Everything after cell saga was a mistake

Everything after cell saga was a mistake

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trippin...buu saga was the shit

saiyan*, but it's acceptable to cell

That’s where you are wrong kiddo

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Everything after cell saga was hackery, that doesn't mean it was a mistake.

Buu saga had some great character development for Vegeta though.

Is Plague right when he says that the first Vegeta Goku fight was the best use of powerlevels?

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Cell saga is boring as shit, Buu goes back to the cheerful insanity of pre-Z Dragon Ball.

which chapter is that

dragon ball - super good
dragon ball z - good
dragon ball gt - shit
dragon ball super - ultra shit

You can’t possibly come up with a decent argument for why the series would be better off ending after the Saiyan saga and not Frieza you contrarian fuck. The two sagas are completely interconnected, and a ton of loose ends would persist if you ended it after the Saiyans.

Not really. It tries to, at points, but it is nowhere close to OG Dragonball.

Dragon ball gt is good and canon.


Probably. Power levels aren't explicitly brought up that often in the story, but if we're talking about how gaps in strength were handled after their introduction then yes they are a constant. The best examples are Goku vs Vegeta, Vegeta vs Recoome, Piccolo vs 17, and probably the Kid Buu fight. Otherwise power level is used as this measuring stick for your ability to do any damage at all, like this is TCG or some shit.

based and bluepilled

It annoys me to no end that people always try to interpret power levels has some sort of linear constant. They are just a narrative tool to hype up one character compared to others, an easy way to see where everyone stands. What they are not is a mathematical function to determine how much one blast could blow up or wether a character could lift a mountain, but nerds in internet debates keep trying to use them as such.

Character fixing that didn’t actually need to happen if Toriyama didn’t completely fuck up Vegeta’s character during the Cell Saga.

Vegeta’s development was already at a perfect end after Namek. I’m not saying the Cell saga didn’t have a decent enough basic idea (having Gohan take the reigns from Goku), but it should have been better written as to not completely shit on Vegeta. And then to make matters worse, the Buu saga somewhat fixed Vegeta but then completely fucked up Gohan.

Cell arc is a mistake.

Love Triangle Z

>everything after Namek saga was a mistake

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Yep Jiren & Ultra Instinct are Mexicans' new faves


>Everything after King Piccolo was a mistake

Dragon Ball should've ended with Pilaf

Nah, Z’s peak (Namek) was better than DB’s. DBfags are continually ignorant about the fact that late DB was honestly more similar to early Z than it was to early DB. If you think there was a sudden drop off in quality after DB, you’re just a delusional x-gen boomer.

Personally, I think the dragon that captured Bulma was a fitting final boss. Everything afterwards was tacked on.

Goku growing up and getting married was a mistake.