How do you feel about the current state of English dubs?
How do you feel about the current state of English dubs?
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They're no worth making threads about.
I am loving the shield hero live action
This. I was neutral at start but watching the Funi bullpen dig deeper and deeper holes on social media every day is fascinating as fuck
Vic did nothing wrong.
Shield Hero irl > Shield Hero anime
Trash. How do people not get tired of hearing the same 15 people voice every character over and over and over again? I don't mind when I recognize the same Japanese seiyuus because for the most part they are actually talented individuals. The funimation dub team are all failed wannabes who happen to live near the studio.
I never in my life heard any English Anime dub
>that boomer who dyes her hair purple
Factually this is correct. Unless there's a BOMB dropping after discovery, it boggles my mind that the #kickvic doesn't have a single actual piece of evidence after a decade. How do they think this will roll out?
Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?
>Make a thread about anime dubs on an anime board
>off topic
Must be underage
So whats the story with this? I keep hearing snippets
Low quality.
He just hugged fans and gave a few kisses on the cheek over the course of a decade.
Some girl posts a picture and story on twitter about how she felt uncomfortable when Vic hugged and kissed her cheek but never said anything about it until now.
Suddenly hundreds of others come out and start saying the same thing.
"He was always sleazy."
No evidence, just word of mouth and a few pictures of him hugging fans.
Other VA's step in to defend the people making the accusations.
"Yeah, Vic's a creep"
"Remember that time he hopped on my shoulders and we were both laughing and having a good time? I was actually uncomfortable and didn't like his junk on the back of my neck."
"He did it to me too! It happened to me!"
"How dare you question these girls! What do they have to gain by lying!?"
Vic is suddenly cut loose/fired by two companies he was working with, over the allegations.
Most of the conventions he was going to appear at cut him from their schedules.
And that's about it.
>celebrate the diversity of the anime community
I wish the nips would step in and say Fuck off with your political bullshit or we're pulling your license
It already rolled out. All companies dropped him and the fact that he was retarded enough to try to sue back for... something? ensures no company will ever touch him with a 10 foot pole in the future.
christcuck btfo tbqh
>>>/dub/ is that way, user
>stupid enough
He was fucked anyway because of literal black listing you fucking retard, especially with “””rape””” allegations. He has a pretty good chance of winning too since there’s literally no shred of eveidence in their favor
Keep in mind too that this whole debacle is almost entirely over Twitter.
Funimation literally fired him over accusations on Twitter.
You forgot the part where Vic hired an Attorney and now Funi and the accusers are trying to damage control hard as fuck
which is why nips should step in and tell Funimation to fuck off with their politics
But realistically speaking anyone who watches dubbed anime is retarded
If he laid low for a couple of years he could've found other jobs in the entertainment industry elsewhere and barely anyone would've given a fuck.
No one's gonna even consider working with him now lol
Don't care
Realistically, what's the attorney going to do?
The US doesn't have any defamation laws because of the 1A.
Also because of capitalism (I'm not communist, just making a point) the businesses that choose to fire and not hire him are completely in their own right to do so.
It's not really politics, it's just business.
They gave him a contract, they can tear up that contract.
These accusations are supposedly bad for business whether they're true or not.
Pretty impressive how Vic managed to get 100k in donations for the case. I hope he burns Funimation to the ground
He's a serial killer
All three. Also rolling.
japanese videogame studios are already saying on twitter they are tired of the PC culture shit
it's not just one attorney, it's an entire legal team.
VA's and people who accused him on twitter now want to make peace and "talk"
Yes, they want to talk after being fired twice and destroying his whole career
Can you tourists at least 2d images in the op?
Everything is political
Gimme 0
Me too. Then I hope be kills himself so that amerifat dubbing ends. It would be amazing if that happened just as America itself fell apart.
A shit load of their evidence was falsified. The initial picture of the girl who was "uncomfortable" came out and said that the picture was used without her permission, made shit up and that the kickvic side should fuck off.
They also faked swattings and tried blaming it on Vic supporters.
They haven't just put up no evidence, they have been shown to be completely unreliable.
