What exactly is her appeal?
What exactly is her appeal?
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She a qt, loyal, and perfect wife material. What more could you want user
very good in bed.
Don't go attempting to talk shit about this show. Those out there with true patrician taste know a masterpiece when they see one, and while I dunno if I'd say its a "masterpiece", it DEFINITELY does the whole sorrowful, "Warning, incoming ridiculous amounts of depression" upon completing it than say other trash shows like Angel Beats.
Plus, all the characters you truly grow to love especially male MC and female's Father. He's such a bro.
So her appeal is being naive to the World and dying an unfortunate early Death no matter how hard the other loved one's in her life come to try to keep it from happening. She eventually leaves a wonderful Child on with male MC...That little one almost represents to me the way Nagisa was so naive and surprised about common things...It's like she gets reincarnated in a way to...not in the way she would have loved to, as Clannadman's waifu for always and ever, but at least in the relationship of a Father to a Daughter...That part of her still lives on with MC. I think its a beautiful story.
Literally perfect in every way
Earnest, kind and loving. Great wife.
her dangos
This show is god awful, people just like it because the mommy loli and the baby loli died and then came back to life and was melodramatic for the sake of being melodramatic like almost everything by KEY, Nagisa's probably the worst girl of the bunch anyway.
Being a loli and an adult at the same time
Showed good character progression with the 2 seasons yet still lives head free in contrarians
frost resistance
I still can't believe they made this trash bag main heroine in the anime adaptation.
Was is some kind of satire about how bad someone's taste can be.
>physical characteristics are the only merits of falling in love
You're beyond worth trying to help see the light.
Remember, just because it may "seem" like a generic plot, having come out in 2007...It means that in many cases all these new supposed tear jerkers out here today are what often followed IT'S PATTERN(S)...Not the other way around. You just wanna bitch for no real reason, and trust me, it shows in your dialogue.
Also as said, Nagisa was a FABULOUS Wife...Sweet...genuine...kind-hearted...wholeheartedly wishing to rear up a Family of her own with her loved one even in the state she was forced to suffer through...She was quirky...curious...lovable, and afraid...She wasn't nearly as strong as the act she put on throughout most of the Series...She was a loving Wife, Mother, Daughter and Friend...As scared as she was, she kept that hidden deep within most often only coming out in true emergencies. Her Parents were so proud of having a Daughter such as her...and it hurt me tons the way I saw them react. But MC and his positivism even in the face of what was, Death itself....Thankfully allowed the piece of Herself that still stuck around on Earth in the form of their Daughter to further continue on where she would unfortunately not be able to follow.
If you can't at least feel sorrow for "Clannadman" as well as Her Father, than I have nothing left to say to you. You're currently acting like 90% of assholes on this site these days...Bitching about stupidity either to simply bitch, or to go about ignorantly trolling other fans of the sort of genre. And yeah, not all Key stories are made of the same concepts. They're slight, subtle differences, yet differences indeed.
Tight and hot vagina.
>it may "seem" like a generic plot, having come out in 2007
Every other character had a deeper and more engaging story you animeonlyfag. Nagisa's story probably killed Clannad for many who just watched the anime. Falling for the mentally unstable one who's entire character is nothing more than being really in love with the MC no matter what is just so boring.
To kill her and her child of was nothing but emotional manipulation and it was done in the most obvious and dull ways I have ever seen. Sad garbage becomes happy family garbage becomes dead garbage - he is emotionally broken - but NO he can rebound with his daughter ... no shit Sherlock - and now she dies in his arms - are you fucking kidding me.
how can anyone be emotionally attached to ether of them. go read KNS if you want to meet real despair.
>Nagisa was a FABULOUS Wife...Sweet...genuine...kind-hearted...wholeheartedly wishing to rear up a Family of her own with her loved one
These are religious archetypes not a whole personality.
>wasn't nearly as strong as the act she put on
What was she even doing. I don't get what you are saying. All she ever did was telling MC at every moment that he is her everything and she did that in a way that made the viewer pity her. What a trait ... sorry I prefer someone like Tomoyo, an awesome girl that actually suffered for her love and put up with real shit to make it work.
>like 90% of assholes
>to simply bitch, or to go about ignorantly trolling
At least you brought some arguments but sorry I really don't like her especially because Clannad is such a great VN and animeonlyfags talk nonestop about Nagisa who is just an obnoxious filler character.
lol tomoyo fag seething
>lol tomoyo fag seething
no need with the "wonderful life" VN her victory is canon.
She even got a quality movie for these animefags
and what do you do with it after rigor mortis
look at this thread
that's why your waifu died nagisafag because you can't protect her
What does KNS stand for?
The kind of people who hate nagisa are the kind of people who think girls who beat people up without batting an eyelid are a good thing
If that's your thing that's your business, but nagisa is for creating a stable and loving family life with
Isnt tomoyo best of both worlds in that case then?
I prefer assertive girls myself, but Nagisa Tomoyo and Kotomi are best picks. Hate Kyou though
Soft and fluffy
I will cut you irl faggot. Where do you live?
I would love to buy you a drink, user.
>Tomoya fucking dies with no magic to save him.
Nice "victory".
That is kind of narrow-minded don't you think. But you had me thinking for a moment .... then I realised you are indeed a bloody moron and were in fact talking about Tomoyo beating up Sunohara... the guy who asked several times for a one on one with her. You compare a fair fight to Tsundere freakout. besides people fighting back she never hit anyone so what is your point
happy ending is true ending but nice try faggot
>ending added afterwards becaus eof annoying Tomoyofags is canon
Oh you, even the manga adaptation ending is the same shit.
>becaus eof annoying Tomoyofags is canon
I call that a strong community
shit this was one of the best routes in all clannad, I can't find a better character in all key VNs (except for masato)
she has no weakness = she is fucking boring
You know the kind of nice girl that you sort of like, but you end up marrying mostly because their parents are the coolest people you've met? That's Nagisa.
I'm not even sure if you mean Nagisa or Tomoyo, but Nagisa was the main heroine even in the VN.
I want to hug her so bad
She's the girl Tomoya needed, but not the best girl. Pic related, it's actual best girl.