Dragon Ball Super

I can't believe this guy was the final boss of the anime

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Owari da, ningen.

Attached: Zamas.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Thats exactly how Vegitto or Gogeta would fare against surpressed Chadren. Hell maybe not even that good

Jiren always looks so bored

At least he could get up (Vegeta struggled)

The Chadest.

Attached: The Chadest.png (1359x731, 584K)

The Strongest

Attached: 26th time CHADREN confirmed STRONGEST.jpg (1235x264, 89K)

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Piss off you green twink.

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>Jiren beating the piss out of Cumber, someone that was equal to SSBKK Vegito
>could even handle SS3 Cumber
>Also BTFOs Zamasu, someone who was almost as strong as SSB Vegito and presumably powered up since then


Attached: CHADREN THE STRONGEST.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)


Attached: 8.png (500x500, 15K)

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Jobren san we're here to help!

Attached: D1D1YU6VsAA6dOk.jpg (2048x1536, 619K)

Attached: aff.jpg (540x390, 34K)

And to think, he's not even in Desnudo Form.

Attached: chadren unfazed by SS3 Cumber.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

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Reminder that Zamasu is weaker than base Goku!

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Attached: 64cfb465e091476aa14185b36ee1fafc.jpg (1242x1227, 153K)

> Base Cumber >> SSJ4 Vegetto > Blue Vegetto
> Jiren destroy SSJ3 Cumber

Holy fucking shit.
Jiren is above everyone.

Attached: 445190ecfad2026d5fb6ad4393810f0623ccc8e7_00.jpg (356x512, 35K)

>Super anime might return soon
>Toyopacos will once again disappear from this board

Attached: ohoho.jpg (400x400, 26K)

Big Keru Titties

Attached: Kale.full.2189430.jpg (743x1024, 72K)

Yeah base Gogeta is enough to slap silly Jobren, Vegito would lose tho.

Attached: kale_dbs__by_hollow8899_dcilawd-fullview.jpg (400x534, 24K)

>confirmed to not come back in at least another year
>going back wouldn't change it's Toei's fanfic continuation of Gregory's adventures in Z


Attached: 1543826449325.png (2560x1440, 1.7M)

>confirmed to not come back in at least another year
>going back wouldn't change it's Toei's fanfic continuation of Gregory's adventures in Z
The anime was announced first. The manga promotes the anime.

Only cucks care about kissing. Goku went straight to fucking, twice.

>26th time Jobrentards use literall fanfics as confirmation of anything

Attached: IMG_20190128_025830.jpg (832x376, 57K)

not just twice
Toriyama said Trunks, Pan and Bra are all Goku's children as well

Attached: kale-drawing-cute-1.jpg (600x800, 72K)

El manga is not Canon, The anime is Canon tho so if you're going to sit here in this thread shitposting about a book that's not well written with bad art work to make yourself feel better then you go ahead. Peace I'm outtie stay litty anime dudes

Jiren is another based beast who would never kiss a bitch. He’d just fuck and bust if the pussy is good enough.

> muuh jobrentards muuuh

Kill yourself spic

Attached: bat simson.png (623x846, 152K)

He's not called the strongest man in all the universes for nothing.

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>Z era transformation
Lmao I'm shaking right now AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Dude is manhandling a SS3 Cuckumber holy shit

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imagine being this seething and btfo antijiren tard

Attached: 1523999382505.jpg (433x427, 30K)

Nice headcanon Jobrentard

>she will never look at you like this

Attached: 558e2bfb50ed5ac15108fec76a02803b.gif (540x480, 315K)

>use literall fanfics
>He literally uses one on the same post
Spics are getting lazy lately

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I'm not afraid to admit that I've masturbated to this.

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>Strongest Mortals in DragonBall
1. Jiren because he made that fat bitch from universe 2 pregnant without looking at her
2. Goku because he is based and never respects women. Always succeeds at skipping romance and goes straight to unprotected sex. Also fucks Andriod 18 because ChiChi and Krillin cannot stop him.
3. There is no number 3. Cucks who kiss women don’t count. The fusions are inferior to UI Goku because they are half Vegeta.

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Looks like it’s based off of the ed for Kekkai Sensen.