Why is America so cancerous? Everything they touch is just total shit. So glad they are dying.
Doesn't affect me when I don't use em
I'm laffin
The best thing that can happen is the sjw community gets btfo and regined in
The best thing would be for American dubs in general to die.
>Realistically, what's the attorney going to do?
dunno, because I am a brainlet in legal stuff, but why would those who attacked him want to have a word with him? If his legal team wouldnt be able to do anything, asking Vic to talk would be pointless.
They probably want to do damage control or are also brainlets about legal stuff
>Realistically, what's the attorney going to do?
>The US doesn't have any defamation laws because of the 1A.
You really don't understand the concept of litigating people into the ground who cannot afford to defend themselves, like most of these accusers. A fund was set up for Vic to sue people and got a ridiculous amount of donations.
Vic is dead to the community whatever happens so that's good. His one voice was terrible. Now all we need to do is somehow get rid of the rest of them.
Couldn't care less as I don't consume them, pretty much this
Yea Forums needs an option for "belongs on reddit"
But enough to comment on them?
What is it with you and reddit?
Well yes, if you ask a question you generally get an answer or should I have just reported this thread instead?
reddit killed his family
>are also brainlets about legal stuff
Just as a police officer can do in an interrogation room, the legal team is going to do the same i.e. threaten them and hope that they say something that can be used as cause for charges.
But what are they going to take the accusers to court for? And how are they going to track them all down?
I understand that defense costs can put someone in the ground, but what are they going to be defending against?
Technically, in the eyes of the law, they didn't do anything wrong other than use their free speech.
Funimation and Rooster Teeth are the only ones he could only ever potentially take to court.
However, EVEN IF he is able to weather through all this, the public's opinion of him is damaged forever now.
Who's going to hire a potential sexual offender? It would be PR suicide.
>believing $100k will be enough to hunt down Funi and the other "believers"
yeah, you don't know shit about the cost of justice in our country
>Implying I pay attention to garbage.
t. OP
Fuck off back to plebbit or their colony here if you want to be an activist in amerifat politics.
Reported for what?
user you're absolutely bonkers
and that's why you should fuck off back to plebbit.
I see French is up for grabs
Gee I love talking about American culture and politics on my anime board.
>burger dub
Activist? OP just asked your feelings about the current state of dubs. Didn't tell you to do anything.
Are you one the same people who call harassment when people ask proof of those wrongdoings?
based mentally ill poster
Its a good start. Just the threat will make lots of people recant.
>American culture and politics
Not him, but what?
We're talking about voice acting that's anime related.
Quit trying so hard to fit in.
based plebbit poster
Doesn't matter, he's ruined forever and that's good enough
No one cares go back to where you came from if you want to do the whole culture war schtick.
>no u
based mentally ill poster
btw how rich is this motherfucker? Hiring a whole legal team must cost a shit ton of money and he did it before the donations
he a gud Christin boi he dindu nuffin he was out preachin da good lord of CHRIST charging 200$ per autograph the day he got falsely accused!
>if you want to do the whole culture war schtick.
Accused rapists should just be immediately executed
Don't play dumb faggot. Also check these.
too bad Seiya uses that move with men only
is he really wealthy/rich?
Are you high?
It really is Salem Witch Trial tier.
>english dubs
you mean monotonous bland american accent dubs?
anyone who watches dubs and thinks they're good is brain damaged or american.
>btw how rich is this motherfucker
VA's don't make that much, at least here in the US.
>still trying so hard to fit in
We get it, user.
You hate dubs because you think it makes you look like an oldfag.
Also Jamie Marchi and Monica Rial, the dub voices of Panty and Stocking, went nuts on Twitter and claimed that Vic molested both of them and went on psychotic rants against Vic and his fans, acting bitchy and unprofessional. Vic is now suing both of them and Funimation.
> brain damaged or american
What's the difference?
Rapists are real, witches aren't
Go back to and quit claiming this thread is /pol/ when all you're doing is spouting off topic crap in your posts.
