What went so horribly wrong?
What went so horribly wrong?
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ishidate's pretentiousness to be exact.
also trying to do their own stuff since chuuni.
Trying to be a LN publisher.
Hopefully since people realized the KA Bunko scam they run out of material to adapt and they're forced to come up with original concepts.
They went too far ahead into future, while anime fandom stayed behind in cancerous commercial Tokyo otaku hell culture.
But its ok. The retarded masses will eventually die out.
Pretty much this.
Also they have perhaps the worst fanbase of any studio, at least on Yea Forums. Not even Triggerfags are as bad.
They started adapting their own novels.
Stopped adapting Key.
how can Yea Forums sill be so bothered by VEG. Get over it
They are a studio that panders to trannies and fags.
I wish Ishidate a wholesome, fulfilling life and more projects under his name.
One thing and one thing only : Trash source material.
yamada is a qt.
I wish Ishidate to go back to animating, it was crystal clear that he has no talent whatsoever as a director with KnK already.
what scam?
>he doesn't know
can you explain please?
BAH BAH something is popular and Yea Forumsnon has scream all day long about it
Kyoani's LNshit has seen a steady decline in popularity over the years, and obviously doesn't even compared to the massive hits they had before they went independent (with the exception of Freeshit).
is this bait ... or just a straight up manifestaton of degeneracy
do you there was a 5 year gap between hyouka and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid for non KA bunko stuff not getting adapted.
Kyoani used to sell at least 20 000. Now they are lucky to break 5000
Now all they get is China money.
Shitty source material so they can negotiate bigger cuts, direction that gets crippled by a ban on ambitious shots, and occasional but consistently present scenes that are completely fucking tone-deaf.
>Hibike 2
>Dragon Maid
>Free 3
this thread feels like a game of lol
so much salt
>Dragon Maid
Holy shit what went so wrong?
To be fair most shows have difficulty reaching 5,000 sales now, especially with physical media being in decline and streaming gaining popularity.
Yea Forumsnon didn't like so it's a flop
Untrue: KyoAni only had two true flops in recent years: Phantom World and Tsurune. Amagi, Dragon Maid, and VEG were mild success, and Hibike and Free are hits.
>either of them a flop, especially Tsurune
full retard
But the user claimed all of those shows flopped when in fact only two of them did.
i know i am retard for replying to seanigger tripfag in first place
I know streaming is a thing these days, but a show that sold about 1,617 BDs is probably far from what you'd call a success given the circumstances.
>Yea Forums calls Amagi, Maid Dragon and VEG flops
>Yea Forumsnon doesn't call Tsurune a flop even though it sold far less and was far less popular
Tsurune is NHK show that got its revenue from three main sources: NHK fees (unlike most anime aired, where producers have to pay for airing slot - NHK pays for anime produced for it. This is a reason why 3gatsu that lost like 500BDs ran for multiple seasons).
In addition Tsurune sells novels and shit ton of merch, and at the moment has quite active female japanese fandom buying this shit up so that KA Bunko keeps releasing more and more merch and restocking.
You cant call show that brings shit load of money to KyoAni a flop. And no, streaming plays little role there - the exception is Maid Dragon, where if not for China, it`d indeed be flop show (especially as KyoAni does not own merch rights)
At this point i am also pretty sure Tsurune will have S2 or movie, though i`d personally wish they didnt waste time on it, for while it was good show, theres more interesting stuff to do.
>Tsurune is NHK show that got its revenue from three main sources: NHK fees (unlike most anime aired, where producers have to pay for airing slot - NHK pays for anime produced for it. This is a reason why 3gatsu that lost like 500BDs ran for multiple seasons).
Normally I'd agree with you, but Tsurune was a strange case for an NHK show: it aired late at night (meaning ratings weren't a factor) and NHK wasn't even on the production committee, so they had little involvement if ever.
>In addition Tsurune sells novels and shit ton of merch
Not really: as far as I know, Tsurune (and most of KA Esuma Bunko's stuff) never ranked in the LN sales charts.
>and most of KA Esuma Bunko's stuff) never ranked in the LN sales charts.
ok, thanks for reminding i was dumb to reply to this moron tripfag. Would not do that mistake again.
He's right tho.
Kyoani's own IPs aren't merchandise-heavy unlike Aniplex's series, you mong.
imbecile. KyoAni whole current model revolves around events they host and merchandise sales.
VEG was a resounding flop seeing how much they spent on marketing and generating hype you could tell they expected a huge hit with at the very least the numbers of Free1 but it flopped so hard they are still scratching their heads over what went wrong.
