Ace Attorney Gyakuten Saiban

I'm so excited for this episode because I can finally use my new mug.

Attached: Mia.png (1252x1080, 805K)

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The other side has Godot holding a mug and looking out a window towards her too, so it's like they are looking at eachother through the centre of the mug.

Attached: file.png (1599x895, 1.47M)

Kino foreshadowing

Attached: file.png (1351x767, 1.12M)

sometimes I get the impression I'm the only one who gets roused by my cat at 5 a.m. so I can watch my anime the second it gets released with my custom paraphernalia.

Attached: raadd.png (1009x1085, 1.14M)

so they are really burning all ammo on dragging this out more than they should and never touching rise from the ashes

Attached: nino.jpg (600x589, 41K)

now that's dumb.

2-4 adaptation was shit because of how they rushed it.

show good your opinion bad

Pearls is so dumb

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 379K)


Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 392K)

>did ya put ya name in the goblet of fiyah

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 486K)

kill,marry, fuck while chanelling mia

>fuck while channeling

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 486K)

Hahah what.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 512K)

Why not just cut the chains?

>disregard cutting the bars and chains

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 376K)

Sekrit nippon steel.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 430K)

Crazy cunt probably swapped places.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 327K)

Must be her mom working with chinami inside prison.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 392K)

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 410K)

Sunder her curry-ly.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (1280x720, 435K)

He got it good.

Attached: whipped.png (1280x720, 918K)

So far this is like the game on an extremely easy modo. Who needs Psyche-lock when everybody is so cooperative.

Jesus Christ, voice acting makes Dahlia sound even more like a psycho cunt.

I am so hyped for next week.

What kind of prison letting its prisoners wearing anything they want?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (640x360, 21K)

He showed pearl evidence, just without the video game prompt.

Attached: bad girl.png (1280x720, 761K)

You know, right?

Based Rina "Biribiri" Sato.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Gyakuten Saiban - Sono Shinjitsu Igi Ari 2nd Season - 20 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_s (640x360, 28K)

Am I the only one who never took Morgan very seriously due to that ridiculous hairstyle?

they're trick chains, can't be cut

Because you run of the risk of making the whole inner cave collapse, specially after that earthquake.

Is edgeworth a mage now?

Attached: edgeworth mage.png (1280x720, 856K)

Not sure if the anime explained it but the whole cave is in danger to collapse if they try anything too severe it might kill whoever is inside, also time is a factor and everything happens in a very little time frame, they do try to open it in a safe way but by the time they are done it would be too late. By the way, did they skipped the earthquake or not?

Oh yeah, there was a second harder earthquake in the episode.The chain should be okay to cut though, I can see how the bars arent safe since it might be supporting the cave mouth as well.

Why did they let her keep a photo?

Attached: pearl photo.png (1280x720, 656K)

Yeah, in the game they mention that cutting one of the chains might take them a while but it was still a possibility but then they found this

Can someone expliain Pearl's misunderstandment in japanese, is the same as english (Gravely -> Gravy)?

Curry is kare, so similar to kareru . Just listen to the voices.

Thanks user.

Japanese prisons let you have all kind of shit, like polar bears and crocodiles, so it seems. Also, what in the fuck is a "webp" file and why most of files in google now have it.

Attached: Shuujiorinaka.png (367x930, 350K)


Yeah, that's weird.

Edgeworth looks like he was born to carry a wizard staff.

It would be even better in his other coat.

it's just a shit measure so you can't directly leech images off google and have to visit whatever shit website the image is hosted on, eat a million ads and such

>polar bears and crocodiles
It was just one special prison where the animals were used for rehabilitation.

>kills his girlfriend's mother
>has the nerve to reprimand someone else for letting his gf die
Why is Godot the most popular prosecutor again?

I went and check and it doesn't seem to be the case, the file from the page itself also have that extension.

He is?

He's very formidable and not because of trumped up or cheap reasons like muh father or muh honour or muh youngest prosecutor. When he shows up, you underestimate him, but then he just keeps casually pointing out actual flaws in your argument.

no bullshit xoxo

This is nothing compared to the prisons in AA4 and AAI2

Yeah but the cell in AA4 belonged to a true madman.

It was from the times when the only non-Edgeworth prosecutors/rivals were Franziska (who was the worst until Nahuyta and arguably "2 cases only lol" Lang) and Klavier.