I'm convinced Vic would've left well enough alone if he was just let go and no-one talked shit
This thread is very anime related.
So what? Now he's put the burden of proof on himself to prove they're lying and he can't do that
I meant in the context of how one can be persecuted and metaphorically hung without any evidence, just word.
>Start /pol/ thread
>Accuse others of being from /pol/
>VA's don't make that much, at least here in the US.
still, hiring a whole legal team is expensive as fuck
Wait wait wait
Someone faked a swatting to make him look bad AND GOT CAUGHT? Details please~
No you fuck off back to redshit with you shitpost tier thread faggot.
False rape accusations are vanishingly rare
technically, yes if you give a fuck about dubs in anime like these newfags
>hurr durr don't post if you don't care
not posting won't solve a goddamn thing when there are more faggots bumping the thread, I mean, why bother
Pretty much, yeah. Funimation fucked up when they in that one twitter post also gave the reason for his firing pretty much won the case for Vic. I forgot what it was called. Something conspiracy.
The topic has nothing to do with politics, user.
Read it again.
I get it though, you want to appear to be superior by one upping me in every subsequent post.
Incredibly expensive.
I once paid $400 dollars to an attorney just to finalize (read over and sign) a few papers.
>anime related thread is shitpost tier
You just love to rabble-rouse for attention, don't you?
Which is why this is so nuts. Theres ZERO evidence against him and every solid piece they present gets btfo as falsified
no one's been sentenced without evidence, media sensationalism doesn't equate to a courtroom trial
No it doesn't
It's pretty blatantly about amerifat social politics. American culture is suicidal and depraved. It's why I prefer anime and manga. It's also why I do not listen to amerifat dubs. Fuck off with this shit.
>It's why I prefer anime and manga
Really? So why are you here?
Getting fired from two companies you regularly worked with can be hanging enough depending on your income.
We get it, user.
You hate dubs, you hate Americans, so why don't you leave this thread?
If you want attention then just respond kindly and at least pretend to be interested.
>all these idiots who think there's some 15 year conspiracy to take down poor viccy wiccy
Ugh, quoted the wrong part.
So, you say you don't watch dubbed anime. That's fine. So why the hell did you come here stirring shit that doesn't concern you?
user no its 15 minutes not 15 years. They put this shit together overnight and it shows.
Companies can fire you for basically any reason, boo hoo
Don't be a creep if you don't want to face the consequences of being a creep
But I suppose that's pointless advice given the average poster here
>Companies can fire you for basically any reason
That's kind of the point I originally made.
I agree with you.
underpaid no talent texas scrubs, that couldn't make it in the big leagues
He's been the missing stair for well over a decade you dunce
Do five minutes of research
Funimation hasn't made a worthwhile dub since Space Dandy.
Sentai/ADV hasn't made a worthwhile dub since Ghost Stories.
Bang Zoom is the only studio worth keeping up with.
>Vic is so poor that he has to rely on his fanboys to pay for his frivolous lawsuits
Probably is saving up for a criminal lawyer for his inevitable rape charge. Lol what a weakling.
But as said, this wouldve been a closed chapter had not everyone in the bullpen and various "ecelebs" hadn't continued to screech about it for attention. This will be a fascinating case when finished
>If he laid low for a couple of years he could've found other jobs in the entertainment industry elsewhere
lol dubscrubs aren't members of sag; no one outside of the minimum wage animu/vidya texas dub scene was ever going to hire him
He really should have just sat this whole thing out and played oblivious.
Give me 2 or 4
>How do you feel about the current state of English dubs?
being cucked by the free market doesn't make you a martyr
You can say the same for #kickvic
What about Kill La Kill and Metal Gear Solid? Those have great english voice acting.
And of course someone has to bring up the 'GHOST STORIES DUB IS GOOD' meme
Yeah. Should've just stayed jobless with baseless sexual harassment claims on his back making it even harder to find another job!
Are you for real?
You're still allowed to find work elsewhere, you're not just limited to one job sector.
At least this way the opposition would have looked like raving nuts and the the companies he worked for might have thought twice.
