Why do we hate this show again?

Why do we hate this show again?

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Shit universe building, shit MC

Because it'll eventually reach O MY

Because people hate good things around here

We can all agree that at the very least it has great music and animation

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Its popular

I noticed that. Why does Yea Forums hate good things? I think it's just popular stuff in general. Yea Forums is the same way. Must be a newfag issue.

Because it's unoriginal and nothing fucking happens

Mostly butthurt clovercucks

It's popular.

>He says this and goes back to watching his seasonal moeshit made for depressed salarymen.

Because it's ok, not great, not even good, it's just ok.
But it's treated like the second coming of shounen jesus by the Funko pop audience.
That kind of shit just generates hate, it's an instinctive thing. I can't explain why, but it's the way it is.
Happens with any medium or genre.
If a basic thing blows up and becomes praised and popular people will eventually start hating it.

yeah. I just find the characters all insufferable


it sucks



I dont hate, i even watch it. But underage acting like is the best shit ever 24/7 annoy me so i have to tell them to fuck off

It had two arcs all the way until I dropped it
1) Highschool shenanigans / training bullshit
2) Some random evil guys show up and gotta fight them
I know that's basically the structure of all shonen-aimed action anime but goddamn, try not to make it so blatant.

It laid a foundation it failed to build on
It’s sad when the league of villains fight with the power of friendship more than the heroes

If he glows with neon red veins and orange skin whenever he uses One for All then why doesn't All Might glow as well?


>Posting the gif version of this
Really doing yourself a disservice. This looks like shit.

I't a mediocre anime/manga extremely overhyped in the west, a gateway anime of the worst kind for people that like trends and saying "oh look how weeb I am"

Its capeshit

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Pretty much this, I just like it for the bakudeku doujins the actual show however is generic as shit shounen rivaling Naruto.

It's easier to hate something to like something. Least on Yea Forums, where there's no consequence for you on a personal level, you can literally say anything and you won't have a reputation. On forums or Reddit, where you have a username, if you hate on something, you'll gain a reputation and can be targeted as a "troll" cause you dislike something and be ignored or banned if you take it to far. user encourages you to say what you mean but it's also hard to know if someone is being honest or just trolling. On forums, it's encourages you to be in-line with everyone else and a wrong opinion against the majority instantly marks you as a troll.

MHA is hated cause anons are a have mind, it's the extreme opposite where MHA is loved cause people with a username are a hive mind out of fear.

I've been told that the quirk manifests itself differently in each user. In midoryas case its the veins, and in allmights case its the super buff mode he turns into.




That really makes you think


it's generic even when compared to american capeshit and 99% of the characters are bland as fuck

Personally it's because with one exception (Kamino) every arc could have been done better.

It caters to the capeshit crowd and is as boring/mediocre as capeshit

Had potential, didn't cash in, awful world building, stays afloat thanks to fujos and "tune in next time for a completely new power!" instead of getting a real plot

I don't like how its verbally stated that their society has been destabilized ever since All Might retired and the most we've seen is petty crime; things seem pretty safe without the symbol of peace. The League of Villains are supposedly becoming a bigger threat but they don't do much. No propaganda, no recruitment, no major resource gathering through crime; they don't fill the shoes for a long running antagonist. The Yakuza should have been a longer term villain and/or the League of villains should have tried to absorb the remnants.
I think the biggest issue I have is that I'm unsure where Hori is trying to take us. With high schoolesque setting Hori is stuck giving us exercises within a simulated, no stakes environment which make me wonder again where are you taking us.
I still read it but I'd only watch the show for the climatic moments.

It had a great start but it's clear the author does not know what he is doing and the story is good ng no where

because its good
Yea Forums hates anything thats good

This isn't Yea Forums.

Okay so I don't hate it but I do think it has gotten to that point in most battle shounen where the things I enjoyed about it in the beginning just aren't there anymore. Something changed in the story after All Might vs. AFO. The Yakuza arc in particular is one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever read and I just don't believe the story recovered after that. It was the first arc where it didn't feel like it was utilizing shounen tropes in the best way possible like I felt before, now it was just...shounen tropes.

I also do not have the same kind of sympathy and "wow, what a good character" I had for Deku like I used to. Especially with the six quirks bullshit

It's because of a mix of things such as, short chapters, nothing happening, major asspulls, nothing happening, lack of consequences as of late, nothing happening and finally nothing fucking happening
Like seriously last 3 arcs couldn't of happened and we'd still be where we are

Only good thing about Yakuza was rappa

Why are you describing hxh?

