Manaria (Mysteria) Friends I?

Best prince and thick princess.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why is Anne the one playing the Prince anyways?

Of this is yuri why does one of them need to pretend to be a man?

The play demanded it.

There isn't enough tape in the kingdom to hide Grea's Greas.

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Anne's handsome and Grea too fat, also yuri cliches like the piano.

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You make it sound like Anne is a plank.

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Ready to bare ONLY male heirs.

>lesbian magic babies are all boys
Interesting plot.

that's not genetically possible
2 girls can only breed more girls

What is Red and Blue?
Grea when I am choking her gue hehehe

Magic laws clearly state that girl + girl = boy. You can't debate facts

Dragons are the "that guy" of the lizard family.

Getting Archdyke flashbacks here.

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XX + XX = XX

>"Magic's just science that we don't understand yet" -Jk Rowling.
You can only get girls with iPS cells.

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Anne is a more refined noble prince and prefers big butt over peasant milkers.

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I see you guys haven't finished your yurimancy degrees

I like to live in today's world

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If one of them grew a magik futa cock to reproduced the baby might be a futa.

That's a cute trophy wife for Anne.

That's cute.

This is going to be an especially lewd episode. I can feel it.

They've been getting progressively lewder.

Why the fuck are lesbians so obsessed with Enlightenment era clothing? Have they read Candide?

Why can’t we have lesbians in Greek clothing? All princes did during the Enlightment was suck the souls of the poor, and get really paranoid about revolutions.

It's Takarazuka. Don't impose your shitty western values on another culture

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It's not about politics, the inspiration comes from theater, fantasy and stories for girls about charming princes. Just so happens that cute girls look great in those, like Anne.

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You can tell the writers and directors for this anime are true connoisseurs of yuri

I mean look at this shit, a woman dressing up like this nowadays would just mean that she cross-dresses back into woman’s clothing. Lesbians should dress up like Romantic poets, they were real manly men.

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She's the bottom in the relationship

Anne wants to be the bottom but Grea needs coaxing to let her dragon side out. You know. The side that RAPES hot human princesses. Anne is trying her best. Slutting herself up. Trying to give Grea aphrodisiacs in her tea. Using some well known royal secrets to get dragons to fuck them silly. Now Anne has to show Grea how it's done by dominating her! Then Grea will finally flip, pin Anne down and fuck her silly!!!!

>It's not about politics, the inspiration comes from theater, fantasy and stories for girls about charming princes.
The original stories about charming princes were medieval stories written mainly for men, and those charming princes were basically submissive to the women not the other way around - which is why they were considered experimental for the time.

If you are talking about fairy-tales, most came from the renaissance not the 18th century so this girl should really be dressed up in German renaissance clothing. And a lot of unpleasant things happened in those fairy-tales, often having a much darker subtext. I would be happy if more lesbians dressed up as renaissance gentlemen, but yuri often gets everything absolutely wrong.

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user, it's not a direct inspiration, comes from Takatazuka


Wait, so from what I am looking at this clearly influenced Ikuhara’s fashion sense. So Ikuhara cross-dresses as a woman, who is cross-dressing as a man?


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Oh user. Oh my sweet user kun.

When is the flood?

Takarazuka is full of hyper dykes. They're a well known secret in the entertainment industry that it's full of lesbians who date other girls in entertainment often idols or girls in pop groups.

Yes but they can't come out of the closet because Takarazuka is owned by boomers.

explain ?

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The one on the right looks like a tanned dudebro.
Kinda like Zyzz if he became an actor instead of taking roids.



I wish I could partake in their pussy-eating.

I love takoyaki theatre!

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Reminder that Takarazuka is fucking shit and evil.
>heartbreak thousands of little girls every year because they only accept 40 people into takarazuka school
>need to have a minimum height to apply
>need to be a prodigy singer, dancer, actress plus good grades to get in
>once inside takarazuka school it's a fucking survival hell where every classmate is a rival
>insane practice classes
>graduating the school does not mean you have a place secured inside takarazuka revue but you must still compete for it
>if somehow you make it inside the company chances are you will always do small and/or irrelevant roles
>must have very specific physical qualities to be otokoyaku specially top star
>if you're musumeyaku forget ever being important
>need to hide your homo/bisexuality if you don't want to get fired

My ideal female body would be a cake who went into takrazuka school but left because it just wasn't for her. She's become an OL but is an obscene lesbian who makes every girl in the company and that she meets fall for her. The anime will be about my excessive love affairs and how I deal with all these slutty bi-sluts falling for my kakoii style.

>>need to have a minimum height to apply
Futaba btfo

i bet even if you didn't get to be the Takarazuka actors after graduating, it might be good on your resume.

there's also a chance you could get stuck in a timeloop by a psycho, it's serious business

Wholesome show and good sleep inducer.

I always knew /u/fags were rodents.

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don't be rude to the gay mouse

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>need to hide your homo/bisexuality if you don't want to get fired

Why ?

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Mangaka yurifag

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Whow did this thread go from Manaria friends shit to Takarazuka and iPS?

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Yuri babies saving Japan's birthrate.

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>there's also a chance you could get stuck in a timeloop by a cute fruit

Fixed that for you.

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Does anyone have a full version of this shot?

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Shoujo kageki revue starlight ,Takarazuka and Yuri

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Bananice fix, user

Why would anyone want to join something like this in the first place?

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It is a mystery.

