Why don't you wear a leotard under your everyday clothes?

Why don't you wear a leotard under your everyday clothes?
Try it for a day, user.
It feels so good.

Attached: anime_07.jpg (1280x1790, 293K)

Wearing a leotard apparently increases your overall life expectancy because it helps with circulation. I don't want that.


Why are you still alive then?

What is wrong with you, dude?


Attached: cute armpits.png (800x800, 731K)

I am not a fag.
No fag wants to fuck Kogure-senpai.

Because, well, I’m not a woman


You don't have to be a woman to feel good, user.

Why do I keep seeing this image every day?

Because Kogure-senpai doesn't have many other images to post.

These threads are getting weirder and weirder by the days.

It's not weird at all to seek pleasure!


brb buying one


Attached: 9620f978b8a6d3e27b626aefc9a71cfa.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

more Hotaru's armpits please

hard to take a piss in without taking it off

true, but as a masochist I treat it like a bondage