Attached: caulifla_bunny_suit___dragon_ball_super_by_yrsuth_dcm0aqq-pre.jpg (752x1063, 171K)

You dirty bird

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Rate my OC villain, you guys! He looks kinda like Donquixote Doflamingo and he has DIO’s voice and he’s so powerful he can defeat Jiren with ease and he can control a guy who’s like Broly but even more better and can give orders to Zamasu even though he’s a mortal and Zamasu hates mortals!

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>stop debunking muh vidya shit

Cope magrebino

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Not my fault. She should stop being so cute and sexy.

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>He looks kinda like Donquixote Doflamingo
Imagine being retarded enough to look at Hearts and to have your mind jump to this.

Attached: SDBH DIO's Box.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

Super Saiyan 4 Caulifla looks so good.

Attached: 111.jpg (894x894, 172K)

they just copied this shit

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Zamasu told him to fuck off when he gave him an order

Take your pick.

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Is it bad that I'm actually starting to like Jiren.

I mean, his backstory and motivations are still dog shit, but I like the fact when he fights he clearly gives zero fucks and slaps people around. It's kind of fun to watch in a series filled with people overly tense in combat.

>JOBrentard doesn't know the difference between canon and Pedroes trash
I win you lose Bartolo

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Attached: kale-drawing-kawaii-3.jpg (807x1024, 153K)

>its substitute is literally confirmed to have another season

>anime was announced first
>manga promotes the anime
No, try again, Juan.

Attached: Caulifla 586.png (600x800, 470K)

>literal sourceless pic

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>Cumber stomps your entire team with only the staminaletren standing
>j-jobren won jobrenbros...
Who to believe bros?

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Imagine when he starts using his eye powers

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wow are you telling me dragonball had an antagonist hyped up to be extremely strong only to be shown to be nothing compared to the next major antagonist
wow that's crazy man, next thing you know they'll do something wild like give goku a new form

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Zamasu vs Hearts, who'd win?


He does it by being a literal plot device to get Goku to push his limits


This is probably my favorite Caulifla pic.

Attached: 94cb7e4ac5487372ce4073fedd87057c.jpg (1264x632, 81K)

You know what I'd like? I'd like an entire Cute thread

Attached: Caulifla 232.png (1064x750, 197K)

imagineposters are worse than copeposters

>jiren proves he’s more than a match for Cumber, Zamasu, & those two jelly villains
>brolyfags are silent as they’re proven wrong
>cacalifla posting comes out of nowhere
Really gets the noggin joggin

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (551x720, 64K)

Imagine being this butthurt

>Zamasu gets his lights punched out by Jiren
>Hearts completely stops Jiren in his tracks
Is Yea Forums really THIS stupid about power scaling?

>episode comes out
>Jiren doesn't job to Cumber
>seething waifuspics spam the thread out of spite

Attached: Godhan.jpg (480x360, 30K)

weaker than SS Caulifla, Kale, Oren, Kamin, Vegeta and Trunks.

Where's her tail?

Attached: 1500768355522.png (1443x1243, 518K)

Imagine coping this hard.

But Hearts used hacks, just like Hit isn't stronger than Jiren just because he stopped him with a technique. In a real battle Hearts might not be that strong.

Attached: b3ae6859749f24bef924c051fd12e3df.png (752x1063, 143K)

It's the strongest mortal character of Dragon Ball (he's even stronger than Beerus, Punished Zamasu...)

And the autistic huespic starts roleplaying. Reminder to report this faggot

>h-he was supposed to j-job!


Attached: Strongest man in all the universes.jpg (960x3780, 1.55M)

Smug Kefla.

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all literally weaker than base Broly kek
I can't believe I saw base Vegeta pelo blanco stomping jobren!

Attached: 2d8f858351f9dba55e8bf8970ce111a1.jpg (514x800, 243K)

I used to be a Brolyfag but I comverted into Jirenism all-time now after this ep.

they knew what they were doing with this shit lol

Attached: UI Bejita.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Jiren is Grey Saitama

>turbojobber laughing at a jobber
She's like, the only character besides Gohan without any right to laugh.

What an absolute chad

Attached: 5a6d8d0d33d7891d0e26b8d659cb6942.jpg (400x600, 45K)

Fucking based.
>I-I swear Hit doesnt know what hes talking about! You should trust us, the Yea Forums spics instead!