By responding to the allegations you legitimize them to a degree.
He should have stayed jobless because he sucks. He literally just does two different voices. Fuck him and fuck American dubbing in general.
I don't.
I have never touched an English dub from the moment I got into anime.
I'd swear two guys named American and Dubs wronged you in the past based off of your behavior in this thread.
I'm trying to figure out if you're a human or not
I am.
It's a pretty funny shit show to observe from afar.
>How do people not get tired of hearing the same 15 people voice every character over and over and over again?
Same way sub-humans don't get tired of hearing hana kanazawa as every female character ever.
>"Man sure am glad men are losing basic human rights so I can get back at a dub VA I don't like"
they are pretty good, big fan of script rewrites
I'm sorry. From the way you replied you seemed like someone who doesn't understand how human emotions work.
reminder anything not-Ameican don't count as human
t. ponyfucker
Then you should understand that these kinds of accusations prevent you from getting hired, ANYWHERE. Facts don't matter, companies refuse to associate with anyone who's in a big visible shitstorm over potential serious crimes. This isn't the sort of thing that gets a person fired, it's a thing that prevents a person from ever being allowed to hold a job for the rest of their lives, so if it's done in bad faith or with falsified evidence that's a huge deal.
>enjoyed funis dbz dub
>Decide to sample their one piece dub
>It's literally the cast of dbz voicing everyone without changing their voices in the slightest
How can anyone unironically like this shit?
>How do you feel about the current state of English dubs?
Even as the biggest unironic dubfag on 4channel, I am disappointed in the current state of dubs.
Without clicking it's either Dragon Maid or Prison School. Have any other examples of this?
post that tsuki ga kirei dub clip
We get it, you don't like american dubs. Move on.
>Jamie Marchi
the literal cancer destroying dub industry by rewriting english scripts to be 'woke' talking about smashing the patriarchy.
Didn't even the show's own fanbase shit on this?
you cant even spell her name, can't be that common
also welcome to 5 years ago grandpa
I don't feel anything about dubs until you people remind me that they exist. This new controversy reads like high school gossip. It's all so pathetic. Just cut this branch of the industry off and let the plebs learn some basic literacy instead of whining about how hard it is to glance at the bottom of the screen every ten seconds.
The rewritenof maid dragon was dumb but the casting for Lucoa was even worse. Says a lot about dub tourists that the feminist shit is what they latched on to though. Almost like they don't mind terrible quality dubs.
>Pay writers minimum wage or less
>Be surprised when they suck and are unprofessional
The absolute state of dubbing and dubfags.
This one sounded pretty good.
along with the Flying Witch one as well
VAs double dip on something already written for them. why the fuck do you need writers for something that already is completed. the absolute state of retards.
The voice actors always sound like they're reading the script for the first time and are in a rush.
Not a single dub exists that isn't trash.
Not a single one.
I did it on purpose to show how little I care about that meme seiyuu.
This whole situation got ridiculous when #kickvic and dragon ball fanboys got involved. It's and endless cycle of shit flinging and cashing in on the drama that's going to mean nothing in the end.
You literally don't know how dubbing works.
fake british accent sounds like parody
It's all subjective.
all dubs are inherently shit because they're not the original. fake can't surpass the original no matter what. this applies to everything, not only anime. if you watch foreign dubbing of anything, you are either a kid, blind or mentally disabled.
>cashing in on the drama
I know right? There are several Youtube channels just using the whole event for views.
Who are you trying to impress?
just spreading truth, burger-kun.
smirk emoji
We get it, user.
You've told us countless times before.
You don't need to try this hard to fit in.
That's Nokia-kun, thank you very much
Dubfags would defend repainting Mona Lisa to be fatter and call it localization becouse xdd avarge american thot is chubbier now
t. retarded dubshitter
The Baccano dub was superior to the original. In general though I agree with you. Dubs (especially American dubs) suck.
remember having a good laugh when i first saw criterion releasing bergman films with english dubs
we could of course pretend that it's because of people with poor sight or children, but everyone knows it's really there for the retards
Should you really insult other people's intelligence while typing like that?
