Fumetsu no Anata 94

She's back.

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I thought it couldn't happen, but Bon has grown on me. Must be the new haircut.

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Best horse granny ever.

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He's keeping his strongest bodies with him so he can turn and fight anytime I guess.

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Feeling guilty, Bon?

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Eko's such a precious girl. Too bad she's got a pile of death flags.

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Finally. Mommy's back.
I hope she will get to grow up this time.

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Thanks and this first page is pretty communist.

>Fushi was the key to successful communism all along
Is the man in black isekai'd Marx?

Nice thanks

Is she gonna retain both her and Fushi's memories? Or is Fushi gonna have to tell her what happened to everyone else?

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The princess he ressurrected before didn't inherit Fushi's memories so I suppose that doesn't happen. The true question is whether she will retain the memory of the decades she spent following Fushi as a spirit.