Godot was a good misguided villain with understandable motives. Also, this . After the "never lost the case" prosecutors he just shows up and seemingly plays it straight and first, and then adds "I never prosecuted a case before, lol". He was a breath of fresh air after the two games of the perfect record nonsense.

This days I prefer Courtney and Blackquill to him. Godot was good for T&T, but I would rather have more of them (or even Klavier, if Apollo is nearby).

What's the pun in Japanese?

>no Miles Edgeworth earthquake PTSD
It's been so long since I saw their adaptation of 1-4. Didn't they cover the earthquake? Why did they leave out it being Edgeworth who let Iris escape?

She didn't know the meaning of (華麗) as mentioned in the previous episode. Both 華麗 (magnificent) and カレー (curry) sound the same かれい (karei). So she thought the orders were to splash curry on the tapestry and naruhodou after reading the orders, figured out the only one who would make that mistake is harumi.

They already gave edgeworth the sword scene.

in season 1, the earthquake was entirely removed from 1-4 adaptation.

makes it odd it happened here anyways.

>or even Klavier, if Apollo is nearby
There's isn't really much they can do with Klavier though, especially with the ending of SoJ.

Franzy and Scruffy are in place of Edgy.

I wonder the dub will use "gravely/gravy" like in the game or come up with something else.

Is it even foreshadowing? They revealed Morgan's plan in this episode anyway.

Yes. The episode gives you no hints that "Iris" is Dahlia. The game gave you hints because "Iris" started using certain animations that had been exclusive to Dahlia previously. You only start thinking about a twin switch in court, during the investigation you don't even consider Dahlia was still out there and think she just came, killed Misty and went back to hell.

How come no one fingerprinted these locks?

Attached: trick locks.png (1280x720, 833K)

I'm still mad about them omitting the entire psyche-locks thhing from this adaptation.

Could be a little more subtle.

Doesn't this scene give a little hint?

God damn my dick.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ace Attorney S2 - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.04.00_[2019.03.09_19.33.13].jpg (1280x720, 148K)

>not basic logic

Attached: basic_logic.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>AJ anime
>they omit the whole perception shit
>AAI anime
>they omit basic logic

Nice lolithighs

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ace Attorney S2 - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.20.38_[2019.03.09_19.55.33].jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Just omit going into his head.

Kristoph did nothing wrong, that shitter Phoenix had it coming.

For winning a card game?

He's a hack I say

But his technique works.

Attached: sad pearl.png (1280x720, 528K)

>they omit the whole perception shit

Can they really omit that, the whole perception thing with his bracelet ties into his backstory and character.

I liked how they cut to the chase with Iris and Dahlia's identity rather than have Bikini not remember Dahlia's name like she does in the game. That always felt a bit pointless.

>into his backstory
Which one?

one of five.

He's not. It always have been Edgeworth

I like the coat.

Expand on mug please.

It should be klavier

only with the fujos

Is this even watchable? I love the game series, finished all of those. Isnt it a waste of time for me?

It has some original episodes, and some scenes are better without sprites, but many complain because it has some problems.

They pretty much fucked S1 up. S2 is way better. Anime originals were the best part

>They pretty much fucked S1 up
Making Turnabout Big Top watchable is a big feat though.

Attached: burger_noodle_maya.jpg (2588x1468, 1.21M)

Do they insert as ema?

What would you like to know? I am on the road currently, won't be home for a bit.

I miss Yuki Aoi...

this was painfully boring desu.

I don't know but he's got the power to turn my pee into a stone.

That sounds horribly painful.

Which part?

Havent seen the episode yet. Tell me they didnt skip the earthquake scene again please.

Attached: 1467767075522.png (273x255, 80K)

No it's in there.

You should see her in summer.

It is user. It is...

Attached: illust_68149345_20180408_222128~01.png (960x1500, 1.16M)

I never got why people hate this case that much. Personally I enjoyed it a lot, Regina was cutely retarded, Max was fun and the twist was great.

>Aoi Yuuki is everywhere
>missing her

It's the lull case.

>tfw no hot prosecutor gf

Google are being massive faggots and are not allowing you to save images directly off of google now.
I take it the law forced them to do that.

Really didn't need to see that.

Attached: 4ff65dg4df56g4dfgd4fg.png (420x420, 244K)

This seems to make it work for me.

It always upset me he is not the giant buff man that is portrayed in the games

>AAI2 anime
>they omit logic chess

In the games it didn't because Iris used her normal sprite for it. It actually serves to fool you so that the twist of it having been Iris dating Phoenix has more impact when it is revealed.