speak for yourself.
How about you read the thread? There are a lot of posts that explain why Gon suffered and how.
Shonen kids always go thru this phrase. It is a fucking trope. Ichigo did multiple times and so did Naruto. Gon isn't any different and trying to strech out paragraphs of verbal diarrhea isn't doing you any favor.
He is either a troll or autistic. Or both.
Pretty sure its the same person "explaining" this.
He didn't tho. He only suffered one time and even that wasnt that bad.
He didn't suffer as a child because he was never a child. He didnt have a normal childhood where he could balance pain and joy. That's why Gon's suffering is more realistic and impactful.
This page alone >>>>>>>> the entirety of HxH.
How has gon suffered half as much as guts? This is bait
>Taking that shitty bait seriously.
That kind of superficial reading of a character only shows your own inferiority as a reader. Perhaps Berserkfags are used to just "turn off" their brain and enjoy watching Guts kill big bad monsters? How sad...
No one like smug androids. I hope you crash your scooter after all of humanity fades so no one can repair you and you live the rest of your life without a face.
>I don't like his point of view and opinion
>so I declare him as troll
Grow up.
inb4. But you are wrong user because Pitou made him suffer and you are stupid. HUNTERCHADS UNITE.
>he was never a child
Absolute Retardation.
I am not even a Berserkfag. I just object to the fact that Gon should even be considered in this type of debate. Naruto suffered just as much if not more. Or Sasuke had way more suffering in his life. Compared to that nothing happened to Gon. He lost a person he saw for one day and then went apeshit.
It's like arguing with a flat earther at this point. His point of view hold no merit.
No, it doesnt. In HxH there is an overarching tendency for existential ponderings and questions, with references to the self as an internal and an external state, seperated in the infinite. This distresses the characters, since this creates uncertainty, loss and pain.
Gon, who grows from the cycle of internal interpretation and external communication with the outside world, in the end rejects Instrumentality, and chooses seperation, as with the pain, angst and uncertainty also comes resolution, in feeling and wonder.
I hate Naruto cause it is shit and I agree. Gon barely suffered. Shit compare him to OTHER shounen mc's like fucking Chainsaw Man and you'll see he's had it pretty good consider the world he lives in.
Again, you're only reading it superficially without considering the psychological aspects of a character's journey.
I fucking can't with these posts. Hunterfags are hilarious.
I am not. What else did HE lose? Gon has not gotten his powers back, you are assuming things. Guts does not have the entire world as his enemy, even parts of the Godhand don't care about him.
I disagree.
here we go. the hxhfag trying to make the manga deeper than it really is.
Lots of screen caps today. Who was that guy that was annoying af and tried to sound smart in Snafu s2? Cause he reminds me of him.
but dude, a tranny cat killed his barely friend. anyone would be pissed enough to transform into a gay hulk
There is no reason to be insincere.
I'm embarrassed of ever even reading HxH after posts like these.
That is a shame, it is ok to be who you are and to have done what you have done. I hope you can learn to be ok with yourself.
Pic related is (you) and all Shonen-Lover.
The pain of the 2016 adaptation is bigger, than all misery of HxH.
>Regurgitation of eastern philosophy
Fuck off weeb.
I feel ya user, Its Hunterfags like those that make you feel ashamed of having enjoyed the series in the first place, them and the fujos.
nigga, seriously? that's cringe as fuck
When was the left happened? Is it a new chapter?
>eastern philosophy
Wrong. HxH is closer to western concepts than eastern. You see, like The Bible, the stories of Hunter x Hunter require you to read the series as a whole, with understanding of future and past content, to fully appreciate the full vision and the messages within.
The early content can often been seen as more light hearted, people fail to notice the more vicious undertones lurking around the corner, the reason they're hidden is because of our attatchement to Gon as a protagonist. You see, his outlook on life is very simple and childish, people who wrong him are bad, people who don't are good. Some people appear scary but they're just obstacles to overcome and to pacify. Gon actively disarms the hostility in the environment because of his attitude, so we're often left with just small glimpes into the true vicious nature of the world through quick iteractions with Kurapika, Hisoka, and Killua which often lose their edge with interactions with Gon, the most notable of such is Gon's match against Hanzo.
The early Chimera Ant Arc reaches the turning point of Gon's story, which then develops into the climax where Gon's outlook on life becomes increasingly darker at intervals, and you can fully see how this impacts the surrounding cast. For example he manages to tame Palm in his more childish and cheerful nature, however when he's asked to remeber Kite's death to prove his resolve to Morel, everyone's mood takes a turn for the worst. It goes without saying, that much of the story so far has been dominated by Gon's charisma.
This was well said, do not take others inability to feel and think on your level to heart. Their gut reactions to it only speak to its relevancy to their lives.
dude... That was during (not-Yugioh)Greed Island
good post, hunterfriend
>Speeder x Reader
He lived the best life ever till up to the point he started to become a hunter. During that time Naruto and Sasuke suffered way more psychologically due to their loneliness as children.
Then he want on his journey and still nothing of note really happened, cause Gon is kinda mental and doesn't get bothered much by things.
Only during the Ant arc, when Kite was dead, did we see Gon getting emotionally affected. But the only reason for that is that the kid actually thought that Kite was still alive and could be saved. So the only thing Gon lost was hope for this character he cared for so much(after one day). Luckily he got resurrected, so again nothing happened.
It's sad, but like not on Jiraya's death level of sadness, a person who was literally like a father to Naruto. Or Sasuke having killed his brother only to find out the truth about him.
Hunterchads are the best bros (at cringe)
How does my point hold no merit? Is it not true that if you're exposed to something a lot you eventually become more numb? That is essentially my argument, it isn't some made up bs. Guts suffers a lot, his life is basically SUFFERING. Maybe I should rephrase, for the AVERAGE reader, Gon's suffering is more impactful because it is more rare. Now tell me what's "trollish" or autistic about that.
Thanks, but I've gotten used to dealing with people who have an inferior intelligence compared to mine. It's the price you have to pay when you're gifted with a superior mind.
The fans, the hiatus is real.
miss me with that gay shit
What do you mean Gon rejects instrumentality?
I appreciate that your irrelevant ramblings are at least concise.
I figured. I just wanted to know you are in somewhat good company.
This person suffered more than Gon
i like hxh but this thread took an embarrassing turn. well, they do say fanbases are cancer. This goes to show that anime/manga/games should never be more than minor entertainment.
You're all forgetting someone.
