Evangelion is the best anime, and you can't convince me otherwise.
Faggots that only care about discussing the endings not welcome because the whole thing is 10/10.
Evangelion is the best anime, and you can't convince me otherwise
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Episode 1-4 are great. 5-10 are decent. 11-15 are pretty good. 16-26 are great. EoE is great.
5 is honestly one of my favourites, I love the scene with EVA-00 going berserk in the test.
And 9 is tied for my favourite episode. There's so damn much to talk about from that episode, and for the first time watching Eva I really believed that maybe things wouldn't go so badly when I saw it.
Stuff like this is fine too, though.
I'd say the anime gets to the good parts when Asuka is introduced and then hits it's highest point during episode 24 which is without a doubt the best episode in my opinion.
I dont think anyone here ever argued otherwise.
I remember watching this series as a kid. I was filled with sadness towards the end even thought I didn’t understand the series up until later viewings. It’s a good show but it’s not as good as I remembered in recent watches. I have another all time favorite anime now but this one is great to me because of nostalgia.
People who unironically think FMA is a good show think it's one of the worst because they're retarded.
What’s your favorite anime now?
Great taste, Madoka is my second favorite anime with Eva being my favorite.
Are you me?
I hate the movies but the series is great
Just like I hate the rebuilds go figure
Could never get into it, I find the characters so uninteresting in Madoka, whereas characters are Eva's biggest strength.
I might give PMMM a 7 overall on the basis of having a good aesthetic and style, but in terms of substance, I thought it was bang average.
The fuck? The movies are basically the series with better visuals. Yea Forums worked on a version of Madoka that inserts the movie visuals into the series. Unless you’re talking about Rebellion and 99.9% of the time when somebody says they didn’t like Rebellion it’s because they didn’t understand it.
I thought rebellion was good personally, mainly because of how visually interesting it was and how it dove head first into Homura's character, who really was never a good person.
The story of Madoka is probably the single greatest story ever told in anime. That’s where the strength of the series comes from where as Eva has good characters but a somewhat weak story.
It's the Godfather of anime. It's not a masterpiece by any means, but facets of it are still influential to this day
You’ve got to consider the fact that Madoka is only twelve episodes though. The characters are really well done as well considering that.
I’d say The Godfather of anime is Dragonball.
I get were you're coming from and I'm pretty sure I agree with you. It kind of goes into why I don't get why people hate on rebellion even though it gave Homura way more character which I think is one of the most valid complaints of the anime.
This is also true.
>EoE is great
Okay, bud. You’re going to have to explain that one. How is Homura not a good person?
It is though
EoE was actually better than the series.
She literally only cared about Madoka and saw all other life as meaningless and useless, she straight up treats Sayaka like shit and the only time she was nice to her was when she was doing it for Madoka. Half of the time she fantasized about becoming the ultimate witch with Madoka and just killing everyone so they could be together forever.
Rebellion was basically her just trying to drag Madoka back down with her and the non goddess Madoka in the movie is basically Homura's 'ideal' version of her who's oblivious to magical girls and just exists with Homura's memories of her.
>she straight up treats Sayaka like shit and the only time she was nice to her was when she was doing it for Madoka.
Sayaka kept getting Madoka killed. She always contracted first and made Madonna feel like trash for not doing it until she gave in. Sayaka was essentially killing Madoka over and over and Homura managed to find the strength to not kill her in any of the timelines.
>Half of the time she fantasized about becoming the ultimate witch with Madoka and just killing everyone so they could be together forever.
You mean one time as they were dying and they had no other choice but to become witches? She was saying they could destory the world and all the evil in it? Sounds like an evil person.
>Rebellion was basically her just trying to drag Madoka back down with her and the non goddess Madoka in the movie is basically Homura's 'ideal' version of her who's oblivious to magical girls and just exists with Homura's memories of her.
You didn’t understand the garden scene.