Baccano is westaboo shit, easy to digest for dubbfucks
did you hit your head again?
Does every post of yours have to end with a contrived insult for no reason?
not him but speaking poor english on top of other language or languages is still ways better than only speaking english
So you're not him and you just happen to type like him?
just stating the fact, dubshitter who doesn't belong here.
>English dubs
literal cancer
the reason (american)dubs are shit is because the VAs they currently use are fucking garbage due to industry nepotism. ocean is vastly superior to funi but funi also gets dubbing rights on everything.
he's mentally ill, it's Yea Forums
I do not care about dubs in the slightest.
it's not that uncommon to type this way
maybe you should lurk more
>I don't like x
>seeks out x
your mental illness is troubling
no. all dubs are shit. simply they are not the original voice acting.
Are you literally in middle school?
You genuinely sound like someone who's just discovered online anonymous discussion.
The world doesn't revolve are your single opinion.
This. I knew a guy who was trying to break in to voice acting. It's a lot like writing in that you have to somehow get work without having any experience.
Such as?
>arguing with subcucks
some of them are really funny, usually the ones that go completely off script and have terrible actors
I view them as being no different to a fandub, they're unofficial and have nothing to do with the real product
Why not just delete the thread?
They do it for free
Pot? Meet kettle.
There are still 90 on-topic posts.
For what reason? Other than your mental disability preventing from ignoring it?
Because people are actually discussing the OP and not intentionally trying to incite a flame war.
this board is smug incarnate you really expect him to be able to give you a reason?
Okay then, so what dubs do you think are 5 star outside of Cowboy Bebop?
Does it really? I'm not too familiar with how accents should sound.
We're not arguing what dubs are the best or trying to say that dubs are better than subs.
Holy hell.
how can you judge the quality of Japanese voice acting if you don't speak their language?
There's been like three or four decent dubs out of the hundreds of anime out there. That alone should tell you all you need to know. Pic related was the peak of Burger dubs simply because of the setting and the fact that the VAs they got for this anime weren't the same six VAs that they dub everything with.
Can't say. The only dub I've ever watched was Death Note on youtube back when I was 12 and didn't know what anime was.
Just talk about dubs, my man.
I liked the Baccano dub too.
>weren't the same six VAs that they dub everything with
I hate how true this is.
I dunno, last dubbed anime I heard was an episode or two of Space Dandy when it was airing. I seem to remember it being pretty good, but the ED was changed which was shitty.
Well we might get some new talent with REDACTED going on.
Dubs have gotten better compared to the early years, but most of them sound so artificial these days. It's like fake effort, instead of just the usual bad voice acting.
Azumanga Daioh
PSG dub is pretty god tier too
>New talent
The dub pool will just keep getting smaller. I swear, it's like I hear the same four or five people in a dub and they barely change their voice.
unironically some of the best english voice acting comes from bringing in a real actor(broadway or film) to do voice over work. current funi VA talent is bottom barrel but its a clique so we're stuck with it, and funi gets dubbing rights on everything so we're in a dark age right now.
Dubbing pays shit in the US compared to actual acting gigs.
Jesus all the deleted posts, well they do it for free.
>image deleted, but not the thread
quality work, janny, I hope you're getting paid well for your efforts
Real actors can act, whodathunk
This is true. Even when they are presented with bad voice direction and a bad script, they still manage to make it somewhat salvageable.
Why do you feel the need to incite a flame war over this?
Is it that important to you?
>American culture is suicidal and depraved. It's why I prefer anime and manga
t. Brainlet communist who, ironically, is suicidal and depraved.
I can help but to laugh at anime / manga fans who unironically latch on to the medium to protest their country and culture because they can't get their lives together.
What happened?
Can anyone explain why Jap VAs actually scream into mics when their character is shouting while American VAs only sound like they are pretending to yell? Is it a audio mixing issue or something?
Yeah, keep telling yourself that amerimutt
>Acting like making fun of the Hot Pocket merchants is inciting drama
gtfo newfag.