>why does Yea Forums have different opinions than me


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We're not a hive mind only retards hate it mostly for being popular. It's decent shonen with hype moments.

>DUDE hype moments!
Yeah I think I see the actual retard here

I have legit reasons for not liking it as much as I used to I'd say

>Why do we hate this show again?
Because it's bad. It's basically Naruto for the next generation, but even more bland and sterile. The setting is as generic as possible, most quirks have absolutely no depth, and every arc feels like it has no stakes. Deku is a whiny little bitch and Baku is edgier than Sasuke without any of the danger and even less personality. If every other shounen is for 12 year-olds, MHA seems to be made for 10 year-olds.

Depression sucks I know but you can be excited about things from time to time try it.

it's just ok

Stop excusing your retardation and deal with it instead user

>It's decent shonen
The best parts of it are about on par with the worst parts of Naruto, Bleach, OP, DBZ, etc.

Because the main character is the biggest cry baby ever and never did anything by himself. I don't get why this show has such a defence force on Yea Forums

It's kind of sad you can only win arguments in your head if you strawman the other party but we will both learn to live with it, me by ignoring you.

>le hype
Fuck off back to Yea Forums.

Wtf why are you describing your previous post now


Because Yea Forums is full of grown ass adult who can't accept that a fucking shonen aimed at young people have to be simply written. When something is simply written, it has flaws that someone whos older than the average viewer will see and point at. They want it to be more intricate /complex because they're insecure about themselves by watching it.
tl;dr Yea Forums is full of insecure crybabies who forgot that shonen is not for them anymore.

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"Wtf" why is your rebuttal so sad. Why do you spend time posting about things you don't like. Imagine if I spent all my time in threads about things I didn't like how ridiculous I would look.

What if I just spent my whole day posting about how I didn't like anime in Yea Forums, what a good use of my time that would be.

tl;dr Yea Forums is full of adults that obviously dislike a show for children and user can't get over this fact.

Is there a shonen that doesn't do this?

Imagine being this mad

it contradicts every message it has

>thread about MHA's flaws
>"bawww w-why do you spend your day posting about anime you don't like"

He did initially. Getting a quirk handed to him isn't as big a deal when you consider how he slaved over building his body up just to not instantly explode at the lowest percentage of the power. He then continued to use it while literally breaking himself every single step of the way.
But then OH, MY SEVEN QUIRKS came up and even All Might was confused about it.

>I don't get why this show has such a defence force on Yea Forums
It's only one balding retard going complete damage control over his series.

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The big difference is I have better things to do. This is obvious because you are reading my post after I went to do those things, and you don't get a rebuttal, because I won't read it.

I really liked how Bakugan wasn't buying any of that shit

You're both too young to be posting on 4channel.

>never done anything by himself

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It's normalfag garbage that onlt appeals to the lowest common denominator of people who watch anime. Corny generic capeshit plot with dull and boring characters and a protagonist who manage to be even more insufferable than naruto

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not enough Momo


Yeah the seven quirks thing made me drop the series.
We could have had a teamwork style shounen with the main character being the raw power, or the planning type when raw power just isn't useful. Instead the author just can't think up plans as well as the character he wants to write so he relies on a bunch of different asspulls.

Every time I see it someone is yelling almightou

Like literally every shounen manga it gets killed by its own genre. Since it has to continue perpetually the mangaka eventually runs out of ideas and starts churning generic shit out to fill the weekly quota, until it goes to shit and gets cancelled. 95% of Jump's series would be better as monthly releases on smalled magazines that allowed for more freedom for the author and also a fucking timely ending to be given to the series instead of ending its no longer profitable.

That effect was better when they did it in Kekkai Sensen.







Hunterchads win again :'^)




Because it's wasting our time when it shouldn't be.

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They REALLY lucked out with You Say Run. You add that song to fucking anything and you get an instant emotional moment

Because it's not interesting...at least when you compare it to Western Capeshit, Hori's villains aren't interesting, the setting's grounded so there probably isn't going to be any crazy capeshit plots like Time travel, evil aliens/robots/gods, with the exception of All Might who was the most comicbooky of the charcters everyone feels like generic anime tropes and IMO the biggest crime: most of the costume designs are fucking terrible and uninspired which is a huge no no when it comes to capeshit

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MHA is the king of shounen anime right now, and anyone who disagrees is obviously underaged because they haven't lived through a long-running shounen show before.

