Interracial yuri kino airing next season

>interracial yuri kino airing next season
About fucking time this got made.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody except tumblr and /u/ will watch it

Stop making yuri/yaoi series, goddamnit, it's bad for Japan's declining population


i wounder when this yuri trend will end.if the director of bebop feels like he needs to do yuri, for the sake of yuri to stay prominent we are in a dark age of anime

back to /u/ faggot

>declining population
the primary reason is women working though. It's like that in every 1st world countries. because why would you ever get married when you can just support your own life with more freedom?

Looks like garbage

>non-moe/cute yuri
As a yurifag, even if it is 100% gay, I’m still not going to care. Might as well not be yuri at this point.

Why not decrease taxes for couples with children per child?

The primary reason for that is that raising a kid is expensive as shit in Japan.

How many % of japanese population are otaku-hikki? I think you're just scared of blaming it on women working culture that it's the one that's ruining marriage and birth rate in every single 1st world country. It's not only japanese problem.

that and give more marriage and children benefit.

That and average women don't need men provider anymore like in the old days because average women are working full time with great salaries nowadays.

Yurifags delusional, as always.

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This will be AOTS
Yea Forumstards BTFO

>with great salaries nowadays.
lol no
No on has a "great salary" nowadays no matter if you have a penis and a vagoo.


but it will never become a classic

CGDCT "yuri" is complete trash.

I could only imagine someone believing that if they were a hardcore /u/fag.

Why should anyone actually care about a declining population? Just let the population naturally reach equilibrium. No need to convince people to have babies or to import donothings.

>declining population
means less anime made in the future

True, and even now, third worlders still making babies to no end, dumping their future problems to the benevolent first worlders.

Because a minority of working age adults paying for the social security of a majority of retirees would lead to system collapse.

Nobody cares about your /pol/shit. Post cute anime lesbians.

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Can someone explain why Watanabe panders to the West so much?

netflix demands and bucks

He likes Western movies and music, after Cowboy Bebop you need that explained to you?

A declining population means a declining workforce, making hiring local workers more expensive, meaning they have to outsource jobs to foreign workers to reach an equilibrium

Literally the worst fetish in existence.

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He doesn't. He panders to himself.


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>has never seen how hot mixed race people are
it's not bad when it's het

Disgusting. You should honestly kill yourself.

no he has admitted in an interview to this show he is following trends

t. mutt

>society should have more kids to prop up a social welfare ponzi scheme

>employees making more money is bad, we must stop that at all costs with 3rd world labor

Okay that's a good point.
Third worlders aren't a problem as long
as they stay in the third world. Japan sure won't take them in.
What if the decline is slow. Also I don't see the Japanese economy dying unless literally 50% are 90yo.

only if you do first, for being a shitty human being

>humans aren't dogs you dumb fuck

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>As it happens, this is the first Shinichiro Watanabe work with female protagonists. When asked about that, he jokingly responded “Hey, sometimes I’ve gotta go with the trends” but then clarified, “Sure, this is my first attempt at female protagonists, so it’s a challenge, but that’s exactly why I want to do it. If I’m just repeating the same stories over and over, then I can’t stay motivated. Making two girls the protagonists is my way of slowly but surely trying new things
What does this have to do with "pandering to the west"?

With how Shinichiro Watanabe has never focused on romance in his anime, I doubt this will be yuri.

i guess nothing much so far but we will know for sure if it involves yuri then we can say it's pandering

>Macross Plus
And every anime he has made had romance elements.

This but unironically

>same frizzled hair
>same skin color
>still dumb as brick

it’s like theres nothing good about mulatto kids.

Don't think that's actually necessary. More like a greedy trick. I guess it's fine if the foreigners have to leave when they finish their work.

Across the OECD the correlation between fertility and female labor force participation is actually positive. This has been true in Japan as well which has over the last two decades seen its FLP rise to a normal level and it's fertility rise to an at least less than catastrophic level

have you considered seppuku for being such a terrible human being?

