What was that?

What was that?

Attached: perfect-blue-8225356eaefd7cc838f6733607f4997f.jpg (1000x1480, 191K)

a movie

a pretentious movie

Attached: 1545320771937.png (1000x1000, 1.7M)

Best movie of all time

Oh yeah

Attached: PerfectBlue01.jpg (1280x688, 402K)

2deep4u done right

They're both really straight forward. What do you not understand ? Do you want me to explain their plot to you like you're a mentally challenged big baby ?

I don't see what the big deal was about this movie... animation quality was pretty noticeably bad in spots too.


That's 1999 version, so it kinda deserves a spot there. It isn't bad, but anyone who says it's better than 2011 is just wrong or blinded by nostalgia.

>reeeeee stop watching anything besides generic shonen shit!

dont forget seasonal moeshit, they seem to be the only 2 genres Yea Forums has no problem with

It's easily the best of Statoshi Kon works, Millennium Actressfags aside. The sound trick is chilling, the transitional cuts are insane and was one of the first animes to take a jab at the idol industry. Not to mention that it holds up pretty well over time, nothing has been done like it since.
Perfect Blue is the only real horror anime out there.

Goddamnit I miss Statoshi Kon.

I know this is a bait pic but holy shit imagine being so dumb as to where you don't understand Perfect Blue or Madoka or Eva. Holy shit

>claiming 1999 version to be better makes it pretentious
Based retarded user

Because they're not your usual seasonal magic harem it obviously means they're pretentious.

No, it doesn't. However claiming that it's better is pretentious.
And if you aren't a newfag you should know this board have serious issues differentiating between qualities of an anime and of its fanbase. If you insist on that distinction even more anime on that list doesn't make sense.

ever heard that less work is more? reason why people hire cinematographers for animations as well

Read my post again retard you contradicted yourself in your first line

Attached: 1c836c696864001dfb4f10822c01ec4834185ed5v2_hq.jpg (1024x775, 68K)

Learn English, retard. Especially the difference between subject and object. Or maybe you're just too retarded to notice which implied words such trivial sentence structure omits.

If an anime is old (aired before 10 years ago) and still gets talked about, it's "pretentious". Come on user, you must know this by now.


>my fav cult show is not there

You're fucking dumb. You said HxH 1999 was pretentious and now you say the fanbase is pretentious for thinking it's better. You're not making any sense

I can add it there if you want to :)

A dissection of idol culture and how it affects people.

Whats there not to get?
>bimbo chick gets tired of being an Idol
>some mentally ill self insert becomes totally mad
>stupid fanboy gets tricked by catfish cow
>mc finally gets to do what she wants aka being a degenerate whore actress

Where is Tatami Galaxy?

Except GiTS, Perfect Blue and LoGH are fantastic, and madoka is really good

Shinsekai yori is boring, pinpong is awful, Eva manga is better, bakemonogatari is pointless, HXH is for faggots, Lains is unecesarilly abstract and therefore bad..

and the real pretentious shit is Utena second half and Tatami gaylaxy

... middle row right edge, user.
