Will we ever get more best girl? I miss Shinoa.
Will we ever get more best girl? I miss Shinoa
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I miss shinoa too, but I sure don't miss the shit showa she was in.
Didn't it go full homo? I lost interest in the manga after finding out Guren was possessed by Shinoa's sister or something
That was shown in the second season
You and I both know you've watched much, much worse shows.
She might actually have a chance depending on how her getting possessed by the First Progenitor works out.
Does anyone have the picture from the LN of smug loli Shinoa smiling creepily with her fingernails torn off?
Here buddy. It was fake.
forgot pic.
Part two.
Peak smug.
Also thanks, I've been looking for that one for forever.
It would be nice. Probably not though, unless they have some guaranteed fujobux out of it.
I thought it did pretty well financially?
I bet Shinoa could ride a dick like nobodies business. Especially on a chair, where her legs are too short to reach the floor and she has to wiggle back and forth while impaled on a dick.
Shinoa specialises in breaking men and turning them into her playthings
I bet she's puffy
Season 3 when?
Best girl
Am I the only one that thinks the manga has become almost completely unintelligible at this point? It's nearing the same level of what the fuck is happening as d gray man.
I bet she was born smug.
I actually like the show except for 1 thing: they all become tight-knit companions way too quickly. They fought together like once after having been together for like 3 days and all of a sudden they were like "Heh, I'd literally die for you cuz you're my family man."
Year end
Shinoa's got the smug but Sangu has the big tiddies
I really loved Shinoa. She was one hell of a best girl, no one else comes close.
She's as puffy as you IMAGINE her to be.
How smug do you think she can get?
She wrote the fucking book
Oh my.
Quite so.
I love mikayuu with all my little fujo heart and I definitely believe it makes the most sense out of all the ships, but it's so obvious that Shinoa is gonna win the Yuubowl because it's a shounen.
Hopefully Kruel and Ferid will fuck since I also ship them.
I have to say, Shinoa was the one who got me into legs...
She's perfect with everything.
I can't disagree to that.
user no
What's wrong? Too much?
No, you clearly got your pic from pinterest on google images...like c'mon user chan have some standards.
Who gives a fuck where he gets his pictures to reupload?
Fuck off, nigger.
I collect from wherever I find nice things.
Obvious samefag is obvious.
Are there any good doujins?
You are a nice thing not
You need to off yourself
You go first!
Need a shoop of her holding up a pregnancy test with that look
Imagine having these 3 lusting after you but all you can think about is your dead waifu
most of them are yaoi but there is these
When will womanlets learn?
So cute
I really miss best girl too.