Claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter
>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq
>only showed up to accept an Academy Award after John Lassetter bribed him with a ride on the Lassetter winery train
>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
>tells a Ghibli animator working on Princess Mononoke that the kid’s never known suffering because if he did he’d be a better animator

Why is he so bitter, Yea Forums?

Attached: hayao-miyazaki_vhyx.jpg (620x456, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:東京・埼玉連続幼女誘拐殺人事件

Because he understands that the meaning of life is literally to love.

I assure you, this is why. And that is why he is the Hayao Miyazaki of our world.

Why do you have to make threads about Miyazaki every single day, user?

It's Miyazaki himself, don't let anyone else know this

Who gives a shit about his personality? The movies are great.

It's just that Yea Forums seems to have fallen on a loop in which all it can discuss is FOTM shit, bitter complaining about shows they don't watch, bitching about moe/isekai/GAR/CGI/whateverthecurrentmemeproblemis, and then you have the guys that make the same thread every day, like OP and the "forgotten shows" spammer.
It's just so tiresome.

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I accepted the fact that Yea Forums is shit a long time ago, just go to threads of shows/manga you like, no point opening everything else if the mods clearly don't give a fuck

Miyazaki hit a nerve, otakus on suicide watch.
The majority of anime is just about other anime the author watched before, it's not about something proper.

Yes you replied to this thread, if you can't even self-moderate, then you have no right to complain.

He's great, gonna miss him when he kicks the bucket.

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He's bitter and uppity but that's because he's a real artist and has talent, unlike that one trick pony hack Anno.

There is literally nothing wrong with doing any of these things

>you have no right to complaint
Hello, constitution.

i disagree

Not everyone on this website lives in the same country

He also cooks ramen for his crew on occasion. So I think people are far more interested in highlighting his most egregious moments, of which there are plenty, yes. He's an old man.

Why are you so bitter about him?
Still mad he insulted your no substance CGDCT garbage?

Thank god I didn't imply that, then.

He is harsh but fair, it's the best way to describe his unique personality.

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter
>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq
>only showed up to accept an Academy Award after John Lassetter bribed him with a ride on the Lassetter winery train
>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
Nothing wrong with any of this, the Oscars are literally paid advertisements for Hollywood films anyways, you fucking retard.
>tells a Ghibli animator working on Princess Mononoke that the kid’s never known suffering because if he did he’d be a better animator
Hehe, that's pretty funny.

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter
This is true.
>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq
It's perfectly reasonable to protest against neocon wars.
>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
This is also true.
>tells a Ghibli animator working on Princess Mononoke that the kid’s never known suffering because if he did he’d be a better animator
To become talented requires a lot of practice and hard work (i.e. suffering).

Bitter? More like based.

>Nothing wrong with any of this, the Oscars are literally paid advertisements for Hollywood films anyways, you fucking retard.

Kiki and Howl are a shitfest in terms of plot and writing


In the presence of Akira Kurosawa he acted like a pussy, bowing and nervously smiling all the time.

Kiki sucks on emotional level too
Kiki is a tryhard fuckup, poeople are mean to hear becouse she fucks up all the time. Oh wow she saved some kid now lets suddenly forget about everything that happened, everybody now loves everybody.

This is how the site "died"

He's bitter because Tezuka is considered the father of anime, not him.

>In the presence of Akira Kurosawa he acted like a pussy, bowing and nervously smiling all the time.
Does he have a reason to not like and respect Kurosawa? He does these things out of a certain grudge, not for bitterness sake. He was heavily inspired by him, I would act the exact same if I met a director as great and as respected by me as him.

>This is true.
Maybe 5 years ago, but it's consistently improving.
>It's perfectly reasonable to protest against neocon wars.
Yeah, I can agree with that.
>This is also true.
No, it's his subjective opinion and telling directors that they are dumb for doing their job, is just irreverent.
>To become talented requires a lot of practice and hard work (i.e. suffering).
And he is still one of the best animators in the world and I seriously doubt that Miyazaki's "advice" contributed to that.

It really isn't.

howl is and only in the 3rd act

How does it feel, being such a brainlet that you can't even get the messege of this movie?



Attached: nice try.png (659x347, 17K)

Yeah, because you couldn't have edited that, sure.

Then a bit quicker this time

Still a faggot

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Is this a real quote about Naoko Yamada?

Who is this guy?

>somehow this is proof
Lol, still edited.

Daily reminder that he is a
>self-proclaimed communist
>self-proclaimed feminist
>self-proclaimed humanist
And that he insulted Abe on multiple occasions for no reasons
He's also a lolicon but shits on other lolicons

It calls culling the competition.

He is not bitter. He's is simply based and redpilled.


>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter
I don't think he meant all 3D animation is like that, just probably the overuse of it. after all he used CG in most of his movies starting from Mononoke on.

Great to know that not everyone suck abe's dick

Miyazaki is a hack and a fraud and compensates it by acting like he is better than everyone else.

Whatever makes you sleep at night

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He's good at what he does but he's a massive cunt. There have been other great people like him. Can we just stop having these irrelevant threads about him every week?

>self-proclaimed communist
>self-proclaimed feminist
>self-proclaimed humanist
Humanism and feminism mean very different things to Miyazaki than they do to you and your diseased American brain. Communism used to be a lot more popular than it is now.

I don't think you can cause anyone to lose their sleep in the first place, user.

I thought Japan was suppose to be conservative? Why is he doing things that a libtard would do?

>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq

I totally agree. America should have gone into Iraq and gone full Hitler mode not the chicken shit from the Vietnam War.

most talented people are eccentric

I feel sorry for his family though because apparently he is a pretty shitty husband and father

The more I learn about him the more based he becomes

He can say whatever the fuck he wants because he is the best anime director along with Takahata

>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
he's not wrong though
all of these ww2 films are revisionist, i realized this after watching ww2 docs in both japanese and english where the tone is markedly different (grim/solemn) compared to movies like "the eternal zero" or "anata no tame ni shi ni iku"

>>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity
>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
But these are 100% true
I mean you look me in the eye and tell me GATE isn't written by someone bitter as fuck nationalist that would bomb Every American State if given the chance
And 3D has ruined animated movies forever. Remember the last time Disney did an Animated movie? If there was one between now and PatF I certainly didn't hear about it.
And nobody is trying to recapture that feeling while Disney slowly implodes under it's own weight

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter
thats not true, its the ease of 3D that makes people lazy and less creative. Its more about someones skill.