>Vol 1 BD well over 13k copies sold
>obscene amount of merch, especially 20 figures of the two main girls, literally unprecedent for a just aired 1 cour show
Why can't Kyoani be as successful as Trigger?
Nothing. They lasted longer than Gonzo at least
also they sold out to shill /u/
All of those are flops, Kyoani funds the whole thing themselves so they need to break 10k to make even, and everything since Hyouka has flopped, except for the first and second seasons of Hyouka.
[citation needed]
Kyoani is the James Franco of anime
See this guy post Even irrelevant side character got many figurines, etc.
Now, compare that to Hibikek, One of the latest successful Kyoani show. Noticed how hobikek got fuck all figurines?
If an anime in on Jewflix it literally cannot be a flop, they pay big bucks for the streaming rights. But since VEG is on other platforms as well I guess it didn't get as much money as stuff like Devilman or Hisomaso that is exclusive.
>produces and owns all merch they sell, distribute directly and get all profits
>gets zero cents from merch sales, anime rights belong not to them but company that owns Gridman rights, merchandize is merely license sold to others who actually produce it, of which neither gets direct share of profits
How does it feel being a slave?
K-ON. Not only it destroyed industry, it's also destroyed KyoAni
Trigger is in the production committee of Gridman, they get a share of both BDs and merch.
That's literally not my point, retard.
My point is Kyoani didn't produce marchendise as much as Aniplex series did. In fact, it's not even comparable.
So, your opinion about MUH Merchandise is complete bullshit.
another idiot that does not know how production commities work. Also, pic related
Trigger is represented only through Ultra Super Pictures and not anywhere on first roles. They got paid for animation and thats it.
Now go choke on your dick. You have no fucking idea how merch production/distribution work apparently. Unless the merch producer is in production commity, "merch" for most is licenses sold to companies that actually produce merch. I.e. unless you are Bandai Namko, figurines of some show being show being sold mean absolutely nothing in regard of profits to studio/commity that made the show.
KyoAni does not has figurines, since it makes and sells all merch itself. In fact, they pretty much were boycotted because of that by competitors and despite it tremendously succeeds so that they moved to merch sales as pretty much main source of income since Free!, following with every other shows.
VEG collectable and illustrated books along bring more money then BDs did. Meanwhile poorfag studios will remain poorfag slaves forever regardless how many "hits" they churn out.
>another idiot that does not know how production commities work
Yeah, you.
>company order meme
A general idea that is neither a rule set in stone nor specifies the quantity of each contribution. Go back to school kid.
Trigger is so successful, it cant even animate a single episode of anime with own resources and people. Yeah, i see it overtaking KyoAni very soon. In year 2543 somewhere.
Kyoani doesn't have the capacity to make and distribute big scale merch and everytime you look they have stock, they aren't selling even 50% of what they produce so their merch is flopping too.
Bankruptcy soon.
>desperate seething
Stop making up stuff, you just make yourself more miserable. KyoAni merch/novel stock is regularly sold out and restocked after a while, as well BDs in their ship. They fucking hold additional events since demand is too big sometimes.
Trigger slideshows are more fun to watch that KyoAni's sakuga filled spectacles. That's how horrible they are at characterization and storytelling.
Literally everything i've said is true and it's just a click away, they always have stock on their merch and their novels have such a small radius of distribution that it doesn't even matter if it sells out because they print the numbers of a C-Tier bunko.
poor victim of common core education and nickolodeon cartoons... there is no cure for you. Good that at least some studio makes content that does not challenge your brain cells and let you enjoy it without feeling inferior because you can't follow it
>, they always have stock on their merch
> and their novels have such a small radius of distribution that it doesn't even matter if it sells out because they print the numbers of a C-Tier bunko.
false and argument is wrong in the first place - what does their novel bussiness has to do with anything when KyoAni GETS proffits from it and is the richest studio out there aside from Sunrise/Toei maybe, while the rest does not get a cent regardless how well the novel for which they made the low budgest shitty add sells?
Trigger is an auteur studio. A core staff of creatives with very specific ideas and artistic sensibilities who only work on projects they feel passionate about. This kind of flexible team allows to seek only the talent necessary for a particular project, that would be unfit for another one, and doesn't require to keep people busy working on trashheaps like Tsurune just to justify paying salaries. And the constant influx of different people keeps the work fresh, unlike other studios that suffer from extreme inbreeding and creative bankruptcy by not relying on freelancers. They're more akin of studios built around a director like Saru and Chizu than clumsy, pointless behemoths like Kyoani. TRIGGER made the right choice of being a director driven entity first and foremost.