Attached: ANTI CHADREN FAGS BTFO.jpg (969x859, 190K)

Still 0 Japanese doujins of her in exhentai. But she has some of the best hentai pics ever, that movie was worth it

Attached: Caulifla 301.jpg (2400x2828, 1.53M)

Attached: 1545171933620.webm (720x480, 2.84M)

Talk shit get sHit

Attached: tumblr_ovb8bjhJvk1ryn02to1_400.jpg (400x333, 39K)

And then that green twink proceeded to still follow Hearts orders because he is a giant pussy.

Fuck, that's nice.

Attached: 5iy.jpg (1317x1853, 226K)


>autistic action figure promo anime is more interesting and entertaining than the actual series

Where did things go wrong?

Have patience, user.

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This has so much soul

And Hax can be powered through in DBverse

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Attached: Caulifla 190.jpg (1100x1100, 453K)

>In Dragon Ball Heroes, after finding out about Jiren by reading Hit's mind, Hearts wonders who is stronger between himself and Jiren. Upon finding that he cannot defeat Super Full Power Jiren even with help from Super Saiyan 3 Full Power Cunber and Fused Zamasu, Hearts notes that Jiren is worthy of being known as the strongest in all the universes.


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Soul is the new grampa buzzword for nostalgia

JOBrentard with his crappy edits trying to manipulate the fact that jobren failed miserable to hit Cumber who jumped back baka
Pray for this retard Anons

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Attached: Caulifla 391.png (1024x2302, 1.11M)

Jesus, these bitches are so fuggly. They look like they were Photoshopped into DB from a cheap Chinese knockoff.

Attached: 72863203_p0.jpg (566x800, 275K)

>I-I swear that hit was imaginary
HAHAHAHAH I am legitimately laughing at you now holy fuck. What a great day for Jirenchads

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if you're a mexican, i suppose

Attached: 1538852119799.webm (720x480, 2.84M)

Oren and Kamin are weaker than SS Vegeta but stronger than Jobren, say something nice about them!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Holy shit my Pichula just went Super Legendary Full Power SSJ BASED

Kamin is fucking cute.

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>H-Hit is weaker than SS Bejita now guise I-I swear
HAHAHAHAHA Please keep em coming

Attached: 135.png (530x530, 74K)

>Jobrentard is too stupid to realize that there's 2 implied hits in the image and that one is a frame out of context
As expected from a Jobrentard

Attached: 1500664492943.jpg (760x666, 167K)

I want to train with Caulifla!

Attached: caulifla_training___quickpainted_by_mrsawyer10_dbzm85r-fullview.jpg (1024x1280, 114K)

hearts-sama n-no more gravity magic.. p-please...

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Yes, one is a straight to the jaw and the other one is a kick to the gut. He felt both surpressed hits

Me too

Attached: Caulifla 348.5.jpg (800x526, 133K)

Attached: cft.jpg (706x1000, 103K)

just wait until ep 10 when it is actually canon

>Jirenchads literally won and now owning the thread
>Seething spic starts spamming waifu trash so the thread dies sooner
>Jirenchads will just claim the next one

Attached: 1551647137378.jpg (900x506, 59K)

>P-Please my headcanon is that the promotional anime is c-canon unless it hurts my non argument!
Concession accepted perro

I can only imagine how tight she is.

Attached: commission___caulifla_and_kale_on_the_beach_by_foxybulma_dcersge-fullview.jpg (1600x1219, 278K)

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He can't stop winning

Attached: CHADren.webm (700x390, 125K)

>this retard thinks anybody cares about him and his shitty character

Attached: kefla.jpg (1000x583, 638K)

>discussing heroes
>get utterly BTFO
>I-Its not canon anyway h-haha
Dont ever reply to me again, disgusting brown spic

>Dragonball GT
>not good
Say something nice about GT.

Attached: Myuu2.png (480x360, 211K)

Cumber felt embarrassed that Jobrenspics are this stupid, base Cumber is equal to Jobren's full power.

Cauli pits.

Attached: u.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

It'd be like being inside warm silky heaven

Attached: Caulifla 815.jpg (600x700, 92K)


master hearts allowing his pet mercy by undoing his gravity bind. KEK

>Jiren beating the piss out of Cumber
never happened
>could even handle SS3 Cumber
nothing suggested that
>Also BTFOs Zamasu
not really

imagine having your favorite character relegated to a literal promotional anime for a video game toriyama has never even heard of

Attached: freeza chillin.jpg (928x352, 33K)

I hate Dragon Ball threads now.

