Just finished the anime and manga. Wish the anime had an ova of the afterstory. My thoughts on this series are great...

Just finished the anime and manga. Wish the anime had an ova of the afterstory. My thoughts on this series are great. What is Yea Forums's opinion of this?

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Refused to watch it for years. It's about homos, right?

Mappa's best.

Kinda sucks.

no. user-kun. this shit is as straight as can be.

bit melodramatic but it's alright i guess, at least they put some effort into performance scenes unlike some other music focused anime (fuck you nodame)

may I ask, why is that?

No it's an adaptation of a straight josei.

yep. the show choreographs mostly accurate sounds of instruments and the notes they hit on screen


I'm actually kinda sad it ended though

characters and drama was a bit too err for me, but good music and voice acting.

no. homos were antagonized that time. good old times

if you read the manga starting from chapter 41 to chapter 45 (covering the time during college and a little afterstory after anime ending) and all the ova chapters, you'll be satisfied, I promise

Great music and direction, boring story. A good show, but you need a lot of resistance to homoeroticism and melodrama.

can anybody recommend any anime/manga with romance/drame like this?????

this show doesn't have any gay in it user. are you sure you've even watched it?

I wish there were more anime or manga based on late 60s and 70s japan.

I really like it. TV show like a kino

what are the chances that Ricchan still let the dude who picked up the phone smash. we all know that's what was gonna happen before Kaoru called.

>in a moment of weakness
that line that came from her never sit well with me. I can see it, her being too lonely was gonna do the dead but was saved in the end by Kaoru's phone call. then again she didnt call back and she said it was out of guilt for the dude picking up but I think there was more to it than that. with Josei it's always the most realistic scenario that's the right one. used goods are favored in this genre
>inb4 Josei is a type of magazine demographic
yeah whatever

heh, Josei is a type os magazine demographic

doesnt make Josei anyless gay

I like it, the music and dynamic between the two dudes (even if you guys think it's kinda gay) is the best aspect of this show, they 50s Japan setting is nice too. I hate the romance thought, then again I don't really enjoy romantic shit

People always complain about how K-ON is actually about cake eating, instead of music.

But this shit is several degrees worse.