Only boomer cuckseritives support neocon wars

Any normal conseritive else where on the planet wants nothing to do with that

it's a movie, all of them are revisionist

He’s a senile old fool and a self-hating lolicon

I agree with you, but if you're going into a war you better be going in to win. Otherwise, you will hurt the morale of the nation.

Just look at how much of a shitfest America became after they lost the Vietnam War.

Who cares.

It's all part of the "Anime was a mistake" meme.

I didn't know Miyazaki was THIS based.

his movies are great and I can forgive just about anything the man does. also understand how anime was a mistake by the amount of repeated garbage we have right now. Isekai and harems are a good example.

Fucking I would probably spill my spaghetti too. Kurosawa deserves to get his dick sucked.

He was right on all accounts.

> how anime was a mistake
user he never said that shit, it's a meme

>I mean you look me in the eye and tell me GATE isn't written by someone bitter as fuck nationalist that would bomb Every American State if given the chance
Gate isn't written by some bitter as fuck nationalist that would bomb Every American State if given the chance.
Just the major ones

What's the matter exactly? That the films are pro Japanese?

All of these things are good things, and this only heightens my opinion of him

Kurosawa is a hack next to true greats like Kobayashi and Mizoguchi.

Post a Webm of you opening this thread in incognito mode, and then scroll to the post

Yes, Miyazaki is of the opinion that WW2 was a deeply shameful time for Japan and shouldn't be portrayed positively

He's got an ego, but the simple fact is that he's an empty Japanese nationalist who has never known strife and isn't even the top of his profession.

some movies are faithful to history
i thought dunkirk was pretty good if you can ignore the empty beaches
gallipoli as mel gibson's first movie in the 80s was faithful to the point where it was explicitly implied the aus landing party practically acted as meatshields
documentary/hisotrical footage however can only be stretched so much

What a faggot. He only thinks this because Japan lost WWII. If Japan had won the war he would be singing a different tune.

Literally a boomer

my fav director EVER

he was born in 1941 so no he is not a boomer

>tells a Ghibli animator working on Princess Mononoke that the kid’s never known suffering because if he did he’d be a better animator

There is something very seriously wrong with him.

What the fuck is this shit? I hate people like you.

Because he's a 10/10 manga artist trapped in a 9.5/10 director's life.

They are bland and boring af.

>some movies are faithful to history
ehh they really aren't, all are biased towards one side of the conflict and omit certain things that are not popular to show

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter

This is based.

>only showed up to accept an Academy Award after John Lassetter bribed him with a ride on the Lassetter winery train

I'm sure he only did it because Lasseter let him molest a bunch of interns.

hmm never really cared if he did or didn't, i would cut the man a lot of slack. besides whoever made that meme had some insight Into the direction anime was going.

Let's not kid ourselves, all his manga are mediocre at best.

No, hate him as a person all you like but Miyazaki directed several of the best animated films of all time

>Between August 1988 and June 1989, Miyazaki mutilated and killed four girls between ages four and seven, and sexually molested their corpses. He drank the blood of one victim and ate a part of her hand.[4] These crimes—which prior to Miyazaki's apprehension were named the "Little Girl Murders" and later the Tokyo/Saitama Serial Kidnapping Murders of Little Girls (東京・埼玉連続幼女誘拐殺人事件 Tōkyō Saitama renzoku yōjo yūkai satsujin jiken)—shocked Saitama Prefecture, which had few crimes against children.
>On August 22, 1988 Mari Konno, a four-year-old girl, vanished while playing at a friend's house. After failed attempts to find her, Konno's father contacted the police. Miyazaki had led Konno into his black Nissan Langley and abducted her. He drove westward of Tokyo and parked the car under a bridge in a wooded area. There he sat alongside the girl for a half-hour before murdering her. He then engaged in sexual acts with the corpse and left her corpse in the hills near his home. He took her clothes with him and departed. He allowed Mari Konno's corpse to decompose for a while before later returning to remove the hands and feet, which he kept in his closet. These were recovered upon his arrest. He charred her remaining bones in his furnace, ground them into powder, and sent them to her family in a box, along with several of her teeth, photos of her clothes, and a postcard which read: "Mari. Cremated. Bones. Investigate. Prove."
It's ok when Miyazaki does it I guess. Japan is so fucked up

You hate what I said because you still don't understand. We've all been brainwashed into believing the happiness meme. I assure you, Miyazaki gets it.

This video may help:

You're mostly right. I should have prefaced that with, "In his mind".

people tend to confuse happiness with short term pleasures, they are different things

I don't get how you could hate Miyazaki now that every big anime film is a poorly written melodrama these days.

More like 5/10 manga artist, 8/10 animator, 7/10 director.

>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
should've told takahata because he clearly didn't get the memo

weebs are insecure and get mad when their lifestyle is criticized

i said some and gave examples
ofc the large majority are revisionist, china and jp movies are extremely guilty of this
i feel american productions play both sides though, the opening scene in "saving private ryan" where they flush out the nazi soldiers from the bunker and 2 czech nazi conscripts have their hands up trying to tell them they're not german and get shot anyway did happen, but the thing where they capture the german soldier and travel with him before finally letting him go probably would never happen

Because we aren't zoomers and our experience with anime films isn't just miyazaki + modern trash

>cool and nice as fuck
>never shit talked the industry as he new that anime was just a form of expression
>not only that he saw it had an untapped potencial that could match or surpass live action movies
>would rather criticize society as a whole instead of badmouthing the niche group of people that actually supported anime
>he even criticized japan for forgetting their crimes in WWII instead of downplaying them like Ghibli did
>his style was not whored out and could delve into more than just a single genre at the same time
>he was so good that his influence went beyond just anime and animation and had an impact in cinema as a whole
>even then he never bragged about it and was very humble
>humble even until his dying breath
God gave cancer to the wrong director

Attached: satoshi-kon.jpg (480x271, 45K)

Japan is not a sick socie-

It's not just not anime, but every other form of medium as well.

