Kimetsu no Yaiba

The movie composed of first 5 episode gets a premier screening in the U.S on March 31st.

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Other urls found in this thread:鬼滅の刃

Well I guess they figured out that the font they used for the manga was garbage, too bad this one isn't that much better


It's the first five episodes compiled as a movie.


any guesses how far the story will get in 5 episodes?

The selection where Tanjirou fights the guy with multiple arms


Damn, that's some good shit. I'll you anons know how it holds up.

Just the LA theater right?

When Nezuko wakes up and welcome Tanjirou after his selection exam

Are you in the area?

Yeah, like 20 minutes on bike.

Sweet. You can get back in time for the translation thread and tell us your impression. Speaking of that, this week spoiler when?

Amazing user, we will wait your impressions.

We just have to wait a few hours for Korean scans but here are the chink ones

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please pay your respects to these peaceful times before the anime-only faggots ruin everything

Wakey wakey Herofag BCfags

It's honestly sad. I've seen so many comfy manga threads turn to shit in no time at all thanks to shitposting, mouth-breathing anime-onlyfags

Even worse, we'll have to read them saying "x breathing", "hashira", "kizuki" among other garbage. Thanks, viz

At least we'll have big indicators of who's an animeonlyfag.

I can't tell what the spoiler is supposed to be. Who is turning into a ghost? Shinobu?
You forgot the most annoying one: the fucking title itself. Viz is so creative bankrupt that they went with the most generic title possible.
>mfw animeonlys compares this with Goblin Slayer.

>anime-only screeching PIG ASSAULT

I all want is that this won't become a r*ddit target.

If you want to chase all the anime-only fags away for every thread, just post spoilers every chance you can possibly get.

not with OPM S2 airing it won't

Just start the OP with a manga image. Should be enough of a deterrent.

I can see them coming with Sasuke faggotry when Tomioka shows up

They won't be actually, viz don't even have a consistent catchphrase for Inosuke

I just went on r/anime and did a little search. The post for Kimetsu PV only got like 60 comments, while the one for Dr. Stone first visual got the double amount. So yeah, I think it won't be too bad.

>Kitsune anime by Dogakobo

I think Kimetsu should be mostly safe

this, Kimetsu was blessed to air in a season with so many other shows more worthy of being targets for shitposters. Anime-onlys also flock more to threads that have more discussion and shitposting so it goes hand-in-hand

Should they have just gone with "Blade of Demon Destruction" like has been used as the literal TL? I don't think it sounds that bad

Well the PV us aniplex released has over 800k views

Definitely better than fucking Demon Slayer.

>Kimetsu is full of fujo-bait

are you sure about that?

Reddit loves Dr. Stone and barely knows what Kimetsu is. Only reason a lot of people here aren’t into Kimetsu as Japan is because new kiddos can’t handle different/“rougher” art styles

WTF, where did all those views come from? Last time I check it had less than 100k
>look at the comments
I knew it. It's the fucking Viz title isn't it?

>Zenitsu is just a slightly watered down Grape-kun and will most likely annoy literally everyone with his cowardly demeanor and his quest to get pussy

are you sure?

It has more than the original video, well I guess this will be filled by GSfags, I believe they are into it just because of the title

Don't forget about Tomioka straightness and handsomess. Fujo repent.

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>inb4 during the sleepy train arc the anime narrates that Tanjirou is such a nice guy that his inner core is just a peaceful landscape of sea and sky and Tanjirou is such a kind person that he has little fairies and Tanjirou is such a nice guy

pls don't do this to me ufotable, that was like the one thing I never liked in the story

Is this incest

Zenitsu is actually a compelling character independent from his lust for pussy, and we see it fairly quickly, by his spider fight if his moments in drum house weren't enough

Go away Tomioka, you're just lucky the movie won't get far enough to introduce Shinobu.

I doubt the anime will keep any of the narration.

yeah but there are multiple instances where Zenitsu takes a steamy shit on Tanjirou for being better at everything than Zenitsu and the art style gets all wonky and even Tanjirou ends up getting annoyed.
Depending on how the voice actor and the director executes Zenitsu, he may end up being annoying for the audience.

He managed to get #2 in the popularity poll despite any of that, so I would think the anime would have to fuck up pretty bad to make people dislike him

Is there still no indications for the number of episodes? Will we only know at airing date?


Zenitsu wants to get laid because he knows he's so weak that his only desire is to continue his bloodline before some demon ends up killing him
Grape-kun from Boku no Hero wants pussy because he just has a grandiose fascination with the female body and will stop at nothing to express his love and dedication to the ass and tiddies

Let's not forget Tanjirou's fury

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Zenitsu cares deeply about his lineage and his ancestors. He has great respect for his mentor so Zenitsu wanting to get laid can be seen more like him not wanting to put the people that lived before him to shame by dying without even fostering a child to keep the family tree going.