>Madonna feel like trash
Poor Madonna ;__;
I meant Madoka. Madonna can get dragged down as much as you want.
>Sayaka kept getting Madoka killed. She always contracted first and made Madonna feel like trash for not doing it until she gave in.
She really didn't, Sayaka ended up getting herself killed most of the time and if anyone tried to pressure Madoka into it it was Mami especially during the main timeline since Mami was so lonely.
>You didn’t understand the garden scene.
The garden scene was after Homura had already become a witch though and it was basically a manifestation of her fear of losing Madoka since Madoka is the only person she ever cares about.
>Madonna can get dragged down as much as you want.
Well that's not very nice.
Most of the original anime was utter garbage.
>She really didn't, Sayaka ended up getting herself killed most of the time and if anyone tried to pressure Madoka into it it was Mami especially during the main timeline since Mami was so lonely.
Yea, and despite all that Homura would try and save Mami when she went to go fight Bebe. She’d also try and help Sayaka as much as she could every timeline even though Sayaka after contracting would always have a bitchfit and tell Madoka she’s not a true friend for making her do it alone while killing herself in front of Madoka and pressuring her even more to contract. She’d do that over and over and over and over.
>The garden scene was after Homura had already become a witch though and it was basically a manifestation of her fear of losing Madoka since Madoka is the only person she ever cares about.
Nope, that was the real Madoka. It wasn’t a manifestation. You didn’t understand the scene. She gave her insight she didn’t even know about and couldn’t have known about.
Why are you separating 5 and 6 from 1-4?
They are similar enough so that if you enjoyed the first 4 the next two should just be more of that.
Why'd you post it twice user? Also she helped Sayaka like once only to make Madoka happy while she spent the rest of the anime treating Sayaka like shit, as for Sayaka saying Madoka wasn't a true friend Madoka said that herself and that she deserved it for not helping Sayaka after she became a witch.
Yea Forums is dumb then
>you didnt get it
fuck off m8
She was good then the movie ruined her
She treated her like shit because she kept getting Madoka killed over and over. That’s the point. Is her not killing her not good enough? Homura did nothing wrong by being mean to somebody who kept getting her friend killed. That doesn’t make her evil. She went out of her way to help her every time despite being mean as well.
>Madoka said that herself and that she deserved it for not helping Sayaka after she became a witch.
Why do you think she said that? Possibly because her friend told her that she wasn’t a good friend for not helping her even though she had a choice? Homura told her like a million times not to do it.
Nah the monster of the week episodes are very good
I think Rebellion is one of the few cases where if somebody hates it you can almost every time safely assume they didn’t understand it. It’s very deep. Very very deep. More than half of Yea Forums legitimate couldn’t understand it.
I dont care if its deep or not
You didnt get it is not an argument
Something can be extremely deep and still be shit
Which is fine but whenever somebody says they didn’t like Rebellion and you ask why you quickly find out the reasons they didn’t like it are all things they’ve imagined in their head and have almost nothing to do with the reality of the show. If somebody said I hate Rebellion because I don’t like girls and there’s girls in Rebellion or something factual like that that’s one thing but claiming they hate Rebellion because “Homura’s actions make no sense” or something like that is another.
DB is definitely the godfather of shounen. There's a pretty good chance any of your favorite anime past or present that comes on late night in Japan wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Eva
user, you do realize a series would have come around that would wave eventually done what Eva did if that show never existed right? If Eva doesn’t exist that doesn’t mean late night anime is fucked forever.
Not only is that impossible to know. But it doesn't matter.
Just because there might have been a show of similar impact if Eva didn't exist doesn't negate Eva's impact.
It's like saying Astro Boy wasn't impactful because anime would probably have existed anyway.
What you’re arguing is that if Sailor Moon didn’t exist then magical girl anime would never have been big.
I’m using sailor moon specifically because Anno unironically used it as inspiration to make Eva.
>but there was magical girl anime before Sailor Moon
There was also mech anime before Eva.