Movies are shit. TV shows are shit. Books are shit.

Everything is becoming boring.


Dunkirk is clearly a propaganda movie made to make an embarrassing British retreat look like some sort of heroic feat

Dumb zoomer

The good die young. That's why Miyazaki is still around.

did you watch Perfect Blue? It was clearly a criticism of idolfags specifically

All take and no give leads to hedonism. Balance is everything. That's what I'm getting at when I say happiness is a meme.

It was a criticism about being escapist using the idol industry as a way to present it, remember that the biggest fuck up there was not the idolfag but the fatass bitch

it was still highly critical of idol culture in general

This man truly understood what life is about.

Which is ultimately critical of escapism. Stop getting lost in semantics and details this is what everyone keeps doing.

This is pretty interesting watch on the topic actually:

but you're wrong, you said he didn't criticize niche groups when he did

If it isn't Miyazaki then who's the best anime director?

Getting lost in semantics again.

Why is he so based?

I was the one who posted that and was referring to how Miyazaki shit talks otakus at every chance he gets

contrarians like to say Takahata


Satoshi Kon is hack bitch for teens who unironically enjoy the flicks of Wes Anderson and the Coen Brothers



Takahata is as good as Miyazaki actually

Would be interesting if the second guy took the cock out of his mouth when trying to speak.
Do Euro schools seriously never teach about clear articulation?

on a technical level Miyazaki's movies are more impressive

Everyone who says Tomino is a retard and automatically a tasteless shitter in my book

>Communism used to be a lot more popular than it is now.
and then Bolshevist pigs had shown why it shouldn't be popular

End of Evangelion - 8/10
Shin Godzilla - 9/10
Love & Pop - 7/10
Ritual Day - 6/10
Rebuild - 2/10

Adolescence of Utena - 8/10

Castle of Cagliostro - 9/10
My Neighbor Totoro - 6/10
Nausicaa - 4/10
Castle in the Sky - 5/10
Kiki's Delivery Service - 5/10
Princess Mononoke - 4/10
Porco Rosso - 5/10
Spirited Away - 6/10
Ponyo - 3/10
Howl - 2/10
The Wind Rises - 8/10

Yanagawa's Canals - 8/10
Gauche the Cellist - 7/10
Chie the Brat - 5/10
Grave of the Fireflies - 6/10
Only Yesterday - 7/10
Tonari no Yamada kun - 8/10
Pom Poko - 5/10
Princess Kaguya - 8/10

Perfect Blue - 4/10
Millennium Actress - 4/10
Tokyo Godfathers - 3/10
Paprika - 3/10

Angel's Egg - 6/10
Ghost in the Shell - 7/10
Innocence - 4/10
Beautiful Dreamer - 7/10
Patlabor - 5/10
Patlabor 2 - 4/10
Red Spectacles - 6/10
Talking Head - 5/10

Mind Game - 5/10
Lu Over the Wall - 2/10
Night is Short, Walk on Girl - 4/10

One Piece - 3/10
Digimon - 3/10
Wolf Children - 2/10
Summer Wars - 1/10
Girl Who Leapt Through Time - 4/10
Boy and the Beast - 1/10
Mirai - 2/10

5cm - 1/10
Garden of Words - 1/10
Children Who Chase Lost Voices - 1/10
Voices of a Distant Star - 1/10
Your Name - 1/10

Whisper of the Heart - 9/10
Little Nemo Pilot - 7/10


>Because he understands that the meaning of life is literally to love.
>What the fuck is this shit? I hate people like you.

Yea Forums in a nutshell.

would rather live in Soviet Russia than 21st Century USA, personally

The messege is retarded, she got shallow sympathy becouse she was usefull to those people. She didn't improve herself nor the people stoped beeing dicks.

Your Oshii and Takahata ratings should be all around higher. Watch some Kawajiri and Rintaro stuff, they're better than most of the people on your shitty list.

god no, Dezaki is a complete meme director

>Because he understands that the meaning of life is literally to love.
Kinda ironic that none of his works manage to emotionally touch any non-halfwit, then.

Nice to meet you. Mr Compost For Siberian Taiga

If he wasn't Japanese he would be as hated as Polanski but everyone has to pretend to like him because of how retarded Japanese society is when it comes to seniority

He’s undeniably a fascinating figure. Brilliant, irascible, influential, eccentric. He’s just fun to talk about.

Shut up Miyazaki, at least he was not a bitter cunt like you

nobody hates Polanski, he is a great director

I would like to see a citation for these claims

>Shin Godzilla - 9/10
>Love & Pop - 7/10
>Castle of Cagliostro - 9/10
The ultimate yikes. No reason to even read any further.

>Castle in the Sky - 5/10
>Princess Mononoke - 4/10
>Ponyo - 3/10
Just fucking why? They are all great
>Princess Kaguya - 8/10
It's a 10/10
>Angel's Egg - 6/10
Fuck off, it's at least an 8
>Hosoda's One Piece 3/10
It's the best One Piece movie, deserves a 7
Your taste is wrong

embarrassing, isn't it?

great child rapist*


Nakamura, Hara, Kawamoto, Izubuchi, in that order. And the only reason Izubuchi is that low is because he's directed merely 2 shows. Both might have been masterpieces, but still.

not him but why is kaguya a 10/10? I thought it was a pretty meh 6/10 at best, I don't much care for fairy tales but I'm interested in your reasoning for liking it so much since I've seen quite a few people praising it in this board but nobody goes into that much detail about

Shouldn't you be in a 3x3 thread?

Angels Meme 8/10 lol
It's good from technical perspective i admit it but it's just masturbatory and vapid symbolism

Arrietty - 4/10
When Marnie was There - 6/10
Mary and the Witch's Flower - 2/10

Princess Arete - 7/10
Mai Mai Miracle - 4/10
In This Corner of the World - 5/10

K-On - 4/10
Tamako - 3/10
A Silent Voice - 2/10

Miss Hokusai - 7/10
Summer Days with Coo - 4/10
Colorful - 1/10

Akira - 5/10

Iblard Jikan - 10/10 (pinnacle of animation)

Belladonna - 7/10

Jin-roh - 4/10
Momo - 1/10

YKK - 4/10
Ocean Waves - 6/10

Redline - 4/10
Lupin - 3/10

Metropolis - 4/10
Galaxy Express 999 - 5/10

Giant Robo - 8/10

Be Invoked - 6/10

The quality of 3x3 threads has dropped too far. I can't justify the extensive time investment anymore.