Make the blonde one shorter and the brown one stacked and turn it into a Spla2n adaption.

If the nominal cost of a worker rises while productivity stays the same the only result is a trade-off between inflation and outsourcing. Plebs like to believe they're being cheated but really they aren't paid much because the value of their work is also not very high

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It's not a matter whether it's necessary or not, it's just how it naturally works, just like how increasing prices due to an increase of demand isn't necessary but it's the nature of economics

Macross Plus is more Shinji Kawamori, and even in Sakamichi no Apollon it's a manga adaptation.

Sure there are some romance elements or sexual tension in his shows, but it never becomes the main focus or there's a main pairing. I watched Zankyou no Terror and I don't even remember if the girl ends up with any of those two boys. Space Dandy, Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop doesn't have a main pairing either.

So Hall & Oates with the instruments reversed as well?

His relationship with Julia is one of the main driving point for Spike.

>racism and prejudice is literally stopping us from advancing into a more superior race
>shit like this reminds me why humanity should die if we can't ever get past racism

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did watanabe even confirm this is going to be a yuri show? for all we know this is going to be nana 2.0

the german afd wanted to do that and got boo'd for being racist

Whoever you're quoting sounds like a retard

>w-watching gay shows will turn you gay!

>advancing into a more superior race
the american ogre?

He's interested about the relationship dynamic between both girls in music and friendship

It's technically yuri

if there are any evafans in this thread
here is proof instrumentality wouldn't be such a bad thing.

as anons like this wouldn't be complaining when being told not to be a shitty human as they would be the same person as everyone else is.

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Which is why the goberment can regulate companies to prevent bad long term decisions

It makes the discussion for those shows quite annoying if nothing else. The creators refuse to commit to yuri, but leave enough ambiguity that the /u/ fags believe everyone is just waiting to jump each other off screen.

Hitler did something similar, but with lending money, so the association may be too strong

Hitler ruins everything by association

yes it will, there have been lots of cases where people have said they thought they were straight until they watched steven universe.

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ironically enough I was just about to say that you sound like an anime villain, albeit a pretty lame one

>wanting to be a mutt so hard you'd liquefy your body just to be mixed with everybody else on earth

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Why is that annoying?

maybe this is watanabe's "yuri on ice" but with music and actual yuri. contrary to his pal sayo yamamoto's yuri on ice show

>telling people not to be shitty
>anime villain
i think you are mistaken young man

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Lots of countries do stuff like this now including France, Poland, Hungary, Canada, Japan, and Germany. Big problem is that it doesn't work

humans aren't dogs, that dehumanising logic doesn't work in real life user

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Because they were never straight.

but some of them had straight relationships before hand, if they never watched the show they would have continued to think they are straight so there for would have been.

They're bi, they can still have straight relationships.

>Mixing with 60 IQ sub-humans will advance humans

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New Mai-series when?

No, it's just shitposting.

> closeminded
> tunnel vision
> can't see how different iq and races give different perspectives that a single person or race can't do

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i'm still pretty sure gay shows have an effect on people enough to sway there sexual preferences.

I'm pretty sure you're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about.

I will when you do.

No body is even going to watch this show because it looks so ugly.

They're just going to pretend to have watched and make threads about it to shitpost with yuri/pol/etc.

But it's just his character arc, which is about 3-4 episodes, not main Bebop storyline.

Yes, because absolutely everyone who is black has a low iq. It is not like some of the recorded most intelligent people of the world are black.

If Bebop has a storyline then it is Spike's story.
It is the only one that fit.

I find it questionable when your friend "turned gay" watching it, but they're DEFINITELY trying to convert kids with this shit. They'll always deny it though but trying to convert straights is definitely a thing.

user empowerment is a thing. and gay shows empower people to think they are doing the right thing by being gay, be it by becoming gay or remaining gay.

i don't have anything against gay people but logically homosexuality is useless to the advancement of the human race.

also this

Yeah that retard probably doesn't even realize that without black inventors we wouldn't have

peanut butter

They just want to force acceptance from an early age. Conversion has nothing to do with it.

