Masterani is gone WTF

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Literally who? Stop spamming this garbage.

nobody cares chief

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Crunchyfags spotted.

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this is watchcartoon and 9anime land

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you fucking mongrel. no one here streams. at least if you're a decent enough human being, you know to get it straight raw rips


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Newfags on Yea Forums wouldn't know about such a great website for streamfags.

AniLinkz or go home, faggot.

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Genuinely consider suicide


Same people. Lern2internet.

Fuck off.

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Hows that 4 year hiatus going? Rukia really lost to a cow

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masterani had high quality and it was generally faster than torrenting shit. Also downloading isn't an option for everyone.

Also imagine giving a fuck about how people watch anime (as long as they aren't crunchyfags). You probably are a crunchyfag desu.

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He isn't a kisschad

So what shithole do you come from then

you're not fooling anyone, kid

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Reminder to use the s word

>high quality

>generally faster than torrenting shit
Demonstrably false.
>downloading isn't an option for everyone
What, if you're on Antarctica?

Lmao kys streamfag

>masterani had high quality and it was generally faster
Nothing beats auto XRCC or RSS torrent feed, in both quality and speed, fucking mongrel. Lurk more you disgusting newfag.

Moshi moshi?

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Where did I say it had better quality? There comes a point where quality doesn't matter.

You've probably barely been here for 6 months too if you're this obsessed with calling people newfag. It's pretty cute.

God I forgot how pathetic this board became. Go back to blogging about moeshit please.

No, this is bird

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I'm getting nostalgic; your post reads 1:1 to posts from 2006.
They were wrong then, and you're wrong now.

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