Kaiji obviously suffered the most.
Remember that time when he didn't have any BEERU left?
What the fuck are you even on about? Gon suffered one time and all it did was make him lose one person he didn't even know that well. People in this very thread probably had more traumatic experiences and events like losing an actual loved person that was part of their family.
And why would the suffering of Gon be more impactful that Guts'? Who says that? Golden Age arc's conclusion is the poster child of fucked up-ness and gets mentioned in the same breath as the absolute worst that could happen to a person in any kind of media. Gon's scene is just hype because of the fight and the transformation, because people wanted to see Gon go all out and get his revenge. It's childish shonenshit.
So whats major entertainment then?
ITT: Berserkbabbies who are still stuck in the first layer of manga/anime getting BTFO by patrician Hunterchads
Relax, incel.
He is just trolling guy calm down. This is what "hunterchads" do every day.
Its the luffy faggot.
>replying to yourself
Is this how Berserkspics cope? Yikes.
>What else did HE lose
He lost the family and home he had been seeking for his entire life. And he lost it at the hand of the same person who gave that to him in the first place. Gon was never reduced to the point of having absolutely nothing, and undergo the painful growth to recover from that state and live life again as a human being capable of attachment.
You seem like the very thing you hate. A childish shonenshit.
Yeah I'm not even gonna bother with you luffy fag
Based and devilpilled
anything that keeps you away from making retarded posts like the ones in this thread.
We are talking explicitly about who had more traumatic experiecnes in this thread, are you lost?
The left is a mediocre shonen series for children, the other is a mature seinen masterpiece for people who experienced things in life and actually left their parent's basement.
Homo-eroticism is practically embedded into shounen. Also you are probably just projecting and secretly want to bang Gon.
>wooooh! berserk is mature
I have not read Berserk but in HxH, the reason Gon goes ballistic, to me, is because he feels responsible for Kaito's death. I would read Berserk but it seems to be a very old manga and as such a very, very long one.
>moralfag like Guts
Just stating the truth after reading both works. HxH is almost immature drivel compared to Berserk. No idea why some folks in here make such a big deal out of it. It's really accessible with a lot of hype fights, epic transformations and simple character interactions and relationships, but its emotional weight and commentary on the human experience is thin as paper.
Berserk is boomer shit, don't bother.
What a shit thread. I guess you fags need something to do during the hiatus.
Gon is a dumbass for actually thinking pitou could still save kite and for actually believing her that she would. Couldn't stop rolling my eyes about how stupid and predictable it was. Really just a forced setup to get in one of thos cool shonen transformations to get the readership up.
Can HxH be considered shounen? Personally I find HxH to be seinen because a lot of characters acts and thinks like a smart adult. Let alone some themes that were shown. I'm not talking about the gore -apparently there is tendency to identify something as seinen because it has a lot of blood and violence (Berserk for example)-. But the true maturity or seinen-esque doesn't lie in blood, it lies in psychological themes. For example, who was initially demonstrated as a Rocksteady-like dumb minion, but he received so much smart character development (his extraordinary growth during palace assault) that he started to be perceived like a real person in fantasy world. The detalisation, the completness of a character's psychology is what I call seinen. On the contrary, reading Tokyo Ghoul that is considered seinen, I found so many shallow characters with a couple of traits, so many forced plotlines that depend on random events, that I barely enjoyed it.
>acts and thinks like a smart adult
Stopped reading right there. If you think you are an adult because you behave adult-like, you are probably a child.
That was a visual metaphor for how some people cope with loss. You can analyze this by comparing Gon's actions with the 5 stages of grief:
>Stage: Denial
Gon completely denies Kite dead and in this case, his usual positive attitude plays a significant role in clouding his reasonable judgment
>Stage: Depression
Gon becomes frustrated to the point of a momentary depression because he couldn’t beat Knuckle and felt overwhelmed with his weakness, which prevented him from saving Kite the second time they went to NGL.
>Stage: Denial
After witnessing Kite puppet-like condition Gon holds firm to his denial of Kite being dead, but this time though he shifted his denial from having to rescue Kite to finding a way to get him back to normal.
>Stage: Anger
Gon focused all his anger towards Pitou blaming her for getting Kite the way he was (like a marionette). His previous weakness is compensated with hate so deep that grants him catastrophic power.
>Stage: Bargaining
Gon feels incredibly helpless with an overwhelming amount of guilt. He finally accepted (after two denials) that Kite indeed is dead. Even still (true to the bargaining stage) he tries to negotiate a way out of his loss by assuming several “What if…”
>Stage: Anger
All the conditions were met to awaken this power, and the amount of hate and anger was so absurd that Gon didn’t care if that was his end. As long as he could completely obliterate Pitou from the face of the Earth, he will come to terms with his suicidal decision.
>Stage: Acceptance
Thanks to Killua and Alluka, Gon came back from certain death and was able to reach the final stage, acceptance. So Gon and Kite cheated death, they just needed to accept that they should move on, now as true friends that will help each other in the future.
Gon going through all grief stages to reach his transformation was so amazingly built since It didn’t occur because plot convenience, it happened because everything builds to that point
>And why would the suffering of Gon be more impactful that Guts'?
It honestly baffles me that you have such a hard time understanding such a basic concept. Gut's suffering isn't as impactful because his life is ABSURDLY sad.
>he was born from his dead mother's corpse
>AND he was raised by mercenaries and fought in battles as a kid
>AND he was also raped as a child
>AND his stepdad was abusive and tried to kill him, causing Guts to defend himself and kill the only person he cared about
>AND demons are always chasing him forever until he dies
At this point you wonder if the author is having a giggle or is just trying to earn an achievement for creating the worst life an MC can have. I'm not even disagreeing that Guts has objectively suffered more, I'm pointing out that Gon's suffering is more potent because his suffering was a stark contrast from his life up to that point. You can call HxH shonenshit but it had more depth than the Gut's Golden Age suffering, which was just about the shockingly gory bloodbath and rape. Gon's moment didn't need shockingly edgy shit to make the reader engaged. It was about how an optimistic, naive kid who smiled all the time break down in a very human way that made it not only more impactful, but more relatable.
Stick to topic pls. Gon goes ballistic because he feels responsible for Kite's death. Does Guts have this same dilemma?
>Can HxH be considered shounen?
I'll give you a concise answer. Yes.
>why is this 12 year old so fucking gullible?
cringe as fuck
Yeah no, it's not that deep
Based Berserkchad.
bruh not him, but nice arguments.
high IQ post
Why does Viz rate it as seinen then?