I just like the art style a lot. It's my favorite Takahata movie

are you trying to make people cringe?

>Metropolis - 4/10
>Galaxy Express 999 - 5/10
Kill yourself, idiot.

Shouldn't you be busy defending Miyazaki's creatively bankrupt and completely disjointed popcorn schlock?


Not him but you don't even know what a director is. Fuck off

how is Miyazaki creatively bankrupt?

What I know is that all of these people have directed various anime.

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For posterity.

Attached: ghiburi-tears.jpg (346x658, 105K)

mostly bad ones too

Lots of people are assholes, look at actors. I enjoy the characters they play because they are good at taking directions from the writers that actually created those characters.

I don’t need to know the opinion of a puppet. The work is all that matters

Thanks for the inspiration sensei

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>Akira - 5/10
>Jin-roh - 4/10
>YKK - 4/10
This is too fucking much, stop! STOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!
>Belladonna - 7/10
Pseud, please

>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq
>>only showed up to accept an Academy Award after John Lassetter bribed him with a ride on the Lassetter winery train
Based. I like him more now.

Miyazaki is right.

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these things only seem bad to you because you are a braindead american

Jin-Roh only exists as anime becouse they couldn't get enough budget for live action. It also doesn't really take adventage from beeing animated by keeping to gritty and realistic style. It's good craftsmanship but the story is just one edgy dystopian trope after another.

meant to

It is just a facade.

I bet he secretly attends to the Love Live Live shows.

But Jin-Roh is still so good. How can you say that?

I believe that people who end in a position like him are almost always assholes. That's how the world works.

Tezuka literally beat his ass on all fronts as a creator and he is still mad over it. Look at his reaction to Tezuka passing. Hayao has been a bitter insecure fuck always


Attached: ghibli tierz.jpg (426x659, 112K)

Most people are assholes. Put a microphone in front of anyone's face over 1000 times and you'll get plenty of spicy sound bites.

It's good i am not the guy who gave it 4/10.
The question is is it good as animated film? Toy Story is good becouse it does something that wouldn;t be really possible with pure live action, even shows people would call Moe do something that live action can;t capture while Jin-Roh tries very hard to be live action which somewhat defeats the point of animation.

Didn't you get mocked enough last time?
>Goro shit anywhere near the top
This is how you reveal yourself as a troglodyte.

Then why are literally every Miyazaki film an adaptation of something. And a bad adaptation at that.

>Your Name - 1/10

Your Name - 11/10

You forgot to type one number one.

>It also doesn't really take adventage from beeing animated by keeping to gritty and realistic style.
Realism is as valid as a pursuit in animation as anything else. Animation doesn't need to "take advantage of being animated", it can just be whatever the director wants.

Tezuka was not a great director, he is mostly regarded for his manga

none of his films are really direct adaptations, they take some inspiration and do their own thing

>Tezuka was not a great director
Wrong, retard. He's probably one of the best animation directors who ever lived.

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>self-proclaimed communist
>self-proclaimed feminist
>self-proclaimed humanist
>And that he insulted Abe on multiple occasions for no reasons

Wtf I love Miyazaki now.

Also if he's a communist he's probably shitting on Abe for being a vehement nationalist.


Wrong. Also Hayao considered Tezuka to be his bitter rival yet Tezuka always got acclaim

Miyzaki's films are both better selling and more critically acclaimed than anything Tezuka was involved in so I have no idea what you're talking about

Most of his films are direct adaptations from actual novels. A lot of novelists complained that he doesn't adapt properly

cope harder ;)

Just admit you've never seen any of Tezuka's films. You're an ignorant nigger. Nothing to be ashamed of, just educate yourself.

Attached: Tenrankai no E.mkv_snapshot_16.27_[2019.02.28_11.23.59].jpg (864x368, 53K)

>he's probably shitting on Abe for being a vehement nationalist.

That would make zero sense considering you won't find a more staunch nationalist than Miyazaki

Tezuka is THE manga man of Japan and Miyazaki is THE anime man of Japan. Everyone agrees on that

are you seriously unable to grasp the point of a child's movie? you're complaining about the resolution, which doesn't actually matter in a simple story like kiki's delivery service.

damn i forgot how retarded anime fans are

Rintaro is trash

You got me, I haven't. That SC looks sweet, I'll check it out.

>Tezuka was not a great director
True, but he was still better than Miyazaki. The only thing Miyazaki is good at is animating, and that's what he should have stuck to.

I know. I don't know why Miyazaki considered Tezuka his rival. That's why people think Hayao is being unnecessarily bitter

>It also doesn't really take adventage from beeing animated
lel, stick with rubber bouncy Disney animation if you don't like adult story lines and realism. The whole fucking point of a great percentage of all anime is doing stuff that could be live like that FFS.

no the anime man is from australia

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity
this is the only true thing and probably the only thing that I 100% agree with him/

That's all done ironically by reddit and discord, dude. The bitching occurs because Yea Forums is into damage control about those ironic weebs.

I've seen them, they're not that impressive and have long been surpassed
>Most of his films are direct adaptations from actual novels.
No, only two of them are

i think at most 3 are novel adaptations. also, the original novelists complaining doesn't mean shit because they're writers and not film directors

Does it even matter when the movies just end up being garbled messes. I can only admit that the art is gorgeous

Because us non-halfwits think too much about his works. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride sometimes (not all the time it's a balance). That's the issue everyone who considers themselves not a normalfag has.

There's types of nationalists and most of them dont get along. I wont pretend to care enough about the politics of the hivemind of ant-people of Japan in order to have a real debate about it, but shitting on Abe is totally something nationalists and communists could get behind for different reasons.

WAS a communist, he hasn't been for a long time now
The movement is nowhere near as toxic in Japan as it is in the west and you can see this reflected in his female characters being a thousand times better and more feminine than any of the "strong and independent" femicunts Hollywood creates, and he has even employed the "damsel in distress" trope a couple of times

how are his films a mess?