Why? Because that's how shounenshit works. The show comes out and it's actually good. Then the show gets big and the artist/studio starts pumping out filler, filler, and more filler. Next thing you know, it's at 500 episodes and counting and the show is zombified worse than modern Simpsons and the only people who still watch it are lunatics who have turned the show into some kind of cult and the new episodes are the only thing keeping them from committing ritual suicide.

And then a new show comes out, and you can honestly say, without any doubt: This is the best shounenshit on TV right now.

In other words, bandwagoning is actually the correct way to watch shounen anime.


Boring powers, bland MC, does nothing special from other shonens, retroactively shitting on its own world building

It's not just Yea Forums, people everywhere seem to think it's overhyped. Imo it's been shit on so much now that it's actually underrated. it is pretty good desu

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>why does Yea Forums hate empty fujo pandering?

Boku no Stakes Academia
Boku nothing Happens Academia

MHA already had it's underrated phase. That's not how this works

It had its overrated phase when it was just getting started, now its in its underrater phase

Because is overrated garbage.

Does the plain, non-heo population use their powers for mundane tasks like construction, entertaintment, etc? Everytime I see powers it seems it's either a hero or a criminal.

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Pure sakuga

Attached: Boku no Hero Academia the Movie Futari no Hero (2018) .webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Bakugay and the boring villains. but the rest is pretty fine for the most part . and the comedy is top tier.

>What are you waiting for Kacchan? My girlfriend's not going to fuck herself!

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 61 [1080p].webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>Mt. Lady will never sit on your face

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 48 [1080p]1.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)

I think at its best, it's still inferior to the best moments of every other shonen series from the past 2 decades

>watch BnHA dude it's good!
>proceed to watch it
>a world where superpowers are commonplace
>okay that's pretty cool
>first arc is a training arc
>what, already? okay then
>second arc, is another training arc but villain hijack it
>okay that's nice
>third arc is a tournament arc
>really nigga?
>fourth arc is another training arc but something happens and they fight a villain
>jesus christ
>fifth arc is another training arc
>sixth arc is, yep, you guessed it another training arc
>seventh arc is actually decent, with OfA vs AfO
>oh shit, that fight was pretty based
>eighth arc is a tournament arc
>is this author serious?
>ninth arc is, yup, the author's favorite, training arc

I dropped it after that, jesus christ

>Boku No Hero ACADEMIA
>back to back training arcs
What were you expecting?

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Well I think it's pretty fun to watch

No stakes

You Say Run is just a rehash of that GBF Try track.

The water pistol kid interfering was what allowed Deku to win though?

it's this but as an anime

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This is why nobody takes you shounen people seriously.

Don't mind me...Just posting best girl, Jirou-chan!

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Because frog waifu isn't the MC.

I don't hate it, but like said it's predictable, I already watched enough 90s shonen anime.
Also, characters have no fucking personality, everyone acts like an NPC.

>Why do we hate this show again?
a sign of low testosterone.

In the sense that Muscular's threat to kill Kota triggered Deku's 'protect at all costs' instinct. And as All Might has said, when the kid's trying to save someone, there's no wall he can't scale.

But getting back to the original claim that Midoriya does nothing on his own: Keep in mind, Japan. The culture puts great emphasis on cooperation, with considerable mutual support. Lone wolves like Endeavor and Bakugo, while objects of fascination, respect, and even awe, are kind of disruptive. Those who rise by their own AND everybody else's efforts, like Deku, are doing it right.

Because it's popular.

Some children think it makes them cool to hate popular things.

Yes, but how do you REALLY feel?

This + the hothead retard as the second caracter and the edgy retard as the third one is just unbearable.

>too many retarded side characters
>zero tension and zero consequences, even for villains
>weakest (in terms of power AND motivation) villains in all of anime
>training arcs
>boring fights and boring super powers

Actually, the seven quirks makes sense and should perhaps have been seen coming. AfO's brother's quirk, after all, was being able to transfer quirks. Therefore, a copy of any quirk the recipient of OfA had originally would also be passed on to the next user.

As for the claim this makes him too overpowered, as Black Whip shows, having it doesn't mean he can use it. He needs to grow to the point he can handle One For All at a higher level than currently before that will be possible. I'm looking forward to that. And to finding out what the other quirks are. Nana's was apparently some kind of repulsion effect...?

I'm also more than a little concerned about what sort of final confrontation with All for One the author has planned, that such power will be necessary.