Attached: 14a7eefdb61883e19b620b7bb38a6a08.jpg (827x515, 53K)

That sounds amazing.

Attached: fty5.jpg (1032x1548, 396K)


He's the best (I secretly think he's Toriyama's newest Favorite character that he's designed) that's why he's at an all time high

kek based


As amazing as she is

Attached: Caulifla 231.jpg (600x714, 61K)

They've been shit for a while.

Attached: g68.jpg (885x879, 174K)

Theres the door


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Yep they've been shit ever since ToP

I want to fuck Femasu.

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that's what happens when you let waifushitters in

Attached: ct.jpg (540x683, 66K)

Waifuposting is the best part of these threads. Through penis, unity.

This. Its always the same lonely spic on top of that

having Dio's VA makes any character broken as fuck

Attached: DIO.gif (500x281, 1.1M)

>still no sources

t. 13yo

Waifuniggers permanently ruined these threads.

Unironically kys and back to your 50 moeshitter threads, sad spic.

Attached: Caulifla 1006.jpg (736x1040, 113K)

this triggers the jobkufags

This is how you know somebody doesn't belong here.

Attached: 3fedf9df746dd107f3918a808aacb4d0.jpg (860x1200, 155K)

Why do the Waifufags pick the ugliest girls?

wtf happened to this thread

see here

>the waifunigger replied to me
Disgusting, I need a shower

This one's a bit lewd.

Attached: r.jpg (734x1088, 112K)

>Waifuniggers permanently ruined these threads.
>not the spicposting
>not the avatarposting
>not the memeposting
>not the pedoposting
>not the concessionposting
>not the copeposting
>not the dogposting
>not the animevsmangaposting
>not the canonposting
You know how I know you're a complete and utter fucking moron?

Attached: 1462915946496.jpg (320x240, 29K)

Which is the most nonsensical power creep moment in the franchise in the opinion of the anons? Everyone picks on 17 sparring with Blue Goku but I think Tagoma was worse

>introduced as Zarbon-tier
>becomes Cell-tier after some weeks serving as Freeza's punching bag

Attached: tagoma.jpg (437x360, 26K)

Go watch the show and pay attention, dumb Pedro

>Hit is weaker than SS Vegeta
>muh headcanon is that everyone and everything has to spin around Jobren
>fails miserable at scaling
Cope worthless maggot

More like makes any character a smug bastard fated to have a humiliating defeat.

>crossboarder too scared to reply

Attached: kale_by_saiyangoddess_dccboww-fullview.jpg (1024x1424, 117K)

Just ignore them

Attached: Caulifla 191.png (1280x738, 968K)

Literally everything you mentioned is better the waifugarbage spam on a shonen thread.
Keep being a sad lonely Roberto

Attached: 01248d412551a7589ffe62ec5d7ca72a.jpg (640x799, 73K)

>becomes Cell-tier
Shiny headcanon. Whered you get it from

the shitposting started during Trunks arc but it didn't get really bad until ToP


Not even worth a (You). You're the reason these threads need to be nuked.

>u-uhhh u just didnt watch it

This is how you know somebody doesn't know what moe means.

>Jobren's full power is even with base Cumber
Who's lying seething jobrenpedro?

Attached: IMG_20190307_223122.jpg (1150x441, 111K)

>confirming he didnt even watch it

kys waifu autist

Attached: 7gr.png (1280x1840, 1.2M)


Brolyfag here. You win Jirenchads, please just leave us alone. We can't compete with you anymore.

untrained Gohan is Cell-tier at best

Try harder, seriously.


As a Freezafag, Freeza reaching Blue-tier by training for four months was utterly ridiculous.

>cuckber gets his shit kicked in
>w-we're evenly matched, y-yeah!
>goes SS3
>gets his shit kicked in AGAIN

Oh I definitely trust this jobbers words lmao

>full power


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>literally making shit up
accept, concession, i, your, etc.

Thoughts on Fem17?