>A lot of novelists complained that he doesn't adapt properly

Did they come back from the dead to tell him that?

You are fucking stupid user.

i think it matters more that you're incapable of comprehending very simple cartoons. there's maybe three miyazaki films with any "narrative meat" to really dig into, his work is extremely digestible and the fact that you think they're "garbled messes" gives me the impression that you take all your cues from ilk like YMS and doug walker

>they're not that impressive
You're either blind or have hoplessly bad taste.
>long been surpassed
Technically, maybe. Not aesthetically.

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Abe is only disliked because every prime minister of Japan gets undue and excessive hate. Most of Abe's social and economic policies have been wildly successful. Which of why he got multiple terms.

And the father of modern anime, stupid.

Yes just like Satoshi Kon who made disney bouncy animation movies. You are just proving that you know jackshit about cinema and animation. Miyazaki is actually closer to disney in his animation style than Kon anyway so lol

I think the problem is that Hayao imparts to much of his foot print as a writer in those works and he hadn't always been the most adept writer in the industry

name 10 adaptations, we will wait.

The best Tezuka film was Phoenix 2772, and it wasn't even directed by him. You know I'm right - the rest of that experimental crap barely made a blip on the radar, but "Broken Down Film" is indeed excellent for it's self reflexive take on film damage (some projectionists thought the film was self destructing).

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stop making vague statements you idiot pseud

Evangelion - 8/10
End of Evangelion - 4/10
Rebuild - 1/10

Utena - 6/10

My Neighbor Totoro - 6/10
Nausicaa - 7/10
Castle in the Sky - 8/10
Kiki's Delivery Service - 8/10
Princess Mononoke - 6/10
Porco Rosso - 8/10
Spirited Away - 6/10
Ponyo - 6/10
Howl - 4/10
The Wind Rises - 7/10

Grave of the Fireflies - 3/10
Only Yesterday - 5/10
Tonari no Yamada kun - 5/10
Pom Poko - 4/10
Princess Kaguya - 6/10

Perfect Blue - 8/10
Tokyo Godfathers - 5/10
Paprika - 4/10

Angel's Egg - 2/10
Ghost in the Shell - 6/10

Summer Wars - 3/10
Girl Who Leapt Through Time - 4/10

5cm - 5/10
Garden of Words - 6/10
Your Name - 5/10

Tezuka's work has long been surpassed, his anime are relics, it's shit people use to study the history of anime, nobody watches it for entertainment

do you know what you're talking about? most of his movies are his own original ideas, why wouldn't he "impart too much of his foot print?" are you suggesting he copy others? i can't understand what you're honestly saying, it may be too stupid for me.

That's not even the problem. His flicks carry too much pointless baggage, yes lack emotional punch. I can't imagine anyone having a strong emotional reaction while watching any of his films bar Spirited Away or Wind Rises. Meanwhile furryfags like Hosada know how to, the same way a hack like Shinkai does. They know how to make people feel wholesome and torn at the same time. Furrychildren carries more love than anything Miyazaki has ever touched and it manages to transport said love to the audience.

Miyazaki's pieces are supposed to be emotional, yet they rarely ever are. The guy is an embarrassment to be honest. Should have stuck to making well animated childrens shows like Sherlock Hound. Those were on the level of his mental capacity.

I'm talking about fucking Jin-Roh, directed by neither. Face the facts, I'm right.

>these clearly niche and experimental animations weren't huge blockbuster successes so they aren't good films
Not an argument. Go fuck yourself idiot.

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He strikes me as the type of guy that hates anything that wasn't around when he was young.

I had strong emotional reactions to Totoro, Kiki and Ponyo

>His flicks carry too much pointless baggage
how does a movie do this?


Hang yourself, and rid the world of your inferior genes.

Too much focus on his stilted characterization, very little on how it helps the story or their inner logic

I like lots of anime from the 70s and 80s but I am not going to pretend Tezuka's cave paintings are the pinnacle of anime just because he kickstarted the industry, it's dishonest pseud shit

The only two good Miyazakis that exist are the wolf princess animu and whatever other animu also won an oscar thanks to the Disney corporation saying that those are awesome movies that should win oscars.

This message was sponsored by somebody who watches Disney movies and anime.

That shit bankrupted Mushi productions for a reason. Edgy X rated crap like Cleopatra didn't help things - and that was Tezuka being commercial.

>letting Disney live in your head rent free
get a life

if you're worried about the "inner logic" or "plot progression" of a miyazaki movie, then i was absolutely spot on with identifying your heroes as YMS and doug walker, and i suggest you stop watching movies entirely until you learn that the vast majority of cinema is aimed at a telos of experience and not "this is what a story is."

Belladonna bankrupted Mushi. But nice try.

I don't watch any online critics. Maybe it's just me but something about Hayao writing comes across as a bit awkward. I get why people love his works. Maybe it's just not for me.

you're probably just soulless

Not that guy but
Yes cheap emotional baiting is peak cinema, just like dumb fun movies, plot makes no sense but the flick was fun hahaha so that means it is good

Has Miyazaki even denounced the sexual pervert Lassetter? Seems the only reason he could stand that guy was for $$$ reasons and knowing him from his stint in Hollywood for Nemo, I believe.

He should say that Lassetter is evidence of 3D's corrupting effect on the soul.

the writing is absolutely secondary in a miyazaki movie. people love spirited away of the entirety of the experience of watching it, not because they thought "it was cool how there was a bad witch and a good witch and that the nohface bad guy turns out to not be a bad guy after all" you're completely missing the point that children seem to be able to understand immediately.

More "artsy" animerama edge, big surprise there.

>vast majority of cinema
I thought this was about Miyazaki? Please use the appropriate terms. It's schlock or flick, not cinema or kino.

To be fair, Disney has shaped Tezuka, Tezuka is manga, anime is nothing more but manga in action, so anime is Disney.
Also, Disney is movies, and series, and theme parks, and the American Dream, and the entertainment master.
Disney is the alpha and the omega. It is the universe, while the rest of all cultural entertainment maker are a tiny mote of dust that are easily forgotten.

