What do you think about Lucoa (Quetzalcoatl)?

What do you think about Lucoa (Quetzalcoatl)?

Attached: 1506995353295.jpg (1366x2189, 742K)

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3rd best.

Attached: iruru.png (1378x2039, 2.05M)

She is a cute snek goddess

excuse me what the fuck

Attached: wat.png (345x534, 278K)

Iruru is just a little over heated these days, user.

She makes my penis become erect.

Attached: 2f1cd8eb1dfe989cf583ecc6f3ad5a01.png (1108x1570, 1.12M)

Better snake onee-san.

Attached: fgo 187.jpg (850x1157, 144K)

Lucoa is immensely powerful, knowledgeable, and personable, user. Shouta is one lucky son-of-a-bitch.

Attached: KMD_V05_046_108_clip.jpg (644x1352, 356K)

At least she'll get better in season 2

I wish I looked like her and I am a guy.