This is the most boring and pseudo-intellectual crap I've ever seen. How can it be so hyped? Is this considered deep by some?
This is the most boring and pseudo-intellectual crap I've ever seen. How can it be so hyped...
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this show should've been sexual experiments Lain tbqh
STFU faggot, Lain IS REAL
>He didn't rewatch the show enough times to become a Level 5 Lain sage
You probably still think Lain is a piece of fiction
And you don't seem to understand.
It has atmospheric visuals and uncommon delivery, that's it. It predicted the chan culture which is why all the degenerates on here praise it so much and literally baise their identity around it. See:
>pic related.
Don't even bother with the explanation, its a shallow mishmash of singuliarity and instrumentality with some aliens thrown in.
It's an anime. Grow up.
What do I not understand? What great philosophical depths did you have in mind?
Lain will prevent everyone from replying to this post and give me significant digits.
This is still the best anime I have ever seen. Nothing topped it yet