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It's a toss up between that and Frieza jumping to God level by that same training. Maybe Tagoma was a mutant who could get even better Zenkais than the Saiyans, but Frieza has no explanation.
The Whole point of exercise is that you exert effort and gradually get stronger and you can punch harder or lift heavier things by breaking your previous limits.

Frieza broke no fucking limits with his training, he was massively holding back to punch Tagoma who was like a baby to him and not kill him. No effort, no gains. You can't get stronger like that, it's the same complaint we have with 17 but Frieza actually got stronger than Blue while 17 is supposedly just good at being defensive.

Attached: Caulifla 1063.jpg (1280x871, 108K)

Kefla is perfect and her fans are perfectly fine.

Gokufags are the ones sperging like monkeys

Female Saiyans were a mistake.

I bet they'd have cute babies.

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It means you should kill yourself

Shhh shut the fuck up, spic

I want her to look like this when she comes back.

Attached: 8gb.jpg (918x871, 80K)

I'd fix it by having Frieza wish for TAGOMA to become immortal and then go full power at him for 4 months. That's slightly more realistic.

>implying that fatty background character isn't best girl

Attached: bardock1.webm (800x450, 2.53M)

>when she comes back

Attached: dcb.jpg (720x960, 205K)

user, I......

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All Caulifla is good

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>Not best girls in series
>Not even best girls in ToP
>Obnoxious Mary Sues
>Makes a mockery of Super Sayain with Back Tingles
>Ruined Dragon Ball

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 44K)

Attached: Jobcha.gif (280x210, 962K)

Seethe, lonely pedro, SEETHE FOR ME

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>crying like a bitch instead of keep fighiting

>S-Stop using logic when debating things that are factual in the p-promotional anime!

>sHit isn't weaker than Vegeta b-but Zamasu and cumbia one shot Gog-geta and Broly hahaha

>Oren and Kamin aren't weaker than SS Vegeta because evidence isn't valid if used against muh jobren.....please stop....

This is 99% of the Jobrentards posts
Powerscaling doesn't apply to Vegeta or anyone that didn't fight jobren, because it makes jobren look like shit, which he is anyway.

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>There are brainlets who think there is a quality gap between GT and SUPER or Z
What do we do with those retards friends?

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Not an argument

Why does he trigger waifuspics so much?

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based toriyama fucking cuckmcha even harder when his VA complained

Teen Titans like designs.

I wish the angels had more good art.

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Because waifuspics are the same brolyfag spics and anti-jiren spic spammers. So when Jirenchads take over, the only way to spam the thread without getting banned is to spam waifugarbage. Easy transparent spics

Jiren is the best (strongest)

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>Objectively Wrong

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>implying there isn't

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Imagine trusting a lying spic like you

Discarded for being a seething spic

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fuck, wrong pic

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why are fusions so bad

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>No real arguments
Just as I expected from a waifushitter

Are all the söy family fags retards?

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Freiza and Cell destroyed by ice?

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>most characterfags are annoying
>Yamchads are chill as fuck

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Excuse me

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The first half of Z is the absolute peak of shonen. Super and GT are outright worse than Black Clover/Fairytale level. There is no comparison.

Can we please purge these threads?

Hehe as if you had anything to say faggot

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>Cumber's voice
Could it be who I think it is?

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Would you?

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Remember when Goku fags were screaming for weeks if not longer because their hero wasn't the strongest and might have had an actual uphill battle.

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>enlarged clit
>bodybuilding man ass


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Lmao imagine being this obsessed with BrolyChads

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>jobs to one hand of Hearts

Did I miss something?

Yes, that you are an utter retard.

No, because that never happened and Goku proved to be the strongest after all.

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Whats going on with your retards? You've been awfully QUIET today.

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Shh... the monkeys are sleeping.

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No, I don't remember things that never happened.

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Sure, user, now tell me what's so good about Jiren jobbing to a Hearts that isn't even trying.

>Hearts finds out he cannot defeat Jiren even with Cumber and Zamasu's help
That's a good imaginary story but when you actually see their "fight" Hearts alone didn't even punch Jiren to make him eat dust.

>tfw hit could wank under his robe and when hes about to cum freezes time and fills Cabba's mouth

>that back

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Retard is your father, and weren't we posting waifutrash and Gokek fanart just a minute ago?
Hermendez Hermendez watch yourself.

