You filthy demon lovers haven’t forgotten about me have you?

You filthy demon lovers haven’t forgotten about me have you?

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Fuck off Cheerios. Japan lost the war, get over it

Worst boy

Who in the WORLD is that?

No one cares anymore, they only want gay dragons.

Hmmm? Sounds like inferior demon jealousy to me. U mad cuz I took Nina’s virginity?

We could have had fun adventures but we got King Jerk

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Is this the gay thread


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Cheerios was beyond a jerk though. He was insane

You mean fucking based

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>Cheerios got added to granblue
>Favaro and Kaisar didn't

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Fuck Japan

Whose better than him? Kaisar? He’s a zombie beta slave now for Rita.

They made him the alpha zombie in the bluray.

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He was so worst that he dragged down all other boys around him.

Mugaro was best boy.

>user wants homoerotic gay yuri on ice adventures
>instead gets a based tyrant fucking the main girl and owning the old cast, giving everyone PTSP
How will your anus ever recover?

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I don't think Favaro would be good at figure skating.

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Cheetos did nothing wrong!

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Your waifu a shit and you should commit sudoku as a real nationalist

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Go back to tumblr

Butthole mouth would be good at anything that involves jumping, twirling and flying around. Too bad he had to commit to the jobber squad, this seriously took away from his freedom and made him a boring asshole who goes along with others.

Isn't it dead? I think there was something in news.

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What was charioce crime besides being handsome and a little crazy?

It's a Japanese nationalistic fantasy so it depends on your definition of right and wrong.

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Even the female demons were made into comfort women

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His crime was being too nice.
Just remember how the always talked politely explained himself to people who forgot their place, how he willingly sacrificed himself by wearing the same life draining crystals as his soldiers, how he'd let the demons rise up by proving their strength and worth.
It's not poor Charioces fault the rabble is insolent and wants to have their way, he just smacked them down when they opposed him.

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It must be good to be a shoujo jerk. God (the writer) is literally in love of you and everybody loves you no matter how badly you treat them. I guess that's the life of the mythical Chad

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You can always be a beggar or a merchant in the demon slums if your a female, those chicks where hoes to begin with.

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wut does dargon pusaey feel like on ur microdick

You know the Japanese right-wing actively hates you, right?

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you should have died along with your stupid dragon girl

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demons a shit azazel a edgeshit homosexual
Viva Emperor Cheerios

I’m still mad

Hot and heavy

At least use the usual "It's time" to mark your threads.

The sequel trilogy of anime

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Ok but why were the angel soldiers black?

>Favaro I have seen the future, just drop me

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i just see this faggot and get mad


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