What makes a protagonist heroic?
What makes a protagonist heroic?
Definitely not Lu Bu that's for sure
He's a flawed, epic hero, especially in RoT.
Lu Bu is still the best RoT character. Sometimes I think that series should have ended in Xiapi since Sima Yi and the guy called Zhao Yun are boring as hell.
The power of friendship
Lube Bu is not a hero he's a fucking retarded brute
Typical Cao propaganda.
>Sima Yi
>Zhao Gun
End your fucking life
Based Cao Cao
>Hating Zhao Yun
after all the shit Zhao Yun has done throughout the entire story he is boring,come on don't bullshit me
Cao Cao did nothing wrong.
Liu Bei a shit
I wish we had more -or any at all- RoT threads
Based and Weipilled
>muh benevolence
I sorta get what he's saying. The manga hasn't hit a high like Lu Bu for a long time. I feel like Yuan Fang could have been as good if not for how completely out of the blue Yang Xiu was.
I had no Idea there was a three kingdoms inspired manga. Lu Bu is no hero.
Who's the best of the eight geniuses and why is it Guo Jia?
Xun Yu is better in my opinion but Guo Jia is awesome
>out of the blue Yang Xiu was.
I remember some chink on baidu predicting that twist. Something about Yang Xiu's face screaming as the traitor with a hidden past.
>series has banter that's above LOGH
>most of Yea Forums can't appreciate it because of translation limitations and a lack of thorough 3K understanding
I still wish the translations kept up though. Or at least used volume scans.
he's broken inside and when faced with his ultimate fate he still carry on because the ideal is beautiful just in itself
What series is this?
Ravages of Time
Thanks, I'd found a couple Three Kingdoms era manga but was unsure if it was RoT.
overcoming fear and sacrifice
>Father... it doesn't hurt