Name a better girl

Name a better girl

Attached: 09yy9.png (640x480, 424K)

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It can't be the black one.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Sharp.08.[92F8C1F8].avi_snapshot_11.22_[2015.03.03_02.22.33].jpg (640x480, 38K)

Attached: 873573.png (282x260, 124K)

yes it can be, you are just racist and bluepilled

The picture showed several whites and one black. Why would the black have the white name? She did nothing wrong.

and stay there

>white name
a name i just a name sure there are names that are linked with different cultures but it's just a significance to identify someone there is nothing deep about have a name linked to a certain culture even if you are not from it.

shut the fuck up faggot. This isnt the dbz and jojo board. All Yea Forumsnime can be discussed here

Kill yourself

Attached: 1551656692956.jpg (960x720, 502K)

This show is so fucking dark, i almost couldn't keep watching with all the suicide shit fucking edgy as fuck