Just like Hibike, right?

I thought it was about music?

Music is gay.

I am not telling you to actively racemix, people can do whatever they want because it’s not your problem. The world does not revolve around you.

You can’t judge a individual purely through others associated by them, the iq of others who watch anime does not effect your iq or your worth as a human being.

we shouldn't accept something that doesn't help us advance forward as a species. or we are going to be stuck on his tiny little pebble when the worst case situation happens and humanity gets wiped out.

nobody is going to accept sending gay couples into space as our last hope over straight couples

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Music doesn't have a gender.

>it looks so ugly.
Lots of people love Kubonouchi's artwork though.

hello abe

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Why was this deleted
and if you want to delete "off-topic" how about deleting both sides of the argument instead of only deleting one? Then it'd be fine by me

Just like my American live actions.

j's and m's lean left
>i'm being vague but you know what i mean by this


I've seen them let a lot of shit fly lately, oddly enough. But why was "if you say so lol" deleted, but half of the actual discussion wasnt? Genuinely feels like someone with the power to do so is having a shitfit

this makes no sense

Trying to push for propaganda then telling everyone to mind his business isn't gonna fly user :^)

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>maybe this is watanabe's "yuri on ice" but with music and actual yuri. contrary to his pal sayo yamamoto's yuri on ice show

I pray this is the case

Good lord we need it

Low quality post and I'm too lazy to report everyone, just the more blatant.

it works with niggers, not productive members of society so you just get more leeches

> make one thread about yuri being bad gets prematurely deleted
> make a thread about yuri gains 500+ posts

i know that feel bruh, the shitfits are real you are not imaging them trust me.

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The age of yuri is upon us and there's nothing you can do to stop it, it'll be bigger than the CGDCT wave in 2012

we live in the worst timeline, miyazaki didn't work his butt off for degeneracy content like this to thrive in Yea Forums

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Reddit anime of the season.

Even the white chick looks off-putting, I don't know what they're going for with this

>Implying this will be Yuri
>Besides the fact this is Watanabe we are talking about here the cast is full of boys including teenage boys. They will get the D no matter how hard /u/fags cry

i hope they get it from the D.j

Then tell niggers in Africa who are the largest expanding pollution to stop. Meanwhile whites get told to stop having kids to stop global warming and racism.

Posting comments from Watanabe himself in the special production notes:

> “As a music maniac, I really wanted to do a music anime as my lifework. But I like music so much that I couldn’t accept anything but the very best. I set the bar very high for myself. However, when we were working on this project, the music maniac in me gave it the go-sign (laughs), so the anime director in me could finally get to work.”

>According to Director Watanabe, the story takes place on Mars in the future. In this age, music is mostly produced by AI, but Carole & Tuesday are using good old-fashioned human creativity to write their songs, so they’re like a breath of fresh air in the music scene. This anime will have two seasons. The first season will cover their meeting and work up to their debut, while the second season will show their post-debut career.

>When asked, “Why did you make the protagonists two young girls?” Director Watanabe explained that “This isn’t a story about some lonely genius artists. It’s about two people who can’t create their ideal music separately but are capable of making something amazing together. Basically, I wanted to depict this collaborative effort.” He added that “Anime is also a collaborative effort. Just like our work, I wanted to show those moments where 1+1 equals more than 2.”

>As it happens, this is the first Shinichiro Watanabe work with female protagonists. When asked about that, he jokingly responded “Hey, sometimes I’ve gotta go with the trends” but then clarified, “Sure, this is my first attempt at female protagonists, so it’s a challenge, but that’s exactly why I want to do it. If I’m just repeating the same stories over and over, then I can’t stay motivated. Making two girls the protagonists is my way of slowly but surely trying new things.”

