Would you go to Antarctica with these 4 dorks?
Would you go to Antarctica with these 4 dorks?
Of course.
Only if they're going pengin-hunting.
You mean penguin hugging...r-right?
right away, where do I sign up to go to nakyouku?
>tfw you will never go on a life changing adventure with friends
Only if I get to be the Thing.
>mfw I went on a life changing adventure with friends so a decade later I spend all my time here
Not all adventures end well, user.
It would make my life complete.
Reminder that these dorks were born after the year 2000.
There might be people born after 2000 in this very thread, user
Someone post the pic from the guy who went to Antartica because of this show.
No. They're ugly.
yes. it was my anime of the year
Shirase and Yuzuki are canonically beautiful.
Hinata is the only ugo and kimari is just plain looking.
Hinata is beautiful on the inside.
just go alone, that's what I'm planning
Yes, obviously.
Now enough talk. Let's lewd the girls already.
Kill yourself, Yori shill. If you genuinely believe that anyone is falling for your samefagging, you are severely delusion. End your life, subhuman trash. Stop shilling trash by CR. Stop trying to create the illusion of discussion. No one but you remembers this melodramatic garbage. Your life is painful, so you must get rid of it. You will feel relieved, and you will thank me in your afterlife.
Thanks for the bump, pal
Kill yourself. I saged the thread; you're the one who bumped it, samefagging shill. Let this seasonal garbage rot. Let it be forgotten. No one gives a shit about it. Only you care about it because you have to feed your starving family in Zimbabwe.
Also bump
based and purplepilled
Heck no but that's only because I have my own dork friends I want to go there with instead
no. i would rather stay home all day and read manga instead
It's you idiots's fault that he keeps doing this.
Less talk, more lewd.
This thread is disgusting.
You are the only person who believes that there is one person who hates this show. Multiple people are tired of your shilling. Kill your worthless self.
No one is going to fap to those disgusting ugly "girls."
No. They are ugly.
We need to find out why the penguin went to the mountain.