Manaria Friends

>15 minutes of 2 lesbos blushing and saying each others names
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Attached: 1549287891979.webm (1280x720, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Me too

no u


Attached: 0a9579a1-1e86-47df-95e9-4ac07039cbe2.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Lots of people, its the 2nd best selling BD of the season after Zoku Monogatari and that may be artificial as the vendors ran out of stock.

I know. It should have been 20.

20 lesbos?

Dykes BTFO

Attached: 1546973539759.webm (960x540, 1.12M)

Attached: 1549739075938.jpg (1280x720, 127K)


No, me.

Attached: cute girlfriends.png (960x800, 212K)

I starting to believe this is some sort of mutation in brain.
Like there is some sort of invading fungus that can only replicate in brain that is currently experiencing yuribait.

They knew exactly what they were doing.

Attached: AkariFetish.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

picked up

What's wrong with her tail?

Nothing, it's perfect.

Attached: 68388468_p0.jpg (810x1440, 281K)

My favourite is when it holds on a still shot of one of their faces with their eyes twinkling.

It's not wrapped around my waist.

Attached: GreatTail.webm (1280x720, 589K)

no me
>play with a prince and princess role
>Grea is naturally the princess
>for some reason Anne is the Prince even though the school is full of boys who could have been cast instead

Attached: 73262678_p0.jpg (962x1349, 886K)

>Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
>top selling show of the season
>sold out on Amazon

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Sunshine!! S2 - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.18_[2017.10.22_03.27.53].png (1280x720, 1.4M)

>be a guy who gets cast as the prince
>die in your sleep later that night
Everyone at the school must have a secret understanding to never cross Anne.

>Nothing happens
>Top selling series of the season
This combination will never make any damn sense.

Fuck off niggers. This is AOTY and kino

Hetfags BTFO

>Good voiceacting
>Good animation
>Good art

Add these 4 together and you'll have a bestselling AOTY without doing anything else

>Add these 4 together
But you listed 5 elements

Yurifags and other subhumans.

Who should I self-insert as? Anne? Grea? Owen?

Unironically owen

When is Anne going to take Grea's virginity?

Anne since she wants that fat dragon tail as much as anyone here

Only Anne is gay. If Gre were gay she would have drunk the poition in one go and then ravaged Anne with her thicc futa tail.

She'll get there.

The first three rows of people are going to drown

Not wanting to get date raped doesnt mean she isnt into girls

This show is boring

>love potion is 'date rape'
Please return to tumblr.

True, its actually worse because you're not just falling unconscious, you're being directly mind controlled.