Be me

>Be me
>Skinny and Mexican
>Show my black friend My Hero Academia
>He binges season 1
>Fast forward to next week
>So how'd you like it? I ask
>It was good dawg but that Izuku he a little bitch he answers laughing
>Um I disagree, there's more to hi-
>Nah he a bitch, my boy Bakugou is where it's at!!!

Why does everyone love this violent and loud bastard?!

Attached: Izuku_Midoriya.png (896x655, 292K)

Because he actually has a personality and struggles

Kill yourself.

this is a bait thread

because he's better than midoriya? tf? your friend is spot on.

He's black what did you expect? Also Deku is hard to like with all the constant grovelling. It's a cultural -

Oh wait this is bait. Cool

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I'm not baiting! I'm being serious!

>Be me
>HA is trash

Just ask your boy Deku why he likes Bakugou

Bakugou should have been the main character

Sounds like someone who is saying bait would say.

I did and it's always the same dickhead response

"Because Bakugou is cool and Izuku is a dick sucker like you hahaha"

It's only natural that someone would like a confident, and charismatic character, rather than a meek and pathetic character.

I mean, look at Monkey D. Luffy. he's always the most popular character in his series, with a big gap between the first and second, because he's brave, charismatic, and confident, which is what every teenager aspire to be.

dekucucks blown out again

>my boy Bakugou is where it's at!!!

Luffy would have lost to Law if they didn't give him the votes for "Lucy", too.

I like Boku no Pico Academia but Deku is one of the worst protagonist of all time. I really hate this kind of crying weakling MC.

I think user was saying you should why Deku loves Bakugou so much.

If he stopped grovelling like a pathetic spineless two half way through the first arc or even after it he would be much more likeable.

Bakugou is not charismatic!

>luffy would've lost to law if they didnt give him votes for "Luffy", too.

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user, why do think he's so popular with women.

Indeed. Because of it, It seems that he didn't grew as a character.

Ain't black folks in general prefer edgier and angrier characters ala Vegeta on DBZ?

People have shit taste.
He has no qualities other tha Fujo seme bait and cuck porn.

Because some stupid women like abusive men. Also, from what I've seen women like Izuku more.

It's really sad Deku can't win a popularity poll in his own series

I have seen the opposite but who knows. Plenty of woman like strong semi abusive men

>>Skinny and Mexican
Post bp

I know, it's extremely unfair that Bakugou aka the screeching autist wins

I'm black and I prefer Deku desu.

You've earned my respect!

You're those black guys that enjoy wrestling and fat, arent you? Lemme guess, you dont buy 2K either

Fuck off cracker don't assume shit about me.

Based black friend. He knows what's up.
Izuku is just a little bitch fuck that guy.

I don't hate deku. I really love weak, flawed mcs like him and Shinji. I also like brash asshole rivals. Everything about bakugo is more interesting than deku, from his personality down to the way he's drawn.

Looks like I was right on the money. Also, Rice Cracker would be more appropriate for me

The new sasukefags
I recommend breaking contact with the guy

Nice blogpost filthy spic check em

Because Deku is a fag. He's the kind of person you'd expect to break down and start crying in the middle of a fight.

Deku fuckin' sucks

That is why their rape rate is higher. Its all about the alpha male.

>He's the kind of person you'd expect to break down and start crying in the middle of a fight.
Technically Deku never did that in a fight
Bakugo did though.

Of course Deku is a bitch
Bakugo isn't any less of a bitch though.

What's so appealing about Deku anyhow?

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Standard's hero journey good boy

I don't find him appealing per se. It's interesting that the main character is a crybaby but is it appealing? I don't think so. What should be appealing is the contrast between his crybaby tendencies and how brave and determined he is. I assume that's what Hori's going for but for various reasons it just doesn't work. I'm not completely sure why. He's like a Yugi without the Yami. Maybe he just isn't cool enough when he's brave and determined.

your friend is right.
Midoriya a shit who needs 10 years to realize that his borrowed quirk can be used on his entire body.
Bakugou is shit but with higher quality.