From MHA and BC which one is doing it better so far? Are they living up to the big 3's OPs or Fairy Tail's?
Shonen OPs
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Literal trash compared to any other GOOD shonen.
I do kind of agree with this, but Peace Signs has warmed up on me, and Black Rover is a jam
The best Openings of MHA and BC, like Peace Sign and Black Rover, would be some of the worst op's in series such as One Piece, Jojo, Bleach, Gintama or any other show with outstanding OPs
What would be the worse OPs from those animes?
>peace signs
You can easily tell they're gay for each other.
Shizuku is here to clean the trash
-please leave MHA fans on transparent plastic bags and BC fans on black plastic bags
-please do not forget that they should be cold dead or her nen will not work
Both have better OPs than HxH, and all of those OPs can't even hold a candle to the OPs of the Big 3
Meh except for a couple they're pretty mediocre, I don't know what kind of tone-deaf retards made the choices.
Best Op in history right?
>the OPfag is seething again
I have my own pics but we are united either way
Why mention Fairy tail?
Because it has really rockin OPs.
This is undeniable fact. If you disagree you are wrong and in denial.
BC by a long shot. There has never been a bad Black Clover opening. Black Rover wasn't voted best OP of 2018 for nothing
I like the full version better
better than all the OPs from MHA and BC.
Black Clover have the best openings, by far.
And the best EDs too
That one doesn't stand out to me like Black Rover does.
Best ED imo
I disagree
No one likes MHA music? Everyone is just talking about BC, yet Peace Signs is really good!
BC has amazing ops.
I like BNHA's soundtrack more than it's OPs/EDs. Tracks like "Just Another Hero"
Those tracks are legendary, i do have to agree.
This is cheating HxH has really good endings.
Peace Sign is great but the S3 openings sucked, I agree with BNHA really has some hype soundtracks though