If you're not baiting like the rest of the hunterfags, Guts does actually blame himself. He kills an innocent child for Griffith, but absolves Griffith of any guilt he might feel for sacrificing of innocents for the sake of his dream.
And all of that hits harder than whatever the fuck hxh tried to do, which is why you see the golden age arc mentioned everywhere and the only thing people remember from Gon going apeshit is that he had 3 meter long hair, tight shorts and that he fucked pitou up. It's generic shounenshit with minimal buildup, just there to have your epic revenge moment. It's childish and empty.
This isn't deconstruction kek.
You could argue it's subversive but it also happens in other series
Gon hasn't even suffered as much as his friends have. He has lived a sheltered life even with him being a bastard and some random nigga dying. Shit protagonist as well.
yeah, he feels responsible for the death of every man of the falcon band.
high IQ posts
low IQ posts
When he saw Grifith for the first time after they parted, Guts blamed himself for the state he was in.
right its so much worse for a rich spoiled kid to get told no than a starving homeless child kid makes perfect sense kys fedorafag
>Thought only fags in the 80s watched porn together
>Was thinking how retarded it was
>Get home
>Brother in living room with 3 friends near TV
>Curtains drawn
>Holding pillows
>TV is off
Should I be worried? Is he gay or is there any other explanation?
Name 5 anime, 2 Specials and 7 OVAs where this happens.
Objectively untrue.
Meanwhile in reality, Gon's conflict has actual moral dilemma due to the increasing humanity of Pitou and Komugi's presence while Guts is just going full retard HURR DURR ME KILL MONSTERS to satisfy the shonenshit audience.
>man who was raped as a boy and traumatized for it reflecting mature themes that are still relevant to modern society
>a mary sue who sacrificed his arms for shock value that gets cured eventually in a completely fictional world
You are persistent for a shitposter.
A subversion is the pretense of upholding status quo only to undercut the expectations of your audience by going in a completely different direction. For example:
Knock knock?
Who's there?
John who?
John proceeded to burst into tears as his grandmother's alzheimer's had progressed to the point where she could no longer remember him.
I pretended that I was making a typical knock knock joke, but then subverted your expectations by going in a completely different direction. Your expectation being subverted, for example, starting a show you thought would suck and then it turning out to be good, DOES NOT MAKE THAT SHOW A SUBVERSION. It just means that your expectations were betrayed by reality. (1/2)
yeh its past your bed time kid
Re:Zero is a subversion. It tricks you into thinking it was going to be a sweet little isekai but then hits you with that...
A deconstruction is picking apart at a trope or an idea and exploring it on a deeper level than surface value. For example, let's look at the Cell games when Cell threatens to destroy the world, a deconstruction of that trope, would be going deeper. Like, what would the economic landscape look like? Wouldn't everyone realistically live hedonistic lifestyles reminiscent of the purge since they would all be destroyed anyway? How would the average person be affected by that trope?
Look at the DCEU movie BvS for example, it shows and deeply explores the effects that the city-busting battles Superman partakes in, that we always saw in comics or in animation, have on the general public. That is a deconstruction of superman and superheroing in general. (Whether it's a good movie or not is up to you.)
Pitou is a weak ass mary sue character get fucked avatar fag.
Just going through the motions of grief is not really anything special. It's natural and generic to write it like that. Why and what you do with it matters, and in hxh's case it was just there to have an ebic transformation where the consequences are also retroactivley retconned. Pure empty shit writing.
Life is suffering. You don't choose to be born. It's not your fault. Life gave you only one form of protection and it's to not care or deal with it, but some additional suffering is so great that people get in an downwards spiral of negative emotions. This is the beast within Guts.
HxH does neither of these things in any capacity. Everything it does has been done by a shounen somewhere somehow, HxH is good and it stands out because it applies all the typical shounen tropes that we love and know to an interesting world with interesting worldbuilding. Adding buzzwords like "deconstruction" and "subversion" to make it look more complex especially when you don't understand what the words mean only serves to kill the meaning of the world, make you look like a jackass, and perpetuate disinformation. Stop.
>right its so much worse for a rich spoiled kid to get told no than a starving homeless child kid
Improve your reading comprehension.
He literally killed (not murdered, learn the difference) a fucking ant.... Why should we care about that?
>b-but he lost an arm, and... and.. his hair... and the suffering, and...
>loses arms
>lol they're back
>loses arm and eye
>well shit...
GET THE FUCK OUT HUNTARDS, thread is for a real seinen not your wanna be shit full of plot armor were you green special ed boy grows his shit back, Gon hasn't suffered shit he literally gets back everything he loses all the time.
>mary sue with powercreep ebin ""berserker armor"", a literal harem, and no lasting consequences in a shallow power fantasy
>a real Nietzschean MC who explores human nature itself and loses both his supernatural abilities and MC status
You are retarded as expected of a berserkspic.
>moral dilemma
What? What kind of moral dilemma? Gon didn't care one bit about Pitou even after she showed him that she was capable of feeling emotions. It was just a simple rage moment with a power up.
I will repeat what I said, since you seemed to have missed it.
You cannot be forced to care. Guts cares and so he suffers, as does Gon.
Don't you mean that Guts gets a better arm back that also works as a canon and he can now use a better weapon than before?
Donovan literally gave his life to create a struggler that could oppose the God Hand and causality. He literally tells Guts to 'stop struggling' during the events of the Golden Age arc, thus planting the idea in his head permanently.
HxH is not shonen. The level of violence and the complexity of the philosophical and ideological theories underpinning key characters and arcs within the story (for example, Meruem in the Chimera Ant arc, and his struggles with the notions of power and identity) distinguish it as a story targeted at a more mature audience. Its character development, complexity, and themes far exceed that of Berserk.
you have to be 18+ to post here
>loses arm
>gets an overpowered mechanical arm in its place
>not having an eye never affects him
>still a mary sue
>mary sue with powercreep ebin ""berserker armor"", a literal harem, and no lasting consequences in a shallow power fantasy
Describe to me what a mary sue, power creep, harem, lasting consequences and power fantasy means before you use those buzzwords.
Based and Seinenpilled
The berserkchads won....
*rapes your MC*
Are underage posters welcome here? Because I think you might be underage.
well one was ass raped.... literally.
>HxH is not shonen
It's in Shounen jump.
Cope with the state of your manga, spic.
That's the point. Gon had the mindset of a bloodthirsty killer while Pitou didn't.