It's mediocre as hell and the main characters are terrible. Loads of people get into it from the hype and are rapidly disappointed as it only gets worse from the first real arc onwards. Deku is unlikeable, dull, and irritating, and the fact that he's presented as some sort of underdog after literally being handed the strongest quirk is ridiculous and obnoxious. Bakugo is annoying and unfunny, and the constant cocksucking he gets from the other characters is insufferable. Todoroki has no personality beyond daddy-issues which are resolved early on. The girls are useless and annoying. Aizawa is LITERALLY Kakashi but written worse. All Might was fun, but he fell from relevance incredibly fast.

People have called it Capeshit Naruto for good reason - it really is capeshit Naruto, from the promising but underdeveloped side-characters, to the designs, to the story structure in general. And like Naruto it draws in people who don't watch other anime and don't even know how generic it is - BNHA posters overwhelmingly only come to Yea Forums for BNHA generals and it shows.

>Actually, the seven quirks makes sense
Oh shut the fuck up, it could make all the sense in the world and it wouldn't matter. We all know, as an audience, what the whole seven Quirks shit means. It doesn't matter what kind of justification it needs, it's that in the future whenever Deku gets in a really big pinch, Hori will bullshit him getting one of his new quirks. Everybody's read battle shounen to know how this works. It is tedious. If they had established this in the beginning as new level of power to work toward, that would be one thing but we were supposed to believe that the true goal was 100% OFA without breaking his body. Now there's this crap on top of that. How are we supposed to really see Deku as the growing underdog with this shit?

You want a story that did "Now here's some powers that you'll get later?" Groove Adventure Rave/Rave Master. In that, the main character has 10 powers in his sword that he can unlock but we actually know about that from the very beginning of the series and we know that the true Rave Master will be when he is strong enough to use all 10 so we actually want to see him pull new swords out of his ass.

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So your objection isn't new powers, it's just you the reader not knowing they're coming?


>MC is a faggot
>MC trains
>MC is no longer a faggot
>MC goes to school
>MC is a faggot again
Dropped after that happened desu

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Isn't this a shonen?

You didn't even read my post properly


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all of the arguments posted itt are overly exaggerated and can be easily refuted

MC is an annoying beta. Too much mind numbing bullshit between important events. No fucking direction to the story besides "this is the story of how I became the best fucking hero guy ever." The show assumes (rightfully so for the most part) that everyone who watches it has single digit IQs and reminds you of the characters names every fucking episode.

If it weren't for Yutaka Nakamura and the action sakuga the show gets, there would be zero fucking reason to watch it.

I agree with this. I commend Bones for pumping the resources into this show to make it a spectacle when at this point they could easily take the approach Toei did with Dragon Ball and make absolute bank by churning out dogshit that will sell regardless. The music fits very well with the hype moments.

However, everything outside of the hype moments usually sucks and feels like it drags on forever. All-Might and bakugo are easily the two most enjoyable characters and yet they always take a back seat to Midoria who is just a shit MC all around.

Dr. Stone has already surpassed the rest of shonen by being a story about building bridges and civilizations and not autists shouting their intentions and figthing ad nauseam.

But American Retards love their capeshit I suppose *shrugs*

Looks like Macaronidemia kiddies need to have things spelled out for them so I'll be kind and spoon feed them.
The reason why O, MY SEVEN QUIRKS is shit aside from the asspull it's because of the impact it has on the story at a meta level.
The rivalries that Hori has been pushing through the whole manga become completely irrelevant when the guy who already surpassed or was evenly matched with his peers gets a powerup.
There's no reason to think any villain has any hopes to be a threat to Deku when the biggest bad guy of the setting already got destroyed by the predecessor of OfA, which means All Might will canonically be weaker than Deku and he's already getting a +1 on that power before be even matches All Might on super strength.
This is bad because it completely shatters any semblance of suspension of disbelief. Not because having an OP character that no one cant touch is inherently a negative, but because Hori's narrative will move forward and pretend this isn't the case.
Bakugou will still get dick sucked by the story as he always was even though realistically Deku stands above him when he's got a second quirk he can use. Tomura will be presented as a OMG so scary! bad guy when this chapped lips chuuni isn't even halfway as competent as his teacher who got crushed into a crippled mess by a guy who's bound to be weaker than Deku.
Hori will pretend that Deku's demigod status is far way into the future, but it's already here the fucker is in his first here.

>He needs to grow to the point he can handle One For All at a higher level
He fought Bakugou equally at 8% and Bakugou would buttrape the vast majority of most heroes and villains, LoV included.

The MC is an unlikable faggot and the story trash.