It's a Watanabe anime, it'll probably be the most popular anime for the season if not for Sarazanmai

> “I’ve thrown a lot of curve balls in my career, but this time, I wanted to pitch my message straight.” He finished the meeting with the declaration, “In this story, Carole & Tuesday cause a wave in society. I hope that CAROLE & TUESDAY the anime also causes a wave in real life. I don’t often say this, but I’m confident in this work!”

Anyway from his comments this is more like NANA rather than a yuri show.

The trailer looked awful, litterally zero hope for this. At least Kids on the Slope had Yoko Kanno ost.

his three last shows were all shit

Shinchiro Watanabe is a hack, you are confusing him with real talent, Shinichi Watanabe - who is pic related legend to whos achivement and status, Shinchiro could never measure

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Literally who are you quoting?

/gg/ here
>Jumbo/texan guitar
horrible guitar choice an amplified baby taylor would be more suited to her small frame

>It's a Watanabe anime
he's involved that's as far as it goes with him on this project. only gajins are gonna see this and its gonna flop. screencap this.

I've never heard an actually intelligent person say shit like this, it's always some fat yokel with three chins and no sense.

Japan has one of the lowest rates of female participation in the workforce of any developed country. You're retarded

spoiler they are not intelligent and the post is as dumb as it gets. mixing with anyone of any iq level will in course increase your own iq however much regardless

>being a faggot

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they're really trying to capture the gajin look with this copy of Taylor's swift.

>dreaming this hard

looks like shit
it will fail

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not confident about this one at all and going with Watanabe's track record recently. I'll wait until it's completed to watch it.

She looks like she fucks black girls.

did the naming of savages after weekdays start with robinson crusou?

Watanabe is a huge nostalgiafag and most probably C&T is inspired by old school idol anime aimed to girls and those were full of het romance. Kinda like NANA

Population is declining because of life quality, not because of propaganda. Wealthy people don't breed as actively

>Tfw Sarazanmai soon

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if you're trying to use (pic related) as an example you failed

That one is with boys and all of them are asians.

Zankyou no Terror and Space Dandy weren't popular at all for mainstream Japanese public.

What's wrong with this example?
Still it is worth mentioning

they look like trash and doesn't stir my pee pee at all

As if you're into other races

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Even as a yurifren I will not watch niggertrash
Come the fuck on, Japan.

based abeposting

>Haiting on black or just dark girls

Stay mad. You are not the target audience of anime&manga.

Nothing, anons are being idiots.

Learn to detect trolls. This entire thread is baiting trash.

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this, in reality we all want to be like the amerimutts

ITT: Pandering is bad when it's not aimed at MEEEE

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> Thinking it doesn't



And bluepilled?

>I only know of one renowned black person so that means that is the only thing of note an entire race of people have ever done!
fucking neck yourself

You can't just bribe people to have children. They only have the amount they want. The average couple in any modern country could already afford to have more than they do. They might have children earlier because they can afford it sooner, but they won't have more.

Same reason LWA was pandering to the west because it had a mostly female cast with no fanservice.

lest we forget black science man

A bunch of politicians in the old world still do so, betting on the stupidity of a few women to get pregnant to earn a few thousand euros, not realizing that raising a kid for one and half decade actually costs several hundred thousand euros.

unbased and bluepilled

they don't want their populations to decline and economy to shrink because they need more workers to pay into the welfare state. they are hoping to spend the money now and get workers to generate wealth later, but it has never worked.

I don't really hate yuri but.. seriously? interracial?

has this guy been browsing reddit or something?

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Yeah, right retard. Watching anime lesbians will sure turn me into a fucking lesbian.

Stop projecting, you insecure closeted faggot.

just admit that you hate niggers like everyone else
no one would judge you

>looks like shit
>it will fail

Not with Netflix streaming bucks this ain't!

