So Yea Forums by any chance... Is any and or all talk and discussion about Goblins partly ruined...

So Yea Forums by any chance... Is any and or all talk and discussion about Goblins partly ruined, memed (in a bad way) and bastardized thanks to certain recently popular anime?

Can one assume these days one does not talk about or mention Goblins without funnymen and memesters suddenly bringing "Goblin Slayer??" "Did someone say Goblins?" "Le only good Goblin is a dead one in their stinky holes!" ...Even though you're talking about Goblins in a different setting and different work of media.

So Yea Forums do you somewhat feel ashamed or guilty that anything or any discussion about Goblins in different works and settings may potentially be bastardized thanks to Goblin Slayer?

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I get you but I don't really think anyone here gave a shit about goblins before Goblin Slayer. Too bad if that's happening in /tg/ or wherever though.

doesnt help there arent really any prominent goblin characters and they only exist as fantasy fodder.
>inb4 slime isekai
besides that.

That sounds like something a goblin would say.

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Goblin Slayer memes are the new Jojo memes. Ruined by normalfags.

>be goblin chilling in your cave
>priestess walks in with this look and a huge throbbing futa erection

wat do?

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Don't forget that in both cases, the worst offenders don't even watch the shows in question.

Remember portal?


Goblins are fine,Yea Forums is fine. Goblin Slayer is fine, YOU'RE the problem