Why was Zero Tsuu forgotten so easily?

Why was Zero Tsuu forgotten so easily?

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feels like Darling in the Franxx had no real competition, was a dull season


cuz she turned into a moeblob in the second half

She got overshadowed.

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Violet pls not now.

DITF was a forgettable show

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It was easily the most overrated show of the last close to a decade at least...the first 11-12 eps were OKAY...but then it just went to utter shite. And that ending was ridiculous. Not only does Klaxosaur-hime and Dr. Franxx end up biting the big dirt nap, but Those antagonistic figureheads who caused ALL THAT TROUBLE for Humanities remnants for SO long, in the end, you can say basically THEY won, and escaped to feel free to come back to bring their acts of domination, manipulation, and absolute trauma and Hierarchy to Humanity once again sometime in the future...Whenever they feel like doing so! I mean, 02 and Hiro most CERTAINLY didn't come away with anything worthwhile for their efforts towards risking their lives protecting the final dregs of the Species, of surviving Humanity, ESPECIALLY not 02, losing her Life in her final effforts...

It just could have been done much better in my opinion in certain ways...

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because she's dead

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Because everyone who liked her wanted to forget the ending of her show.

Manga chapter 41 in 1 day and 6 hours!

Reminder that we will have a happy ending this time

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Because DitF ended with no post-series material or second season potential.
Not to mention the abysmal drop in plot and character quality halfway through.

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She's not there's threads daily

Remake OVAs based on the manga in a couple of years

Flavor of the month waifu, also DarliFra ended in the stupidest way imaginable

The best thing about Darling in the Franxx was the swing it took at the selfishness of older generations. It basically illustrated how some people will voluntarily sacrifice future generations just to give themselves childish happiness and artificially longer lives.

Besides that, Zero Two is supported by memes that are quite replaceable. I did enjoy the one of her holding a gun instead of honey-covered breakfast foods with the caption "Say ahhh."

I really enjoyed it from start to finish and I liked her character and I especially liked the romance because they actually got at least some happiness which most MC couples never get.

But she doesn't have the staying power of a S-tier waifu like Satsuki.

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>Reminder that we will have a happy ending this time
[Citation needed]

does it matter? manga feels like high quality fan work at best

Yeah, in many ways it felt like a very on point commentary of the current zeitgeist that's bubbling among the younger generations.
That feeling that boomers pretty much indebted them before they were born, took irresponsible advantage of the world and its resources, ditched love and good relationships between sexes for procreation, traded spiritual selfless meaning and ideals for materialism, left a society that's messed up shallow husk for them. There's a desire to go back to older ways of family, duty, responsibility and ideals among an increasing amount of younger people.

It's a commentary that's still slightly ahead of its time and it might come to be seen in a better light in the future when that line of political thinking gains more momentum.

Franxx's conflict is ultimately old people who want to live forever in a fake world of bliss vs young people who want to return to nature, have children and are ok dying knowing they leave someone behind and made their world a little better for them.

You think they'd go out of their way to alter the story if they plan to end it the same way?
>fan work
Nigga what, it's official and the writers of the show are still involved

Because it was a garbage anime. You should kill yourself for being a subhuman faggot and mods should purge these threads that are nothing but stale circlejerks over a dead show.

>never got teen red oni 02 except for like 2 seconds at the very end
>no 02 slowly losing what superficial human appearance Papa's science gave her along with growing out her fangs and horns
>02's "i'm a monster" complex and being ashamed of the 13s seeing her true appearance
>no Hiro and the others gently reassuring her
what a waste

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>You think they'd go out of their way to alter the story if they plan to end it the same way?
And who tells you it is going to be an happy ending? It could be as well a different but also tragic ending. You guys never fucking learn, do you?

Or Yabuki getting bored and either rushing an even worse ending or even just walking away from the manga.

It really should have delved deeper into 02, reverted her to her true form, given Hiro's transformation a stronger climax, led to a proper rebellion and ended on earth.
It's pretty much what everyone expected and it would have worked perfectly fine.

That could also happen, yeah. The fact that people here are so sure that this manga is going to get an happy ending amazes me. Didn't you guys learn it already?

That would be great. I want to be free from this series already, I want to erase Franxx from my mind and move on but the manga is the only thing preventing that

>the storybook
>not ending with the prince himself becoming a monster so he could stay with his beloved princess, we genderswapped Shrek now
nah lets just have them jibad bird the witch then reincarnate in the far future, sounds like a solid children's book to me.

both of these were quickly forgotten once they crappy shows ended

Won't be forgotten by fatties any time soon.

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Miku x Kokoro yuri piloting SOON

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I love 02 but this girl stole the show, Vanilla can never beat NTR deal with it.

Yes please. I can hope. It might not be likely but still.

NTR >>>>>>>>>>>> Vanilla
Nothing can beat NTR the purest and most realistic form of love

I never forgot about her, stop lying OP

Just drop it.

or Abe posters

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I literally can't.


I'm just too invested. I'm holding on to the faint hope that I'll get the resolution I want, and even if that doesn't happen I want to see more of my waifu anyway

Franxx is the one series I can think of where I wouldn't mind if the canon was completely changed for recap movies in the future, unlike others like Gundam/Geass/E7

>lolli in space
now that's just silly

This. Fatties and losers love vanilla shit, chads love NTR
this is why you are never going to get laid fatties

This thread is bad but FranXX was just shit.

Just ignore this thread and let it die. There's absolutely nothing to discuss. OP is clearly obsessed with this series and will continue to spam and bump them anyways

Who is that?

Ultimate seasonal shit chan

really bad ending

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