>A core staff of creatives with very specific ideas and artistic sensibilities who only work on projects they feel passionate about.
Look, you're actually seething hard.
Also, you still miss my point, moron. I'm Not talking about Trigger/Aniplex revenue, I'm talking about Kyoani revenue in Merch.
Kyoani can't get a meaningful profit from Merch sector because they doesn't even have many Merch to begin with.
>86 posts
>22 IPs
>nickolodeon cartoons
Yeah, Spongebob is leagues better than anything KyoAnus poops out for you shit-slurpers.
>Kyoani can't get a meaningful profit from Merch sector
I see, there is no cure for idiocy.
Meanwhile they just build a new building and opened a whole new complete studio, on the revenue from events/merch that they apparently don't have.
Yeah, simple Merch. Stuff like bookmark, map, calender, & poster.
Relevant as fuck, innit?
Kyoanifags in desperate damage control
Not an argument.
Do you know what Gold looks like? Here, see it. You`ll never hold that much money in your hands so enjoy the sight at least.
>tripfag is also retarded
Why am I not surprised
Are you twelve? Do you know what Bank is and what kind of shit they capable of?
seems to be more anto-kyoanifags sperging about the studio desu
>Block of wood
Yep. You're proving my point.
>Tsurune is NHK show that got its revenue from three main sources: NHK fees (unlike most anime aired, where producers have to pay for airing slot - NHK pays for anime produced for it.
NHK isn't on the community.
>What went so horribly wrong
Nothing. KyoAni is a highly profitable studio. They are making more money than kadokawa on a yearly basis and they are still independent unlike Toei.
>They are making more money than kadokawa
Source? Kadokawa is a major japanese publisher
Indeed. The referenced post had not a single argument or factual statement. Trigger are litteral slaves that can't make anything at all that they`d want, and has to entirely depend on others and beg for production funding/opportunities. The only time they tried being standalone was fucking Kickstarting LWA OVA and even that they sold out to Aniplexx in the end.
Just like past Gainax, they CANT make anything they want at all, since no one will give them money. All their project where Aniplexx and others projects, and now Trigger does not have even that and essentially just sells their name as subcontractor for others (Cloverworks with Franxx) or even just making slides for CGI cartoons that dont belong to them like Gridman and upcomming XFLAGs Promare, where triggers production role is even less than in fucking Ninja Slayer (since its CG shit done by other studios), and fucking Ninja Slayer was half outsourced too as well - they coudnt even animate that without making other studios make whole episodes of fuckign FLASH show.
A Capitalist would kill for 100% profit margin. KyoAni does not have to, they aim for 1000%
They lost money in 2015. Kyoani, on the other hand made money.
>They are making more money than kadokawa
ppfffffffffffffffffffff hahahahahahahahaha
>Just like past Gainax
Well, it seems that being a slave produces timeless masterpieces then, while being """"independent""""" produces the disposable garbage modern Kusoani churns out on regular basis. Thanks for letting me know.
Mind you this is before 2019, where the kemono friends controversy has lost Kadokawa a lot more money.
If you once expose yourself as impecile, it seems, you are dedicated to dig your hole forever.
KyoAni is not publicly traded company, does not operate on loans and is privately owned by person who owns huge shares of fucking Production IG.
Its the richest anime company because of model they dared to spearhead and now others try to copy (also they stole it from Gainax technically, but Gainax failed since was mismanaged by retards).
KyoAni does not answer to any shareholders/needs investment to operate and grow. They fund their own shows entirely, because they both have money to and want bigger profits from it. They have dormitories, own merch production/distribution, multiple studios and are one of the biggest studios employe wise in industry - working on stable wage.
Their fucking BD comedy specials have better budgets/are better animated than episode of other studios. They regularly make well animated high budget anime just for fun since they wanted to - like Chu2 Depth of Field or Baja.
Just give up. Its futile. Ressistance will only bring you more pain.
Kyoani is a small irrelevant dogshit compared to behemoths like Kadokawa, Shueisha, Kodansha etc what drugs are you on?
lucky star
Jesus Christ, this shit is unreadable. Learn English,. subhuman spic.