Yea Forumsideo games have genuinely good voice acting and a good sized pool of VAs. dubs are regressing back to starting days of dubbing. is there a union type of deal stopping most VG VAs from crossing over or something?
I personally believe it's out of fear of being too loud.
Also many drama schools teach their students that overacting is bad, but fail to explain why and how it can be bad, leaving them with the impression that anything loud = bad.
Yeah, we get it.
You're a veteran 4channer that does this for "teh lulz."
They do it for free for the benefit of the site and you do it for free for no reason other than you have nothing else better to do.
>American culture is suicidal and depraved. It's why I prefer to worship a country where suicide and depravity are commonplace.
It's probably just a pay issue.
yeah IIRC most anime aren't unionized
that's kind of why Steve Blum's basically quit the anime dubbing world
Video games have the luxury of having all kinds of voice actors in their industry, whether it's actual actors, cartoon voice actors, or even anime voice actors, or completely new voice actors.
>Black Lagoon
>Dragon Ball Z
>Ghost Stories
>Jojo's Part 2
>Death Note
>PS w/ G
Usually if English fits the setting better, and the VAs can act, dub is preferred. One glaring counterexample though is One Piece with an exception of a few voices. (Brook, Baron Tamago, Moriah, Chopper, Zoro).
Black Lagoon is 100% better in the dub and should be watched over sub any day.
>actually defending Jannies
Jesus Christ newfag you're a joke.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Dandy was shit and managed to ruin some jokes.
Fuck even the first joke in the show was ruined, it turney honey from smart girl making fun of Dandy and sneaking in insults into dumb bimbo. Also Dandy sounds just tryhard without any sleazy and laid back vibes of the original.
please leave our jansexual tranitors alone, they don't get paid enough to put up with the abuse they get.
>Dragon Ball Z
Come on now
Once again, does every post of yours not have some contrived insult?
You're trying way too hard to fit in...
Mostly Nostalgia but I prefer Goku's voice in English to the granny voice in Japanese.
A very minor, largely irrelevant nitpick t b q h.
Yeah dub fucking up half of the jokes is a nitpick xd
>the granny voice in Japanese.
Well, when you put it like that...
Do you know what site you're on? You're complaining about insults on buttfucking Yea Forums, dude ffs how are you this braindead.
>Usually if English fits the setting better, and the VAs can act, dub is preferred
That's my general rule too. Shit like Baccano, Kekkai Sensen, Garo Vanishing Line which explicitly take place in America are usual better dubbed. I say usually because even with setting in mind, the pool of American VAs is pretty pathetic. Honestly surprised that the western VA "industry" hasn't imploded yet.
>Remember liking the Bleach dub back when it was airing.
>Went back to watching a few episodes of it dubbed.
>It sounds awful.
What happened?
You grew taste
You're right user, he's obviously taken one too many janny dicks up the ass.
But I still find the Naruto dub decent.
Yeah I do know because I've been discussing topics here for years.
Problem though is that much of that discussion is hindered when people like you think you have to act a certain obnoxious way in order to fit in i.e. derail threads, hurl middle school tier insults, and post off topic crap.
Lot of newfags trying too hard to fit in ITT
>But I still find the Naruto dub decent.
i refuse to BELIEVE IT
Michelle Ruff is still pretty damn good, but Johnny "One Voice" Bosch has aged poorly.
>Honestly surprised that the western VA "industry" hasn't imploded yet.
With Vic Mignogna pursing litigation against the industry with a rather strong law firm that may happen sooner than you think.
Rukia legitimately sounded like a dude in the beginning.
Yeah, she was a good Rukia. And the guy who did Aizen sounded good.
It's funny. It was a tactic to drive "normal" people away during the late 2010's. Instead these people adapted as part of the culture.
Didn't Todd Habberkorn also hire the same team
Would be nice to hear some fresh talent again.
The unions and these cliques of old VA's are so stale...
To be fair, it was a easy mistake to make. She did look and feel boyish at the start.
I mean I thought so...