If Sailor Moon didn't exist, magical girl anime would still exist since Cutie Honey already did. But magical girl show as we know them would be entirely different.
This isn’t me saying Sailor Moon is a good anime either. I think Moon is a children’s monster of the week monster fighter series akin to Inuyasha. I didn't like the series at all.
What makes Eva unique isn't it being a mecha show. It was that it was a massive success.
So for all we know anime is now worse. Much worse because of Eva. That argument can be used the opposite way as well since nobody ever knows. Now maybe thirty series that would have been better than everything we have combined today don’t exist. Maybe seasonal anime in that future isn’t a thing and there’s dewing anime but it’s all much better. That’s why that argument shouldn’t be used to praise Eva. Nobody knows.
We don’t even know if it would have changed anything. Maybe all the series after were created anyways because the writers had them in their heads.
A lot of anime have massive success. What’s your point?
Okay so if Sailor Moon doesn’t exist then Eva doesn’t exist. Sailor Moon is The Godfather of anime.
I felt it was completely unnecessary and ruined characters.
Looks good though
Very few anime have the success of Eva.
The point being that Eva being a massive success made the industry change.
You didn’t understand it. It does look good though.
Wow, comparing two fiction characters both written for a different purpose really shows how much of a cry-baby Shinji is!
A ton of anime made the industry change. What’s your point?
Yeah, and for a lot of those the title "grandfather of anime" would probably fit.
She still feels like a virgin
Then you can’t be sure what that anime actually is then? You might as well just say in your opinion you like so and so anime.
I say that because we fall into the trap of thinking older shows are better because they’ve had less competition and are considered classics already. A new anime could be made that maybe is genuinely a better show than an old anime and a lot of people will STILL say the old anime is better because it’s “the grandfather of anime” or “it influenced the industry mannn” when in reality that means absolutely nothing in terms of how good the series is. Like I said Sailor Moon in my opinion is a trash anime and Eva was inspired by it and it itself have changed the Industry. It’s better to discuss the anime itself when praising it over how much it’s remembered with thick nostalgia goggles.
The truth is these days it’s way harder to influence the Industry than it would have been back when Eva was created so any anime that manages to do it should possibly get more credit.
>Both of you dance like you want to win
Most kino moment in literally every anime ever produce, banzai Anno-san
That’s not the toothbrush scene in Monogatari...
>OP has 300 iq points
>the single greatest story ever told in anime
I just don't see it. What's so good about it? It's a Faust knockoff with cute girls. There's one twist which is that Homura is a step ahead of the game, but other than that it's always been pretty bland to me apart from Rebellion, which I've only seen once and found completely incomprehensible.
I went into the show expecting to come out thinking it was overrated trash but it was one hell of an experience. The last 3 or so episodes made me feel so damn empty though.
FMA is unironically a good show though, retard. You can enjoy both as they're both solid examples of some of the best the medium has to offer and if you think otherwise you're a brainlet.
Someone explain ending for brainlet
Fucking retard
Asuka is an 11 out of 10.
I want to tongue Asuka's ass
Me to
Nope nge is overrated and outdone by tlgl and eureka7
Why is she so perfect bros
>EoE is great
Opinion discarded
The show was too deep for you
Why is the nge fandom so toxic
sexual frustration, people who talk in length or sperg out about NGE often have dildos
because the anti-NGE is annoying as fuck
FMA (2003) is really good and FMAB is good, but Eva is better than both.
>Evangelion is the best anime, and you can't convince me otherwise.
Fuck off with this brainlet anime.
Finished watching it just now. The ending is absolutely hilarious. I guess maybe the movies will explain some more stuff but I the last two episodes were just dumb. Also Asuka is not even that hot and she is just frustrating to deal with. I can't even imagine domestically abusing her and then having hot rough sex afterwords because her shitty personality overpowers her looks. She is just a really bad character until the very end and I don't understand how a lot of you fags don't prefer Rei instead (alternate reality Rei was also a massive qt).