Unironically, NGE was a complete mess of production that was tempered with and ruined by investors demands. Meanwhile Gainax still desperately wants to make anime they actually wanted - Blue Uru, still
A quick look of their stock price also indicates how much money kadokawa is hemorraghing since their IPO
add to that, that they have their own school
Stop projecting, Kyoani has never done anything that could be called a passion project because their directors are forced to work on whatever the Hattas and their suit associates want, that's why their end product is always so soulless and has that artificial plastic feeling.
be that as it may, Kadokawa incurred a net loss of 835 million yen in 2015. Kyoani made 165 million, net income.
Dude, give up. There's no way you can claim any nu-Kusoani production to be a greatest artistic achievement than Evangelion,. unless you're an even greater retard than you gave away so far.
> Kyoani has never done anything that could be called a passion project because their directors are forced to work on whatever the Hattas and their suit associates want
Liz and the Blue Bird?
Which guarantees the extreme artistic inbreeding mentioned before.
No Haruhi S3.
They never had a vision beyond "increase production values".
>made a show about a gay pedophile priest and his 15 year old boytoy
>somehow made it boring
>kadokawa about to die
Thank god
This. It's apparent when they're now churning out titles exclusively in the three most pandering subgenres of anime:
>high school LN adaptation
>sports fujobait
I was actually excited when I heard about Violet Evergarden since it wasn't any of those, but it was probably the most annoying one yet. That electric catalog show they have coming out will probably be the same.
Having a "vision" is a pretty vague statement tho. Any relevant studio who has that in abundance?
>Trash source material.
Or anime original. All their good anime are source material adaptions.
Nichijo - a passion project on which KyoAni went all out, but got cucked by Kadokawa so they cut ties to it
Tamako Market/Love Story - Yamada passion project
Chu2 - Ishihara loved it and wanted to make
Hyouka - a project that KyoAni willingly picked, since Gotoh/Takemoto after workign on Lucky Star together wanted to try something ambitious
Amagi - Gotoh is buddies with Takemoto, so convinced Kadokawa to pitch that project to KyoAni, which Takemoto agreed obviousl
Free - Utsumi, the gaylord, was hot for young boys yaoi so wanted to make it. It was solely spearheaded by Animation Do since she was gay
Euphonium - a love letter to Yamakan, during work in KyoAni he wrote and published a novel about wind orchestra. After he got kicked, KyoAni on their own found and picked similar novel, adapting what he wanted to make (he still makes one though, with Twillight anime).
Maid Dragon - a show absolutely NO ONE expected form KyoAni, but Takemoto wanted to fool around
Violet Evergarden - Ishidate was absolutely excited about the novel and pitched the anime and wanted to personally make it
20 Seiki Denki Mokuroku - Ishihara wanting to make more Chu2
also Silent Voice and Liz too, obviously
Trigger and PA Works. Their vision is - "someday, we want to be like KyoAni"
Trigger, Ponoc, Colorido, Science Saru, ComixWave, and Bones to name a few.
He probably meant the absolute garbage they've adapted this last five years
Hold on, I thought Kadokawa was a good company?
Please, no joking posts, its a serious thread. All of the listed are cheap commercial whores with on integrity or creative vision.
The only studio with "vision" currently is Go Hands.
>cheap commercial whores
>Colorido, Ponoc, ComixWave
No, my dude.
>Go Hands
Good one.
This particular Kyoani fags is as autistic as ACK & Bikini nigger.
Jesus F Christ.
That Ishidate discovered lens flares and fell in love with every horrible looking digital effect. He actually made the amazing animation and character designs in Violet Evergarden look like shit.
You are not autistic you are mentally ill dumb subhuman and learn the fucking language already so we at least can’t easily tell every single post you make.
Sure, autist.
>they aren't selling even 50% of what they produce so their merch is flopping too.
The line for the Kyoani commercial booth at Comiket is 10x longer than every other studio booth, aniplex booth, kadokawa booth combined, this is for all 3 days, at all times of the day. But keep looking at your online stock and making assumptions and presenting them as facts.
What was their last good show? Euphonium?
It was this little show about a blonde little girl with shiny appendages.
Can't quite remember the name.
Fate Stay Night
Thank me later.
this is what a flopping studio looks like
Oh no. The critics must have been right.
What can even be done at this point.
Time for ritual suicide.
endless eight was when I started shitposting this terrible company. It's been the same ever since
reminder that VEGfags are all Yea Forums crossboarders
Why do people buy merch but don't watch their anime?
the brain damage of this esl is hilarious
They are probably hired by Kyoani to pretend to be fans so they don't look so bad
Only tamako was a passion project and it flopped hard the rest were all forced on the directors and it showed, there’s a huge difference between a passion project and what the owner buys and wants you to make.