Well Rukia is sort of a tomboy.
i just want to hear more scott mcneil
You're never going to see new talent as long as anime pays like shit. Even most of the oldies are leaving. Yuri Lowenthal hasn't voiced in an anime in years and only comes back to reprise a few of his roles -- like Sasuke for instance.
they stopped using believe it after they got to the forest of death. then all the way up until naruto's catchphrase became a plot point in him connecting with bee and his mother, they made it "ya know". it's still not used too much but it comes up including with boruto who also sometimes says it.
european culture is suicidal and depraved.
he had nothing until it became a plot point, then it became "ya know" *
I unironically miss "Believe it!".
His Piccolo voice was perfect in my opinion.
It is. I mean it's not perfect but it's more to do with the dialog than the voices themselves. All good choices.
Ocean Dub was Majestic
>anime dubs are actually getting worse because pay is garbage among other things and most half decent VAs are moving onto video games instead
>now left with a small clique of dub voice actors who just reuse the same voices for everything
>the vic mayonnaise drama is flushing them out
I really hope this is the death of dubs.
a lot of his voices are perfect, he's just criminally underused in anime.
Same with some actually good industry veterans like Crispin Freeman and Steve Blum. Both moved on from anime, to games and tv shows.
Yup. Ty & Beard. It's a separate case from what Vic is pursing though. They aren't together in it.
>Ty & Beard
I'm retarded. I meant Beard Harris.
Blum still does Orochimaru and Crisp still does Itachi.
Vic should resurrect 4kids. That seems more his speed.
Th 4kids voice actors for One Piece were good, but the script was awful. I also really loved Crocodile's and Zoro's 4kids VAs, and Sanji's was a guilty pleasure.
I genuinely wouldn't mind 4kids coming back just for the laughs.
Oh boy! Funny censorship thread?
Konami killed 4kids. From what I can recall, they were hiding shares they made from the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise.
>Robin's southern voice
It did things to me.
>go on youtube to check out the one piece dub just to see
>three seconds in and luffy's voice physically hurts my ears
Jesus what the fuck were they thinking.
Should they be? I mean Todd wasn't as publicly flogged but would that be advantageous in any way?
>When Buggy's voice made that echo sound when he got angry.
I don't know what was the idea behind that, but I loved it.
Kids love that
I really liked their Luffy and Usopp VAs. But yeah the script was terrible. They completely butchered Nami's backstory. Who knows why they would have done with Ace's death?
Sometimes dubs just add to that something.
>Who knows why they would have done with Ace's death?
Akainu just gave Ace a really painful back massage.
>Sanji's was a guilty pleasure.
With a little refinement, David Moo's voice could have been absolutely perfect for roles like Sanji.
If you're talking about the dub then you're crazy because she sounds way more man-ish in Japanese.
>The 4kids voice actors for One Piece were good
> Sanji's was a guilty pleasure.
I unironically agree. The voice effect for the fishman was a great idea too. If only they didn't censor everything this would've been a great adaptation.
Doing Sanji was a nightmare for him.
4kids Crocodile> Funi Crocodile
I personally would have loved to see the 4kids One Piece cast to have dubbed the entire series without any of the censorship or lousy writing.
Their cartoony tone of voices fit the atmosphere and design theme of One Piece so well.
>Should they be? I mean Todd wasn't as publicly flogged but would that be advantageous in any way?
No clue. I'm not a lawyer. However Reiketa Law on Youtube (Who's an actual lawyer) discussed possible litigation strategies. Seems that Vic alone could nuke Funi and harm Sony in a 'scorched earth' lawsuit.
Nick dropping Logic bombs is always a good time.
>one company in a right-to-work state letting go of a VA with fewer than five ongoing roles who has literal decades of accusations of professionalism against him is going to destroy the dubbing industry.
Stop listening to clickbaiting Youtubers and use your fucking brain for once.
>Luffy remember Ace...
>That's right, he's still in the hospital from the bad back massage... I have to become pirate king for him!
>our recording studio had no bathroom
Isn't that illegal?
Hi Monica, how's the cuck boyfriend?
Akainu gave Ace such a hard SPANKING that Ace could NEVER PIRATE AGAIN.
