Why did they make him so much less masculine in the 3rd season?
Why did they make him so much less masculine in the 3rd season?
>Why did Jotaro grow up from his edgy teenage phase?
>Why can't we all remain edgy and nonconformist for our whole lives?
>Do I really need to get a job?
I'm 100% with you, OP.
I never said anything about "edgy". I mean physically why does he look less masculine?
He looked like he was in his late 20's when he was 17, and in his late 20's he now looks like a 17 yo.
Different art style but he was still chad
Well, I fucking hate it. Why did they change the season 2 art style? That was perfect.
Ask the donut eater himself.
Just you wait until Stone Ocean gets animated.
Each season of the Jojo TV anime has had a different character designer adapting to the various changes in Araki's artwork between different parts of the story and it changes a lot over the course of things.
They made his jaw actually look like a jaw instead of being perfectly angular and flat.
Yea, I think I'm dropping it. I'm just a few episodes into S3 and I can't deal with this ed, edd n eddy art style.
>ed, edd n eddy art style
Man, people make some retarded claims about things related to Jojo sometimes.
I'm referring to the color palette and the slightly off human proportions.
You say this with the series currently airing. If anything DIU looks like Archie not Ed, Edd and Eddy.
>slightly off human proportions
This is literally every Jojo part. It was even worse in the early part 4 manga. There's not a single Jojo part with actually realistic proportions. The colors are kind of wacky in the part 4 anime but they return to normal for part 5. I liked the colors in part 4 though. Parts 1-3 always looked kind of dull to me. I read the manga in black and white before the anime started though so any color pallets don't really bother me.
I always hated how young Jotaro looked in part 6. I wanted to see him as an old bastard.
If you wanted realistic human proportions, you came to the wrong fucking show to begin with
Well, the first 2 seasons had most humans looking at least somewhat normal, so the eccentric looking ones stood out. Also, the color palette was normal outside of the special fighting scenes, so it made for a nice contrast.
But now it genuinely looks like those old CNN cartoons.
The facial features also seem to be getting worse for some reason.
>complaining about off-human proportions
>with fucking jojo
>Part where all the shoulders look like cheese wheels is completely normal human proportions
>Slightly off human proportions
Are you forgetting the goddamn robot-shoulders everyone had in SDC?
It never looked realistic
Keep watching you will get used to it
Read the manga for part 4, the anime's art style is atrocious.
>watches part 3
>sees no issues with anatomy
>watches part 4
>wtf these proportions are so weird!
What do you even call this kind of autism?
Fuck off retards. You know that's not what I meant. My point was that the average human looked fine and the backgrounds were alright.
I preferred everyone looking like a bodybuilder to season 3.
They look more normal in Diamond is Unbreakable than any other save the 1st part.
He was better in DiU. He actually had a personality.
The part 4 manga only starts looking good like after the halfway part. It looks like shit 90% of the time early on.
But he did have a personality in SC. He was a broody punk who was also very intelligent and calculated. The contrast between him and the other characters made him stand out. What's the issue?
>Well, the first 2 seasons had most humans looking at least somewhat normal
Is your name Jeph Loeb by any chance?
I tend to disagree, because the idea surrounding him was better executed in part 3, but that's because of his role as a protagonist, while in DiU he made a decent job as a secondary character.
Josuke a best tho.
Well araki's artsyle changed during the arc,
why is that so hard to understand?
just look at first manga chapter josuke, he was just SC Jotaro.
He was very forgettable. He was literally a plot device.
I guess he just felt too static for me. Sure he might have a slight attitude change in the beginning because his mother is in grave danger but, they could have showed some bonding moments between him and Joseph or made him change his outlook or something.
He showed his admiration of Koichi which shows what kind of person he is, he admires courage in the face of overwhelming danger. Part 3 rarely had those moments.
Well, I haven't read the manga.
>He was very forgettable. He was literally a plot device.
And which of the main character wasn't a plot device? He was by far the most memorable of the main cast since he stood out the most.
He started HRT.
He actually has less of a personality, but people are more tolerant of it because he’s no longer the protagonist.