That's actually called creative writing instead of retconning shit like the hack of a writer you are.
>Don't you mean that Guts gets a better arm back that also works as a canon and he can now use a better weapon than before?
Remember this scene after Guts tried to catch Casca with his metal arm?
rapes your mc
It's a shonen in name only, it has transcended the genre a long time ago.
Guts had a shitty life from the very start and was forced into most of the bullshit he suffered through. Fell out of a corpse, raised by mercenaries, betrayed by his foster dad for some coin, finally found a place for himself and a goal to work towards, Griffith ruins it by throwing a tantrum and ruining his own plans, has to watch his friends get eaten by monsters and his woman get raped and mindbroken by his former best buddy. I mean, damn. There's not really even any comparison here.
Gon lost an arm? Big deal it grows back anyway. Gon throws a tantrum seeing his dead acquaintance and ruins himself (and the manga!). This is just plain retarded. Even if Gon hadn't done that, the ants would still have lost. He deserves everything that happened to him. I find it hard to even give a shit about HxH anymore because what's the fucking point when the MC is just doing nothing while all the side characters are dragging the story along. Watching Hisoka being a badass Gumby motherfucker is the only reason to even consider continuing to read it.
He only fought your MC and had guro thoughts.
>implying Hisoka isn't gonna rape Gon one day
Back some years you couldn't discuss Naruto because of the constant shitposting. Nowadays you can't discuss HxH because of the constant shitposting and false-flags. It's funny how things change.
And afterwards did he one time reflect on the fact that he killed her? That he killed a living being? That he acted on his rage without thinking about what it would actually mean? No of course not because it was not a moral dilemma but a shounen MC going apeshit because the audience demands a new epic action scene. Trash writng 101. Seen that like 100 times.
You mean a single moment over 300 chapters after he loses his arm where losing his arm actually effected him in a negative way? Should I start posting every time he uses his canon or every time his arm does work despite it making no sense for it to?
Guts gets beat to near death every other week but it doesn't matter. None of his injuries matter.
Remember when nothing bad happened to Casca despite falling there (infact shes back to normal now) and he got the arm back?
Meanwhile Gon permanently lost his Nen and was left by Killua as a consequence of his actions.
Kite comes back anyway, HxH is literally the most retarded series ever
We are talking about MC's you dingus
>the "final battle" between Guts and Griffith happens
>A random apostle appears
>rapes griffith to death
>cum coming out of every single orifice in his pretty face
>Griffith enjoys every second of it even as he shudders to the ground dead
>the apostle transforms back into its base form
>it's /ourboy/ Donovan
>winks at Guts and gives him a kissy face
>everyone just stands there jaw dropped as he walks over the next hill into the sunset
the end
Why aren't any Hunter""Chad's"" making an argument on why their series is a deconstruction? Did they get eternally BTFO. Looks like that meme will finally die. Berserkchads win again
>Berserkspic is now too afraid to directly engage Hunterchads so he's samefagging nonsequitir posts
This is some of the most hilarious COPE I have seen in a while.
No, because the story jumped to a completely different setting without Gon. Will Gon ever reflect on what happened? Not sure but at this pace who knows.
If you haven't noticed yet, berserkfags are getting assraped by hxhfags right now in this very thread.
>on a boat
And the Berserkbabby outs himself.
ITT: Berserkfags getting assfucked harder than their MC
>HUNTERSPICS can't make an argument so they stick to rapeposting
Funny how you guys can only win arguments against mhababies
I don't even read Berserk and I stopped reading HxH after Chimera arc cause it was shit though.
how the fuck has gon suffered
Nice headcanon
Gut's' arm is not overpowered, it's stated that it's impractical and can only hope to even scratch apostles if he decieves them and hit's pointblank
the hand portion is just a magnet to be able to pivot the sword
He won't because this is not a series that considers such sublte and intimate emotions. Again, it's a shonen series so don't expect too much from it, because the primary audience doesn't either.
>Meanwhile Gon permanently lost his Nen and was left by Killua as a consequence of his actions.
Remember when Gon apologized to Killua for losing himself to a murderous impulse and threw away his future rather than cooperate with his loving and trusting friend who would have helped him? Oh wait. Killua just forgave Gon regardless of how badly he fucked up rather than give Gon actual consequences to his most character defining moment in the entire series you guys harp on about
Back-peddle harder. And reread berserk while you're at it
And i'll repeat saying that suffering is a consequence of life. We all suffer internally. The only ways out are enlightenment or getting devoured by the madness.
Nietzsche summoned up Guts eternal struggle best by saying:“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
Gon on the other hand never truelly suffered. His "suffering" was the consequence of his own actions: wanting to become a Hunter and searching his father.
The reason for Gut's suffering was literally being born and actually started before it by being born from a dead hanged mother and taken in by to people who subjected him to a life of even greater suffering.
Which is why, in the spirit of this thread, one can only deduce that Guts suffered far more by others, but Gon suffered because of his own actions and carelessness. Hell, Kaito even died, because he wanted to protect him and his white haired gay lover..
I backpeddled nothing, I stand by what I said. You can provide no further examples and so have failed to make your point. At least Guts can admit when he is beaten.
>Hunterspic can't defend his ""deconstruction""
>Gets BTFO
Nice try Hunter"Chad"
>t. fag who hasn't even read the manga yet
>Dead mom
>Deadbeat dad
>Mother figure lied to him his entire live about his parents so he would stay with her
>Raped by dozens of tourists year after year, but takes it like a champ
>Became a mercenary as a 12 year old
>Participated in a war where his father figure sacrifices himself to protect him
>Avenges his father figure sacrificing himself
Gon has suffered the most at least Guts still gets facetime in the few yearly chapters.
Hard Cope.
Its a literal handcanon in a medieval fantasy universe. Not only is it overpowered, it is immersion-breakingly out of place. Even FMA, which had actual guns and air baloons, had less technologically advanced replacement limbs.
I will use rubber on my heart to survive death!
>He is adopted by the sister who is a great mom
>He chose to follow his deadbeat dad to ask him why he left him
>Finds dad and doesn't punch him or anyhting
Gon is a retard and so are you!
>trying to argue with hunterfags
guess who didn't get the memo
Are you under the impression Togashi gives a flying fuck about his audience? He will write his story just like he wrote a shonen innocent pure kid go all bloodthirsty serial killer in one arc. Look at Toriyama insulting his own fanbase.
