How would everything turned out if Goku didn't intervene?
How would everything turned out if Goku didn't intervene?
They all would have died on Namek.
Frieza becomes immortal and fucks earth
Frieza wouldn't give two shits about Earth due to
That and Vegeta saved Goku at the begining of the Android Saga.
Without the hands down best character of the abridged series DBZ would be completely different. In a writing sense though it would just mean another character would be the second strongest warrior, Maybe Piccolo but I would hope Krillin.
It's like the universe keeps rewarding Goku for making all the most retarded, suicidal choices
A Super Famicom game titled Super Gokuden 2 explores this and a bunch of other alternate scenarios. Krillin and Gohan are killed by Guldo in the Namek arc.
Why would they even go to namek
He still can't speak namekian. Dumbass could have never gotten his wish.
To revive Piccolo to bring back Earth's set of Dragon Balls.