Anjou is clearly the best of the semen demon dick teasers, yet it seems like Yea Forums forgot about her.
Yancha Gal no Anjou-san
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I rather not be a blueballed cuck. I'll read doujins if I want to jerk off.
> yet it seems like Yea Forums forgot about her.
Not even remotely. We still have dump threads when new chapters come out.
This, for sure.
Anjou is fucking perfect, so there's no point in trying to start discussion unless there's new material.
I mean, we can always talk about how hot she is
I hate gals
we totally can
god there's nothing hotter than a cute girl slutting herself up especially for you
good memories
It never ends.
I really thought nagatoro couldn't be topped but anjou easily pulled it off
I'm just sad that this is going to end with seto manning up and being the one teasing her and her realizing that she's a japanese woman and that means she's genetically submissive or something
I just know they're going to fuck it up, there's no way it can have a decent ending
If this goes full 'big guy' I'd be the happiest girl in the world
Too slutty for my liking. I prefer the other girls.
> Anjou
> Slutty
But that's wrong
as of right now, it seems Anjo's plan is to have Seto be a house husband and live off her. she's most likely gonna inherit her mom's business.
yes and I swear I'll never make fun of japan ever again if it does end like this
but we both perfectly know it's not meant to be
I have hope. so far this series has been exceeding my expectations
w-wait where the hell is this from??!
I don't remember this
Translations are still catching up. Several pages and spreads from that chapter have been posted before.
Near the end of the latest Volume release that only has 3 chapters translated at the moment.
Seriously, what's the holdup?
>there are TEN (10) chapters still untranslated
holy fuck
guess it's time I learned moonrunes
I'm guessing the new translator is going bi-weekely. we should be due for another this week.
From the sound of one of the new releases the scanalator wasn't satisfied with the online raws' quality and ordered a physical copy. My guess is he might be waiting on it to arrive.
understandable, I'm willing to wait for this one
Really? and look fine.
Hopefully he translated the whole thing already.
>toyoda tries to hide she likes cute things
i'm no expert on girls but isn't it normal to like cute things?
She's trying to maintain an image of a cool beauty who doesn't fuck around with cute things.
because there are no new chapters buttmunch
if you post raws it's going to be bi-right-fucking-now
H-how could he!?
God I need to learn how to read runes
I need to support this mango. This is really super interesting stuff
I'm fiending for new translated chapters at this point
Literally marking her territory.
cat girls truly are the best
where my toyota bros at?
Jesus Christ. The black gloves made me think that she was taking down a criminal with a hickey.
She always gives me wood
So damn cute
Fuck. Why didn't my school life have events like this?..
Because real life sucks
Fuck, I want raws NOW
But her guy is the worst of the bunch.
Even Senpsi has more backbone than him.
as far as male MCs go, it's Uzaki > Nagatoro > Anjou
As far as girls go, it's Anjou > Uzaki > Nagatoro
As far as actual moment to moment laughs it's Nagatoro > Uzaki > Anjou, although Anjou arguably makes up for that in pleasant moments that aren't necessarily comedic
>First Anjou thread in weeks
>Translators put out a short chapter 10 minutes ago
Cheeky cheeky holy shit I know quality is important but nearly 6 MB for a page is pushing it
Done. But rejoice.
Life is good boys.
Anything bigger than x1600 is pointless.
imagelet spotted
All is well.
Shit. The male lead actually does clean up.
Hoping for more Toyoda chapters to be honest.
She is far hotter than Anjou.
How can your taste be so bad? She's the worst one by far.
She's the worst how?
Is she a vampire?
Someone please tell them that Photoshop has automation
I hate gals
I love gals
a Anjou thread? so a new chapter is out already? wew
good lord the sadistic smile at the end
Well she's good at sucking
>those tanlines
>anjou is into didney movies
she's just too damn pure for my heart
Uzaki milf or Anjou milf?
The new translator sucks.
not the porno knock off?
>she wasn't planning on seto asking her if she liked western cartoons just so she could tease him and tell him she was talking about the porno but since he's an autistic herbivore he stayed silent
ITT: Patrician taste
All Japanese girls like Disney. Isn't Tokyo Disneyland a popular date destination?
>All Japanese girls like Disney
just the best ones
Jealous Anjou is best Anjou
how would you make the title 'the mischevious gal, anjou san' more actually like something someone would say?
Take out gal.
'cheeky bitch'
Why does she always do this with her shoes?
to annoy you
Seriously, though; is it a cultural thing, or just something that Anjou does? I feel like I've seen this before.
>can remove them with a flick of her toes
>can then proceed to tease you and caress you with her socked feet
the artist thought of every single fucking thing, he's a genius
Anjou skin
it's just a thing people do
anywhere they wear sandals, i'd guess they also do this
>is it a cultural thing
no Americans do it too unfortunately, some with name brand sneakers like Nikes
You want a translation for that page?
I think cake sensei has a thing for /our/boy too
I would appreciate it, but I meant more in general. it would make things a whole lot easier.
what's her fucking problem?
oh hey it's ballroom e youkoso RIP
Oh yeah I forgot about it. Does it end normally or did they axed it?
mmph thick eyebrows
she died
it has macros
it has outright scripting
>he doesn’t edge with ecchi
Good Lord, I have such a weak spot for girls in ball gowns. Never expected Anjo to look this way.