Gon is a piss poor MC to begin with. But I suppose that's what you get for having a literal child as your MC. We can't really expect him to be a good MC, he's a stupid kid who made stupid choices, and even his motivations are weak. Find his deadbeat dad, become a hunter? He only wanted to become a hunter because hunters are strong and his dad was a hunter. Not to mention his dad ended up being a complete douchebag. Leoreo punching him in the face was probably the best part of the manga post-ants.
>I will use fairy dust to heal all my wounds
>punching your father when you meet him for the first time
miss me with that Naruto shit
Its a fantasy manga
He is a pussy
Well it isn't even used much after the first arcs when the enemies are relatively small fries and even then it only directly caused one single death
> Even FMA, which had actual guns and air baloons, had less technologically advanced replacement limbs
It's a cannon alright but it's just a iron cilinder with magnet fingers, he cannot move them or the wrist.
>these are your hunterchads
So is HxH, so why is it an issue for the protag to heal themselves using magic?
>give me multiple examples of everything or it doesn't count!!
It only happens once, you got me. The hunterchads got me with their superior manga where any and all setbacks their MC suffers is handwaved later
Besides nen, and his friendship, and living a normal life, and the mental trauma, yes everything else is waved.
You just described Guts, Gon is nenless and not even the MC anymore.
Cope harder.
Explaining something before a fight to use it as backup sures makes for an easy scapegoat.
For centuries, death was defined as the moment the heart stopped beating, until people discovered that manual compressions and later electric defibrillators can restart a stopped heart. In modern times, medical death is defined through the brain, which often expires about a minute after the heart stops. As far as kurapika's ability and the spider, nen abilities and conditions do not reflect objective reality but rather the users perceptions. As long as kurapika and chrollo truly believe the clown is dead, even for a moment, the condition is satisfied, even if hisoka promptly cheats death through restarting his own heart.
Prostrate in front of your masters and concede, Berserkfag.
>Not even the MC anymore
Not for this arc but to think Gon is done is retarded even for a Hunterchad to say.
That chart puts Furude Rika at a 95.
It's objectively a bad chart. She suffered more than every 100 on there.
But Guts is a well-written MC? Or can you say he is a complex character? In my book, a complex character is someone who has more than one motivation pulling him in opposite directions.
From what i've seen from Guts in the Golden Age, he first has no idea what to do with himself, later just wants to please Griffith (for some vague reason). That's one motivation and one goal if I am not missing anything. Not enough to call him complex. Correct me if I am wrong.
This arc will last at least 8 years. The DC arc will last another 8 years. That's 15 years without the MC. No manga in history has ever done that.
This is a Hunterchand
Funny how hunterfags can't come up with a pasta to the argument that HxH ISNT a deconstruction of shounen manga. Fellow berserkchads let's leave these kiddies and their RUBBER NEN
This is a Berserkfag
I have 8 pastas about HxH being a deconstruciton. Pick a number between 1 and 8
why are you always samefagging with non-sense whenever you get pushed back into the corner by hunterfags with actual arguments? stop being pathetic.
Not every manga is HiatusxHiatus
So? That's irrelevant.
When have HxHfags become this obnoxious?
Gon used Gon-san around chapter 300. He has lost his protag status and been completely depowered for almost 100 chapters now. 25% of the story already.
This arc was last until at least chapter 500. We aren't even at 400 yet.
How the fuck is that irrelavent to your post? It will take years because guy barely releases chapters.
how new? you're resorting to offtopic shit that don't contribute anything to the discussion whenever you get cornered, stop doing this.
Why are you people taking this blatant bait? Guts has clearly suffered more, everyone knows this. It's just your Hunter Hunter shitposters who think they're being funny by being contrarian...
Leorio hasn't been used as a protag. Ever yet he is in this arc. What constitutes a MC doesn't matter in HxH since its a clusterfuck.
You can't even form a coherent sentence Pedro, I'm not surprised HxH is above your reading level.
>cries samefag
>gets shown evidence proving otherwise
>wtf this is offtopic
Hows that corner Hunterchad? Comfortable?
You have to be massively malnourished in the mind to try and argue that Gon has suffered more than Guts, you're either a legitimate retard or a shitposter if you believe otherwise.
I don't remember Gon getting sexually abused by a fat man, or watching all of his companions get torn apart by demons, or watching his lover getting raped by a demon, or being haunted by his dead demon baby, amongst a multitude of other bullshit.
Gon's had a tough time sure, but jesus christ who the fuck are you chimera ant faggots trying to kid.
>Guts has clearly suffered more
Not going by this thread, you've been proven wrong again and again.
>more than every 100 on there
While I agree a number of the 100s are weak, Guts glaringly so as someone who spent the entire golden age, a significant potion of his life, outside of the depths of suffering, there are certainly 100s who deserve it more than her. Angry Manju, for example, is the powerman of suffering - you can't outsuffer him because he suffered whatever you suffered plus whatever everyone else on the list also suffered.
What nonsense? I called out you Hunterfags that keep spewing your deconstruction meme and I have yet to get a counterargument
Psychological scars take longer to heal than physical scars and so far Guts hasn't shown any psychological scar.
This is what you wrote
>Funny how hunterfags can't come up with a pasta to the argument that HxH ISNT a deconstruction of shounen manga. Fellow berserkchads let's leave these kiddies and their RUBBER NEN
After getting assraped by actual facts, you come up with stuff like this. Fuck off, if you have nothing of value to say.
Who ever said an MC needs to be "complex" to be a good MC? I don't know if I'd call Guts "complex" since he's a pretty simple dude who is easy to read, but he's at least got more depth to him than someone like Gon. Guts starts out just living day to day as a mercenary without any real goal or home. When he joins the band of the hawk he finally understands family, and when he hears Griffith bullshitting to the princess, he realizes he's never really thought about his own motivation in life and sets out to find himself. In the end, he decided to make mastering his sword his goal in life, and decided to return. Too bad Griffith fucked EVERYTHING up, then killed his entire "family" forcing him to walk the road of vengeance. Now, the story has come so far that he's leaning more towards simply protecting his friends and his burning desire for revenge is at its weakest yet. Guts has come a long way.
Gon is just a little kid who had a temper tantrum and lost his powers temporarily until the author decides he's finally ready to CONTINUE THE FUCKING STORY.
Replied to wrong post
That wasn't me retard! You are replying to the wrong user. Did you not see the screenshot?
>great debate
Only if you're a shitposting autist.