Yeah, it's seriously dumb. In the end, the population simply keeps declining there because everyone leaves those shitty hellholes in the eastern european nations and try their luck in the western european nations instead.

Yes because supporting coloreds has brought so.much advancement.

Is this true though? As far as I know education is free in Japan untill highschool, and you still have public schools for that I think.

And bonesfags, sakugafags, and whoever thought Shigatsu was the best anime ever made.

if your a girl it will open your mind more to the idea of being gay at the very least

>is against supporting other races
>is on a board talking about media created by another race

Raising a kid has always been expensive in a first world countries because of high cost of living. You don't have much money left when you paid your rent and loans in big cities like Tokyo and New York.

I'll watch it.

Gay marriage will save Japan

Isn't it already legal in some prefectures?

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True, but it’s also odd how much of a non-character Julia actually is in the show. She doesn’t show up until the very end and they spend what, maybe a half hour together before she gets taken out?

and no.

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>even the garbage nigger hair instead of just making a cute chocolate girl with normal hair
What is happening with Japan

Go ahead and prove me wrong then

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You can convince people that chopping of your genitals will make you happy, of course you can install an incentive structure that is going to raise birth rates by a significant amount

Can you keep your bizarre tranny obsession on Yea Forums?

normalfag netflix garbage

Be glad that's as far as the realism goes.

Is not like the price of your rent increase with more kids, or it does? And if you kid have education you don't need anything else like a bigger house,car, etc, only extra expenses I see would be food.

>doesn't know all the inventions black people have created that they frequently use.

good luck with driving in the road without black people because they invented traffic lights and signals

t. Cletus

Arguing with the /pol/tard logic is an exercise in futility.

Will it be really 2 seasons or it was meant as 2 cours?

Yea Forums never stops being buttfrustated at Watanabe shows. There's even fags questioning his recent output when Dandy was nothing short of a classic.

>i have never even been on pol
stop making false excuses and just admit when you are wrong


Yuri? The girls are just friends making music together.

you can tell this series is gonna be shit just by the type of posters it attracts. not even out yet and we have tumblerinas and redditors here. this gonna be a hard pass from me, especially with Netflix involved.

Wrong about what?

Can you keep your oversensitivity on rêddit? It perfectly illustrates my point

that you shouldn't be mean to other races if you're going to frequent boards that only exist because other races exist

> have you considered seppuku for being a trash human?

based yurif/a/g

>that you shouldn't be mean to other races
guess what we nips hate you guys too

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If that logic applied universally it'd be impossible to give white people any shit for anything

2 cours, as in 24 episodes.


no you don't because why does a lot of japanese media draws inspiration from african culture. just ask my boy yugi here who is of african decent

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One on April and the other in October

Price of formula milk and diapers are not cheap, a newborn baby will really drain your money. And then either send the baby to a nursery which cost a lot of money, or someone needs to not work to take care the baby which of course reduced the household income significantly.

That's for one baby, Then if you get more then the financial burden increased more. That doesn't account for emergencies like accidents and hospital visits that can hit your savings. It's why nowadays families usually don't have more than 3 children because you can't live comfortably in a city when you have more than 3.

>the primary reason is women working though
The primarly reason is men being so drained from work specially men they have no time to take care of children or even have them (sexless marriages is an extremely common thing in Japan), and Abe's administrations removed the coupons and other incentives for couples to have kids and has failed to combat work discrimination that has kept women away, and because women can't earn money men have to work over time, often don't even get paid for that overtime. Like user says Japan has one of the lowest rates of female participation in the workforce Funny there are towns in Japan raising their population by managing to do exactly that, keeping women working and giving coupons and incentives for having children.

Japan doesn't even have a low children population problem, they actually have a problem of their orphanages and nurseries being fucking full but that's because many of those aren't actual orphans, parents abandon them there, and they cannot be given for adoptions because they are legally owned by their parents (removal of children custody isn't a thing in Japan) and they remain locked there until they turn 18. And until recently it was hard as fuck to adopt a child even if it was parentsless due to shitty laws as these nurseries and pseudo orphanages were bussiness like jails in the US.

also don't forget pregnancy discrimination, matahara

Yes and yes.