Why is this dumb crap making me laugh so much...
>Stop listening to clickbaiting Youtubers and use your fucking brain for once.
Wow, I guess twitter lawyers and cucks browser Yea Forums too.
Every single legal information Nick states is 100% fact. The man's even friends with and verified by the firm Vic is represented by. Please go be a disco tranny nimwit twitter lawyer elsewhere, faggot.
Based user.
They do a few of their famous roles here and there, but they pretty much never show up in anything else.
>Not using an anime image
God you mutts are so easy to spot. This is a dub thread now. Take your drama somewhere else.
Yu Yu Hakusho dub is the best dub I have ever heard.
Well, Steve Blum did have a role in one of the Fooly Cooly sequels.
Fucking savage, Nick's what happens when an anime character transcends into real life.
Funny how a few months ago everyone agreed that Vic was a clown but now that there's even a minute chance that he could hurt the dub industry he's suddenly "based" and "did nothing wrong". You faggots are so fucking transparent.
>Vic was a clown but now that there's even a minute chance that he could hurt the dub industry he's suddenly "based" and "did nothing wrong"
He still is. I still don't like dubs and think he's awkward. But awkward =/= sick rapist. I'm sure you can attest to that. Claiming otherwise is taking it too far. He is apart of a big problem: Defamation and destruction of a person's based solely on (FALSE) accusation. This is what everyone has a problem with, and is consistent with their beliefs.
Dubs should only be watched if you have already seen an original, good subbed version of the anime already and just want a light re-watch; otherwise, depending on the quality of the translated script you might not be watching the same show as the sub audience; subs can be inaccurate too of course, but dubs are often way worse in my experience.
That doesn't always work; especially if the anime in question relies on characterization and specific emotional delivery in tone and dub re-write destroys what the original writer intended to convey.
Take Tiger and Bunny set in AU New York city; its side characters are mostly fine in the dub but the two main leads are terrible due to the script being turned into stupid one-liners to appeal to a shonen audience instead of the intended seinen demographic.
>we take that script and throw it out the window, and we really let the actors help out with that case. There's a lotta ad libbing going on. We take the framework of the script and let the actors do their thing - the show has a lotta energy and a lotta action, and everybody here on this panel has a say in how their character is portrayed.
They also removed a lot of emotional depth on purpose, lowering the impact of its character drama aspects to make it look like a generic Hero cape-show, changing characterization to the point that dub watchers couldn't even tell that Barnaby was meant to be a canon tsundere, he just comes of as a jerk while Tiger sounds and acts like a nasally bitch, losing a lot his heart warming charm. It doesn't measure up to the sub where Hirata-san recently won another VA award for voicing Tiger.
funny how Yea Forums is a monolith
No one is claiming he's a rapist, but you don't have to commit a crime be justifiably fired from a job.
>no one is claiming he's a rapist
have you not scene the sjw's reeing at the top of their lungs about him having "supposedly" raped people in the middle of the convention floor and somehow no one managed to see it.
>No one is claiming he's a rapist
Bull. Go on twitter and read posts with the "#KickVic" hastag. He is frequently accused as being a sexual harasser with no evidence. He is being defamed. That is a crime. His firing is not the reason. Save yourself from further embarrassment and do at least some research user.
>recently won another VA award
Sorry for the mix up; he won an award for voicing Tiger and recently performed the role again when Tiger won a poll in Japan.
Yea Forums is ONE person
Yea Forums is a Hivemind
Yea Forums is legion.
What the fuck?
since when dubbing threads are allowed?
you fucking retarded janitors
When were they forbidden?
>thinking about dubs
Why would anybody do such a thing?
I mean, sure, in the abstract it's possible to make good dubs, but there simply isn't the budget to do so in most cases.
gamergate really made Yea Forums a cockslut for twitter drama huh
>why is a thread on anime allowed in /anime&manga/
Because it is anime.
Ignore the newfag user, his autism will only rub off on you.
>seiyuu threads banned
>threads on dubs and dub actor gossip allowed