>starts as a underdog story of a guy with no powers
>suddenly he has 7

>Does nothing to refute any of them

I dropped it because of MC honestly. "The story of how I became the greatest hero" should really be "The story of how someone else made me into the greatest hero" given how little Deku actually does to change his situation. It's not really about me wanting him to be Batman or anything but from the very beginning he works only because All Mighty handing him shit after some minimum requirements anybody else would've checkboxed with promises of power. With the handing of OfA Deku even without 7 quirks has already became a chosen one hero Jesus.

Bakugo is also a fag given how Hori couldn't decide between evil bully and bad tempered rival so he tries really hard to forget all the evil bully shit and make him into a really really cool guy who's kinda angry but we should suck his dick as everything he does he succeeds.

>still true

You want a story that did "Now here's some powers that you'll get later?" Groove Adventure Rave/Rave Master. In that, the main character has 10 powers in his sword that he can unlock but we actually know about that from the very beginning of the series and we know that the true Rave Master will be when he is strong enough to use all 10 so we actually want to see him pull new swords out of his ass.

I didn't?


It's problem is s1 > s2 > s3
You're supposed to improve in quality or at least maintain it. Not like s3 is complete garbage but it definitely went down in quality in both fight scenes and story. Don't know the state of manga.

>Looks like Macaronidemia kiddies need to have things spelled out for them so I'll be kind and spoon feed them.

So kind of you.

The following points:

A) Deku can't use any of the 7 quirks yet, and in fact, as we've seen, their sudden emergence can be a danger. Imagine if Black Whip had manifested during his fight with Overhaul. The distraction would have gotten him killed. That something Deku will have to worry about in the future: What's coming next.

B) Bakugo knows all about the seven quirks, does he not? Is he saying "Oh noes, I will never be able to exceed dumbass Deku now, best I go throw myself in the river and be done with it?" Maybe I missed that. Or maybe, if the guy on scene most concerned with any power up isn't worried, you shouldn't be.

C) You are assuming these are completely new powers. But. How does All Might fly? Move at such speed he can deliver 300 massive blows in less than a minute? Survive being hit so hard his digestive and respiratory systems collapse? I would not be surprised if among the 7 quirks are Flight, Super Speed, and Survival, and that All Might, with his instinctive ability to use OfA, has been drawing on those quirks all along without understanding they're separate. If so, then your concerns this is an asspull would be... misplaced.

D) It is an odd thing, but I've seen over and over among fans this idea that if they don't know where a story is going, that means the author must not, either. As you noted, Deku seems to be heading towards power levels that dwarf any current villain, including AfO. But what if AfO doesn't intend to stay at his current level? There are plenty of hints he's up to something. What if that's restoration of his body and an increase in power such that he becomes a near god? Wouldn't it be nice if someone with, say, OfA at never before reached levels AND 7 quirks were there to stand in his way?

What we're seeing presently isn't what might be in the future.

Then why other shounen which are aimed for kids as well (hence shounen) are still very watchable for men in 20s - 40s?

low quality bait that neither you believe
hxh has reached a pick even greater than the chimera ant
also rent free fagot

It has hotter girls than Nardo.

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It has a huge problem, and It's Bakugou

captain quirk

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I want a cute bf like Midoriya

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so do a lot of shows


You know that your answer is fucked up if your solution to Deku's future standing as an almighty demigod is just making one of the villains a demigod too with the rest of the cast being so dwarfed in comparison that they lose all meaning.


14 year fan here, followed it weekly during some of CA, Succession War is nowhere near it. It can get a lot better, but right now it has to go through several levels to reach masterpiece tier, which is what CA is at.

>asspulls a million % power of his already broken quirk
I hate capeshit so fucking much

Uhhh we don't. Shit's actually kino

Very nice ironic shitpost my friend. Take my (You) (also known as upvote on reddit).

> they could easily take the approach Toei did with Dragon Ball and make absolute bank by churning out dogshit that will sell regardless
I actually disagree. MHA has an interesting take on the superhero genre and starts out with sympathetic and lovable characters (that become stale as the series drags on), but I strongly believe that it's the phenomenon it is today because of the anime's technical qualities. Dragonball and One Piece can afford to be dogshit because they are so long running and have an established fanbase/brand loyalty that dogshit is excusable. MHA, being a new franchise, needed all the chips in its favor in order to become so big (Attack on Titan and One Punch man LARGELY follow the same trend - they needed absolutely stellar anime quality to become the worldwide hits they are). Honestly, can we name any series that started off with toei dogshit anime quality in the past few years times and still made it that big?

>Deku can't use any of the 7 quirks yet, and in fact, as we've seen, their sudden emergence can be a danger.
I guarantee this will not actually matter in the long run. This is how shounen works.