ITT:Ugly character designs

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>pic unrelated

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wat is that

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what the fuck was that

OP is right, desu. Silver is a far superior hair color and I wish Aka and A-1 had stuck with it.

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Who wears a fucking bow on their head past age 5?

pink > silver

Name a more punchable face

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This is true for too many light-haired characters who make the transition to color/are in a show that gets an adaptation.
It's usually either a visually unappealing shade or doesn't fit well with the design of the character in question.

Cute adorable best girls

You've got a heart of stone my guy.

If by "punchable face" you mean every girl in that show, because they all have the same fucking face.

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To match her ugly personality.

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You mean best?

No no, I mean worst. Nico is a piece of garbage. Worst idol. Not even worth molesting.

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even if you hate Chika, you can't deny she is hot

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