Promised Neverland

Let's talk about why is Phil the best kid ye?

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He dies offscreen

Because he's a based traitor.

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he's got balls of steel

Reminder that ray x Emma is endgame with Norman becoming the antagonist

doubt it, you don't make this lovable fuck just to die off screen ye dookie

I don't care about the Norman Ray feud
they both just want to bang Emma so who fucking cares what they do

New chapter is OUT !

Hello, MJ, since when where you ressurected?


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He cute


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Is Emma really this much of a clueless faggot?
>Yeah these British soldiers really hated the Nazis but wow these Jews straight of Mengele's funzone had some cold unfeeling hatred for them. It was very spooky and morally wrong to hate them that much!

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the chins on this show are so punchable.

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Emma is right. These guys stop control themselves when it comes to demons. Barbara even wanted to hurt Emma (the young little girl) just because she doesn't feel the same way about demons.

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I hope Emma dies and he becomes the new protagonist

The Nazis did nothing wrong, you see.

anyone know when will the ost be released? its so good

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Demons are parasites that don't deserve any sympathy

>when he sees my dick

A clueless faggot made this post.

Stop projecting onto Ray.

Post cute NEs please

musica is half human/demon, right?

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>no Don and Gilda

hey guys sycra yasin here and I find this comment highly offensive

this series vaguely reminds me of pic related for some reason

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A one-dimensional character in a series full of one-dimensional characters.

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>Emma not being flat

>implying Emma won't become Isabella tier
Reminder that she was in line to become a Mama.

>wholesome non explicit hetero vanilla

Based Norman.