What kind of life did you had that you didn't experience all those basic emotions first hand?
Things like love, passion, compassion, struggle etc. are things that you should have lived out yourself.

Wasn't directed by Tezuka, though. So your argument is void.

>Yes cheap emotional baiting is peak cinema
you've clearly never watched a sirkian melodrama. get educated instead of rping Yea Forums film critic

he will probably never be asked about it unless he is interviewed in the USA

movies are cinema by definition, are you dense or just pretending to be braindead?

>What kind of life did you had that you didn't experience all those basic emotions first hand?
I never claimed I didn't, but if you are unable to feel them in a Miyazaki movie then anime might not be the right hobby for you

What a bunch of bullshit. 2d animation was killed by Disney, so they are utterly irrelevant there going forward. If you think the normie garbage and corporate agenda they push now has any cultural value, you are a gopher for Eisner and his butt buddy that took over.

I'm really glad I'm not American so Disney is irrelevant to me

Disney definitely has cultural value, it's just almost entirely negative

>every leader of every country gets undue hate.
Also, plenty of his policies haven't worked like they were intended to and his foreign policy is atrocious.

I seem to have enjoyed Porco Rosso out of all his works it that means anything. He seemed to be more focused on the lore and story than most of his other stuff

>His foreign policy is atrocious

>foreign policy is atrocious.

Does that even mean anything? Every East Asia nation don't give him a chance anyway. Japan is doomed on the foreign relations front for now. Nobody can make it better anyway

You are affected by American stuff anyway.

Thanks for proving you know nothing about animation or its technical aspects.

that may more be because the atmosphere and subject matter is less "childish" than his other movies and more suited to your tastes. the focus on narrative in porco rosso is no more nor less than his other movies.

Abe is right to stand up the Chinese bullies that are trying to take over the entire region. Normalizing the JSDF as a military force, floating new carriers for the F-35, all needed deterrents to contain the ChiCom menace.

You think Miyazaki is upset that he isn't smart enough to be anything but an entertainer for children? He always comes off pretty grumpy, especially while commenting on topicalities he has no understanding of (economics, geopolitics, diplomacy, environmentalism etc.).

Well and then there is stuff like Ponyo which just ends abruptly and all story exposition is hidden in some awkward whisper-into-ear dialogue. That is like the peak of what I dislike about his writing. Just total unnatural plot turns. Kind of q shame since Ponyo water animation was insane

Ponyo is just a feel good movie for kids, it isn't trying to tell much of a story

I don't give a shit about his political opinions or what he did, I still love his work. Just like Borges and Bolaño.

>Just total unnatural plot turns.
you're leveling the same complaints that i just told you were misguided. your inability to see miyazaki movies what they are trying to be is your own fault. you might not watch channel awesome or YMS but you sound exactly like you're reading out of their oft-criticized, terribly misinformed playbook

>what they are trying to be
Yikes. It doesn't matter what the author/director tries to do. What matters it what the manage to transmit.

if you come into a movie with your own biases, you're gonna see what you want, no matter what it's transmitting. this line of defense is as faulty as what you think i was trying to say

a movie is so much more than it's writing. there is cinematography, lighting, staging, choreography, acting, editing, sound design, colour theory, etc but if you find yourself consistently finding fault in the writing only in movies, then sorry to say, you just do not understand movies.

Same for me, but with the Bible.

>Miyazaki unironically hates his own son
>Loves someone like Hideki Anno, unconditionally


>there is cinematography, lighting, staging, choreography, acting, editing, sound design, colour theory
I don't think you want to bring up any of these while praising Miyazaki. The first 3 are terrible in almost all his films, the editiing is directly related to the flow of the narrative, which we already concluded is terrible in all his movies, and color theory, really, I don't see how Miyazaki has ever engaged with this aspect of film beyond an extremely basic level. Which of his flicks carry emotional stimuli that are being enhanced by color and not merely natural occurances? He also barely does jackshit regarding the sound directing, something Wakabayashi, the guy who sound directed half his films, has stated in public interviews multiple times.

It was Miyazaki Tsutomu, not Hayao Miyazaki.東京・埼玉連続幼女誘拐殺人事件

>The first 3 are terrible in almost all his films
absolutely false, but you don't want to argue on that, you just want to gripe
>the editiing is directly related to the flow of the narrative
this is an extremely poor understanding of editing.
>Which of his flicks carry emotional stimuli that are being enhanced by color and not merely natural occurances?
honestly, i can't believe you're asking this and expecting me to take you seriously. this is animation, all colour palettes are picked by hand. there is no "natural occurrence" except for the lighting effect from cel photography. colour theory is inherently married to animation, this is a no brainer, my dude. just because you didn't pick up on it doesn't mean it wasn't there. you really think the amazing artists at studio ghibli don't think about the colours? that's either a terribly bad faith reading or you just didn't think that through

Hayao = Gendo
Goro = Shinji
Studio Ghibli = NERV
Takahata = Fuyutsuki


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He thinks that way because Imperial Japan was a blood-drunk monstrosity of a regime, and is the antithesis of all Miyazaki believes.

So, where is my list of Miyazaki flicks that utilize color theory beyond an extremely basic level? After all, you've conveniently ignored that portion of the post. Making a log brown, grass green or a character aesthetically coherent with it's surroundings is no more than extremely basic color application that takes inspiration from natural occurances. Please point me towards Miyazaki experimenting with color in an attempt to enhance the emotional stimuli transmitted. Take your time.

have you even watched nausicaa? the very basic shit like "blue is calm, red is angry" is all over that movie. though colour theory tends to be a lot more nuanced than that (red in porco rosso while seemingly obvious is played quite subtly)

>Making a log brown, grass green or a character aesthetically coherent with it's surroundings is no more than extremely basic color application that takes inspiration from natural occurances.
do you understand how many shades of brown and green there are? a dark, unsaturated seaweed green gives off a completely different impression than a very saturated lime. picking out which ones fit in a composition's palette is a very mundane application of colour theory, whether you acknowledge this or not. choosing whether to go with a pastel or a neon is not "extremely basic color application," otherwise his movies would be a mess aesthetically.

have you read Michiyo Yasuda's book?