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Why do people join ballet schools despite the most elite schools being infamously cutthroat and harsh while completely obliterating your feet and having to start a a very young age?
Some people are willing to sacrifice everything to achieve the highest echelons of art.

Sounds like every workplace in Japan. That's why the nips want to die

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Desu I think Anne should have been the princess, you know to play on the whole dragons kidnapping princesses.

TOP STAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>top star
Reminder that in the stage play Banana is the only one who remains undefeated.

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DIE BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Because they cant say no to their parents and teachers, and when they grow up, it's too late. Same shit with ice skating and gymnastics - if you aren't a superstar by 15, your life is ruined since your health is now shit, your education was replaced by training and competitions, and your "fans" are all looking at new hotness.

Yurizords, what's for next season?

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>Yurizords, what's for next season?



Danchou's rape train part 2: electric boogaloo

Really really really nice thanks

Strike Witches maybe

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The troupe doesn't usually have a giraffe who likes gay girls being gay, unfortunately.

>Banana is the only one who remains undefeated.
I know she's irrelevant, but Karen is also undefeated.

Moeka needs more roles where she can occasionally look like a serial killer without it being her actual character like Houkago Senki.

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Maybe, but can't beat her dorkiness.

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I can't wait for Miyafuji's new anime.

by me

looks canon...
is it?

Guess Anne did put some love potion in that tea.

pls Anne

>Desu I think Anne should have been the princess, you know to play on the whole dragons kidnapping princesses.
Except Grea is a princess too.

Looks like a shop. Head, wings and tail come from pic related. The body must be from a different picture.

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Are all of thise shows actually good? I only saw about half of them

If Anne was a dragon you might be making a point.

>Anne's not a dragon
Yeah but she's a crazy rapist. That's good enough.

yuri with one dressed as a prince top tier thread pls post more

I hoppe she keeps escalating.

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When is Grea going to let anne smash

I don't really get her embarrassment here, that dress is not much different from her normal clothes. Is it because Anne picked it out?

Please we all no Anne is just a LUG right now. Grea will foolishly think her feelings are reciprocated but as soon as the next guy with a bag full of gold on a cool quest shows up it will be "Grea Who?"

Anne is a Linux User Group? No wonder she is so thirsty.

If this is a proper fairytale stage play, the prince will kiss the princess.

How lewd is this?

There was a scene in episode 2 where a character being bedridden with a fever was framed like she was having sex and episode 6 was a beach episode with everyone in swimsuits, but aside from those instances it's pretty light on lewd.

Shopped, look under her chin, you can see a bit of the collar from the outfit she's wearing in the picture posted

Pripri, flipfap and kpandora are great and has the girls doing more stuff than flirting with each other.
Urara and the one with gay foxes are good SoL's. Urara has an on going plot jesus christ.

It's more ornate and cutesy than Grea's usual attire. Look at all the bows, frills, etc. in The maid-ish headband especially feels like something she would never pick for herself to wear.

Grea is pretty self-conscious about her appearance. I don't think she sees herself as cute. Nip sensibilities seem to have a much lower threshold for "too big" like how Rider has a complex about her height but is actually under 5'8".

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I'll show you a scandal

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God i wish that were my tail

Anne is so lucky.

Give Lou a girlfriend.

scans when?

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Lou is straight.


Not once she sits down to watch Manaria Friends.

Anne, what are you doing?

Why are so many mobage adaptations yuri?

Because it's better than having a shit male MC fugging your waifu.

Such as?

Because people play these games for the girls.
Giving the male self insert character not only a personality but also the lead role and a good amount of attention can be seen as a turn off to some people. So anime producers just say fuck it and cut him out entirely.

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>wasting resources and screentime on boilerplate self-insert

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That's what brings the money to them.
That's why the Priconne anime is going to have one, and so will the GBF adaptation.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, what brings in the money are the codes they'll put in.

are you by chance bioengineering-kun from the shieldfag threads?
how's your racoon daughterwife project?

Their adaptations sell because they include codes. No one would buy those BDs otherwise.

Does this mean men are finally not needed? This is great.

>from the shieldfag threads?
you think I'm a normie?

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Anime link?

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I couldn't watch more than a minute of this loser. His accent is terrible and he looks like he has AIDS.

What's this from.
Hard to find with just a crop.
If it's an actual doujin, I'll try to get it and scan it.

see , it's the cover page

What is it with the influx of lesbian princesses? We have the Archdyke extraordinaire, tamer of witches Fine. We have the future Queen of Lesbion and supai dess, Charlotte. We have perverter of tales and drugger of dragons, Anne. We have the true maou, the hero courter Rona. Why are all our princesses turning gay?

Nowadays princesses just have better taste.

Two nukes weren't enough.

How can I be just like Owen? Since being a cute lesbian princess with a cute dragon girlfriend is impossible for me due to being a guy I figure I should shoot for something that's actually in reach and be a silent watchful protector of cute lesbians instead. However I have ran into more than a few roadblocks. That being the fact that I have yet to find any cute lesbians to guard with my life. Only disgusting hags that never should have been born. How do I clear this hurdle?

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3D < 2D

Art is not bad either, I want it

Mirin' those calves

To be fair this is the third anime about the game.


Post a pic showing her thickness at least.

Negative x Negative = Positive is basic maths user

So it's an IRL Battle Royale. Can we give those girls guns and drop then into an island? It would be easier?

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>basic maths user
Mendel: this is basic biology user