Fate/stay night by Kyoani


Attached: Golden Saber.webm (704x396, 2.55M)

It would be glorious.

I want this SO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!

>can't watch webm
Does anyone have the video link ? Thank you so much

Why can't you watch it user kun?

>fate with actually good production values
>fate with actually good audiowisuals
It would be a dream come true.

Why does the entire show have this ugly desaturated look like you're watching it through a dirty window

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Kyoani fate needs to happen already. And it needs to be directed by Takemoto.

The CGI looks great though.

KyoAni Fate would probably make you fall asleep

Holy shit, this looks absolutely incedible.

The one responsible for cleaning them was slacking off.

Attached: she had ONE job.png (1477x926, 1.69M)

>it would be properly animated
>it would have backgrounds that don't clash with the characters
>it would have gorgeous hand drawn special effects
>it would have kickass action-scenes

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>Fate route rewritten by nasu and made by kyoani
a man can dream

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Nobody was even talking about CGI

Kyoani never made a good action scene in their life. They made some pretty looking action scenes, but they all had bland and forgettable choreography. Prove me wrong.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

Maybe try to make sensible replies next time if being called out hurts you this bad

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I want Gunnm by Kyoani to be honest.

>the child doesn't know

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Watch TSR, watch Munto also see attached webm.

Attached: 4753954685245.webm (720x404, 2.93M)

Kill yourself ESL.

>but they all had bland and forgettable choreography
Trash opinion.

>franxx pic in a veg thread
What are you doing my man?


A good reaction is worth its bit weight in gold.

You're frankly really embarrassing, so I guess I'll just stop replying to you for now

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About what? I'm laughing at you because you're a massive newfag who doesn't even know what CGI means. The digital effects, depth of field and graded lighting in Evergarden are all CGI.

Attached: Tea sparkles.png (960x540, 886K)

SeeThe depth of field around the edges of the screen, the glow around the edge of the spilt tea, the sparkles and the light shining from the top right corner of the screen is all CGI. The yellow light being emitted from the corner isn't a preset filter, it's CGI and specifically defined for the scene. All the digital effects look great in Evergarden.

If you're so new that you don't even know this then you need to go back.

Maybe Seinfeld just doesn't realize that all 3dcg is cgi but not all cgi is 3dcg?

Dumb crossboarder.

This looks absolutely amazing

If you want to get very technical, even most of the processes creating modern anime are computerized. Regardless, it's really fucking retarded to pretend visual direction boils down to CGI. When user notes the visuals look "desaturated" as a result of design choices, it's beyond me why you want to pretend he's somehow fully focused on commenting a fucking flare on a pool of tea. You're seemingly a person who desperately wants to use word "CGI" when discussing for example animation quality as being digital obviously means this word choice is sensible. You're both missing what the original user meant and how words are used in discussion, making you come off as a pretentious asshat.

That's a lot of projection you've got going on there. If you don't know what CGI means then you shouldn't be posting here cretin. The visuals very clearly do not look "desecrated". I don't think you know what that word means either, the CG actually makes the images look more saturated like here and in attached webm. I said CGI as it encompasses all digital effects in the show, which all look amazing. The CGI blatantly draws out the colours in the cut and makes them more vibrant. It gives the scene a very nice complementary golden tone.

Attached: process.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

Yea. You can see how it goes from looking dull to having an actual atmosphere.

Attached: 39248723945.png (400x289, 101K)

>that filter

You might just be mentally ill.

The effects look good.

>that comment

I'm not sure if you're missing the point on purpose (at least considering you somehow seem to be arguing against a hypothetical stance I claim the visuals are "desecrated", but I'm willing to believe that to be just a typo and not retardation), or if you're so deep to the Kyoani end that you fail at reading comprehension, but regardless, your post is garbage as a reply. For the record, I'm not even arguing whether the series actually looks desaturated, or bad, or even if the desaturation doesn't fit the specific scenes, just that you as a poster completely fail at actually addressing the posts. Nobody asked you to spend an entire post stuttering how all the CGI actually makes images more saturated, as the original discussion wasn't about CGI in the first place, you twat.

What does CGI stand for? CG stands for Cute Girls that much is obvious but the I ...

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