It's not even debatable, Gon's a cumdrop and can't even be compared to a character, let alone suffering.
He has though. Deep seated trust issues, paranoia, a cold and detached personally, an obsession with vengenance, haunted by nightmares even when he sleeps, trouble engaging in sexual intimacy, literal ptsd....
They're baiting
>Posting bait just to have HxH thread
This is why people have stopped reading Hunter.
Crosslinking offtopic shit is even worse than that, holy shit kill yourself.
Why does a spanish guy have a faggy fake british accent? Disgusting
He won't because Gon became practically worthless.
"Watch my eceleb debunk you!"
Either give me a tldr. Or fuck off underage
Backpedal more Hunterchad.
>falling for such a blatant falseflag shitpost
user, i..
Trap turned back time. Gon will just have to learn how to use his powers again. Watch as Gon ends up later in the Dark Continent. (somehow) In the year 2050.
She was mentioned and even shown during the Killua Rescue arc
This is a very low IQ post, let me explain to you why. This user cannot even comprehend the thought process that goes in writing because, much like the rest of Berserkplebs, he never paid attention in lit class. This is also why he's able to enjoy it post-Golden Age.
Alluka isn't an asspull by definition. Gon's state after his pledge had no precedent in the series, we, as readers, had no way to scale just how fucked he was. It is Togashi who did give us a way to assess it, when he wrote that scene with the exorcist saying there's nothing she can do.
This scene is important, because as far as we knew, that exorcist could just as well have been able to save Gon. Togashi could easily have written it that way or take any direction he wanted to. It could have been an arc about Killua going on some faggy quest on a goofy elf island to find the greatest nen exorcist, but instead Togashi introduced a character that not only gave us a glimpse of how dangerous the DC was going to be, but also set in motion a lot of events within Killua's family and possibilities for future plotlines: Killua finally found a goal, Illumi now has even more reasons to try and control him, Gon and Killua parted ways for the first time since like chapter 5, and all of this is obviously going to tie in with the DC and calamities.
It's the same people who scream "SHOW DON'T TELL" but when shit like this happens, it suddenly has to be tons of textwalls to be justified as foreshadowing.
It's bad writing user. Killua has a reality warping sister who will do whatever he wants, and he never brings her up. She is never forshadowed.
Just because you type a wall of text doesn't make what you're saying any less bullshit
Ok Hisoka before we start our fight there is this wall of text that you MUST know! Ok? Got it? Ah you did? Great, now you are alive cause of something you learned 10 minutes ago.
based and nenpilled
>i don't like it, so it's bad writing
yep, the classic
Its an AI from the Dark Continent, that's why its so powerful. We were foreshadowed about the existence of such things when Melody mentioned the Dark Sonata.
What did he mean by this?
No point in arguing with the shounenbabies
>gacha trash
This is your average anti-HxH shitposter/Berserk shill
She's an asspull. If Alluka had existed earlier, Killua would've went to her for help with healing Kite...instead of risking their fucking life trying to have Pitou heal him.
literally what??
>a character with ridiculous reality warping powers but with incredibly autistic rules governing what she can do
huh ok, cool, wonder how my god mangaka togashi with solve this
>actually killua can just bypass all of those restrictions because his sister likes him
I liked the Alluka arc btw, for the reasons you stated, but don't pretend this wasn't retarded.
>Berserk doesnt show us any direct effect of everything that has heppened to Guts.
except for all the scenes of him being adverse to touch due to rape trauma during the golden age arc, which ends up being one of the most important parts of his character development during that section of the story
you haven't actually read berserk have you
It was foreshadowing the Dark Continent arc. It was one of the threats brought back from a previous expedition. The real asspull was that Killua could use Alluka's power without consequence.
berserk arcs afer golden age are literally battle shounen shit, bordering on harem shit with every girl falling in love with guts, i've read all of the available chapters, and it's completely in a lower ball park from an actually mature narrative like hxh. guts even gathered a crew ala one piece, including a loli witch and they go on some naruto filler tier island adventure
By that time Killua was too busy with the mission in an enemy territory hundred of miles away from home. It's not practicaly to just say "brb i gotta go".
The AI's powers were never mentioned though
All of these Hunter posters who are saying that Gon suffered more are baiting. They'll post pastas, nitpick, and move the goalpost. When you destroy them in the argument, they'll either ignore the post or try to shift the goalposts with another copypasta.
These hunter x hunter shitposters are manchildren who think they're funny
The best arc wasn't even the Golden Age
You've never read Berserk
>i-if you BTFO me you're just baiting
seethe more berserkspic
After reading half of this thread. I have come to the conclusion that I have suffered the most
nice argument
So? If there is a card that heals you, then its not too incredible to think that there is some being that is also able to heal you.
>are literally battle shounen shit,
Just like the Hunter Exams and the Heavens Arena...
He's baiting, they're all fucking baiting. Look at this retard who unironically is saying that Guts has no psychological issues
Yeah it was the chapter where Schierke was having a bath and fell over Guts butt naked, then they fought some generic saturday morning cartoon pirates. Berserk is a mature manga.
hxh is reddit tier.
>This way
Post evidence from the manga that Guts has psychological issues excluding some superficial panels where he's crying about "muh casca" or "muh revange"
Here bro
One of your shitposters admitted that they're baiting and that they think they're being funny.
I've been watching you Hunter posters for the last few months and it's always the same shit. The same pictures, the same filenames, the same hashes on the pictures, the same copypastas, the same drawn out arguments with a quote of a manga panel that you think looks deep.
You're all fucking annoying and you're not funny. Pretending to be retarded will never be funny
I like both mangas both Gon is overall the weakest character in his own series and has suffered the least. It is a no contest.
rent fucking..
Its a OP fag.
Not a single pro-Gon argument in this entire thread, huntard. All you retards do is spam the same memes, with the same smug clown faces, and tear down other manga. Like carpenter ants
So rape trauma, fear of sexual intimacy, and literal nightmares don't count?
I'm not going to spoonfeed you because you can literally see his obsession with revenge and his paranoid cold personality in the first few fucking chapters of the manga
Sorry sir I didn't know internet was serious business
kabuto suffered worse than anyone
the part where he has a ptsd flashback in the middle of sex and almost chokes Caska, something you definitely haven't read because there's a naked woman involved and we all know hunterfags prefer 12 year old boys
Why are berserkfags and hxhfags even arguing and namecalling each other? Berserk is the king of seinen and HxH is the king of shonen, simple as.
user, are you okay?
im a hunterguy and even i know that you are being a retard on purpose
cool pic, im gonna steal it
>HxH villain of one arc: lets have a discussion about the unequal distribution of wealth and the necessary means to abolish injustice between the proletariat and the bourgeois
>main villain of berserk: no real character traits except being a mary sue, also a rapist for no reason
Take your average at best series that's about as daring and risky as a pair of safety scissors and crawl back to your containment thread, Berserkfaggots. You aren't even close to playing in the same league as HxH.