>Depending on how the voice actor and the director executes Zenitsu, he may end up being annoying for the audience.
He'll have some good moments to make up for it.
Drum house sets up him up as god-tier while sleeping and how he was willing to die protecting Nezuko even if he knew she was a demon. I don't think he'll have any shortage of fans.

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>that Tanjirou face in the bottom panel
Why did I miss this before? Tanjirou is normally the most precious potato, but you literally don't want to face him when he's angry.

God I can't wait for ugly and gay in colour and sound

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Where does this meme even come from? Imagine some animeonly check out the threads after watching the first ep and take this 'ugly and gay' thing seriously.

>Where does this meme even come from?
It started with Shinobu telling Tomioka he isn't liked.

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I think it came like 30 chapters ago.
we all know he's handsome and straight

tomioka is very handsome and everyone loves him!

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I really hope we get this info soon

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because Tomioka is the prime target for fujo fanart so he is widely depicted as incredibly gay. also,

>animeonly screeching Tomioka is handsome and straight

Let's just not talk about who's his VA

>preorders closed
goddammit, i didn't even know there was new merch up. i have a burning need for this

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Where is this from?鬼滅の刃

>he didn’t like the fire dwarves
Fuck you that shit was pure kino, least we’ll know what filters out the plebs when that scene is shown in the anime.

if the author has to explicitly tell the audience just how nice of a guy a person is in a comic or manga where they can simply express it visually, then it is poor storytelling.

The dwarves and all that is fine, it could just stand to do without the narration

gookscans out

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I love this smug cunt.

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His trump card!


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it feels so short what the fuck???

that's what happens when it's mostly swinging and not a lot of words

that's not necessarily a bad thing, you know

We see it every other page with Tanjirou doing nice things and being a good boy. The soul space just was a nice narrative/visual metaphore.

I think over-narration tends to be a problem in shounen because they feel the need to spoonfeed the audience. The train arc in particular had a lot of this. I don't think that particular part was a bad sequence but it would've been better without us being told something we could figure out just by seeing it.

Oh I know, I'm just saying if it feels short, that's why.

Since it’s published in a magazine that young children read, maybe Wani feels that they need things explained more clearly. Or maybe she isn’t confident that her art alone can communicate everything she wants to say. I’m not a fan of the narration either, and I hope ufotable doesn’t include it.


are we gonna see aniki dying in the anime? is it 1 or 2 cour?

is that rengoku's dad? did he meet sunbro? I definitely thought sunbro was from way long ago.

Ugly and gay is back

Maybe it's that inherited memories thing?

Based best boy

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Of course not, but it's a different story when Kubo did it.

Thanks for the dump.
Since we saw a glimpse of Akaza's past I guess he's going down this time. Now the question is whether Tomioka is going to die too.

Kimetsu no Headbutt backfired?

Most likely we'll get this info only in the official release day.

I said it last chapter and I will say it again, that regeneration speed is bullshit

I won’t buy any of them but I like the phone cases

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To be fair it seems all this merch was released kinda recently, some aren't even out yet.


The narration doesn't bother me that much in manga since mangaka only have so many pages they can use to communicate things visually, and the use of text already feels natural in manga.
In adaptations it can be pretty jarring though, in JoJo for example they will have a character say what's happening even though the scene already makes it clear enough.

>no sun earrings
one fucking job

I think the "life flashing before my eyes because I'm looking for a way to not die" narration was a bit necessary so I could swallow that absolute asspull a little easier.

They actually sell it at the Jump shop, Natsuki Hanae even used them in the stage at Jump Festa.

now im cross. because my back furiously hurts. how dare you have me fly far, upper moon 3.

Tomioka is beautiful and a chad.

Kek did he say that?

That also needed the narration because it dilated, like, half a second into an entire chapter

yep, according to jp spos @5ch.

I don’t think it’s too bad with this series but the new one that started recently (The Last Saiyuki) was almost entirely narration that was used to describe scenes the mangaka skipped over drawing. It was awful for an introductory chapter.

Kick his ass, best boy.

Now we are closer for him to reveal his real personality

his real personality is that he is autistic

shinobu thinks Giyu is a natural and dodgy one

>Had the perfect chance to cut off the head
>Cuts hand instead
Good job Tomioka

He already cut his head in the beginning and it didn't work because of his broken regeneration speed, you speedreader

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he didnt want to cut Tans legs

I'm interested in the interview with the VAs, also I wonder if they will reveal some more info about the anime there. I really want to know who will sing the OP/ED.