I hate rebellion, i mean i dont hate it completly, there aee some really good scenes, but i hate the witch girl, she looks like it was made whit the only intention of selling more figure and shit
The rest of the movie is fine, but the witch girl kind of ruined the movie for me
The angels were cool as fuck monsters that were handled in an awful way by the plot. And 75% of the story is beating them.
What a waste.
Many critical plot elements are left out of it and instead found in side materiales. You can't get the full picture with the series alone, and that sucks.
>theater-fagging gave me a deep respect and appreciation for tragedy as a story form
>daily shittyness of life gives a desire for happy endings and fulfilling romance/friendship stories
>I want both even though they counteract each other emotionally
Fuck you Yea Forums you did this to me. Give me back my emotional stability or a handy
Mecha sucks.
I'm watching this again with someone who's never seen it, its my third time. Watched it for the second time with two other friends who never saw it last year, but i was drunk most of the time, so i didn't really catch much.
I think i'm finally catching all the little nuances and things in character's dialogues and visual metaphors; it doesn't really feel like a 4th viewing would add much to my understanding of the show. Aside from the obvious budget crisis the show went through in the second half, its still a really solid anime in all regards. the action is great, the characterization is top notch, and even when forced to use still frames for large portions of episodes, its still passable in an artsy-fartsy kind of way. Its not my favorite anime ever, but certainly one of the best i've seen - safely in my top ten, if not 5.
A formula for you.
S=k. E
S: self-hate
k: constant of solitude
E: love for eva
>The main thing I took away from Eva is that I really wanted to know where Adam and Lilith came from, and other utterly irrelevant details like that
Why do lorefags have to be like this? It's so unimportant.
Such as? I've never heard this claim before, what else do i need to watch or read?
But Eva is a perfect example of a tragic story with a happy ending, or at the very least a HOPEFUL ending where the possibility of happiness is emphasised.
What could possibly happen in the fourth movie when the whole world already got turned to shit?
Literally who cares, it'll be interesting to see what kind of film Anno goes for but I have absolutely no expectation that it will actually make the films as a whole a good experience, even if it's good in isolation. 1.0 is a simple rehash with bits missing (but some good art and the Ramiel fight in particular was great), and 2.0 and 3.0 were both pretty bad imo, not to mention there is no sense of tension or buildup for the "finale" so whatever plot there is will be pulled out of thin air.
Episode 3 was poopy. 5-6 were way better.
>vaguely defined relatives
This person hasn't even fucking watched the show, it was his teacher who took care of him. This is brought up at least once when him and Asuka are talking about his music talent and probably earlier on as well
Why don't I see more appreciation for Gendo in these threads? He probably has the most subtle characterization out of ninety nine percent of the cast.
It's a claim common enough to be included on tv tropes.
Having been so long I wouldn't say memory serves me right for specific examples, but I don't recall the whole deal about seeds/fruits of knowledge and power being explained in the series' dialogue. Maybe they got a vague mention at most.
TVtropes is a shit hole.
I like evangelion when I was a pretentious 15 year old, but it lost its luster as I got older. Willing to bet the majority of people who like it are also pretentious 15 year old with a few old losers sprinkled in.
>message is "you should love yourself"
>this is a pretentious message according to anonymous
Just sounds like some shit I would hear an insecure teenage girl saying.
>this is pretentious
>but actually it's for insecure teenage girls
where are you going with this
I don't see why you think those things don't fit together. Insecure teenage girls are often very pretentious.
But I don't understand how the message itself is pretentious. You can draw a correlation between the statement "love yourself" and teenage girls, but that doesn't make it pretentious just because one of those two things are.
Rebuild 3 was fucking awful, but Asuka's design is at least one nice thing to come from it.
You did not understand the main point of what Anno was trying to convey then.
The show is a masterpiece and the best TV anime ever made.
EoE is trash and bullshit no different from rebuilds