Didn't mean to link op, I'll just link the post
>rape trauma
>fear of sexual intimacy
He had sex with Casca
>literal nightmares
low tier writing, dont mean shit.
Berserk isn't the king of anything or even good post-GA, read more manga.
Even limiting to "entry-level action seinen on hiatus" category, Vagabond is far better.
That is the greatest evidence for poor quality. Hunters fanbase is a bunch of redditiors who infest this board and spam dead memes.
That pasta was made during the whole Tsubone stuff in the summer just to bait OPtards. What's your point?
vagabond doesn't have rosine though
>Vagabond is far better.
Kek, and the hunterfag is seriously telling me to read more manga.
All you have to do is scroll up and read all the "pro-Gon" areguments that have been presented extensively in this thread to realize how BTFO you are.
a literal filler villain that even the anime skipped because it's that worthless as an arc?
No user the guy doing this is the same dude using luffy images everywhere
>main villain of Berserk
Thank you for revealing what a retard you are.
>if i close my eyes I can pretend that i wasn't BTFO
grow up
Berserk is entry level edgy shit
I haven't seen this level of shit posting since VEG days. But I can also say with sincerity that I have lost most of the respect I had for the hxh community. I have no doubt that you are close to VEG tards.
The only thing I feel is a slight disdain at this pathetic waste of thread.
hunterchads at it again huh. while gon suffer a great deal. guts win. just imagine your childhood set in shitty grimmdark medieval times where you get raped by a black dude, live a life that you rather be dead only to find a love one getting rape right in front of you while getting watched by thousands of demons that you eventually had to kill to get revenge on a being akin to god . no to mention that god rape your wife into a retard.
are you stupid?
>taking bait seriously
o my.
>tfw this user has lost all his respect for the hxh community
why even live bros?
This cope signals our victory.
Good work Hunterchads.
Penis envy Griffith?
>He had sex with Casca
which was very traumatic for him, hence why Miura spent most of the golden age arc showing guts overcoming his fears of intimacy and building up to that moment and also why in the VERY NEXT CHAPTER after he has sex with Caska he has a mental breakdown and tries to choke her.
id say yu yu hakusho fans suffered the most
because the author could be writeing something decent but no
gay porn with kids it is
Berserk is easy fodder for us as they can't rely on the "MUH SALES" argument.
Fuck you VEG bros are better than HxH fags
Guts wins by default for being an original character. Gon is nothing more than a kid goku ripoff.
What a sad thread.
>pretending you're not samefagging like the faggot you are.
Which was all forgotten when they moved to the next arc. Guts even tried to have sex with some kid, so your "fear of intimacy" argument is bullshit.
They're all fucking wrong. Guts suffered more. He was a child soldier, who's adoptive father sold him to be rape as a child. When Guts found out, he had to kill his adoptive father in self defense which led to the people he grew up around trying to kill him. He never knew his bioligical mother because she was dead before he was even born.
When he finally starts to recover, the man who gave him everything takes it all away by sacrificing Guts and all of his friends to demons where they are all killed and bound for hell. Guts is forced to watch ad Griffith rapes Casca into insanity and also forces her to miscarry. Guts loses his arm and eye trying to save her.
Guts had trouble expressing himself intimately until Casca helped him heal, and then Casca who is his psychological anchor is raped into a comatose state...
Only a fucking retard would say that Guts suffered less than Gon
lol hunterfags confirmed. Togashi sure knows how to profit off sperglords.
the fuck you talking about
kid goku was likeable
At least this is a discussion about fucking manga/anime, half of the threads on Yea Forums nowadays is stale template shit and blatant shitposting
>HUNTERSPICS get BTFO by deconstructionanon
>Claim victory
Heh nice try shounenbabies
I hate you guys so much
>HxH villain of one arc: lets talk about shit that have no relation to the anime and will not procede the plot in any way
how is this good?
I guess you're right user.
>at least this is a discussion
It's not. The Hunterfags are downplaying Gut's suffering while exaggerating Gons.
Gon is literally laughing and smiling right now in the manga...the Chimera Ant arc and losing his nen had no profound effect on him. He's still the exact same character. Yet Huntertards will have you believe that Gon suffered more than Guts because his mentor died(conveniently reincarnated though), he killed an evil being(no physcological effect because killing Pitou didn't impact him in anyway), and he lost his nen(which saved his life since Pitou would've killed him otherwise)...
Congrats on proving 's point. Shitposting on this calibur shpuld be a bannable offense.
That it is. I can't stand people who act retarded
wait thats what HxH is about
how the fuck is that worse than losing every single friend you ever had because your best friend went mad?
or having to live in a constant world of hell fighting day and night to protect the broken shell of a woman you once loved and now cant clean her own asshole?
The main argument is that Gon's suffering feels more authentic and heavy because he was a child who had a somewhat normal childhood but then was faced with the harsh reality of the world that changed him and turned him into a cold murderer. While Guts never experienced a happy childhood and he was already born with the ability to survive in a harsh environment.
>child who had a somewhat normal childhood but then was faced with the harsh reality of the world that changed him and turned him into a cold murderer.
Was done better before.
That is a pretty shit argument
except he did. It's' just your life was so sheltered you didn't understand that. Guts was happy when he was a child. Especially when he suceeded in battle with Gambino. Nobody would of cared if he killed Gambino if his father was a one note character. Same case with golden age. The whole thing is him abandoning some group he cared very much about for some shitty soul searching quest. This is the trash relatebility argument again reframed from plebians who forgot that the iq distribution puts half the population at less than 100. Which ironicly is enough to populate hundreds of these threads.
You can say that Gon was more shellshocked because of his initial innocence, but Guts definitely suffered more. Gon never encountered the true death of a friend, the rape of himself or his lover, betrayl by both his best friend and his adoptive father, or the mass murder of his friends. Gon had an easy life. He grew up on whale island to a loving sister who took care of him and taught him kindness and how to interact with people. Meanwhile Guts was getting assraped while heing forced to be a child soldier.
You can't compare the two.
