ITT: your most favorite manga

ITT: your most favorite manga

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Pure love and innocent.

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For me, it is "Yotsubato!".

How come comic reading children don't send this clown directly to ?

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terrible ending


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It's either GTO or onani master Kurosawa

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the anime is going to be shit

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I like your tastes my friend.

>part 1
Extremely based

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I have a t-shirt print of this cover, it's the only weebshit I wear.

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i fucking love dororo where can i get it?

So who were those characters?


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It was the only right endind user

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A man refined taste, I see.

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maybe i'll go reread it
or angel densetsu

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brainlet. it´s objectively one of the best endings ever.

It´s in my top 10, not my personal number 1, but I would dare to say it´s the best manga I ever.I kept thinking about that for the rest of the night.

good to see people who appreaciate the magnificence of BR unlike those bastards who think its just gore and misery porn.

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Of course someone would post 177013

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followed closely by

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>better than the original manga it's based off
>better than all other spin-offs
>better than its own sequel

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user, are you having a stroke?

Seeing how someone can praise both Homunculus and Battle Royale just says a lot about a person, series that try to be deeper than they are and fail at it.

If not for the art I'd be all over this.

Roninfags, rise up!

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we never got a definitive answer of whatever the fuck Killy was doing before contracting autism