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i didnt even know she had a book

Do you guys think he is like the Whiplash guy in real life? Do you think he tries to get young animators and not my tempos the fuck out of them until they bleed everywhere and randomly shuts off their computers so they lose their work and need to do it over again but good this time?

>Kondō Yoshifumi, March 31, 1950 – January 21, 1998) was a Japanese animator who worked for Studio Ghibli in his last years
>Kondō died of aortic dissection – alternately aneurysm[1] – in 1998. His death seems to be the main reason for Hayao Miyazaki's first announcement of retirement in 1998, although Miyazaki later returned to Studio Ghibli.
>Doctors said that the aneurysm had been brought on by overwork.[2]

that just sounds like death march bullshit and not trolling shenanigans

Can't believe he really said this...what an asshole.

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Miyzaki was able to do with Nausicaa what Tezuka always wanted to do in terms of animation. Tezuka was the bitter one. He was known for trying to start shit with those he considered rivals, even telling Katsuhiro Otomo right to his face that he would be able to draw just like him with no problem, but Tezuka never said anything to Miyazaki about Nausicaa. Miyazaki did what he always wanted to do. Get it right ffs.

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Takahata killed Kondo.

>Iblard Jikan - 10/10 (pinnacle of animation)


Shitty 3d CGI = 10/10????


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>praises class A war criminals
This is probably the most egregious, but on numerous visits to shrines has praised war criminals as heroes.
>standing up to china
Talking shit and crying to big Mommy USA isnt standing up to anyone, it's pathetic.
>miltek name drops
Go back to airsoft
>b-b-but his foreign policy is fine.
Japan is a satellite state and Abe needs to shut up and stop starting fighting is with the chinkunists. It isnt his emasculated Otakis who will have to do the majority of the fighting when his posturing causes a conflict.

He saw how his country of superior beings got beaten in the war. And now most of the younglings in the country are sickos with a serious obsession for drawings.

You are an idiot with no understanding of geopolitics. What constitutes a "class A war criminal" anyway? Curtis LeMay, architect of the Tokyo firebombing that make Hiroshima look like Disneyland, said that if America had lost he would have be hung himself as a war criminal. Chairman Mao is responsible for the death of ~50 million, but the ChiComs always brush that under the rug - when will they stop visiting the shrine to Mao in Tienanmen Square?

As a taxpayer, I am all for Japan taking on more responsible for their defense like any normal state.

>claims that 3D animation is a disease that robs artists of creativity in a Q&A session with Pixar’s John Lasseter
Truly /our/guy. Couldn't be more based. OP is a faggot.

Miyazaki likes the lolis himself though, and as big of a otaku as anyone with his fetish for old miltary hardware and Europe. He's as much to blame for what he bitches about.

>war criminals
A term the allies invented to shove away the blame for their own mistakes. Germans are "war criminals" because people died after the Allies bombed the resource lines. Japanese are war criminals because of Nanjing, but the nukes somehow were justified. Anyone who uses this term exposes themselves as a retard.

>The young Hayao Miyazaki was tormented by the devastation of the war, he felt resentment towards his own people, terror at seeing his home town bombed, living with the shame and trauma of the aftermath. One panel depicts a series of words - "poor," "hunger," "murderer," "criminal," "yellow monkey," "Jap." In the center in large text, "Atomic Bomb."

(Source: A Trip to Tynemouth)

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Ok Mishima

How is he so based?

That's Moebius shit

>raping over 100,000 chinks in one week and that's the conservative estimate
>stuffing womens vaginas with swords because "having sex with chinese people is beastiality
>beheading competitions with film crews and newspapers celebrating how many each officer was able to behead before becoming tired
>starving US troops to death, making them eat maggots, routine humiliation
>the Philippines
>occupation of Korea.
>all estimates show Tojo actively killed more than Hitler
I wish we'd exterminated the japanese so irreverent retards like you wouldn't be able to speak about Japan as anything but a memory.

He is the exact opposite of a nationalist though, he is prett left

GTFO Wang, just gtfo. Your one-siding harping over one issue is tiring. Mao make the Imperial Japanese look like such amateurs that it's not even funny - his execution of the landlord class/counterrevolutionaries alone would outclass them.

Tojo did not "kill more than Hitler", but anyone familiar with the shit that went down on the eastern front would know that. Your assertions are a insult to the tremendous losses Russia suffered.

In the end, the Nips were a pretty nasty bunch - but rank amateurs next to pros like Soviets and Nazis.

Do you know who this is? Blokhin, Soviet NKVD executioner, PERSONALLY killed nearly 10000 Poles by shooting them in the head. He needed a suitcase full of pistols, an apron and gloves for blood, and a drain the floor to do the job over a few weeks.

Attached: blokhin.jpg (195x259, 7K)

>>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq

Why does he spend all his time denying Japanese warcrimes instead of making fucking cartoons
Stay in your lane dipshit!

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>Nips were a pretty nasty bunch - but rank amateurs next to pros like Soviets and Nazis.

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Oysz Weysz remember the 10 gorillion Poles PERSONNA killed by Georgian Mario!

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Nice proof Wang you cuck. When you tear down the shrine to Mao on Tienanmen, maybe you will have a leg to stand on. Instead, you suckers idolize the guy who dispatched 50M of you while the CCP whips up a frenzy against the Japs whenever the heat gets too high after plastic milk scandals and billions stolen by the oligarchy.

>you cuck
I knew it. You're a /pol/tard, and don't actually give a dam about any of the people killed as long as it fits your narrative.

Attached: Facts from pol.jpg (1328x854, 283K)

50m in a country of 1.4 billion is fucking nothing dude
And I doubt anyone gives a shit about them living in poor conditions, because they've been living in worse conditions for their entire history

>polish revaunchist nonsense
The eternal pole reveals himself in a cartoon author thread.

I wish the Eisenhower death camps were real, Germs would've deserved it

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t. yeah killem

this thread has been amazing

You replied to 2 people

The Russkie bydlo reveals himself. I am not a Pole, just someone interested in the truth.

Stalin did a number on Russkies as well - another guy that makes the Japs look like amateurs in the killing game.

By that logic, what the Japs did in China was such a drop in the bucket as to be irrelevant. Thanks for proving my point.

