Today's episode features Aladdin's 6 pack.
Grimms Notes The Animation
Oh shit it's Chadladdin
ha ha, time for revenge
Fuck Agrabah. Kingdom Hearts ruined Aladdin for me so this episode will be a nice change of pace.
I can't say for sure if our heroes are doing the right thing by tuning the stories, but Curly isn't sticking with what she said in the earlier episode. It sounds more like she and Loki just want to be the ones in charge- not that they want to free the people in the story zones.
I was not expecting that.
Holy shit
Reina and gang just want to ensure the other story worlds don't collapse, while the chaos tellers want to destroy the story worlds by fucking up the flow of events from the main plot. Heroes are clearly doing it for the greater good. May not be the best , but it's better than having your world getting destroyed.
Damn, he's weak for someone who has a genie who can do anything.
That face of utter despair truly is delicious.
>You either die the hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Damn, fit manlet.
Picked up
Sketchy nigga.
Regal name for a butt.
Hahah wow.
Reina is cute
looking at trash.jpg
>the nervous smile of X as another man hits on his waifu
>executives at Disney initiate their plan to revise all known fairy tales to their Disney canon
>all while lobbying to push back copyright expiration so they don't lose Mickey Mouse to public domain
Ex has his eyes set on only one girl, and that girl is getting her womb filled with prince chad's baby batter.
Reina can become her, and many other girls.
Now I know why Eksu only turns into lolis. Getting his heart broken by that gold digging titty monster must've given him severe trust issues with girls bigger than an A-cup.
I like how it's implied she'll suffer domestic abuse/neglect of some kind in the future. Loki and blind hime were right all along.
>Arabian guy and blonde princess alone together at night
I just had a horrifying flashback to Grancrest Senki
>watching grancrest
It had it's moments. Prince beta manning the fuck up and styling on everyone's war plans was one of the crowning glories of that show.
Aladdin too horny he forgot self preservation.
Can't she just rewind time to save him? I'm really confused here.
The tuning doesn't rewind time. It just fixes the story flow. The Aladdin they know is still dead, while the story world just shits out a new Aladdin, to make things right.
But I'm confused as well. I guess it rewinds the "time" of the fate/story not the living being burdened by them since the story/fate will just churn out another aladdin in near future.
Top comedy.
I can't believe Aladdin is fucking dead.
I can't believe Genie is fucking dead either.
Wow, they went through whats I've asking the whole series before this episode. Good shit.
Why don't the priestesses just erect new Story Zones where new Stories are told
Shes a priestess not a god.
But then why does the story changing cause the story zone to collapse, when the death of the fucking protagonist doesn't?
Oh look, they even made the genie look sorta like Will Smith, in reference to the live action remake of Aladdin.
The story world was already collapsing when everyone got there because the Sultan stole Aladdin's lamp.
Reina's stocking are way too sexy.
Heh, erect.
It was fun and had some great fights, even if others looked bad and even if it was a rushjob
Joan of Arc next week. The gangs gonna be so surprised as to what happens to her at the end of her story.
>nips consider the events of Joan of Arc's life a fairy tale
I was wondering who the praying girl was in the ED, and I kept saying to myself that it surely couldn't be Jeanne d'Arc. Wow.
i love Reina so much! she's one of my fav characters this season
At first I had a hunch it was gonna be her, but thought "nah, no way" and assumed she was a gender bent King Arthur or some shit. When I checked the wiki, my hunch was confirmed. Japan actually considers Joan of Arc's life a fairy tail.
i love her design
What is Loki's endgame? He's just smiling as Reina undoes all the chaos he made. I think he just likes making Reina suffer. Or maybe he was bored and doing all this shit to bide time for the ceremony they were talking about at the end.
Damn, she really wanted that Arabian dick.
Ex can transform into Aladdin, and Reina can transform into Cinderella when they're both in the mood. It's a win-win.
>wanted that Arabian dick
>just for transforming
My sides when it could be that way.
Curly looks a lot menacing in this design.
I can't take her seriously with that name. Waiting for Larry and Moe to show up with their blank books of fate.
oh an actual thread
how is this show anyway?
also the only reason I even know this franchise exists is because of a crossover character, have any of them showed up?
Curly sounds like a crazy low level gangster that wouldnt hesitate to stab your brain through your nostril just because the chair is creaky.
It's a pleasant waste of 22 minutes.
Why do people shit on Cinderella? She's just a naive girl who found out she'll win at life. She never led X on or anything like that.
I think it's like a single guy obssessed with her
People probably self-inserted too hard and are upset that she never had any romantic feelings for Ecksu. He probably could have dicked her if he really wanted to though.
Ex was her only friend who did everything he could to make her life happier during her shit childhood. It's just weird that the only thing she was looking forward to was royal cock and Ex was alright with that. She just followed her fate.
Why would she waste Ex's efforts by going against her fate?
Cute dork
Hot as fuck
Grimm Jannu has some nice fat thighs but Ulysses Jannu will forever be my favorite Jannu design.
>Aladdin fucking died and they just have to live with that
That was darker than I expected.
My guess is that those are other blank bookers they assembled over different story zones to fight for their cause.
Not only died but their only way to bring him back was lost in front of them too. RIP Genie. At least the new Aladdin got to enjoy his life.
Definitely not what I was expecting when I woke up this morning.
Shane's a cute.
Show needs more lewds.
>palette-swapped Nep confirmed
The Don Quixote episode was pretty dark in its own way, what with Dulcinea sacrificing her life to ensure the story zone survived.
But Dulcinea was never real in the first place.
Finally something not from the game art.Thumbnail made her look like that girl in to love ru.
They should do it the other way around.
She had an existence for at least a short period of time and was conscious of it. She voluntarily sacrificed that existence.
I just realized that the battle music reminds me of Kingdom Hearts.