
What are you watching? I'm mainly interested in Fairy Gone, Shoumetsu Toshi, Sarazanmai and YU-NO.

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i got into Genocyber recently. it gives me some major Akira vibes

Fruits Basket
Strike Witches 501

It's nice to see the witches again.

The only thing im looking forward to is opm s2, and probably kimetsu for the inevitable shitposting.

Fairy Gone, Shoumetsu, Kimetsu, Robihachi, Sarazanmai and Ultraman I guess.

Will definitely watch:
Zoku Owari

Will give a try:
Kimetsu no Yaiba
OPM s2
Isekai Quartet
Fairy Gone

Other than that, I'll see what blows up on Yea Forums, or what seems interesting based on the threads.

Bocchi, also fluffy tail.

Fruits Basket sound comfy, is the manga good?

>Isekai Quartet
>SoL episodes of Kazuma and Subaru being tracksuit buddies

Holy kino

>bocchi, fluffy tail
Muh heart.
>adult snailgatari
Muh dick.

Isekai quartet

>no MHA
feels weird

Fruits Basket, Sarazanmai, Carole & Tuesday, OPM 2.
Undecided about the Sherlock anime.

God tier:

Great tier:

Good tier:
Kenja no Mago
Fairy Gone
Sewayaki Kitsune

Ok tier:
Fruits basket (great manga, but remake looks meh)
Midara na Ao-chan
Isekai Quartet

Meh tier:
shoumetsu toshi
Carol and Tuesday
Kabuki-chou Sherlock

Disappointment tier:

Shit tier:
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Bokuben (zero chance adaptation will be good)

It's a classic, so yeah.

This a joke or something?

It's shoujo with a shitload of drama, the antithesis of comfy.
The MC has enough mental damage to fuel a whole other series.

OPM is unironcally better then mob, since it doesn't embarrass itself with poorly thought out and condescending moral messages, nor does it takes itself so seriously to a laughable degree.

Also, thanks to murata the action scenes are well written and choreographed, you can actually follow the flow of things and it makes sense.
OPM isn't necessarily better because it's good, it's just better because mob is so bad, especially the 2nd season which continues to attempt to get deep and serious and just embarrasses itself with the completely amateur and bad writing.

All that being said, if the production rumors are true then opm2, is gonna suck ass.

Looks like a good season for movies. I'll likely drop either Fairy Gone or Sherlock, if not both, but I like to give originals a chance.

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Mob = Soul
OPM = Soulless

Funny, fun, entertaining, never takes itself too seriously, nor attempt to preach at the audience. Surprising relatable and endearing.

Incredible forced and shallow, poorly thoughout and executed moral message showing the writer has zero experience with actual human beings. Weak comedy, killed with overly serious tone, forced conflict because the story is so weak, badly written tensionless action.

Mob has the best animation out of any tv anime ever created, doesn't save it from being pretty terrible.

>big list of adjectives
Didn't bother reading.

Zoku Owarimonogatari
Carol & Tuesday
Bungou Stray Dogs 3
Fairy Gone
Isekai Quartet
Fruits Basket
Kimetsu no Yaiba
>Maybe try, but probably drop
Gunjou no Magmel
Shoumetsu Toshi

Cinderella Nine
Maybe Senko if I feel like disappointing myself
Wasn't Choukadou Girl supposed to air in Spring?

That's a whole lot of bad taste all in one short post. There's no point in comparing an action series that's, mostly, about having a good time to a drama/coming of age tale that happens to have magic powers thrown in.

>tfw both the Bocchi and Bokuben adaptations will be shit
And I really liked their manga too.

>Pop Team Epic
>Comedy, Parody
Perfectly described.

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Bocchi, Senryuu Shoujo and Senko-san, because their manga give me life. Also Senko is being animated by Dogakobo, so I have high hopes for it. Their shows are usually pretty high quality.

Oh what an awful looking season. Read every adaptation already.
Guess I'll give OPM a go and check out the movies.

>to a drama/coming of age tale that happens to have magic powers thrown in.
idk, watching this season it looks more like a battle shounen shit that beats you over the head with poorly informed moral messages, except the action is terrible written all with shitty power explanations, characters being contrived into one on one fights, characters fighting mirrors of themselves.

it's just bad battle shounen shit that takes itself way to seriously. The type of garbage opm makes fun of.

How does million arthur get a second season?

>12 picks
>15 skips
>trying out the rest
Every season basically.

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I would agree with that, if we're only talking about the last episode. Because that shit was real bad, but usually it's not as overly shonen.

Because of Yea Forums's overwhelming positivity for it and Jukki Hanada on script/composition.
>OPM 2
Just for the potential of it looking as good as the first season did. I hope it does. Say what you want about this series but a I will not pass up a chance to see action sakuga like that.
>Carol & Tuesday
Bones. Shinichiro Watanabe. Original. What more needs to be said?
>SnK S3 Part 2
The third season of SnK has been my favorite so far, I hope it stays as good as it was last year.
Ikuhara. MAPPA co-production. Original. MAPPA shows can be hit or miss but I will give this a shot.
Another manga that Yea Forums seems to unanimously love and a DogaKobo show that finally isn't being made for pedos. I'm in.
>Zoku Owarimonogatari
More Monogatari.

Will check out: Kimsetsu, Sarazanmai, Fruit Basket, maybe Fairy Gone
Probably won't watch but will shitpost in the threads for: Bokuben, OPM, SNK

Lots of interesting look titles, excited to check out the original projects.

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>Bokuben (zero chance adaptation will be good)
Even if it was a faithful interpretation of the manga, it would belong in shit tier
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
Nah, it'll most probably be ok tier, PV looked decent and source material is nothing special but fine
>Great tier:
Nah though.
Sarazanmai is also my most hype though.