Even when Gon is a "child soldier" in the Chimera Ant arc, it's completely optional, and he's never truly forced to kill anyone aside from Pitou.
>Guts never experienced a happy childhood
And yet he suffered less somehow?
he was already born with the ability to survive in a harsh environment.
No he wasn't, he had to learn how to survive the hard way.
A thread died for his steaming pile of shit.
>Yamori - 90
>The guy he tortured - 85
OP here, I love making people like you seethe over such a simple bait. It makes me feel superior to the rest of you peanuts.
Think about this. How old was Guts when Griffith killed his friends and raped his girlfriend and how old was Gon was he went through all that Chimera Ant arc. Also think how much traumatic experiences affect a child compared to a teenager or an adult.
>Also think how much traumatic experiences affect a child compared to a teenager or an adult.
Guts was assraped by a man when he was younger than 10.
Guts had to kill his own adoptive father before he was 13.
Guts was a CHILD soldier.
Gon didn't go through shit. He killed pitou, he beat a few ant minions, and then he went home.
How is this even a debate? Or are you doing this just for (You)'s?
yamori died though, meanwhile kaneki gets treated like a dindu nuffin until the end and everyone jumps on his cock
I'm just kind of let down because I expected some serious discussion, but since all you faggots ever do is constructing misleading pseudo arguments and reading too much into your battle shonen I should have known better. Have fun spamming the same shitty copypastas and pictures you always do like a bottom tier wage slave that goes through the motions of his job deluding himself into thinking he's having fun so he doesn't have a mental breakdown over his boring, repetitive life.
Yeah but Guts was already used to that environment, he was born from his dead mother's corpse. Gon had to face a way more harsh reality because of his happy childhood. That affected him more psychologically because he wasn't a trained child soldier like Guts.
fuck this thread
You're literally seething, though.
>Life is suffering. You don't choose to be born. It's not your fault.
T.Zeke Yeager
>It makes me feel superior
So you have a complex. Who cares?
>a nation filled with the weak
>huntards thinks pic related is actually a good thing
How is that supposed to be worse than guts?
>Great debate
>Implying this is even a question
Replace "guts" with "gyro" and all the Huntards ITT would say gon suffered nothing copared to him.
>Or are you doing this just for (You)'s?
The fucker admitted that was his intent right here Then you've got the shitposters who've been downplaying Gut's suffering for 500 posts straight
>Guts was already used to
Being raped as a child isn't something that anybody's prepared for. Rape is physiologically damaging, and Guts was forced to cope with a rape when he wasn't even a teenager yet.
Gon never faced anything on the same level or calibur as Guts did. Gon has a happy life right now, and he had a happy life in the past. The only time he suffered was when he was moping over Kite (who came back to life)
I'm not the one who goes into a thread and whines about how supposedly bad it is etc.
You don't even understand what you're typing.
Yeah, he died pretty quickly all things considered.
Kaneki was mostly murdered, tortured, brained, brained again, brained multiple more times until he forgot who he was, and then the second part started where he had to live through being part of :Re. That last one is true suffering.
>this entire post
>somehow Guts being a child soldier, raped, fought in a war doesn't' count because it was un"authentic" or not "heavy"
Fucking hell. That's it enough retardation for today. I'm bailing this thread. And no, he wasn't "born" with the "ability to survive". Fucking hell, who the fuck born with that ability.
>hey guys, I have a superiority complex so baiting people makes me feel good.
no one cares faggot.
Can i get sauce on the chick that maxed out suffering but did not deserve any of it? The top left one?
All of this stuff didn't matter in the end though, because of his broken rize kagune which is the equivalent of having a pocket-alluka that almost instantly heals all of his physical wounds.
Yes I do.
That just modifies the injury, not the suffering.
>Huntard talking about non sequiturs when they are the bigest retarded pasta spammers in board.
Eat shit you dimwited cretin.
The real question is did agni suffer more than guts. I think he did. Guts atleast is still guts. Agni had his personality fucked with and by the end had no real conception of what reality was.
Holy shit, did you even read this manga? How is it possible to be this absolutely braindead?
>He had sex with Casca
That is literally the same moment he expresses his trauma.
>low tier writing, dont mean shit.
The only shit here is your posting in all senses of the word.
Being born in the quagmire of a shitty world doesn't mean everything that happens to that individual is less fucked up. What the fuck user.
Guts got raped and keked. Why are you even asking?
I hate you guys so much.
>gets beaten hard in a fight
>whops don't matter because of o my rize kagune
>loses all of his memories
>whops, gets them back 50 chapters later
>gets to fuck his waifu all day and even has 2 kids
>literally turned into ghoul jesus who is ageing slower because of dragon cells
Let's face it, his only real suffering comes from having lost both of his parents at a young age. Hell, almost all of the Anteiku members, Hide etc are still alive against all odds. On top of that, he gets treated as someone who did nothing wrong despite being responsible for the murder of thousands of innocents.
As oposed to gon? Where are his? Hes completly fine, kite even came back to life.
>the fact he could regrow his fingers/toes means he never felt pain when they were cut off one by one continuously
>born in a pool of blood from the corpse of a hanged woman
>step-mother dies early in his life
>step-father physically abuses him everyday
>child soldier at the age of 4
>step-father lets a magical wise negro take his bootyhole for a spin for a couple coins
>killed his rapist at the age of 10
>murdered his own father at around the same age
>ended up getting thrown in prison
>first fairy friend fucking dies
>constantly killing, always surrounded by the worst of humanity in the thick of war and bloodshed
>the first group of people he could call family were all horribly murdered by his best friend
>his best friend rapes his girlfriend in front of him
>loses an arm and an eye trying to save her as he's forced to watch
>constantly hunted by apostles, day in and day out
>an annoying fairy won't stop following him
Guts can count the number of good days he's had on his one remaining hand, and he doesn't have to use all of his fingers.
and? pain is only temporary and thanks to the torture, he became even stronger.
>pain is only temporary
How much of an edgelord are you to think a man who was tortured for weeks wasn't actually tortured because he could regrow the body parts that were cut off?
Cut your finger off, a doctor can reattach it.
But almost every ghoul in the series took massive damage only then to get healed after a short period of time, ghouls are literally designed for that. On top of that, you forgot that Kaneki has literally the most broken Kakuho in the series, even Yamori's pointing that out. If Kaneki had died at the end of the series, maybe then his suffering would be justified. But there was too much MC wank involved that left a bad taste in my mouth.