Stay mad round eye

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>just someone interested in the truth

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Mari Okada.

So sad, I'm honeslty disgusted
He could've killed more but that fucking cuck Khruschev stopped him ;_;

miyazaki didn't direct half of these you mouth breathing idiot

The person that worked on Gundam IBO?
Should have had more julieta, might have made that mess worthwhile.

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He hates western culture and the modernization of Japan I guess. Probably a communist too.

>literal neo-polish nationalist garbage
Waiting with baited breath on you to bring up Holodomer.

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Ignore him, he's just spouting random bullshit in hopes that he'll make sense somehow but it's not working.

She's not even a director. Guess he meant Yamada and he simply mixed up the names. Happens all the time. They really are equally shit.

>He hates western culture and the modernization of Japan I guess

Based an redpilled

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Tomino is the greatest, you know it's true. Who else could make steampunk Gundam work?

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She directed Maquia.

He probably one of the most Western influenced figures in anime, even though it's not obvious for people who've only heard of Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.

Turn A isn't steampunk and it's also a disagrace to Yasuda's designs . Kill yourself Tomino. Kawamori has more skill in his little finger than you do in your entire body.

>Why is he so bitter, Yea Forums?
Because he is a perfect being born into an imperfect world.


based miyazaki

absolutely based

>He's also a lolicon
This is the only point of concern. Beyond that, he is Redpilled and I love him for it.

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In a commie land, you would be the first ones to kick the bucket.

Is this supposed to be a negative?

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>self-proclaimed communist
is he one of those meme communist then that worship Russia and China? The way he runs Ghibli sounds like the kremlin like where his word is law like Mamoru Oshi put it
Is there a single commie that actually lives by the work and unity and team work shit or all of them think themselves of great dictators who will have the best positions after a commie revolution

Seems like he has well-formed opinions, and may be a bit of an ass or stuck up from the combination of being successful and being older. Most of us will get like that a bit one day.

I do wonder if these older animators and directors are happy at all or just going through the motions at this point.

Sounds like a faggot.

>Seems like he has well-formed opinions
I think you misspelled ill-informed. Don't sweat it, buddy. Happens to the best of us.

>/pol/lock continues his relentless derail of the thread.
Communism is inevitable comrade. 10 years reeducation camp for you.

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Never got to fuck his loli waifu.

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>Why is he so bitter, Yea Forums?
Hes not bitter hes just being a cunt. Its called God complex. When an inferior man succeeds too much he gets conceited and thinks himself better than others. Trust me when I say this, every son of a bitch who was born into success or had got successful through sheer luck will turn out like him, a pale and pathetic little man. Pic related is a man who didn't get everything handed to him but some might say he is a piece of arrogant shit. I know I did.

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he couldn't fuck girls without going to jail thats why

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What exactly is he ill-informed about?

Communism is dead and the jews who made it in the first place have switched to neo-liberalism. People who are still communists are useful idiots

Wow I wonder why the pretentious fags here like him so much.

>I do wonder if these older animators and directors are happy at all or just going through the motions at this point
I have always wondered what would be Walt's reaction to state of his company?

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He'd probably mutter something about the Jews


Unironically, I consider him the greatest director in anime history despite only making 4, yet very impactful relevant films.

That's the sentiment of a lot of people his age. They ate up the wave of leftism that came after WW2 and rejected America's attempts to turn them back to rightism to fight commies.

This. He's angry because he doesn't get to fuck a loli.

>the meaning of life is literally to love.

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>goes off on some rant about his disabled friend to some programming students
>because their work offended him

Attached: doyouknowwhatpainis.png (1912x1080, 3.01M)

Absolutely based. Fuck bootlickers.

>tells a Ghibli animator working on Princess Mononoke that the kid’s never known suffering because if he did he’d be a better animator
Any sharingan Miyazakis?

if all you wanted to do was make some heart warming cartoons about the human experience only to have a bunch of low life pedos get off to them you'd be as bitter as him too

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90% of Miyazaki quotes are fake.

Yeah fapping to your own work really gets to you

>historians will one day argue about whether "anime was a mistake" was a real quote or not

Because it's absolutely true? 98% of all anime is absolute garbage. Fapbait waifushit is what sells.

Very hot take my dude

>low life pedos
So Miyazaki?

ba se d

He isn't a communist at all. I don't understand why people are STILL suggesting he is currently, or used to be a communist at any point. Literally there has never been a legitimate source or quote that states that he's ever supported communism, even though often you'll get people stating that he used to be a party member 20 years ago, or some other nonsense. He's openly expressed distaste for the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China since at least the early 70s, and I can give you real quotes/sources on that.

The people in this image are Isao Takahata, Yasuo Otsuka and Hayao Miyazaki.

>refuses to attend the Oscars because George W. Bush was bombing Iraq
>tells famous Japanese movie directors their WWII movies are dumb and they’re just abusing history for propaganda reasons
>tells a Ghibli animator working on Princess Mononoke that the kid’s never known suffering because if he did he’d be a better animator
>only showed up to accept an Academy Award after John Lassetter bribed him with a ride on the Lassetter winery train
Who the fuck is Laserter.
>Pixar’s John Lasseter
Fuck off to Yea Forums.

Even if they were all adaptations, it would wouldn't make him at fault. That is, if the source material were original (which they are) and not based of some meoharem the writer watched prior (which they are not, unlike what the otakus push).

Wes Anderson's stop motion pictures are unironically great though. I would argue it's the realm where his particular direction style and fixation on details really shines.

A man becomes desperate when he knows he's wrong.

absolutely euphoric

Im gonna spit on his grave for insulting my waifu.


This is the worst thread on Yea Forums right now, and you all know how low those standards already are.


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>Why is he so bitter
Why should we care about garbage?

He's a pedo living in a world that doesn't accept pedos

>Maybe 5 years ago, but it's consistently improving.
It's not, it's getting worse. More and more 3D animation and art is just lifted straight from reality. There's more mocap in 3D animation than ever, and more and more 3D is just using photogrammetry to scan objects to generate a model and texture; the "artist" becomes a janitor instead of the craftsman.

Damn, I can agree with that top three.

Right, that's why communism has worked so well in every single instance of it lmao