I actually enjoyed this what about you Yea Forums
Angel beats
I believe it'd be an iconic show if it had less characters or/and more episodes
was expecting haruhi's ripoff to win the mc bowl, not even close for her kek
thought it was incredibly overrated. thought the same thing about ylia. Those types of sadboi anime never seem to get me, and I'm sappy as fuck. Clannad got me but you have no soul if you didn't cry one time from that shit.
Translation never
It was okay.
>more episodes
Absolutely this
It's most likely abandoned, sorry user but if I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I enjoyed it, watched the live concerts, looked for the tabs and can knock out a decent version of most of the songs. I assumed it was popular but what do I know.
It was pretty good, but not amazing or anything. Overrated and some of the drama was really forced.
Or, to summarize, it was made by Key