So if you see the film you need to wait until May for the TV version to catch up?


April 6th

I bet the theatre version is a bit different from the tv version.

I want sun marks now

I hope not, unless they also include the differences between the theater and TV version in the BDs.

Is the blade so hot it distorted visually?

I really hope someone spends the time to rip the subs, correct all the terminology to what the manga uses, and reupload them.
If not, I might have to learn how to do it myself, if just for PIG ASSAULT

a mirage caused by the sun

It's very easy actually, just download Aegisub, load the subs file from the .mkv, edit it and save as .srt/.ass.


Bump for tl Koran bro

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>Where does this meme even come from?
I mean that's just the truth

Shut up Shinobu, you're already dead, stay dead.

So when would we get info on the OP/ED? Also bump.

Maybe in two-three weeks, also they will reveal more VAs (I will cope if Kaji is in this)

Hot and Canon

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I think they'll reveal this info next week. After this week, next Jump issue will be out March 18 and the first screening will happen March 19, then the Margaret interview will be out the following day and the other screenings in Japan will happen a week after. Hopefully they also reveal others VAs too.

Since we already have Shimono Hiro in the cast don't be surprised if we also get Yuki Kaji since these two are always paired up and marketed together pretty much like Sugita/Nakamura, Matsuoka/Kayanon, Soma/Kaito etc.

But what character would he get? Tamayo's assistant? One of the siblings from the Drum house?

Maybe a pillar or an Upper Moon.


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If you had to choose the VA for Kanao, Shinobu and Mitsuri who would you choose?

fujos will be watching Sarazanmai

Newbie for Kanao
Sawashiro for Shinobu

Just look at the poster. It will go up to the examination.

Fujos watch whatever they want and kimetsu is not out their sight since it has cute boys

How much does it cost theaters to play small demand films like this?

oh man, thats great

Giyuu is our lord and saviour

This is the 4th time Giyuu saves Tanjirou kek

I'll be free in a couple of hours

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The Ugly Jar


I want all of them.

The Moeblob jar.

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I wouldn’t mind him as Tokitou.

Sabito maybe

If I had a Giyuu everytime user calls me faggot, I'd have a whole ar of them.

2 weeks behind ChadFrance burgers

It's time for bare chest Tomioka

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Tomioka a handsome. HANDSOME!

Shinobu don't reply to me.

The worst thing about Viz isn't the title change or crap translations. It's that they didn't pick it up to begin with and now the gap between what they have translated and simulpub is basically the bulk of the series, so anyone interested now or during the anime release is not going to catch up unless they turn to scanlations.

They shot themselves in the foot and then pretended there is no wound

do you all believe this is the last arc of the manga?

I like this series so I hope it doesn't bomb.

It's all shady but I believe it's not ending that soon

This actually has a chance of being a best selling Jump anime adaptation.

I think there has to be a big twist to Muzan and Nezuko turning human

RIP Kaguya

>it's already subbed in French
When the fuck aniplex niggers will upload the english subbed version
I think I like him for Sabito actually

Is Shueisha really that confident in KnY and Wani-san? Or is that ufotable doing? Both maybe? Anyway, can't fucking wait.

It's the amazing power of Aniplex dosh.

I find that hard to believe, but sure.

Aniplex saw it as a good opportunity to make an extra buck is my guess, Kimetsu is not insanely popular compared other Jump IP's but still popular enough that fans of the manga will go see it.

>Kimetsu is not insanely popular compared other Jump IP
You meant it's not popular at all. Seriously, Kimetsu might be one the most unpopular high-ranking Jump manga in recent memory. (not that I complain)

Feels like a very ufo series to me

Nah if it wasn't popular at all it would have been axed long ago.

There's manga in Jump that ranks higher than Kimetsu but still sells less. Anyway, this anime will most likely boost the manga sales, but I also hope for good BD/DVDs sales.

Wasn't the announcement only 2 weeks earlier, the screening seems to be the same date.