>Egyptian culture=African Culture
my head hurts just reading your -2int post

>“As a music maniac, I really wanted to do a music anime as my lifework. But I like music so much that I couldn’t accept anything but the very best.
so he's admitting Kids on the Slope was a mistake

what continent is Egypt in literal retard that doesn't know geography then?

Egyptian culture is African culture. African culture is not just African american culture


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nah not falling for this b8 stay deluded that Egyptian and African culture are the same

>interracial dykes

There'll be no yuri in this show.

No one believes that.

>literal retard here you can trademark it
okay then literal retard that thinks it's b8.
i'm sure korean, Chinese, and indian culture is not eastern culture and the only thing that counts as eastern culture is japanese culture.

Only if you are a deluded /u/fag.

not the guy you're replying to but
>trademark it
wherever you come from you have to go back


>bait clearly directed at /pol/ish anons
>blame /pol/ for it anyway
I don't get this logic. Shouldn't you be mad at r3ddit or discord? They're the ones who do that

>refreshes webpage.
okay i'm done, trademark it is just something i personally say it's not from any specific website culture

more like a keyboard/synth

wew this thread turned into a tumblr tier thread at the end there. if theres any threads of this series while it's airing its gonna be fun shitposting in. normalfags ain't gonna know what hit them.

i will only shit post if yuri content is in the show

First Sayaka got her "tan" childhood friend and now this, is this the new trendy?

already recognize some /u/tard posts so I'm definitely shotposting if they're already latching this hard

i'm hoping for another franxx were they tease yuri and then never fill up on it and then everyone tells the /u/sers to btfo

those threads were fun, like how the threads devolved into fatshit and cuckposting after the show aired too. I've played both sides kek.

>were they tease yuri
Uhh what?

ikuno constantly getting cucked and then people making jokes about her ending up with futoshi because they pilot together

i was there when people got so pissed at all the franxx threads they started posting threads on Yea Forums with literal shit

Just to be clear, you know that yuri involves two women, and Futoshi is a dude, right?


As expected of a crossboader like OP

Watanabe is a self-hating Japanese.

Don't trust Westaboos who hate their own country.

>didn't just make a show based on Ahoge Girl and Dark-Skinned Girl

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Ok Mishima

ikuno loved ichigo the second main girl but then got cucked by her loving the main boy and then ending up with the second main boy goro.

it's implied at the end that she ends up with the girl everyone thought was dead on episode 1 but nothing is ever confirmed and she is the only one that ends up with grey hair from the main cast and bed bound. so kek

Ah, so you were just retarded after all.

wew tits and abs just does something to me

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seeth more salt for me /u/ser

dark skin is delicious

Do you also believe that Franxx was fujobait because Mitsuru was interested in Hiro?

Is this even yuri or some faggots forcing it as always?

And what do you think? Don't be such a newfag.

not same user, but i feel the same brother

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of course it was because nothing even becomes of any of the gay ships it establishes, and one of it's core themes was about the importance of heterosexuality ad repopulating

still love how there still a few of you Franxxfags left. your series might of sucked but you guys are loyal to it. hope the manga treat you guys better.

also the the tranny characters are the only ones that die in the end. the whole show was a bait and switch to get progressives like /u/sers and fujos to hype it up and spread it around only for it not to follow through on any of it and since they are already invested they can teach them how important hetrosexuality is over homosexuality


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because it is, quite in fact, garbage.

>the whole show was a bait and switch to get progressives like /u/sers and fujos to hype it up and spread it around
Yeah, the first episode with a boy kissing a girl was really misleading, I'm sure all the fujos and yurifags were hooked on it because of that.

