Cut ennemy

>cut ennemy
>sheathe sword
>ennemy starts bleeding
this shit needs to die
We are far past the point where it look

Attached: shishi.jpg (640x480, 194K)

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Apparently you haven't noticed the language center of your brain being cut yet.

I unironically love this shit

>pic related is from an episode from 2001-2002

Where it look what? Either finish your sentence or don't start a thread.

Came to post this
And also agree with this

I like the one where Brook does that to a thousand small animals at once. It's absurd and beautiful.

Rule of cool

Then how are gonna swordmans show their power level?
that's the coolest shit, didn't find any Yea Forums proof

Worse is when the enemies just fly away instead of getting cut.

>Not thinking that that is the coolest shit.

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The worst is when it's more than one cut and the monster gets cut into little blocks.

>cutting bullets

Shut up it's cool as fuck
Who cares it's not efficient
It's like palm strikes or giant swords, if you don't like this shit ur gay

It's the most overused trope ever
find some new ways to make swords cool

>cutting swords

That’s cool i like it

nobody minds it you autist

What a weird way to find out you're gay


ouch, OP got honked

Attached: honk.gif (511x512, 105K)

Discovered the history of void century and the meaning of One Piece


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Why do you keep using one of the worst characters from one of the worst games?

I never played Overwatch but this guy is supposed to be enlightened or something which is a nice symbol to represent me.

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Then what are your bright ideas sunshine?

Kill yourself OP you miserable sack of shit

Coregraph a real sword fight for once.

Attached: asuka ascii.png (505x249, 4K)

>Swordsman standoff
>they cross each other
>a couple seconds pass after they're done
>one of them falls over
Unironically the best shit ever. Fuck you OP for hating fun.

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I would like to see you take a palm strike from a professional sumo wrestler or an offensive lineman from literally any NFL team.

Ohhh shoot

it was cool the first 100 times maybe

Those guys could floor you with a punch or something as well. The palm strike is just a less effective way of reaching the same conclusion.

Sounds like your fault for watching the the same derivative trash

Then watch something other than shounen.

>it's your fault, not the show's fault for being unoriginal

Imagine being this gay.

Uh yeah that would be badass, just like I said

are you gay?
do you suck cocks?

Watch a old samurai flick

it's like that looney tunes trope where they run off a cliff but don't fall until they notice there is nothing underneath them

>seven samurai
my nigger

OP here, I'm fucking gay so what???

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>hates the trope where a character hits their enemy with their sword so fast that the bleeding is delayed
>proceeds to post a character who does it

Nah, this trope is sick.

You will not forget this devil's power.

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But this kind of shit is a staple of Japanese culture. If you don't like it just watch some shitty Russian cartoons.

wacchu gon do?


You are not worthy as my opponent.

But that is fucking cool you faggot.


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