Sorry about the delay, folks

>Now I get it
>There's just something I can't stand about this guy's mentality

>Chapter 149: Repulsiveness

>Like scraping one's nails on a metallic plate, an unnerving, unpleasant repulsiveness
>A kind of cacophony that makes you nauseous

>I misunderstood
>At first I thought he was unpleasant "because he's a weakling", like usual

>But somehow this guy,
>Is still unpleasant to me despite becoming strong

>This guy's eyes and voice and everything he says
>It's like my insides are getting raked with sandpaper


>No matter what you do, everyone starts off as a newborn
>You get help from those around you and mature

>Don't keep comparing yourself to others. The one you keep fighting against is yourself
>The important thing is to be stronger than yesterday's you

>If you can keep that up for 10 years, 20 years, that's a splendid thing
>And then you can be the one to help people

>What was that? He swung out where there's nothing

>Tanjirou, you really are unpleasant

Here's his tech again. First part is his usual, but I think the second is slightly different, don't remember seeing it last week

This is total gibberish to me though

>So fast...! Ridiculously so...!
>No, more than the speed... this sensation, this accuracy

>This is...


New tech, but the start of the name is the same as one of the ones he used last week

>Even if I can anticipate his movement and attacks
>They're so powerful that I can't avoid getting at least slightly injured!

>An incomparably accurate technique...!
>Piercing straight through any gaps like a compass needle

>It's as if his attacks are being pulled toward vital points of the human body like a magnet

>But how?

>What is it. The "thing" that's being reacted to and drawing it?

>Remember it. Think it over
>There must be something. If I infer from Akaza's behavior so far

>Dance of the Fire God

I can't tell what this says, but we saw it just a while back

>Hahaha, that's an interesting technique
>It's like the blade that I'm certain I've dodged stretches out

>How the hell do you swing it like that
>The end of the sword was waving as if it was in a haze

>Aniki... Aniki...
>An enormous battle has begun
>Father has gone too. In your place
>Please protect Father and Tanjirou-san

>The letter I wrote to Tanjirou-san arrived, didn't it?
>It's a minor thing, but in the family record
Whatever those were called, you know what I'm talking about
>There's something I don't know might help

>A conversation from back when it was written with a swordsman of the Breath of the Sun

>A story told by a swordsman of the first Breath, the Breath of the Sun
>About a time when he confronted Muzan, was written in the letter

>That's how my ancestor in the record lost his confidence

>But if it's you Tanjirou-san, you won't lose
>You'll open the path to the future

>Isn't that right?


>Senjurou's letter had not yet reached Tanjirou

>The fight broke out before he could receive the letter
>He can't read it unless he takes down Akaza

>Dance of the Fire God

This one also looks familiar, but it's cut off anyway

>Oh no!

>He's trying to break it!

>Nice headbutt

>Let go, let go! Let go!

>No good
>His hands

>Won't let go!


>I'm very angry now
>Because my back seriously hurts
>From you making me fly to a far off place. Upper Moon 3

And that's all for this week, my friends

Thanks, always much appreciated!

I hope for the same, not only for Wani but also so we can hopefully have more seasons.

Thank u tl user this chapter was hype

God bless Tomioka and his autism

I meant in the west. Most animefags in the west don't even know Kimetsu is a thing.

>good BD/DVDs sales.
Betting on those selling on ufotable's brand alone.


Interesting that Giyuu refuses to refer to Akaza by his name.

Of course. Niggerstream might have picked it up if it had been more popular

>this place sucks
>my back hurts
>anons are calling me ugly and gay
>i just wanna go home

It's just not popular outside of Japan because neither Niggastream nor Jaimini translates it.

Add this
>my waifu is dead

Don't fucking jinx it

ToC these days are just a meme.

Tomioka just want to chill all alone

Man, I was supposed to be a Inosukefag but I can't resist this autist anymore.

Gonna guess that Akaza's techniques can automatically aim for the heart, which is how he got Rengoku.

>angry Giyuu noise
>the heart

Thank you, friend.

thank you user

Angry Tomioka ! ! !

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Seems like its more tricky than we thought. He is being pulled by the enemy. Pretty cool though.

Considering his fighting style, he is the kind that must absolutely not be limbless. So having ultra regen is a must. That said yeah, its completely broken. Ulquiorra levels or more.

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>someone who uses reddit

Memes aside how do you guys know so much about reddit? I literally just ignore anything from the site.

New anime spread, probably from the first episode.

Attached: KnY Spread.jpg (1200x758, 246K)

I agree. Everytime some user says "thats just reddit" he is just evidencing how much he browses reddit. I have not a single fucking clue of what reddit is like.

Do you know the magazine's name?


It's from Animage.


Giyuu-san kakoii

Now that I zoomed in Giyuu's face, he looks gay there.

Tell us how many copies did you order, Shinobu.

Reminder Tomioka didnt fuck this.

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thank you!

He is autistic and she is forceful enough so maybe she managed to rape him at least once.

Headcanon where Tomioka is popular among girls and he's just clueless about that fact so he thinks girls hate him because they talk too much about him in his surroundings

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