>interrupted while fighting a Omen tier opponent
>stands back up right after
How does it feel having a 2 digit IQ

holy fucking based


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She's already a goddess to me

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When’s my boy Hit gonna get that power boost, nigga?

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>not answering the question
Keep being quiet then, BTFO brolymong

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never, he's U6 Tien

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I was hoping waifufags would die off after ToP was over and after the Broly movie came out, at least these bitches will never appear again outside of noncanon spinoffs

>can't keep up with a hand of a guy that isn't even serious
>they already said Cumber and Jiren were even when Cumber wasn't transformed

It's what happens in the games dumb spic

Jiren struggling for one second against Hearts doesn't mean he jobbed, especially since you LITERALLY SEE HIM GETTING UP despite the gravity pressing down on him. Next you'll tell me Jiren struggling to get out of sHit's time freeze means sHit is stronger than him.

>she sees your penis

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BTFO by who, seething Pedro?

>j-jobren didn't job, he was just neutralized by ONE HAND of a guy that laughs and never considers him a threat
>i-in the game Jiren is stronger than Cumber, yes, the game in which Vegetto is already stronger than Cumber too (and therefore Gogeta too)

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K but then when’s my boy Tien gonna get that power boost, nigga?

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Never, humans are shit.

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>never considers him a threat

Nice headcanon
Also, Vegito never fought SS3 Cumber

This shouldve been her default design, because after that for some reason they made her younger.

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>they already said Cumber and Jiren were even
AHAHAHAHA. I literally couldnt find 1 (ONE) anti-Jiren retard that isnt a complete utter retard

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You know something is wrong when Naruto threads have more substance than Dragon Ball threads.

Why does he anger the low IQ plebs so much?

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Humans will never ever be powerboosted again, you just gonna accept it.

Jiren the Strongest

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>autistic seething spic ran out of the saiyan shit waifus to spam so now he switched to another character
HAHAHAH This is a great day indeed.

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Not really. DB is a bigger magnet for autistic spics than Naruto.

Success breeds jealousy.

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>this is obsessed retard still thinks anybody gives a shit about him
Too funny.

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>Jobren is stronger than Vegito because "they" haven't fought anyone as strong
Jobrentards keep on tarding

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I think that was his point, Naruto threads have actual discussion while DB threads are nothing but autistic shitposting.

>refets Cuckumber as They

Pretty sad, isn't it?

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More Cuteifla

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>this is obsessed
Are you ok, Henrique?

I'm tempted on going super sperg god times 20 and make the digifag version of the asterisk war videos or mauler but all about GT.

I'm real fucking tired of the hyperbole on GT when there are objective (or as close as objective in therms of animoo can be) qualities, like how extremely consistenly in model the animation is, the anti-thesis in super in that regard. or how good the color palette is or the godly music and sound design, etc.

Should I go full autism friends?

Attached: DBGT SSJ4 Goku Vs Baby Part 4 YouTube.webm (352x208, 2.9M)

lmao, Brolycucks got btfo hard

>feeding the spic
What u doing boy?

Why do you think anybody cares about you?

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fuck off GTbeaner. Absolutely no one gives a fuck about GT aside from SS4

How can one ayy make people so mad?

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seth had a hard life

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By being the strongest mortal in all universes.

GT is canon though, it takes place after Super.

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>tfw nobody debunked that yet
Must be hard being so right.

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You cared enough to reply

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literally Future Fu
same shit, even got the goofy glasses

Nice headcanon.

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>Sand Coffin!
>Sand Burial!

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GT was absolutely shit tho.

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>131 episodes
>3 movies
>still nothing came close to this scene

Attached: chad impact.gif (480x360, 3.99M)


Doesn't matter if its shit or not it's still canon and even if it's shit it is infinitely better than Super

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>with non-canon movie villains

this is what I'm talking about

have a cursed image for your comment

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>The strongest being in the universe fighting a fucking mole

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based Cellcado

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what FighterZ render is this?

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>dude flashy seizure-inducing frames
Fuck off grampa

Those claw marks have NO BUSINESS being that close to one another

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>GT was absolutely shit tho.

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take the nostalgia goggles off, that looks like shit

What Cell form is this?

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the shitty waifubait form

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>SS4 is canon
>People still believe that GT isn't canon

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Where were you when Toei saved Dragon Ball?