Yeah, ok. Continue to vegetate in your delusional reality. Sorry for bringing out Truth to the argument.
But they don’t sell any significant amount of merch though, that wait line is pathetic seeing how massified Comiket is, some shit tier studio like A-1 has 10x the amount of people.
>that yawning nip in the middle of the photo
yep, that’s the kyoanus booth. nice pottery
Tamako was just a failed attempt at having their own K-On after based Kadokawa cucked them out of the real thing, nothing passionate about it.
But your delusion aren’t reality bro, Kyoanus is a sinking ship and their sales and five years of flops are a testament to it
This is just sad, trying to shitpost with this for 6 years straight.
They are too good.
>tfw too good to sell 10k
Let's not pretend Yamada hasn't disappeared up her own ass.
Ishidate is almost there too.
Now THAT is how LN Violet would look like. Her face, I mean.
>those fucked up head/shoulders proportions
You got scammed fren, that’s probably chinese.
>be jap fan
>see kyoani booth
>see the waiting line
>decide to risk it anyway
>2 hours later
>you're almost there
>you notice the guy right in front of you buying a poster of your favorite show
>decide to buy it too
>you're up
>most stuff sold old
>you're forced to buy Maidragon stuff if you don't want to leave empty-handed
>you realize other booths are closing up
Great life.
They stopped making this wonderful creature
How sad it is that there is no convenient online shop where you can mail order stuff you wanted.
Oh wait!
Actually though, the reality you described indeed takes place. There was multiple time highly though out VEG artbooks had to be restocked/added to additional physical stores since they were bought out too fast. In addition, some things are pure collectables if you buy stuff in specific timeframe in specific shops, like they gave out VEG art cards for novels/artbooks buyes etc.
But this is the real crime.
I don't get the hate for kyoani. They still make enjoyable things with higher quality.
My older sister
Success breeds jealousy.
Jealousy breeds anger.
The hate is mostly for their obnoxious fans rather than for the studio itself. It doesn't help that as their shows get worse, the drones get more rabid and defensive.
>he is unironically affected by fandom
im sure that all Yea Forums's anime producers are seething right now
>mostly for their obnoxious fans
>replies above to op are their own reasons against the company
Its not hate. Its envy. There are two separate groups always being buthurt about it:
1) fans of other studios realizing their favorite studios would never be that great and buthurt that people rightfully look down on them for their tastes
2) those who realize greatness of KyoAni, but buthurt they dont make show "for them" i.e. Kei fags, mecha fags and most butthurt, kadokawa fags since they suffer most after KyoAni stopped working with them and all the cheap LN adaptations are done in complete crap quality - those people realize how things could have been and mad KyoAni does not addapt their isekai/battle harem shit
>Kyoanifag is a Yea Forumsermin
Sure explains your console war mentality.
Unless you learn to write half decent english, your posts will always look embarrassing transparent, spic.
Did I hit a nerve?
Yeah, in response to garbage posts like
No, you just confirmed my assumption.
I don't know if its really a bad thing they stopped, she's exclusively responsible for my interest in futa
Aw I hit a nerve.
You are mentally ill person who spends his time shitposting in threads about studio which he does not like. A sad sight.
It seems, the you fit quite well into one of the listed categories so that post is correct.
they stopped pandering to me
>Yea Forumsedditors
These are the ones claiming to be "true Yea Forums". How they mighty have fallen.
>projecting this hard
That's a nice imgur file, did you pick it up from a reddit link?
How hard will Ishihara btfo Yamada with his movie?
Probably as hard as he btfo /u/
That fist is going into her pussy.
It needs more Piano soundtracks
Oboe better.
kyoto are true legends.
Kyotrannies on full damage control
>KHK's so mad that he needs to blog about it
Too much moe, too much autism, too much gay; and above all not wanting to change their formula since 2010.
>plz kyoani make a shitty anime i want sob sob
>I wonder are as autistic as it says since I did not understand a shit about what that user said
Their independence bullshit that left them without a single worthy source material to adapt
Says the nigger who's never animated anything of worth in his life. Says the nigger who's never painted a decent backgound in his life. They made that choice because they cared about their artform and their employees. They treat their employees right and they make the art that they want and that is admirable.
The only way they can redeem themselves is if they make Hyouka season 2.
They never made anything good after the K-ON! movie. I suppose they just lost their spark.
Literally everything.
I haven't enjoyed a Kyoani anime in years.
el bumpo grande