Why aren't you holding her Yea Forums?

Why aren't you holding her Yea Forums?

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Because she's not real

she doesn't need a man to hold her

Because Rei is gei

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Because I'd go to jail.

I don't want to hurt her arm.

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life isnt real

>posting from the bathroom
But she's holding me, OP.


It's fiiine

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Because it's Asuka who wanted to be held

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it took me years to realize that each time Rei was absent from school, she basically got clone body....

I'd rather hold Shinji.

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She’s cute, injured girls are my fetish. what anime is this?

Because my body pillow sleeve is in the wash.

I'm holding someone else, sorry.

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it's the new pacific rim anime, netflix original

Don't you mean Boku no Pico?