Odpieprz się yurigówno pedał kurwa

so why were they in every thread going on about inkuno x ichigo if they were not so hooked to show. seeth more salt for me fujo /u/ser

There were more people posting 02 x Ichigo than Ikuno x Ichigo.

bait is still bait and fujos and /u/sers shipped a ship that they knew would never happen and one they thought would but didn't

Only one of them is cute though.

Literally 2 best shows this season (wataten and manaria) are yuri shows. Why are hetfags still in denial?

imagine being this delusional. it only takes a quick look on mal to know how wrong you are.

people are more interested in shiel hero, promised neverland, mob psycho 100, and dororo than any half baked cookie cutter yuri show.

>people are more interested in shiel hero, promised neverland, mob psycho 100, and dororo



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i know you are but what am i?

still >bluepilled

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except they are you retard wtf
He's not even saying they're better, just what people actually care about this season


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Like seriously, let 23 write his own anime.

>thinks Yea Forums culture is cringe
>uses Yea Forums
where did you come from bluepilled user

Reminder that this is Bones' 20th anniversary show. They're going all out and it's going to be amazing.

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nice meme, reddit piece of shit


Who gives a shit about Japan's future? You'll be dead in 40 years anyway

>says the /u/ser
kek, you can't just say reddit and tumblr after showing you don't know Yea Forums culture and expect people to think you don't frequent those sites yourself


But ZnT was anti-american propaganda.

>import a shitload of niggers to do all your work for you
>eventually people who aren't barbarians force you to stop
>complain about the niggers you imported for the next 200 years
If you wanted smarter exslaves you should have imported smarter slaves, cuck

this makes no sense to me. if the men are working and the women aren't, why can't the women have children? what the fuck are they doing all day?

only a few, already mentally ill people do that. the numbers are nothing compared to the general population.

Wasn't that mostly trolling people rooting for the main couple like the people spamming Rikka x Akane in Gridman threads?

>why can't the women have children? what the fuck are they doing all day?
You DO know how babby is formed, right?

Try reading the post you're replying to, ESL-kun.

Because the society is so shit and the men are overworked nobody bothers fucking each other

Just let in immigrants. Works for America and Europe.

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckquean, but I am also a hardcore yurifag. I believe that yuri is the purest form of love, and that girls should love only girls. But when it comes down to it, men are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite romantic and erotic superiority of the yuri genre, cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason women are growing out of this phase and running to men is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save yuri from bed death is cuckolding. My pure imouto is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my purityfag beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the patriarchy. Just give it a chance once /u/. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a fat old balding man going in and out of a beautiful gay woman. Try it once.

I see no contradiction between believing that girls should love only girls, and allowing men to service them.

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how did that nigger afford a nord electro?


Excuse me, I looked up the synopsis of the anime in the OP. Where does it indicate yuri?

in sick head of yurifags


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feminism was a mistake

Artificial wombs and turning the next kind of humanity into eternal futalolis is the cute.

I read the post and said it made no sense. It's one thing if people aren't getting married, but once they are? It's not like men get married MAINLY for the purpose of fucking their wives of anything. Hey, I'm sure these women could get their husbands to fuck them if they asked nicely enough. There's only one reason why they don't have children, and that's they choose not to despite having free enough time and resources.

They aren't having sex or getting into relationships, then when they are they are having less children, at every step of the way there is less reproductive activity



guy here.

i don't want to stick my dick in fucking crazy and delusion, and i'm sure over guys are the same. and the top poster seams pretty crazy to me in everything she said.

bottom poster is crazy to a lesser degree.

also top poster men are cooler, tougher, rougher, and more well built than women, they can also naturally do more physical things than women can, and are more likely to survive in a dangerous situation. if men are like apes then women are like smelly slimy fish.


Top one is old pasta
Bottom one is recycled /pol/ pasta

please install the latest update on how to be a good human being into your hard drive

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Top old pasta is the best pasta.