Can you define what is ANIME????

>pic unrelated

Anime fags BTFO.

You can't define anymore what is anime what isn't!!!!

Attached: JotaroProfile.png (370x555, 382K)

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So what was araki thinking when he made jotaro?

Animation made in Japan by Japanese people. The definition gets fuzzy if you're talking about stuff with both Japanese and western people involved but overall 99% of what could be considered anime is made in Japan.


He drew me.

anime is dumb anyway

kill yourself retard.

clint eastwood

>Crunchy roll shill youtuber
This is what happens when we let reddit fags into Yea Forums.

Go fuck yourself, you dumb fucking shill. If it's not made in Japan for a Japanese audience by Japanese people, it's not anime.

You literally posted the best example of this, JoJo, which has plenty of Western sensibilities, especially in Part 7, but is still anime.

I get it OP. You want rolls, you get rolls.

Attached: Getyourrollsnow.jpg (2200x9995, 3.81M)

Whoever I get, I have to listen to them sing


Attached: 1.png (171x171, 25K)

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get d

>Yea Forums becoming Yea Forums
and that's a good thing

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>How aroused can I make myself through drawings alone?

Damn you don't even get anything with dubs

because there's no dubs on /vg/

discord falseflag general
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