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Jiren is taller and stronger and it makes spamming spics mad. Last pic goes to him

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>>SS4 is canon
>Pablo Escobar believes this

>image limit
That was fun. Hope you guys got some added some new pics to your collection.


Congratulations waifufags the image limit is reached you fucking retards

That spic must be seething right now kek

fucking kek and based

I don't save shit tier girls, sorry.

Waifufags ruin everything.

I posted good girls, though.

That was drawn by Toriyama so SS4 is canon.

This, Heroes is entertaining, has decent animation for being promotional and is fast paced without filler. Mangashitter are butthurt their shit lazy manga is nothing like it

There were no good girls posted in this thread. Only 2D girls.

I say we range ban waifuniggers

It's a single retard spamming the thread because Jiren pics trigger him.

This. I dont understand the obsession with things they know they will NEVER get. Well its not like that kind of people will ever get a real woman either

>Images: 250
lmao youtu.be/YqllOJ7ut10

You just answered it yourself user

Just report & ignore for spam

Yea Forums will cease to exist.

2D girls are the only good girls.

Please tell me you're baiting and you're not really this fucking stupid.

small price to pay for quality control

shut the fuck up Jose

Keep seething over Jiren, dumb spic. Too bad you cant spam anymore HHAA

>it was drawn by Toriyama, so it's canon
Ozotto is not canon, Jose Antonio Martinez Garcia de Guadalupe.

2D 'girls' aren't even girls.

Just like Super

Nobody even mentioned Jiren, you obsessed faggot.

>I-I swear guise im not mad about Chadren


GT takes place after Super

>Jiren stated as being the one mortal stronger than gods
>only lost because of plot device power up
>Still stomps everyone

what a suprise

You're right, they're better.

Try to stop being a dumb newfag. The waifuspic is MAD about Chadren and its not the first time

What the fuck does this have to do with me, dumb ass?

BTFO I see, well you tried.

That doesn't even make sense, you pathetic faggot.

Either you are the stupid newfag saying that this has nothing to do with Jiren and proven wrong. Or you are the dumb MAD spic about Chadren and been BTFO
You lose either way

So SS4>>>>>>Ultra Instank

Reminder to report image spammers

>U6 fighters turn out to be completely useless
Was U6 the worst addition to Super? They have barely any effect on the story whatsoever, they might as well be filler.

I don't give a fuck about Jiren, so clearly you're wrong.

BTFO again, Good boy. Go to bed now

No wonder nobody likes Jirenfags.

Cool Dio OC. How do you like my Dio?

in an alternate universe we would have goku being cool dad going on fighting adventures with his family instead of Z, why can't we have nice things?

>loses to bad mode UI
>loses to Gohan in the manga.

Even 18 left a bigger impact and she only beat Vegeta unless we count THOT movie.

Why does the animation look so good when Super was so damn disgusting?

>Dio's VA
instant 10/10

He's up against Dio.
Cut that nigga some slack.


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>gives us nice new outfits for RoF
>take them away two arcs later
I will never not be mad.

Frieza's gold form bullshit and Caulifa going into any Super Saiyan form was the worst power creep moment.

rof outfits were utter garbage

they've already jerked off gokek as hard as humanly possible. what else could they possibly do with this series to make me give a shit?

What didn't you like about them?

Seriously tho, I don't even like Jiren as an enemy.

SO WHY tf did i feel so happy that he returned? did i secretly like him all along?

They haven't gotten to End of Z yet.

now that I think of it, probably the fact that they were drawn by nuyamamuro, oh and gohan, I cringe thinking about this

How did Tagoma get so strong? They had an extra year of training inside that room during cell saga + 3 years of training prior to that and then some extra during cell to buu saga.

Easy if tail -> SS4
No tail -> SSB

Look closer. Jiren's master is aged Hearts.

>He was bland in his first appearance
>Even more boring and shit when he just stood there menacingly in the ToP
>Became based as fuck when he kept pushing Goku's and Vegeta's shit in
>Went back to being boring and shit when his motives were identical to Sauceman's
>He then becomes smug as fuck, has a nice sendoff with Eggman, and now he's a top 5 bro ever since
His return is just icing on the cake when he just bodied Zamasu and Cumber like they weren't shit.

Actually he was mind defeated by 17 but now is peace and nobody can beat him again.