Will the kappa in sarazanmai steal the souljewel of the boys through their butt?

For now are
Cute girls doing cute things Bear Grills edition.
Interracial rock lesbians.
Yes Bocchi.
Made in Island.
My fox wife can't be this cute.
Cute girls doing cute things SILENTLY.

I was excited for Dogakobo "Do you even Lift?!!" anime, but apparently it airs only at summer

Yea Forums will be invaded and overrun by /fit/

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mobageshit are a on a whole different dimension, like who watches this shit? who even plays those fucking games?

Mob just fought the "muh character meant to mirror the protagonist!"
like two episode ago, shit was terrible.

/fit/ doesn't give a shit about this manga, due to the abyssmal levels of lifting knowledge the author has.


nips play them, of course.

yeah, no. /fit/ just pretends not to be weeb , any /fit/ related anime is hyped there, like the bodybuilder maid last season

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isekai trash, one puch man and whatever shows I see memed

MAL shitters should be permabanned.

Shoumetsu Toushi
Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine
Namu Amida Butsu
Carol and Tuesday
Fairy Gone
Kabuki-chou Sherlock

Realistically, though, I'll probably wind up dropping or not feeling like trying a lot of these, and spontaneously deciding to pick up other stuff instead, because that happens a lot.

And I don't see Seven Seeds on that chart, but I'm pretty sure that's still airing this season?

No, it's super stereotypical shoujo romance-melodrama tripe.

>it's a classic
So is fucking Hana Yori Dango. "It's a classic" means about as little as "it's popular."

Last I heard Seven Seeds was delayed until Summer.

Huh, well then. Thanks for the info.

Looks like a bad season. Only Mix is auto watch.

>DogaKobo show that finally isn't being made for pedos

After UzuMaid and Wataten my statement stands and I will not retract it. 100s of years old foxgirl motherwives =/= pedobait

Kimetsu, the must of musts

n dororo

user just accept that it made you a lolicon, you're gonna make Stalker cry

She's centuries old, man. It's totally different.

I haven't read it and I don't mind lolis but I am not interested in shows which are at their core about older characters lusting after actual child characters like Dogakobo's last two shows. Not as a matter of principal or anything, just not my thing.

>Cute girls doing cute things Bear Grills edition
What is this?

Fruits Basket

Everything else looks pretty meh.

>Fruits Basket
and whatever the other big shitposting shows are
What's pedo about it, description makes it sound like Maid Dragon but with a guy.

Am I the only one watching Bungou Stray Dogs? If the quality remains as high as in the previous seasons, then it should at least be a fine action show. The story and characters are probably as meh as always though.

>Sarazanmai is next season already
Well fuck I wanna finish watching the other stuff Ikuhara made first.
Out of the adaptations the only one I have hope for is Kimetsu. OPM S2 is not by the same staff so it will be disappointing.

>Out of the adaptations the only one I have hope for is Kimetsu
Kimsetsu will be interesting because ufo haven't really ever done a manga adaption before.


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Senko-san (AOTS contender)
Fruits Basket
Carole and Tuesday
Strike Witches
Senryuu Shoujo

Kimetsu all the way, see you in April 6th

Fruits basket
This looks like a really bad season, I hope I'm wrong though.

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24 episodes pretty much confirmed for Kimetsu, so it will be a slow adaption because ufo said they wont adapt or animate anything else in this year

they did 2x2=shinobuden back in the mid 2000's

Carole and Tuesday, hopefully Netflix doesn't fuck it up somehow

After ZnT, I'm more worried about Watanabe himself fucking it up somehow.

>Bokutachi wa benkyo ga dekinai

Isn't this literally Go-toubun?

>hell yeah
Fairy Gone
Carol & Tuesday
Fruits Basket
>might as well
Bongo Dogs 3
Shoumetsu Toshi?

Diamond no Ace, Mix and Hachigatsu

Pretty much.

The fact that many people here unironically enjoy generic moe garbage like Endro! and Wataten should prove how terrible Yea Forums's taste is.

The manga started before Gotoubun. And its better.

Nothing really matters except Sarazanmai.

Carole and Tuesday will be the new normie anime.

Fuck off, normalfag.

I most likely will end up picking more stuff depending on how Yea Forums threads are, but at first glance:
Fruits Basket
One Pancho Man
Carol and Tuesday
Shingeki no Kyojin
Fairy Gone
Isekai Quartet

Tell me if I'm missing anything important meanwhile.


>people ITT literally dropping Sarazanmai and Carol and Tuesday and calling the season shit
I knew it was bad but this is just embarrassing

Nigger Watanabe isn't good anymore, are we pretending ZnT doesn't exist?

It may turn out to be a disappointment but most anons ITT won't even bother watching the first episode which means that they don't know who Watanabe is in the first place.

>i know something that someone doesnt know, im so superior

Seriously fucking kill yourself.

>if people don't like X that means they don't know about it
I'm probably going to watch Carol and Tuesday, but not touching Sarazanmai because I don't like Ikuhara. Has nothing to do with a lack of knowledge, he's just bad.

Sasuga Yea Forums

>Bokuben better than 5toubun
Anyone who reads both know that isn't true

Same; it's been a while since I've really gotten into an original but even when I do like adaptations they're always disappointing in some way.

Bocchi is monitoring this thread

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>Cute girls doing cute things Bear Grills edition.
Sounan desu ka/Are You Lost? That's only airing in summer.

So we're going to get that and 7Seeds at the same time? That'll be interesting.

Target audience for both shows are wildly different.

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Do you get your character from Varnhold join you in maingame later?

I don't think this anime is airing next season.

Where's Black Fox?