ITT post examples of anime leaking into society at large.
ITT post examples of anime leaking into society at large
One more example. Albiet, he's posting a wolf-girl, so he's relatively a pleb.
This thread.
back to Africa
is he enjoying s2?
If only his powerlevel was actually high.
He is just a normalfag with netflix account.
Is this the daily ban thread?
Reporting in.
Another landmark example:
Did they actually think it was a good idea to make this shirt or are they just meme-ing
There's no way it wouldn't end up being cringe worthy
Why is he so based?
Post THAT image. You know the one.
he posts here so im not surprised
an absolute classic
It's probably ironic self awareness. They know it's stupid but they think it's funny so it's ok.
But it's not funny so it's just really cringe.
Think about it for 2 minutes and you realize that it's just marketing.
Uhh, I don't know about you senpai, but I'm pretty sure everyone can gain from getting on incel weebs desu
Mate, he's a bald software engineer who has a bit of a boner for tech and space.
The only thing that stopped him from having a power level approaching that of wiard was that he made a bank.
The fact that you are here
Those are some p rad shirts desu
Being an incel is trendy and popular now.
>still believing that.
He's said it pretty openly though
Anyway, why the fuck is this thread still up? Jesus fucking christ the state of this shithole
so if i say i'm actually musk/shatner/whoever, you'll believe that too?
your gullible level is infinite.
he shat on stah woahz on Yea Forums and then confirmed its his thread on twitter
maybe janny fell asleep in front of the microwave
Why does anime clothing have to be the most over the top thing ever, It can never be something simple that isn't loud and draws attention.
No because you are anonymous, he on the other hand had a name attached when he said it
Stop bumping this shit
what about now fuckboy
>verifiable name*
Are you done now, autist?
>nononono it doesn't count stop proving me wrong reeeeeeeeeeeeee
your cope level is the same as your gullibility.
>that isn't loud and draws attention
kill yourself ledouche
For rizzle?
Ultimate chad. Look at that dad bod.
teen thread
check my
Probably can do a 10/10 all night mating press
That isn't even his final form
It can.
only lefties take that Kek shit serious
I remember he also shat on Idolmaster calling it "too commercialized for my granddaughters"
Oh man thanks for posting this, I remember being in this /jp/ thread years and years ago
Impressive work.
Almost ten years, jesus.
>When the students asked what I was drawing, I just told them "a blue knight fighting a red knight." I didn't want to give any specifics, otherwise they'd hit up Google and hello Nasu sex scenes goodbye job.
I don't know why but I remembered that bit about it somewhat recently.
Holy fuck, just saw the vid, what an absolute CHAD.
why is the head so small
>this thread
I don't feel so good...
>uhhh idk I didn't get her name
holy kek
lmao. he probably hesitated saying he knew her because >fatalpulse
i saw some cunt wearing one of these IRL. it took me so off guard i think i was visibly disgusted. even if youre doing it ironically youre still a fag jesus christ
Daily reminder these e-celebs are ruining everything, and some of you are glorifying them because "how based they are".
In 10 years we'll have people bragging about all the pussy they can't get.
>mfw you are chad enough to wear an ahegao hoddie in public, but feigns ignorance when asked about fatalpulse characters on it.
>people were posing more actively 10 years than today
it hurts
Thread is 100% off-topic.
A shame his other artwork posted in that thread didn't survive until now, only thumbnails
Eh, I hate to admit it, but I'd fuck the fat blue-haired 3D. Kinda cute-ish in the face
im sorry user but im gonna have to put a shotgun shell in the back of your head for this. its for your own good
Only other one I managed to find.
>Kinda cute-ish in the face
Post these again in another ten years, I'll see ya then
He also shares what type of Yea Forumsnime he likes in this interview.
See you in 2029 user.